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A Saloon Keeper's Novel Prayer At Worcester.-rough On The Good Ladies Who Felt For Him

A Saloon Keeper's Novel Prayer At Worcester.-rough On The Good Ladies Who Felt For Him image
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The women crusaders of Worcester visitad a liquor saloon and triad by prayer to induce the propnetor to close his place. He invited the ladies to seats and aaked them to pray. After which he offered the following prayer: Alniighty Creator in Heaven: Thou who haat made the Heavens and earth and created man in thine own image as ruler of this earth, wl.ilst animáis are liviug on grasa and water, thou didst teach thy aervant Noah to make wine, and thou didst not pnnish bim for making intemperate use of it. At the wedding of Cana, thine only son, Jesús Christ tranaformed water into wine, when the juice of the grape was exhausted, t bat the enjoyment of the gnests might not be disturbe!. The great reformer, Martin Luther, said: "He who does not love wine, women, and song, remains a fooi all his hfe long." And all the men upon this earth have been drinking of the wine thou didst give thy children upon this earth. Oh, Lord. we pray thee, have pity upon these women here, who are not grateful for thy gifts, who want to make thy children like the bemt of the field and compel them to drink water like an ox. While they dress extravagantly and lead their husbands by extravagancias not tending to our wellbeing to bankruptcy; depriving them of all pleaxure of this world, yea, even drivmg them to suïcide. Oh, Lord, have mercy upon these ladies, look upon them, they are sinning against thee . They wear not even the color of the faoe which thou haat given them ; not oontont with nature they paint their f aces; Oh Lord, thou canst also perceive that their figure is not as thou hast made them, but they wear humps upon their backs like camela. Thou canst see, O, Lord, that their head dresa consista of falae hair; and when tliey open their moutha thou see'st their false teeth. Oh Lord, these women want men who will patiently accept all this without using the power thou hast given to man, that all women shall be aubjeot to man; tLey will not bear the burdens of married life and obey thy cummands to multiply and replenish the earth, bul are too lazy to raise their childreti. And, Oh Lord, thou knoweat the crimes they commit. Oh Lord, have meroy upon them and take them back into thy bosom; take folly out of them; give them common sense that they inay see their own foolishneas; and grant that they may become good and worthy citizens of our beloved state. Oh Lord we thank thee for all they blessings beBtowed upon ub, and ask thee to deliver us from all evils - especially hypooritical women - and thine shall be the praiae forever and ever. Amen.


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Ann Arbor Democrat