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Another Horror

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A frightful accident occurrod on tho [ Deadhum branoh of the Boston & Providence rallroad on the niorninR of tho 14th ingt., on what is known as theBussey Park bridge about six miles from Boston. Tho five ro;ir car. of the train went through the liridgo, the other two pas enger coaches, baggage car and engine pa sed over in safety. ïhere wi re seven passi nger coaches in all. The lást' car of tho train was the smoker, and in its f all, a distanco of some 30 feet, it turned comp'.etely over, falling on the top of theothor coaches, and crushing them out of 11 eiablance. The bridge was a comparatively new structure. The accident is attributo.l to several causes, but it is now stated tliat it was caused by a track under one of tbe cars becoming detaclied and striking against the abutment of the bridge. Al. most immediately after the smoker feil flames began to pour out of the windows The car had taken Ure from the stove' The Iredopartment, however, waspromptly at the scène, and soon extinguished th0 flames. insjjei uuii oí mo wrecK reveáis inw fact that the eight cnrs oomprislng the tiain were jumb.ed into a com]iiete wreek, not 011e ol' the coaches escapin nlmost ei mi lete derooiinon. Krom the ion of the wrecked cars it woud ecm that the Crst three cars pas-ed over the bridge safely. The structure evidcntly gave way wben the fourth car was pas; ing over it. Ihe five rear car went tbrough to the roadway. landing in a ni.n-s of f-piinters in the Street. 'Ihestrain ot the live falling cars pulled tho ihree coaches in advance fiom the rail. They remiined on top of the erabankment, but wero pulled oí their trucks; the floor of each was f o reed nearly to the roof, while the sents wero iumbled together in great confusión. Tho end of the second ccach was a mass of sp inters, Causad by the car ahead grinding uainst it whon the ot! eis when down tho embankment. The third coach was llattened to the ground as if it had fallen on its trucks froni a great 1 eight, nlthough it remained on the edo of tho embankmont. The roof of the fourth remained on the edge of the embnnkment, having evidently been shaved clean from its fastenings where the coach went through. The fournext cars went down in a heap, tho smokor, which was on th rear of the train, falling into the mitl-t of the coaches and bcing uctunlly ground into small splinters. The inmates of the smoker were a!l cithor killod or iniured, not one escaping without injury of some kind. Two of tho coaches went clear across the roadway, landing against a stone wall that boundod a larga field at tbe foot of tl o hill. As the enrs lio in tlieir prevent location they present a picture of such absolute demolition that it seems remarkul Ie that any per. on in them escaped alive. Ciishions from the seats re senttered over the roadway and into the adjacent pa9ture, while car wheels and trucks are distributed in all directions. In the mass of splinters in the roadway are pools of blood and occasiomlly a portion of a body can be seep, although such portions of human remains as are l'ound are hurried away to tho morgue. Still there are pieces of flesh to be seen, sometimes fastened between timborsj as if tuauy gougea n om sonio victini. A gentleman who lelt the Reene about au luurafter the accident, said that when he left soine L5 hodies hnd heen taken out and that two of the persons who had been inured were removed to the citv hosi ital and had died aftor roaching there from tlieir injuries. Ten others are f itally iniured. and death is but a question of tima. Tlio nuinber of those tlightly itijuiud is about 1-0. The bodios of most of tbo victims wore horrihly mangled, in soveral caes being decapitated nd arins and legs ftrewn for rods along the traok. Some of the bodies were so frightfully mutilated that identifleation was imiossilile only by clewafound on thor pTif}V "So Money, No Work. Thofaüureof the cl liciency approprintion bil), which cont-iined an nppiopri.ition to complete the unfini-hed cruisers Atlanta, Boton andCiiicago, ha already resulted in the suspension of work on tnese war ve so's. Thuavailablebül inceappropriated for the work. ander the bureau of ronstruetion and repair. ha been redücd to S87 rl, and by dire-tion of Secretary Whltney orders have been isued to -avl Constructor Steel at C'he-ster, and to th commandant at tiie v Vork navy yards, ordering all work oti the vessels to cea e at onoe. The bureau of steam engineering and the bureau of crlnance each Ii;it sufticient inoney on hand to carry on operations for some time to come, nnd wil not be immodiately afïei ted bv the fallare of the deficieney blü. The orders, issued will invoIVe the discharge of the entire force employed unrier tho bureau of construction at the C'hester yards, and a largo reduction of the force at the New York yard. The Tlckt-i . i,:iiilfl.'i!. The greenback state central commlttee met in Grand Rapkls on the Ljtb insr, lifteert members beingpi e-ent, together with a number of leaders. After some di uisfion tlie i-entimoiit of the committeo wni in fnvor of aaltjnfr with the democratie committee in nainins a unión ticket, viíiing democrHts were des]rous of taklng such acti n, hutonlearning thnt Mr. Camp was not willing to withdraw l'rom tha democratie ticket to way for Mr, Atkinson the committee. by unanimous voto, declined to accept Atkinson's resignation. A resolutioii was ndojited in favor of filling out the ticket with John C Blanchard for justiceof the supremo court and Bartley Breen for regent, and a committe cons'stihg of Mo-e-i VV. Fiéld, Jarnos J. Mead aTid W. B. Weston was appointed to recommend to tho unión labor convention at I.iinsin :-. March IS, the indorsejnent of Atkinson and Miller, already noininatcd, and tho completiou of the ticket by the .' ouiination oí Bliuehird and Breen. Tho Boller Was Kmpty. The boiler in the "W. F. Thompson" butter tub fnctory and saw mili in lthara exploded the othor afternoon with torrible effeets. Hollín ííorton, fireman, inst-intly killed and mangled beyond retognition. Orrin Harvey, u boy, was injureel so that he died soou after, while Charlej Wüt.OD, bead sawyer. cannot recovor. Twc others aro quito seriously injuied. The aw mili 1? a total wreek. The explosión shook the .vliole town like an earthjuake. One of the íarge píate glass in the Jell'err block was broken, as was also ono in 1 ha bank of Choren, l?ills t Co. A largo number of other Windows in town were badly broken ind the debiis was scnttqred iu every direction like a showor of lmil. Th loss is quite large to Mr. Thompon. Th cause of tho explosión is not fully i;nown, but probably was au enipty boiler. Titilen' Sister Dead. Mrs. Mary P. Fot tn, a íister of tho late Samuel J. Tilden, died on the láth inst. Mrs. Pelton was 78 years of age and liad been enjoying fairly j;ood health untll within tho last t n tlays. None of the money or other property lof t her by her brother, tho late (iov. Tilden, had been raceived up to the time of her death. A gpecial req;:e-t to the executors to hurry up the execution of the trust so that he might cnioy it dnring her lifetinio, was innde soine time ngo and met with no respon e. The death of Mrs Pelton may possibly bring the executors to tlieír senses. Tho Iripuds of th family say tho heirs have been treatoil by tlie executors moro r.s mendicante tlifin is sisters, nieces and relativos of the dead statesman and millionaire. Is tho .luden Crazy. A man named Pierco married in, removed to Uamilton, wheie he lived some years, had troubied with liis wifo nnd went to tho states where he married aguin. On returning to Toronto he was arresled, tried and convicted on tho charge of bigamy. Convlction was subject to reservation of case for court on the point that it had not been proyed tli t tlie prisonor was a Iiriti-h subject, or that ho left Canad.i with intent to commit thi, oU'ense. Judgment has now been givi'ii quasliing convicticnon theground thnt nnv married Canadiau cition, who orosseá the line aad marries agaio i:i the Btate?, cannot. en his return, bo prosecnied Buccessfully for bigamy, provided ho diil not leave Canada with iutent tu commit tho offense.


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Ann Arbor Democrat