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Modjeska Tuesday, March 15. The "Devil's Auchon" March 18. C'lover seed 85 .25 to $5.50 per buskei. The Democrat is the paper for news. H. Hardinghaus was in Detroit Monday. Jno. Q. A. Bessions would like to be mayor. B. O. Willitts expeots to have several tons of maple augar. Mre. Alice Clandering of Chase, Lake county, died in this city last Friday. v The largest audienoe of the season greeted Lawrence Barrett Tuesday evenmg. Miss Julia Wilcoz of Detroit, has been the guest of Mrs. O. B. Wilcox for several days. It is about time for the business men 's assooiation to talk up projects for booming the city. Blits & Langsdorf are repairing and fixing over their store, preparatory to the spring trade. The funeral of the infant child of M. E. and Cora Whalen of the first ward, was held Monday. Prof. Greene, the well-known telephone man of Bay City, made the city a flying visit, Tuesday. Warren E. Pray of Whitmore Lake, died Tuesday, of uonsumptiou, aged 33 years, 8 months and 15 days. The remains of Mrs. Caroline Collier were brought to this city, Monday, for in terment. She died in Owosso. Miss Vail, who has been spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. W. BPayne, has retuned to Her home in Adrián. Warren Tremaine's team ran away, Tuesday afteruoon, and they were caught by Geo. W. Taber, at the risk of his life. Hon. Jno. B. Finch speakes at the opera house to morrow evening in the interest of prohibition. Admission free. M. J. Bourke has secured a situation the coming summer with the White sewing machine company, Larry O'Toole manager. Meroy, wife of Emory Bichardson, for many years a resident of the flrst ward died Monday evening, in the 83rd year of htr age. A committee from the oouncil have under consideration the question o erecting a drinking fountain in the oour house yard. "Chuck" Martin and his companions Crumb and Bell have pleaded guilty to the charge of burglary, and will be sen tenced Monday. The name of ('has. T. Donnelly i mentioned in connertion with the nomi nation for jnstice of the penco on th democratie ticket. The oity recorder haB been instructei by the council to notify postmaeter gen eral that, in the opinión of the, counci Ann .Arbor wants free postal delivery. Hanmer, of Bohemian out fame, is again arrested on the charge of obtain ing a note by false pretenso. The oom plamant is a Genesee county farmer. Policeman Campion has resigned. Three arrests by the polioe in February. Dr. P. B. Rose spent Sunday with his family. Mr. and Mre. S. Mills are visitmg in Jaokson . Jno. J. Bobison is in New York on business . L. Q. Watkins of Leiand, was in the city Friday. Aid. Allmendinger has been sick for several weeks. Miss Hannah Qregory is visiting Mrs. Dr. Baldwin of Monroe. Exinger & Co. have had 875 exoess of .iquor tax retarned to tliem. Fred Lutz has the cellar oompleted for a new house West Huron street. The thing is working nicely, to compel dam owners to put in fish shutes . Geo. W. Bleeker and Wm. A. Clark were admitted to the bar, Monday. Jno. Pflsterer has broken ground for another new house on W. Huron street. The robins and blue birds are heard singing these beautiful spring momings. ( luis. J. Peterson, of Peterson'B ladtes' magazine, died in Philadelphia, Saturday. City attorney Kinne and Mayor Bob ison returned frora Chicago, Saturday night. Geo. A. Peters is anxious to leave his arm. A notice will be found among our "oity items." Mrs. N. 8. Garlinghouse has returned rom Ontario county, N.Y., where she has een visiting f rienda. Marón 17,St.Patrick's day.will be duly oelebrated by the Irish in the oity, by appropriate exercises. Attention is oalled to the advertisenent of Frank Hangsterfer, who offers lis ice business for sale. George Newell Lovejoy and mother, ïave rented a portion of Mrs. Buchoz's ïouse, on Lawrence sireet. Prof. Dickie addressed the prohibition lub last Friday evening. He was listned to by a large audience. Miss Louise Taylor, who has been aching in Dexter the past year, has re;urned to her home in this city. The city treasurer's report for the month ending Februarv 28, 1887, shows balance on hand of $16,441.66Fletcher Jewell, late olerk of the Lan ing house, and well-known in our city, will make his home in Ypsilanti. Several petitions for electrio lights were presented to the council Monday vening, but went over for a month. Jno. B. Dow, with a foroe of workmen, was busy, the flrst ot the week, learing crossings and opening gutters. Mrs. W. W. Tozer and daughter, and . B. Vanoe, of this city, attended the e-union exorcises of the Dexter high chool. In the mixed wrestling contest at fpeilanti last evening, Martin won, takng the bout at collar and elbow and ïde hold. Miss Nellie Moloney of Niles, is visdiner her cousin, Miss Lena Moloney f Fountain street, and other reiatives n the city . Darius Garlinghouse of Saw Springs, !owa, has returned home. N. 8. Garinghouse, his brother, had not seen hiin or 28 years. Several democrats who were not deleates to the judicial convention in Dunee, went down from here to witness the iroceedings. Ed Colé has been sentenoed to the De;roit house of correotion for 65 days, for teahuK a hat from the cloak room of Jeethoven hall. Burglars went through Polhemus' saqon and Eisele's grocery store, Saturday ight. They oarried off several boxes of igars and a little change. The Washtenaw agricultural associa;ion will hold a oattle fair in this city, t the fair grounds, in May. Prizes for heep shearing will be offered. Jno. Flynn has purchased the oíd M. j. depot, which he has commenced tearng down. The rear part, 22x22 feet,will ie removad to his lot on Pontiao street. The remains of Franais M. Baker of iharon, have been found in a swamp near Sharon Hollow. It is thought he was insane when he wandered away from lome. The Ann Arbor quartette, composed of Alvin Wi;uey( 8 B. and J. E. Hodge, jave a concert in Dexter, Wednesday vening. They were greeted by a full ïouse. An extensión of the culvert on North rlaiu street, over Allen's creek, is asked or. Beferred tn the street oommittee, with power to act. It is a necessary imrovemeDt. At the organization of the Miohigan cennel olub of Detroit, last Saturday. )r. Donald Maclean was elected presilent. It is proposed to have a bench hown in May. Electric lights are asked for at the inersection of Willard street and Forest Avenue; cor. of Ann and First et reets; corner of Main and Huron streets ; east end of Fuller street The Ferguson road oart manufaotory, rill lócate in this city about April 1. Ihe factory will furnish employment to a number of hands, and we are glad to welcome suoh an enterprising firm to Ann Arbor. Bishop Gillespie was to have held services in Petoskey, Sunday, Feb. 28, but was unable to reach his deatination on iccount of a severe snow storm. The 3ishop held divine service on the train, ïowever. The finance committee's report to the council, shows bilis allowed for the month of February, as follows: First wardfund,$6.60; seoond, $20.63; third, $1.75; fourth, $20.20; general street, Ü26.36; general, $749.53; contingent, 592.19. Total, $1,421.16. The Ann Arbor company, whioh will jore for gas, is composed ot Fred Sohinid, W. D. Harriman, Herman Hutzel, L. Jruner, W. 8. Hioks, and other oitizens. [t will soon be known whether we are to have natural gas, and it has been predicted that it will be íound in large quantities. John K. Bobison, son of the proseout iñg attorney of Detroit, and grand-son of mayor Jno.J. Robison of this city, has been appointed to the vacant cadetship at A nnapohs, by Judge Chipman. The young man is sixteeen years of age, and was a student in the ele vent h grade of the high school. From the annual report of Beoorder Pond it will be seen that the poor fund, under the direction of Chief Sipley, has been well handled. And right here we would state, and we beheve that we tpeak the sentiments of the oommuniiy, in saying that he has made a most excellent marshal. Speakers who will take part in the Michigan prohibition campaign are Rev. Anna H. Shaw, of Michigan ; Vol ney B. Cushmg, of Maine; Miss Francés E. Willard, of Evanston, 111.; Mary A. Woodbridge, of Ohio; Mrs. Clara Hoffman, of Missouri; Mrs. J. Ellen Foster Rev. William Da we, of Detroit; George R. Scott, of the New York Witness; Gen Clinton B. Fisk, Prof. A. A. Hopkins Bev. C. Henry Moss and others. An effort will be made to hold meetings in favor, of the amendment in every schoo house in the State. A gentleman who has been affliotec with kidney disease for a number o years, says that the following recipe ef fected a cure in his case and that he ha no hesitanoy in reoommending it to others similarly afflicted: Take man drake root, one ounce; d'indelion root one ounce; buchu leaves, one ounce hops, two ounces, and steep in six quarts of water until the strength of the ingre dientsisextracted; then strain off the !iq uor and when cool add to it four ounce of alcohol. Take a tablespoonful three times a day, before meals. Besides be ing a good tonio the above will also be found benefioial in oase of liver com plaint. C. L. Carter is visiting friends in Chicago. W. H. Porter will lócate at Mt. 'leasant. Geo. Wahr will hereafter sell tickete or the opera house. Sheriff Littlefield, of Detroit, was in he oity Wednesday. Agent Hayes expects to occupy the new depot next week. Mrs. Chas. Boot has been granted a livoroe f rom Chas. Root. Louis Seyler will work for Albert Sorg during the coming year. Darry Whitley, a colored gentleman rom África, arrived in the cityTuesday. Mra. R. Monahao, of Detroit, has been visiting her friends in this oity the past week. Company A will give a public recepion and hop Alonday evening. All are nvited. Cari Remiok, clork at the M. C. depot, is seriouely ill with congestión of the tomach. Hon. H. C . Gregory has been eleoted iresident of Dexter village. He will tonor the position. Chas. O. Brush will do the transfer usiness between the M. C. R. R. and T. A. A.&N. M.B. Rd's. Pres. Angell's salary has been inoreasd to $5,000 per year, notwithstanding ie opposed the mensure. Geo. H. Rhodes is the coming man for upervisor on the republican ticket in ie fifth and sixth wards. Viotor Sorg, who is working in Jackon, came to the oity Wednesday and pent the day with his molher. Geo. B. Schwab bas drafted plans for $1,200 residence for Mrs. Niethnmmer, o be erected on West Liberty street. Miss Minnie Boylan was giren a birth ay and surprise party a few daya ago, t her father 's residence Jno. Boylan. Miss Carter, of Washington, D O., will be tbe guest of Airs. President Angelí and Miss Mary Soott next week. Geo. Havüand will be advance agent or the university glee club which will ive ooncerts in a number of western ities. If you wish to see something rioh don't ail to witness the graat spectacular play f the "Devil's Auction," one week from ;o-night. Daniel Seyler was given a surprise by lis numerous friends last week, some 50 ouples being present. They danced ntil daylight in the morning. Michael Schaeible, for the past six louths proprietor of theDeihl house on )etroit street, died Wednesday of conumption at the age of 30 yeara. The clothing establishment of J. T. aoobs & Co. is now lighted with the 'hompson-Hueston light. ïwo lights go make things bright in front of the ore. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'olook, repreentatives Grinnell and Ogg will adress the knights of labor in their hall. .11 labor organizations are invited to ttend. The republioan judicial convention at )undee, yesterdsy, nominated the Hon. 2. D. Kinne tor circuit judge. He is well qualiñed to wear the judicial rmine. The evangelical churches will unite in service at the Congregational churoh sunday afternoon at 3 o'clook. Disinguished clergymen from abroad will fficiate. Mr. Smith, the well knqwn manufaclurer of cream soda and ginger ale, and Ir. Romeis, a brother of congressman ,omeis all of Toledo, were in the oity ?uesday. We have always maintained that two ustices of the peaoe could do all the msiuesB and are pleased to note that the ouncil will take steps to do away with ie other two. The Michigan Central road, having tgreed to maintain the aDutments to the on bridge over their traok on Detroit ;reet, the $5,000 voted by the city will e paid to the company at once. Ladies of thia township interested in ie passage of the prohibitory amendment, are requested to meet at Oropsey's lall, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Maren 3, to make arrangements for the camaign. As soon as the express oompany vaates the store now occupied for an office, n Huron street, ït will be fitted up by ie owner, Anton Shiappacasse, who will pen with a full stook of cigaru, tobacoo nd candies.. The Toe T. Jacobs clothing co . eleoted ie following officers last Friday : Presient and treasurer, J. T. Jaoobs ; viceiresident and manager, D. O. Fali ; secetary, W. W. Wadhams. The company ïas had a prospéreme year's business. Mrs. Anna Roach, for many years a esident of Northñeld, died Weanesday light at the advanced age ot 89 years. he leaves three cbildren, Richard and ohn Koach, and Mrs. Gallagher. The uneral will be held to-morrevv from the S"orthtield Catholio ohuroh at 10 a . m. Stephen Fairchilds has had his penion increaaed from thirty to fifty dollars l month, and if he lires another month ; wül be inoreased to seventy-two dolara a month, the rate for total disability. Ir. Fuirohilds is, and always has been, a prominent republican, has held seyeral ounty offices in Waahtenaw, and reeated efforts have been made before his to increase his pension, and ander a lemooratic administraron it has finally een secured. We congratúlate Mr. ("airchilda.


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Ann Arbor Democrat