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Baby falls and bumps its head Baby bawls, they think it's dead, Mamma gets St. Jacobs Oil, Ilutis the baby ; stops turmsil. Children's coats and frocks are as often made with full gathered as pleated skirts. Open embroidery is used by some dressmakers on wool "frocks that aro triminod wilh bands of fur. The newest fur collars are in the square sailor shape, with strings to tie or clasps lusten them in front. Col. H. M. Duflield of Detroit, will be the orator at the unveiling of the Garfield equestriau statue at Washington nezt May. Whittier lias lust finished a long uistorical poem. Whittier is one of the poets wliose muse has not deserted him in age. A prominent farmer of Bowling Green. Howard County. Md., Mr. J. T. Kidgely, siiid his four cnildron were siek with sore tliroats and ooughs at the siime time. Red Star Cough Cure cured them in a week. No opinte-. The attempt to revive the old-time boa isonly p .rtially suceessful. Kveuing mantles are appropriately trimmed with fcnther bands. Many Forms of Nervous Deb:lity In men yield to Caktbr's Ikon Pili,9. Sealskin is never used for trimming, but for whole garments, caps and bonnets. . A Miraculons Escape from the Grave. I have been in poor health with a diseased stomach and liver, causing a cankered moutb continually for ten years. I kept about my hoiue uiitil a year ago last June. For three years prior to that time 1 had a severe pain in tlic región of my heart, at times seeming past enduranc. It affeeted my shoulder. tooi; all strcngth from my arm; could get no relief only by pon Uiting. My stomach being so diseasea, niy food caased me great distress. My age alo seemed to be In the way of my recovery. and not the least of my sickness. I employed the very best medical assistance I could get while iu Caro, this state, but little encouragement could I get. Was moved to Vassar Oct. 1, I(t5, on a bed, giving me every ten minutes a teaspoonful of brandy and ice with only a teaspoonful of nounshmeut at a time. I commeuced bloatiug soon after arriving here. every appearance of dropsy. We callea our Caro pliysician to come here, and he said my cnn'dition was worse than when in Caro.' On the '7th day of May last we callad a council of doctors from Vassar, "three in niimber." All of them pronouneed my case incurable. I had with tho rest inilfiinmation of the bowels, and I lay almost lifelc-m, and one of the leading physicians said if I could be rehtored to a sane inind again it would ba all my husband migiit expect, and anything that would soothe me was all that could be done. My husband Jjo me som medicine at Johnson & WUlianuon'B, druggiats at Vasjsar, an 1 tommenced giving it to me. and In three weeks' time they began to put me in an èasj nhair, "for a short time e:i;h day." ut which timo I had no use of my lower lioobs and roy back was r.umli: it was a little more thfkn two months before I could w:,lk without orutches. i am now a well woman, have walked one and a hilf milis irithtn a numth. f.m eat all kind o:' food and enjoy it. have (cained from 82 pound=, sinoe last Muy. to 1 16 now, could gay uure of sickne e, put ilelicacy prevent.. 1 wint to say to my riit'iuls that Hibbanl's Uheumatio Syrup and Piasters arp bei Diedioines that cured me. I used fou, piasters with th first five bottles; have usli! ten l'Ottles in all and am well. If any one wlio reads tliis has any doubt as to til authenticity of my statement, it will afford me jleasure to refer them to my uejghbors all abou here, as t! oy are all asfonUhed at my recovery. Itis a great (amily remedy. Vitv truly, MüS. ClIESTER ÜAOB. Vassar, Mich.. O=t. 11. 1886. This is to certifv that I have kuown Mrs. Gage since she came to Vassar, and knovr the facts set foithin her statement above tobe true. v'ery nuly. Seo. K. Wm.i.iamsox, Of the firm of Johnson & Williamson, drnggists, Vassar, Mich. 3. K. Delbridre Condactar ou the Chicago West Michigan Kailroa'J, Escomes Heir to a large Forcnne. I have snffered more than languago can expro-s with FCiatic rheumatism for twelv years. and have expended hundreds of dollars for medicines. I have never found anythiug that has done mu as much good as Hibbard's Rheum:tie Syrup aud piasters. Thay are truly a rheumatic speciflc, and I tak great pleasure in recommending them to my frieuds. Yours truly, J. K. Delüridob, 23 Pleasant street, Grand Rapids, Mich. The Berlin Bonert-Ztituug argea the (ierman government to tlie war scares which are alarmiug the commercial world. 3 mcmtlis' treattnent for 50c. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. Bold by drnggtsts. Princess Dolgorouki, idow of the late Czar, wtisGiice a Spaiiibh actreas. wnv :n tlmplng lit -n mi with yourboota r-m over, frtaen's Uoei Btiffeoen will itecp tbem traiiílií? The Peruvian (Government is doiug its best to BUpprebS gambling iu Lima. PA.TEWTSobtsinel'byLoDlBger&Co.,At" toruo '■: 1364. Advici fret. The Philadelphia lnquin thlnks that Mr-. Cleveland could be re-elected without diüiculty. Aichdeacon Farrar says that "in India the English hav made 100 drunkardg for one Chiistian." I suffered for two weeks with "neuralgia'' of the face. and procured iramediate relief by using Salvntion Uil. Mis. Wil. C. BALD. 4Xi X. Carey St.. Balto., Md. Dr. Blisg says that Rep. Cox has so far recoTered as to bo out of danger. Lotta, who upon the stage looks uJbout 20 years old, was 4U the other day. Bishop Huist of the Methodist ehurch, is in Vera Cruz looking after missions. C. Butts of Borrento, Fia., has packed 8,C00 oranges in sand, for experiment. Mrs. Sol Smit h Kussell hiis induced her husband to retire permanently from the stage. It is said that Mormon lobby in Washington has already cost the i-hurch $250,J. T. Trowbridge, writerof boys? stories, will live at Kennebunkport. Me , in future summers. Uncertainity may attend business ventures and enterpriMs Imi it oever uttends the prompt administratloD of Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup. Prlce :." ei Rev. Dr. McOlynn of New Vm-k. s:iys Uis friends will goon o to Home. PacVrache Cnred by Cartor'i Smart Weed and Belladona Back Ache piaster. Dr. Mary Walker is beginning to show the effi'ots vi age. Ton Can't Bead Thii without wishing to investígate, if you aro wise. Send yonr addres: tuii.-illett & Co., Portland, Uaine, and viu will receive. free, full inform.ition nbout work that you can do and live at home, wherever you are locatod. at whir-h you eau earn from f 5 to $'," and upwarda daily. Some have oarned over ?50 in day. Capital not required; you are starled free. All is new. Both sexes all ago. Snug little fortunes await all workers. A Saginaw lumber baron sports a steel toboggan with a chime of bells. Menrman'.s Pxftokizbd Bkf.f Tonio, the only preparation of beef containing its tntirr ntiintioui i rvpcr leg. It containfl bloodmaking, force-gtnerating and life-eustalning proporties ; inviu;lilo for INDIGESTIÓN Dispepsia, nervous prostration, and all forms of general debility: alo. in uil enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork, or acute disease, partii-ularly if resultingfrom pulmonary complaints. Caí wkli-, Hazard, & Co., Propriotirs. NewYork. Sold by Druggigts. The hat of the fashionable young woman is of glossy beaver. The removal of Prof. Sanborn of N. H., after being pronounced incurable by a score of pbysicians, from. I. os Vegas, N. M., tohishomo, was effecteil by adminis tering Dr. Harter's Iron Tonie, which has restored him to his former good health. The investments in cattle in Colorado amount to over Í50.(i0( 0,0( 0. Johnny's Composition on Medicine'There is two kinds of medicine besides the kind yoii Rub On and the tirst kind is the Soft Kind which vou take with a spoon while A man holds your Head and you kick and Rigglosome becauseil tastes so and the other kind is the Hard kind which is called Pilis and it is the Hardest of the whole because it is so Hard to go Down but it doe-ï notmake any Ditference which kind you Take when you get it Took you wish you Had not tor It makes quite a Row in your Stomach and Riots Around." Evidently Johnny's experience in medicine does not include Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgativo Pellets," which are easy to take and do their work quietly and calmly. Keither does it include in the way of "Soft Medicine" Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery," which though powerful to cure all chronicderangements of the liver and blood, is pleasant to the tasto and agreeable in itseffeets. Unequaled as a remedy for all scrofulous di-;eases, pimples, blotches. eruptions, nloera, swelled glands, goitre or thick neck, fever-sores and hip -joint disease. Detroit papers ]iuts Mlehlgan's wealth at ía.OíW.IXW.OOO "Golden Medical Discovery" will not cure a person whose lungs are almost wasted. but it is an unfniling remedy for consumption if taken in time. AU druggists. Don't liawk, hawk, and blow. blow, disgusting everybody, but use Dr. Sage's Catarro Kemedy. Mrs. Jas. Brown-Potter has signed a contract with Mr. Henry E. Abbey, and will appear professionally in a short time. WoWIW Neediner ru od trcnEth, or who sulfer from lnilrmltlv peculiar to thc-lr ex, ahowid try mm a ■ BEST TON IC. This cOEibinoa In.n with pare vogetable tonica, and is invuluable for Direnes peculiar to Womeu, and all who lesd Mamitas live'. It JEnricnea aud Pnrlllea tJie i:l. .■!;;, tiittitlatea the Appecitei Strengihens the .lHicle and Nt'm in f."i-t. thorouglüY Invicorate - Cleant the cnRipleiion, and m.ikeathe Fkin pmooth. It dues not blacken the teeth, cauee he&dache, or pruduce conatipatioD - alt o'Jtrr hun uiedirinee dn, Mns J. W. Hom. St. Chju-len. Mlch., says: "I used BrowB'stnm Bitters for female ireakne sith([rat benent, and chnorfully ree ixnmendittolikeBulïerers." MR8. 8 . A. CoiltlY, Linsiug, Mioh.. say: " I hare been truublad vith -.Tü:iknHes peonliu to females for yeari. lint funni no (Htrraanent rolief until I used Brown'tjIronBitteni.wuichhaacutiipletelfcuredme." Genuine has aboTe Trade Mark and crossed red linel on wrapper. Tiikv II other. Made only b7 i: :■: V. CIIEHIOAL CO., 11ALTI.UOKK, MS. Qnakcr Tostimony. Mrs. A. M. Dauphin, Philadelphia, has dome a great deal to make known to ladies there the great value of Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as a cure f or their troubles and diseases. She writes as follows: "A young lady of this city while bathing somo years ago was thrown vlolently against tlie life line and the injuries received resulted in an ovarían tumor which grew and enlarged until deailt uemed certain. Her physician finally advised her to try Mrs. Pinkhain'a Compound. Sho did so and in a short time the tumor was dissolved and the is notoin typet health. I also know of many cases where the medicine has been of great value in preventinj miscarriage nnd aUeviating the pains and dangers of cLildbirtli. Pbiladelphia ladies apprecinte the worth of this medicine and its great value." Sent by mail in PUI and Lozenge form on receipt of price, $1. Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Also in liquid form, all at Druggists. 0S. mm mm n g Krcih. [liuble; Wholesale at WE El IjG Kct;ill. Fri'i! by mail at and r B S B n% ïlcfi. !'r larfje pack;ige. Mam%T tafeglIW im-ih' . : l'.'rins. Uno Acre of iiTast: bHutifnl lllustrat4] r:talngiio FKEE. H.W. BUCKBIl, Kockford So-l ianu, Hockford, 111 ■aBRMCSHVUCKVXVCcCVCaBHHHBAXfiavtaUSaaWKIIHiV W ZAR O BIL Havo been cnjoyed by citlzen of everytown and city in the ü. H. Marvelou Cures haveheen wit ncssea by thousands of people, who can estlfy to THE WONDERFCL HEALING POWBjloF Hamlin's Wizard OH. Neuralgia, Toolhache, Headache, iarache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throal, Lame Back, Sliff Joints, ConlracleflCords, RHEUMATISM, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Fever ores, Wounds, Old Sores, Chilblains, Fris Bitcs, Sore Nipples, Caked Breasts, and All Aches and Pains, are qulckly relU-ved by this magicui rcmedy. 'Jtt it nncuniul you willnover be without It. FornaKby JruifKitt. Prloo.ïOc. OurSOXG UoOK freo lo&IL Addrass WI2AR0 OIL COMPANY, CHICAtO. Jifhest Awunls of yfcdals in Europe and America Ttaeneiitesi afevt anti most iowerful remody known fnr lihfnniRti!i,I'liiorsy,N(H.r&lK . Lumbago, Backache, WvHkms, oolds In the ctaest and hII acnei mi pal da, Bndorsed by 5,000 PhyslI DrnnKita nf tb&bUtbest tepiite. EenfOiTa p romp tl y reitere and cure where other 1 a1ve. hnlrmns rul lotions, lutety u-Hi'-v Beware ol imitatlontundor sirnilfir mes. Buch as "Cspstcnm," "Capnrin," "■■ a tliov aro uttt-rly worihles ai d iirrnilfti x d.eeeiv AAK FOB BXNSON'B and i k i: n OTBEHB, Al (iniL'uíías, SKA BUK Y A JOHNbON, Proprfeton. New York. tyTHE ONLY TRÜS CTIRON EaTONIC !- Bi WH1 pnrify ElOOD resnlnt Hn tho LIVER 'i"i KIDNEYS nd Tjfc Kcstokk tho HKAI-TH andVlOVffflSL OR of Y0U1H. pynfetriA.Wa&t X WL of Appfltide, Irn'icenlion.Ijft of 4y _Hk 8trength ond Tired Fesliae abH HL. solutely cured: Coneu, nmU, SB clas and nerrep receive nw S--,k for .f. Fnlrvene the mtDd Bk_ nrul puppUw Brain Powtr. LADEES hMLi thjcompleiion. Fretiuont ttemit at cpunrlmlInKonlynil! to tlm i oi.ulnrilf of the ontinnl. 1 not eiprimut - et tl.a and Bkt. (Or. HARTER"! LIVSR PILLS W Care Conütipstlcn.Llvftr Com Uaint and StCKB Hoadache. Sample Doso onc Dream ErokH malled on reeeipt oftwo cents In potage. f Aidross DK. HAUTER MEDICINE CO., St. Loul, Mg. CKEAM B ALICATA RRH T'.ví.í at red bc - PffjTnT LY S T1 tore the second WffSfnlkhA BW-il tle of El, CrMtefrZllfW Bam mas eximís Wc0loyHHl ed. i was wMivFHAYFEVERip? è?A with chronic ai tttf &LïL?IB tarri, gatieriiinWm?' Lf Ê in the head, ditatltt s' fl ty in breathhiir '"''llSHf.eiovH Apírtlcjíisanplie(llnto8%-!-i n trfl nnii l eer- ble i to i. . Prloe 50 ., hT 1 nr t nniirilstt, üwncgo V KL7 BR0THHR9, !)n,t.gUW. S400.00 FREE! VVo olier the above auiountof money fkee to tho 106 persons answering tho fülluninc: Bibl Whrre In tho Itiiiïr dof ft 8ay,uIfaman isttli fjïgi Iir ftlinll Uloï' Tho first persor. answenns tlils question corrf(;tlyt w.ll recciveJlOO etsfa. If worecifivo more than ono correct answer the seooná willrPcclvoílOO; UioU)rd50; the fuurth $5 thoüft]i$i;; ihosixth $10; and 1 each to Uio neit oiie hundred people answerlüglt correcüy. If you are uot tiie first rempinbtT ttiat you niay. be tho second or tïiinl ; so you stand a gooa chancefor alargeprize. Each competitor must. In evorj case, spnd 50cts. with tlicir aaswer for one yoar'ytrlalfeïibscrlpüon to TUI'. (ÏOOD HOV8EKBBPSB. a Urge 16-page lllnstratedfamily paper, lfyoxi wiilseiiü$l wewlll send the paper one yoar, and HOW TO COOK AM) KEEP HOUSE," a book of nearly 500 paees for housckcppera, the regular reLiil price ís $1. 50, bcautifully bound ín extra cloüi. Itembodtes theripe experteace of a vetcran hom-efcpt'per, nnd its recipes (of whlch there are ereat numbereon all branches of cookery) can be relied m:un as accurate and trustvorthy. Snd your answer at oncp. Posuw Btamps taken. Address TUK (i()Ol) HOU9E KKKT'KK 79 Dearboni sl. Clücago. IlL WEAK, NERVOUS PEOPLE _Í4. And others pufferiny from HK3UH nrrons debfiity ,rxhauKtintc HVJlHH oh ron i c dii-eaes, preoiatur CttCCTRir atóHllecline of or old r tfffffmiy li S'fiBW." -'Kivly cm cd ty Dr. wBHHI Hume's fameus Electro mmuKA Mitrnptic Kelt. Thoosauda ir erery t state In the rnion have been en red. Elcctrltl .v:ty instant 1y feit. Patenied and sold lü Tars. Whole family can wcar same Nelt. Klet-trl i pen no ríe freo ni'th male bolt. Avofd w ort I) less imitatiuns and ln-tis conumnics. Electric Truiti fr 7UO mi red in'66. Som) nainp fo: pamphlaV DR. ff. J. HORHE, INVENTOR, I9I WABASH AV., CHICACS. gTERBROOK8;! Leading Nos. : 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Tor Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEN CO., orks: Camden, N. J. 26 John St„ New YoHu ICÜRE FITS! When I ny vuru i üo uol mean merely to top lliem Tuf atlrae and then hftvo tïiem return ayln. I mea radical core. I havo niailo tha tliscH of FITS, El'ILKFST or FALLtNOHICKNESUftllfo-loDgfltudy. Iwarrantmj remedy to care tbO vont ciues Bccauso other nT failed Ia noresson for imt now receivlng acara, tiend at onc íor a treatlüo and a Freo Bottl of my lnfaUlbl rempdy. Clvo Exprt-aa and Poet Otllce. It coits yuu """"tíSiriS: ado! SwSSiri st.. N.WY0. Pages Árnica Oil The best iftlre in tbc world for Burns, Wounds and sores of all kimls. Boils, Keions, Cnllblalns, b'ruzen Feet, l'ili'S. Barbcr's luh. 8ore Bye, Ohppd llanda, tiore Throat, ScaUl }iad, Pimplas ou Ibtt Fac, aud all skin disettses. Forl-tTerComplaint. Stik ITeaiachc, Constlpatlon use Page's Mandrake Pilis. Above remedas sold bj DruirKLSts or sent by mail for 2S cents by C. T. Snow A t'n.. Syraf.]f. N. V. Piao's Kemedy for Catarrb Is the I I BM, EuM lo Dn. aod CuopoL I _A.Io rood for Cold In the Head, I I ECeadacbe, Hay Faver, Ac so canta. I P ATtM TV crnminerlnO.S.Patentomee IHI bil I O Band model oraketchforf) opiniuii rhetber patent can gecurcd. New iKwk on patvnts fro. Refen-nccstCommlwiloner of Pat euts orany othor offlplalof tho U. S. Patent Ofllce. E. JJ. STOCKING, AforneFS HOME TREATMENTr, ratlrs itjfferinjf from Orjranfc Weakneaf, Nrrona or Chronio Ailmcnt. shonld writ t DR. WILLIAMS, 189 Wis. St., MilnaukM, WÍS. for a M paje boolt, r'vi"ff ttie proper tralment In fuil. an-i thuü avoitl qutickerr. D 1 1 D f 1 1 D CK"llered Md ourod by Dr. J. A. II IJ I I Hl CHherautti'i mothod. Those wh li'1 ■ # ■ ■ ,.anmit Hvail thcrasclves of personal attendance can have bome tratment appllance and curative cnt for $10o:ily. Seiid ütaiup ior circular. 294 Broadwar. W.Y. W" E WANT YOU! ri&ïS profitbl mnloymcnt to n!""ii-ut u i" rory ïountv. SulurV 75 per monih ud orpi-g, or a Uree commisüion on sales if prefenvA ooda stapl bi'vs. oullltand Iarllculiu-s Frre. . BxSuIkB SLLVEKWA1US CO., 1JOSTON, 1IASÍ ;iöf ÉB5SlilHE-OPIUM H"Mt PiUnlos.ily JUBlIitr" Curt'il ilc Home. Trt-atuieiil 'V3 9h' ient on trial und NO PAY askt'il 0 & until yun ure henotttpii. Tenus Iw. iWm Iliimftne Keoiedy Jo.. }.uVu-yrit. ''. MBBHH2BOSf-.iï9BC0 'áüicí towu, Mau. IIIAnil lor all. S.1O a week and einmsei IKK raid. imiiHi w.rth Kin. parri'ilari WW Uflll freo. 1' O.VICK KKV.Anfinia.Malne r ■ n ■■ Aon .lames Rlver. v.t.. in 'lnteptnt hflKIHN' olonv. inusfnteit Circular Fnt I HII III O, I. r. M.lVdIA Clnrrmul.Ta . App hpapi Whv not save onf-halfon lOOOuieful Otfc ntnti rtlMe? Send for Cátalo. -ue. BI pay to Agents. Chicago scale Co., Chicago, III. f M I Uil I O D.O, N"M.I rr Cllx-alar. ft r tntxaday. Samples worth 1 sn KRF.K. Llnw SkK not unrlortheh-re 'eet Wrllo Lrwr'f JW Sa.felv Rein IMiler O . B ittg. Mi. h. vxnriTVT i FABMS! Mild Cllmate'. Cheap TIRuIM-' Homes! Northern Colony! lllui rtI circular Ira. A. O. BIJ, Ceutraiia, Va. W.N.U. D.--5--7 AnlllU Morphln. Hablt Cnred Ín ! U I I U IH Da. J Siarujjii. Uíajwa, aia,


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