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The Democrats

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, The democratie state convention to nominate two justices of the supreme court and two regonts of the university met in thfi Detroit opera house, Detroit, on the Ut int., and wasealled to order ly Chair' man Watson. Col. Shoemaker of Joekson was chosen temporary eh.iirnmn, and Jas. J. Conklin of Saginaw temporary secretary. Com' uiittet-'s on credentials, order of business, resolulions and conference were appointed, and the convention took a short recess to allow them tonrrangematterseutru ted to Them. When the convención re assembled. a report was adopted declaring that the temporary ollkers üh mude permanent and that Fred N. l'eck of Kalamazoo be added tis asist!int secretary. J. Logan Chipman, chairman of thecommittee on re olutions. submitted the following wbich were adopted without a dissentin voice: tion auembled reafDrma the sound democratie principies of tbe imtional platform of 1884, and of the state platform idopted at Grand Rapidsin Ufc& I, Wf rcuew the pledges of thoe platforms of tbe determuiation 01' tlie democrat party to reform the methodg and reduce the amourit of ta.utiyn - pledgej wlíich th democratie administrutiou of President Cleveland has nobly struggled to fuliill again-t the p.rtisan opposition of a republicun senate. ■?. We denouiN'u tlio merconary purposes mul the centralising temlencies of tbe legislative policios of the republican Íiirty, wiiich attack the rifchts of states, ocalities and i-itiens, mul we iltniand a return t a Btrict intorpretation of fundamental law which sfaall restore and secure local self-governinent and leave all men equal in tlie cOmpetition of business. 3 We charge that the republican party in tlie nation and tate ha heconie subeervient to monopolie and corporations, and that its degeneracy is shown by the Corporation law aud the Corporation decisions which have emanated from the jegi-hittu-e and courts onder its auxplcea in this state, and by the action of the re publican senate at Washington defeatinz all effbrti to relieve tbe prestare of business in the federal sopreme court, which dow makes the jiursuit of justice in that trilninal a hopeless t sk to all exoept the wealthy who caá carry the burden ot prolonged litigation. 4. We c-ougratulnte the democracy of Michigan upun the beneicent reform they bave effectëd in our supreme court. and invite the electora of all yarties to imite wttb Da for tbe eontlnuance of tbat reform until the lnst vestige of mooopolistio and corporation tendemy is purgel from the court. i We recognize the just demand? of labor for more careful cousideration, ud believe that the present ret'ess i-onilition of the wage workers lx larely due to the vicious tendencies of re]niiJican courta and legislatures in this state and DBtion Juring the past 27 yeara of repunlican rule We therefore, (Iemand of the legislature the immediate enactment of laws by bich just claims for wages ba [ircmptly and cheaply enforce 1 in the courCs, and that the legislatura íbould enact laws for the protection of life and liiub of mployes eiigaged in dangerou-i pursuits. aud that the rule of law which compela one employé to take tüe rus ot the negligence or incoinpetence oí bis coempluyes sball be aboligued. 0. Tbe riemoeiatic party of Michigan, : wbióh tirst recognizeu tbc claims of our aoldiers co a place on the supreme üencli, lenews its pledge of gratitude and indebtedness to tbose who so nolily risked tbeir , lives fortbe preervationof the Union. 7. Our tate university, founded by tha democatic party, is the pride of our state and tlie crown of the best educatioual system in tbe world. That the democratie party, by ,-eventy years of ell'ort, is comitteJ ío i is growth and prosperity. We irerefore urge our legislatura to foster ie w.iii ïitierahty, and we jiledee the democratic arty of Michigan to lacrease its i usefulness and reader it more accessible to i uil citlzw. At this junction the question of fusión with the greenbackers, whose convention : was in session at Lansing, was brouclit up, and gave riss to a very animated aebate, as a resuit of wbich it was delared that the democrats were perfectly willing to fuse with the greenbackers, but were not i ing to be dictated to by them. This being ilie sentiment of the democrats no time was lost in furtber parley, but the tion proceeded to nomínate its candidatos, i that for justice for the short term being lirst in order. Wiiham 1'. Wtlls presunted the name of ' Levi T Uriffin in the uume of tbe Wayne county detegation. The name of Mr. ■ Griffiu was supported by Judge Chipman of Wayne, and by Kent, Jackson, Washtenaw, Leuawee. "Macomb, Saginaw, Calliiuni, Monroe and other coantie. Th rules were suspended and Mr. Uriffin inaled by acclamation, followed by three cheers. Mr. Griffln was cailed to the platform, and spoke about ten minutes. Hisremarks were rery smootb, graceful and pleasing, i bis sentences tlowins and his penods weil rouüded. but he committed biuiself to no [iolicy or pi oposition. KxJustioe O. W. Powers of Kalamazoo Doipinated Judge Josinh L. Hawes ot' iuikjzoo as a cituuiuuu' ior me iioiutnailOQ for the long tei m. C. D. Littíe cf East Saginaw presented tbe naraeof Charles H. Camp of tbat city. A cpll of the coiiDties resulted in 463 vote for Charles H . Camp, 72 for Judge J. L. Hawes aad 'M for O'Urien J Atkinsoa. Mr. Catup's nominatiou was made unauimous. John J. Enright of Detroit, moved to iiominate Bartley Bieen of the upper pen nsula, for rei. ent by acclammution. Tbe notion prevailed hy a large majority, and A)r. Ureen was declared nominated. Tbo names of DouglaM Joy of Mar-hall, Idwin F. Ihl of Urand Hapids, W. 11. ■'iinpnon of Au Calilo, y ron G. Stout of Dontae. Christian Vaodeivyn of Ottawa, and Kiifu! S. Sprague of üreenville were resented for tha nomiu.ition for second egent. The choice fell upon Rufm S. ipragu, and tbe nominatiou was niads unanimous. After tbe usual vote oí thanks to cvery}Ody tbe convention adjourne 1. A Oreat Land Sale. Tbe great land grant of 50,000.000 acres made to Dr. Dr. Beale, an Eniish:u ín vho intended to found a colouy in Texas years ago, bas been old to a syndicnte Leaded by Kufus Hatuh. The grant was made by the Me-xican government wbile it till liad control of Texas, and as Hoadle died before he could l'ouiul Uif colouy, the grant went to bis children. The grant was protected by the tieaty with Mexico after the war with that country. It covers a district In northwestern Texas BOUthcistern Colorado and Northeastern New Mezlco. A Piovel Punishmeiir. Henry Dodson, a worthless vngabond of ! Augusta. Ky., was tried before Ueorge L. i Brailford and a jury for mistrenting his i family. Capt. H. C. Wenver was ed by tho oourt to defenit him. The jury, after hearing all the evideme, returned ;a verdict of guilty and ordered him sold to thohighest bidder at public auctionfor the period of 75 days. Judge lirarfford has , nxed March 12 as the day of sale. This is ! the first ca-e of the kind in that state for many yoars, and much interest was nianiíested. Daring Robber. A daring robbory nos cominitted at Irom ! Mountaiii the other day. E. A. Kendly, treasurer of that township, who i a mer chant, was waiting ou two supposed customcrs, and wliile down cellar $.",00U wal removed from his safo. The money taken ; was township funl?. A reward of $.'00 is oflered for the ; tare of the thieveg. Has Pald tho Penalty. Mrs. Druce was hanged in Herkimer, N. '. Y., on the 28th uit., for the murder of her husband several years ago. llrr daughter is now serving a life sentcnee in i ga penitentiary for coraplicity in tho crimo. Just before her execution Jl ra. Druse made alliüavit doclaring her daughter innocent. She also made a f uil coufussiou. A Fate. The house of John Kaughmnn, a wealthy farmer living in Dalton, Ohio, was burneo to the ground the other night. and Haughman and his wifi-, aged b and S3 : ively, woresullocated.


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Ann Arbor Democrat