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A brui!; of Indian -qur.w;. who como ínto Bangor, D. '1'.. the otber day, all iuvested n coisets. Japanese jurlp, wear a lilaek gown when proceíllng in civil cases and a red oue ín criminal cases. Fot t-ight years Col. D. J. Williamsou, i Quarter-Mastcr. U. S. A. and ex-U. 8. ! Consul at Callao was crippled with iheumatism. He got no reliet nntil he used St. Jaoob's Oil, wbich cured him No roinedy ou earth oquals it for pain. Price, üfty cents a liottle. Gov. Moonlight of Wvoining. appointed his daughtfir, Miss Xellie, bis private secretary, and the nunibcr of geutlemen callers is íncreasing daily. Capt Jobnny and Capt. Charley of tho Yuma Indians ore visitmg in Una Francisco, whore the army oífioers are trying to makethings pleasant for them. íSacques of real leopard skins aro the vcry latest things in the fashionablo wraps. An Orogon lmntress. Uro. Lillle Prolt of Olalla, has killedsseren bo:irs this winter. A diamond waighlng a carat hii1 a half was recently fouud in a gravel mine in California. There aro lia farmers in the C'ouneticut legislature. Used Red Star Cough Curo effectually. Di C. Fawoett, Union Protestant Inflrinnry, Baltimore, Md. No depressing effects. Nevada wants to annex Idaho and citi7ens of the tori'itory tbreaten to go to war if the geheme I carrled oot. Tho Canse of Consumption. Scrofula. mnniiesting itself in blotches, pimples, cruptions, siilt-rheuin. aul other Llemi-es of tlie skin. is luit too apt by and by to infect the delicate tisue of the lungs also. and rsiilt in uloeration, thus onding in eonstunption. Dr. Pierre's ''Golden Medical Diseoverv"' will meetand ranquish the eneuiy in its stronghold of the blood and cast it out of the system. U druggktg. Hot house strawberries are selling in Boston ut 30 cenU each. A Flat ContradictionSome one has told you thatyoureatarrh a lncarable. It is uut so. l)r. Suge's CatarrhKenicly willcureit. It. isplensiint to use and it alway does its work thorough ly.We haveyet to hear of a case in which it lid not aocompllsb a cure when fuitii fully ued. Catarrh is a dlseana wliich it i.s dangerous to noglect. A certain remedy i-; at yur cominand. Avail yourseif oí it before the complaint assumes a uiore eri ouaiorin. All draggists. Blue liirds anl robins have appeared in Midland f ark, N. J. "Little. bntOhMy." Dr. Pier.-e's "Pleasant Purative Pellets" are scarcely larger than mustard seeds, but thev have nu o pial as a cathartic. In all disorders of the liver, storaauh and bowels they net like a chnrm. Purely vegetable, gagar-coated, and inclosed in (r!ass vials. Pleasant. safe and suro. By druggiitS; Mr?. .Icnnie ('ossean, of Hocorro, chased her elopinr husband 1,UX) miles into a Colorado niiniuif camp and lilackcd his eye, saying that áll she wanted was satisfaction. Mensman's Pr.i'ToNizru Btn ToïHC, tho only preparaiion of beef containing its tntlre nutriiluun i roperlit. It tontaina bloodmaking. foroe penerating and life-sustaintng proporties; lnvaluabTe for Isdioestjos. Dtspspua, nervous prostration. and all forms of general debility; also. in all enfeebled conditiuns, whether the result of ■ xhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork. or acute diease, partlcnlarly if re.uiting f rom pulmuniiry oomplaiuts. Cas WKI.L, Hazard, & Co.. Propriotorí.NewYork. Solcl by OriiRgists. Mr. IT. KcK. '1 woinljly, the sonin-law of VaDderbilt, Ims purebaseoiin Lundonjtaoo,000 wortb pt old furnitnrethatat one time belonged to Marie Antöinette. PoBterity vs. Ancestry. It is no longer questioned, it is admitted that the blood bf man is improving. The children of to-dav ire better formed. have better tnoscle and richer uiinds than i'iir ancestors. 'l'Iiü cause of this fact is due more to thi general use of Dr. Har ter's Iron Touic thun tiny other souree. Henry Clewa, the Xew York broker made $l,00),(XM last year by operatlon. His picture cot bun (100,000, and Uu box at the oper;i $-35,00 '. Don't Reíd Tilia. if you have a sUfflclency of this worlt;s goods. but if you liavi' not, write to Hallett ife Co., Portland. Maine, nnii receive, freo, full particiilurs about work that you can do, and livo ut home, wherevar you are located, at ii roíit of froin to to f.5 a day. anl upw tras. All succeed: both sexes; all age-í. All is new. ('apital not required; llallott A: Cp, will Ktart you. Don't delay : investígate l once, and good success will uttend you. Summer hotel men ure pruyiugfor a big war in Europe to keep people home. The late t London invention in hat lin Ing Is a map of tin1 city printed on silk. A Pain in tti Sido Of'.en Comes from the Liver, and is relieved by ('ihtkh's LrrTI.E Ltvek Pllifl. Q.ieen Marharita of Italy. has a strong preference for women physiciana. PATKXTSobt:iineill)yl,t.HiBaffgir&po..Attoraoys, Wadiiugtun.D.C. Eal'J 18W. Advice tree. A car load of óstrichea from África ar rived at Los Angolés the other day. Lvon'9 Pntt-nt Metallic Btfironen prevent boot and hoea-froDi rannlagorer. rlbpltig ia tbe seaim or weuring unevei.I uu the üeels. troat Mand at Miagara Ralla is said to be woith $l,CKW.Ü0O. Daniel llanner of Hattison, Mlch., lost a pet Bqnirrel over two yt-rs aigo. The other day it returned and resnmed its old relations.


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