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Domestic Hints

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Cut sonie cold salmón into slic;s ir ! pioces about the size of a dollar, with oapcrs and siringa of leltuce heart, pour a salad dressing over the whole. CELERY SOUP. Wash and cnt into small piceos, colery in sullicient (]uanlity; blanoh it and then boil it with water, salt and nutmeg, pass it through a seive, and thin it with meat or chicken broth; creani can be added. ROASTED QUAILS. Pluck, draw and s'ngle them; wrap them in vine leaves and slices of bacon; wrap in buttmod paper, if the paper burns put on more; roast them until j well browned, and serve them on pieces of toasted bread. WHITE SAUCE. Put into a saucepnn a qnartor of a pouud of butter, and mix it with a ' spoonful of flour; acid a glass of water, j set it on tho lire, and keep st 'nvrig; when it boils take it off, set it asido and aalt it. If your sauce be too thick, add j a littlc water, if too thin, a piece of butter. and turn it afresh. PIGKONS IX CUBL PAPERS. Stew them gently with nice bacon, i ■liced very thiu, butter, pepper, nntineg and a little meat broth; when half dono add some parsley and mushrooms. When cold cut the pigeons in half, ; nish them with their seasoniugs and wrap theru in oiled paper. Then broil them a quarter of an hour over a tle lire. COMPOTE OP CHESTNUTS. Roast somo chestnuts, take off the peel, then put into a preserving pau with a quarter of a pound of white sugar, and half aglass of water, let Ihom siniiuer over a gentle fire; when th;y have imbibed enough silgar take them out and dress theni on a d!sh: squeezo : the juice of a leraon over thoni and [ sprinkle them with fine silgar. KIDNEYS SAUTE. Cut three kidneys each into livo pieces; put an ounco of bulter Into the gante pan (frying pan), when very hot put in the kidneys, stir round for a few minutes with a spoon till they aro set. Add a tcaspoonful of ilour. a quarter of one of salt and the third part of that of pepper. M x well; add half a glll of broth and a few mushrooius. Do not let them boil; a few minutes is enough to do them. MERSEBURG BISCUITS. Take four ounces of butter. s:x ouncea of white sugar, seven ounces ; of flour, one tablesponfiil of frosh cream and one egg. Make the ftbovo into dough, working wel!. Tlien roll . it out very thin, cutting it into pieees i two inches long and one broad. i kle the tps of the biscuits with sug-ar and ground cinuamon. Bako in a quick oven, and wheu done thcy s'ionlil j bc a light yellow- brown. If pul away in a cannister or jar they will koop a long time soft CHICKEN POT FIK. ■ Cut up and parboil a pair of large fowls, seasoning them with popper tiud salt. You may add somo thin si icos of göod bacon. For the paste állow ' half pound of best butter to n pint and . _ 1. .. 1L . . ( il . , , ,. T'K . . i-. 1 alistiill lio ntirnr1i ■ il Ililll UI ÏUJIU. AllVvlG illWl"" J wtw". for a great deal of paste. Lino lbo sido3 of the pot, two-thirda up witli paatè. Pat in the chickcns with the liquor in whicli they woro parbo led. Inlcrspcrso the piceos of chicken with laycrs ol paste in thin square slices. Then cover the wliole with a lid of paste, not fitting vtu-y closely. Make a cross slit in tho top and boil the pie about ;tn liour or more. SAXONY CnEESE CAKES. Warm in a stewpan a pint of gooJ niilk, and graclually stir into it, on ihe fire, tliree large hamlfuls of flour; hen the paste is free from lumps, ndtl n little salt, a piece of butter, the sizo of a walnut, a quarter of a pound of groyose, parnesan (or any other good oheoso). or you maj mix your cheese; it must be cut into sniall slices and uot gratod; take care that the whole be well incoiporated, so as to be easily tumed out of the stewpan; then nrx it with throfl well-beatcn eggs and keep tho puste warm till wanted for servinj. Then butter a tin baking dish, pnt the paste into it, and set in the oven. In ten min utes the cake shotild rise like a soufflé and be of a tine yellow color. It sliould ba well set in every part.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat