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MASOXIC DIRECTORY. ra Arbor Commasdïkï...

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MASOXIC DIRECTORY. ra Arbor Commasdïkï, No. 1-Meetfi _first ruesdayof eacu month. W. W. Mcnols. E. C. V. A. Tolchard, Recorder. rt'ASHTKNAW CHATTEtf, No. , R. A. Jl . - MeetS llrst Monday of ach monto. C. E. Hiscoclc. n. P.; Z. Koath, 8ecietary. jTichkíají central. TRAINS E AST: Hail n Nefv YOTkdÜoiltódEreM 9p. m Atlantic lirpreaa IS?" „ Siht KxDrflfts ■ a. ui raad Hapids nVetroaitrgre88 . . 10 36 . m .i .' 816. m bavKxpr:":: W- Phlcaeo Express p.m limnd l RapiSs and Kalamazoo Expresa r. W p, m Evei.ingExpre88 10 38n'S PTNeTork-andLimïtï"XVlkntic aud Niftht Express traios east, and the Cnli-ago. Evening, and PaciBc Express trains west, run mry day in the week. Sundays Included. TOLEDO AJiD ASíJÍ AKBOR. TRA.IN8 NOKTH. Kxpress Passenger 6:10 m Paenger IJJ m Mail Pas 'tiRer ,n!,, Local Kreight y. 10:d a. m TRAINS SOÜTH. Kxpress Passenger iV-wI m Passender o "Si Jlail Passenger : m liocal ffreigiit 11:59 p. m Apaenser' train leavtis this city for South Lyon at 1O:SO p. m., returninp ornves here at M3a. m. AMUSEMEXTS. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE POS1TIVELY ONÏ AFPIARNCE OKLT. Monday Eve'ngjarch 21,1887. WILSON & RANKIN'S MINSTRELS I LATE BARLOW & WILSON.Ï The onlv Company presenting genuine European novêlties. Headed by tne ackuowladged leaders of comedy. QEORGE WILSOJÍ AND CAKL RANKITC, witn thoir immensO company of Artists. including tho fainous Frencb. SS PAVENELAS "5 Their flret visit to America. The Toboggan Slide ! Our new seasoningsuecess. BELLI'RY CHIMES, the most magniflcnt of specUtcular Songs and Dances. THE PRESIDENT'S REOEPTION Or the Uridai. Trip. Brery thing new, brlght and exclusivelv Original. l'osilirely theftnest orgmization ever preaentd to the lovers of retlned Minstrelsr. Admission, 75, 50, and 35c, No extra charas for reservej aeats now on sale at Oeo. Wahr's Bookatore.


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Ann Arbor Democrat