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D. C. Fall is in Mt. Clenienn. Ut Valentine's day next Monday. Mr. Theodore Royer ia quite siok. Ann Arbor turuverein social Marob 3. Sheriff Walsh was in Milan, Tuesday. Prohibition oounty convention Feb. 17. Mr. John Maynard was quite siok last week. Rev. S. Earp was in Adrián Tuesday and Wadnesday. Judge Cooley spent Sunday with bis family in this city. Stimson &, Son, grocers, east of the postoffice. See ad . John Bennett has moved into bis new house on Thayer street. Rev. Mr. Childs, whose family resides here, is preaching in Ohio. Mre. Oen. Baxter is visi ting her daughter, Mrs. Ingalls, ot Detroit. Chas. Root returned Tuesday from a three montbs' visit in Illinois. Dr. S. A. Jones was called to Detroit in consultation, last Saturday. Ttw Toledo oommandery is expeoted up soon, to exemplify some work. Welch Post eleared soinething like $85 from Helen Potter's readings. Mrs. Harria of East Catherine street, entertained f rienda at tea, Tuesday. Dan Ross won a barrel of flour, Tues day night, at the fair in firemen's hall. Ann McNaughton aged 68 years, died in Northtield Tuesday of heart disease. Miss Jennie Potter of Detroit, is spend ing the week with -MissNanuierlammond. O. O. Sorg will frescoe Dr. Palmer's residencu, and the side walls of the new depot. Jno. Muehlig sbipped, the flrst of the week, an invoioe of furuiturs to Minne a polis. Mr. Watkins, general agent of the Penn. Mutual Ins. Co., was in town on Wednesday. The W. F. M. 8. were entertained by Mre. D. Cramer at her residense, Tiiesdsv evening. The representativos of the various nations in the Kirmess, meet every week for practice. Christiun Reiff and Mary Hemmindinger, were married Tneaday night bv the Rev. Mr. Neumann. One of the legisla tors expreesed himself to a friend as having a "maguaui mous" time in this oitv. Edward Morford, colored, of Ypsilanti. languishee in jail for striking Miohael O'Niel on the head with a club. The southern cou vocation of the Epiaoopal churoh, in this diocese, met in Adrián on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Hiram bisk and Miss ida Covert of Ypsilanti, and Miss Brush of Oregon, have been visiting Mrs. Ralph C. Whiting. Two sleigh loads of young people went up to Dexter, lat Friday night, and attended a dance at " Crappy" Ryan's. Change of ads. this week, for Eberbach & Son., druggist, Kinsey Sc Seabolt, grooers, and T. J. Keeoh, lumber and tile. Oarl Schlimmer of Northfleld, waa runaway with in the city, Wednesday, and had his arm brokan by hia hora falling on him. The play "f " Forgiven," is full of il tereet. Geo. Osius of Detroit, spent Siin.iu in tbis city. "Saints und Sinners," at the Grani this evening. Mise Auna Miner is spending a few weeks in Toledo. The Tyrolese warblers, at univereity hal), this evening. The brain of the late Prof. Olne.v weighed 61 ounces. J. M. Wheeler, who has been very sick is soinewhat better. Miss Nellie Garrifjues is spendiutj the winter in St. Louis, Mo. Mre. Sarah Hommel of Saline, is the ffuest of Mrs. John Wotzke. Examinations are now being carried on in the literary department. Mrs. Crawford, i'ox Chase, Pa., is visTisiting Miss Robecoa Heuriques. Miss Jennie Reyn )lds of Jacksou, is visiting her unole, J. D . Stimson. A now trial has been denied in the oase of the people vs. Geo. FowerR. Lawrence Barrett is booked tor au engagement at the opera house, Maroh 4. The junior hop comea off at the rink Feb. 19. Frank Hangsterfer will cater. Winans & Stafford have dissolved aud J. M. Stafford will continue the busi ness. Jacob Sohweitzcr of Lodi, died Öunday, of dropsy of the heart, Hgeil 53 yeare. Aid, Kearns witnessed the horseshoe turning contest in Detroit, Tuesday evening. There was a heavy ram the lirHfc three day of the week, and the bihiw soon disappeared. Newell Lovejoy is leader and organist of the Methodist choir during Orrin B. Cady's illness. The many frieiidn of Mr. nd Mrs. ohn Walker gave them a surprise last ?rida eveniug. The old eleotrio light engiiie has been laced in the oompauy's work-t, foot of Vashington street. The letfislntors' free banquet at Hangserfer'a, was all that could be ilosired to atisfy the inner mau. Row & Olark's park orchestni furoish music to-night, for the hop to be giveu in Burklwii t's hall, Saline. Aaton Teufel, the harneusuiaker, is laid up with a broken leg, caused by falling ou the icy sidewalk. Our theatre going people will have un opportunity, tuis evemng, "f witnessing the play of "Saints and Sinners." The ({rent reduotiou sale at The Tiro ams closes to-morrow, as will be seen y their announoement elsewhere. Ellen Welch, for 50 yeare a resident f the township of Northfield, died Sunay, at the age of 67 years, of general ebility. Considerable complaint comes from ie fifth wiird, that the slaughter houses n the banks of the river, are fllthy in ie extreme. J. Wm. Hangsterfer of Detroit, and A. T. Hangsterfer of this city, will cater for ie Michigan club bauquet, to be held in Detroit Feb. 22. L. J. Leisemer's nevr Germán paper, Licht und Shatteu Seiten," made its ppearance last week. We have no oubt of its sucoess. Miss Catheriue Weiseisin, step-sister f Jacob Aprill, died Tueeday, in Lodi, i the age of 88 years. Slie liad resided n the township for nearly half a cenury. A subscription paper is being circuated among the members of the pornoogical society to raise $1,000 as a bonus o the person starting a fruit preserving aotory. Union service beid at the Episcopal lurch Monday evening. Theoe meetings ïave effeoted soioe good in causíng a iore friendly feeling to ezist among the aurohes. Miss Jennie Gardner, who was injured y 'jumping from a carriage ou Uetroij reet, died Saturday. The remains were aken to her former h(jme, in Attica, N. '.,, for interment, Some of the leaders in opposition to ie free delivery system, have come to ie sage conclusión that, if the great najority want free delivery, tbey should ïave it. 8o say all. It is probably not gen rally known lat the bell in the third ward school louse tower, formerly adorned the neck ! a huge buffalo buil, that once roamed ie western prairies. Michigan will bo ÜoodeJ f rum center io ciroumforoDco with famous prohibion speakers, until the spring elections. uery : Will there be any legislativo renblioans among theraV On account of the high water in the am, Tuesday, only the utmost efforts aved the race bank from being washed iway. As it was several breaks occurred, ut were quiokly repaired. Instead of free carriages being tumbad, as at Ann Arbor, the legislators, Detroit, walked (rum the Bussell io use to Gov. Alger's residenco on Fort reet, to attend his receptun. B. J. Conrad, Washtenaw agunt for the Lichigan mutual life insurance coniany of Detroit, has nu ad. in to-day's aper showing the business of the com)any for the year ending Dec. 31, 1886. H. A. Corcoran and oue Bently, both rakemen on the Toledo rond, i.ecame ivolved in a quarrel, Tuesday, in which ie lstter was stabbed near the heart, ith a pocket-knife. Bently will reover. Huron street was obstructed for thirty minutes, Monday, by a freight train on ie Toledo road. Öeveral persons on ïeir way home were compelled to stand n the rain and await the motion of tiie ;raiu men. It coRt the oity $293 18 to care for the eserving poor in January. It was diided among the different wards as folow: First, $31.10; uecond, 20.06; third, 46. 20; fourth, S89.96; üfth, #93.11; nth, $22.75. Arthur D. Chandler of Bay Oity, will ecture at the Baptist church on Huron ;reet, this, Friday, evemng, on "Elements of true manhood." There will be syeral songs by the jubilee quartet, of lis city. Admission only ten cents. The exeoutive council of Washtenaw county district lodge of good templare, lassed resolutions, Tuesday, thanking the legislatura for submitting to a vote of the people, an amendment to the con stitution prohibiting the liquor traillo. At a meeting of the Washtenaw coanty agricultural and horticultural society, there seemed to be a disposition on the part of those present to make the ntxt fair a grand suocess. All the compensation the otflcers ask, is that everybody will lend a helping hand. City Attorney Kinne has been requested by the council to draft au ordiuance for the proteotion of resident butchers from outside huxlers who peddle meat from house to house. Under the new ordinance they will be corapellod to pay $3 per day for selling meat iu lens quantities than by the quarter. The university glee club added very miich to the enjoyraent of our legislativo guests, by the fine rendering of their songs. That natural whistler was immense; he held his audieuue in rapt admiration, followed by tremendous applause. The club han many ngageiuents seoured in the near future. That gathering of fifteen hundred students in university hall, last Friday, was a sight uever betore witnessed in our univeraity. The members of the legislature on the stage looked on the inspiring scène with wonder and amazement. When some of the members were called upon, they spoke in glowrag terms of praise for the university, and hinted, iu an unmistakable way,that it would be remembered in their appropriations. Senator Monroe brought down the house when he closed his remarks, by saying, " When the roll is oalled, you juut watch my vote." Only two nrrents by the pólice n .íinuary. The ld conrt house well should be eondemned. lira. Mary A. Foley is iu Battle l'reok, on a two weeks' visit. Albert C. Hurd of this city, is the latest to receive a pension. Jno. B. Dow returned, Friday, from a three weeks' visit in Missouri. Republican county convention at the court house m-xt Wednesday. Mrs. Lottie Me daris of Toledo, is visïting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Hall. City recorder Pond will reoeive $50 for making out nis annual report. Fred Meyer has been appointed jauitor of the 5th ward engine house. Eli Manly has been re appoiuted one of trustees of the öth ward oemetery. Mayor Uobison set up the cigars to the members of the oouncil, Monday eveniug. Drinking fountains in the different wards of the city, seem to be a necessity. T. .Mi-Naniara of Chelsea, has solti his white buil terrier to Jno J. Walker, for $25. Aid. Keating, who has been sick for sometime, will be able to be out in a few days. TIn principal opposition totheeleotric light, comen from the holders of gas stock. The resignation of Wm J. Olark as ustice of the peace, is to take efteot March 1. O. L. Mutthews and John H. Niokles are bondsmen for E. A. Calkins & Son, druggists. U'. Fred Sohlimderer's saloon bond, in ihe sum of $3,(H 0, has been accepted by the oouncil. The Minnis orohestra will play for a dance at Al. Stevens' Lake house, Whitmore, Feb. 81. The sum of $100 has been appropriated for making improvements in the 5th ward oemetery. It wa& $250 tliat Blake paid to settle with the ijutz girl, and not $650, as was stated last week. T. J. Schleicher has purchased J. F. Staffords one-half interest in the onion na up iu Pittsüeld. O. O. Hort! has replacea the largo píate glass m the postoffice, brokeo by Rabbitt, with a new one. Chief engineer Sorg favors a paid fire cU'piirtmt'iit. The estimated oost per year is put at $2,960. The recorders animal report, by a vote of the council, will be published in The Demoobat and Oourier. Treasurer Sorg's report shows a balance ra the city treasury, for the munth ending Jan. 81, of $2,109.25. Fred Bryton, in "Forgiven," at the Grand, to-morrow evening. Return engagement of this celebrated aotor. The Milan Journal has ceased pubhation and now A. B. Sraitü of the jeader will have it all his own way. The old Havilund blacksmith shop, fth ward, has been sold to a Detroit arty, who will carry on blaoksmithing. The drama, " l'urn of the Tide," was resentei, Tuesday evening, by the Dexer Dramatic club, to a good-sized audince. Bro. Pattison of the Ypsilanti Comnercial, is continu.illy cutting items om The Democrat which he oredits to ie Argus. Jno. Goetz & Son have been granted ermission to erect an outside stairway o connect with their new building on jiberty street. A social will be held to-night at the esidence of Mrs. Rush, for the benefit f the Geddes Sunday school. They re striving to buy a hbrary. Chas. Crum, who is oharged with burlarizing h store in Milan, anl now iwaiting trial, han been arrested mneteen ïmes on the charge of larceny. " Chuok " Martin and a young fellow amed Beaubean, both Ypsilanti boys re in jail HWaiting exainination on the b.arge of burglary. They were arrested n Detroit. Geo. Woolver, a passenger conductor n the Michigan Central railroad, has mrchased the firastus LeSuer property, n Broadway, for $1,100, and will fix it p for a home. Graveyard insurance compauies must fo. The matter is now before the legisature, and it is safe to say that the roper uotion will De taken. What will wartz and others of his kind do then, oor things. City attorocy Kiune will prepare a lank bilí to be presented to representave Manly, to be ölled in afterwards, elative to raiaing money for oarrying on ie city government, in case the prohibí - ory amendment is carried. Dr. Wm. Q. Cox, at oue time a pracïcing physician in Ypsilanti, and now a esident of Detroit, pleaded not guilty, ast Friday, in the reoorder's oourt, to ie charge of causing the death of Jenie Phillips by malpraotice. The social hop at the Follett li 'iisé in 'psilanti, laat Friday eveuing, was the vent of the season. It was well atended, and parties from thib city were resent. Most excellent musio was renered by the university oroheslra. City engineer Davis, Aids. Allmeuinger aad Swift, and mayor Robison, will report at a special meeting of the ounoil as to whether the M. C. 't. R. Co. has performed ita part of the ontract in bridging Detroit street over iie railroad track. We are in receipt of Wood's railway guide for February, and, as usual, it is huck full of railroai and general inforlation. With this nuruber the publisher, . R. Wood, starts out on its second year nd with excellent prospecta. Wood's uide is a standard work and no traveler can well get along without it. South Lyon Pioket: The Detroit Evening News has another libel suit on its hands. Dr Donald Maclcmi has again sued the News, this time for $50,000. Tiie Maclean-News suit of tliree years ago is yet fresh in the minds of our readers. Nothing like a libel suit for notoriety, and that's what the doctor seems to be aftei. The temperance association has engaged the following well-known speakers who will appear in the oourae to be given at the opera house: Hon. Chas. S. May will lecture Feb. 17. He will be followed by Gov. St. John, March 4. The dates for Geo. C. Bain, Jno. B. Finch, Mary T. Lathrop, and Rev. S. Diokie, have not yet beeu flxed. Several petitions for electric street lamps, were preseuted to the oounoil Monday evening: One is waated on Paokard street, at the iutemeotion of south end of University avenue and Packard street; one at the interseotion of Anu and Fifth street; and one at the corner of Ann and División streets. Referred to the lighting committee. ' Maclean," says the Adrián Press, "thinks his reputation has been badly damaged agam by the News and will seek to spcure reparation. He should know the Evening News oan uot injure his profesional repntation, and that be would stand higher iu the estimation of the people f he would not rush into a law office every time he was oriticised. It doesn't look well, and he can much better afford to rest on his professional standing, instead of asking for a money poultice to heal his wound." The Detroit Tribune, in speaking of the play of " Forgiven," whioh is to be given at the Grand, to-morrow evening, saya: Mr. Bryton acts with force and ]rudence his strongest emotional effeots with apparent ease. Although in the in the character of John Diamond he might easily over act, he nêver does so, i and always avoids making the oharaoter I repulsive. Miss Thorne as Annie, Diamond's wife, created an excellent impreesion by her graceful, well sustained aoting. The support is partioularly good, and the play in every respect weil presentad.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat