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1572 studente up to date . Prof. Arndt was in Detroit on Wednesday. Prof. Dennison was in Detroit Saturday. A large audience attended Jos. Cook's lecture. The catalogue has been issued. Edition 10,000. Lectures on Medical Jurieprudence began this week. Sophomore social at Hank's one week f rom to-morrow night. The senior class has deoided not to adopt the cap and gown. C. W. Howard law '87, comtemplates settling in San Francisco. Prof. Palmer is makiog a number of improvements on his place. Prof. Knowlton gives ornl examinations in "Anson" this week. Mr. Sharpers '88 has accepted a position in the Joliet Iron Workn. Prof. T. M. Cooley returned from Washington Saturday af ternoon . Sam. Hawley, '85, spent Saturday and Sunday with the Alpha Delt boys. Mrs. Prof. Morris has returned from visiting relativos m New York city. The campus has been full of athletes the past week owing to fine weather. Dr. Angelí was present at an alumni dinner at Vassar ooilege, Wednesday. The recular meeting of the chemical society was held in Boom 20, Monday evening. The famous Bominger collection is said to have been sold to the university of Wisoonsin. The ball team was photographed Saturday morning. New bats etc, have been received. The freshman banquet, arrangement for which are now being made, will take place May 6th. The school of music is said to be in a bad way, the attendance having somewhat decreased. Professor Vaughan commenced his lectures on toxicology last Monday afternoon to the laws. The Star bicycle seems to be coming into popularity. Several studente have bought new machines. To-morrow the freshman foot-ball team will play in Detroit. Return game the following Saturday. B. L. MoAllaster, '87, with the Detroit dry dook co.. came out to sing in St. Andrew's choir last Sunday. This evening at the opera house, The Ladies, Battle by the dramatio club. Music by the Chequamegons. E. C. Bockwood, Sig, who has beeu very sick for a month or more, was ou( riding Monday for the first time. Prof. Orin Cady has returned and commenced his work Monday. There are ten acholara in his department. The Alpha Delte and Dekes pioked up sides and played a game of base ball al the fair grounds Saturday morning. Pres. Angelí attended the centennial anniversary celebration of Oolumbia college which took place Wednesday. Mr. Tomilson, of Detroit, was here last Friday and Saturday rlnishing up the sittings of the senior laws for their claas pictures. The law classes took action last week as to which professor should deliver the annual addrees, and decided in favor ol Professor Hutchins. Professor Knowlton has nearly completed his quizzes on Goulet's Pleadings, with which the seniora have been wreat ling for two months. A meeting of the executive committee of the Hobart gnild was held Tuesday evening, andwaa the first meeting hele in the new building. The first copy of the Cocker league publication made ït's appearance Saturday. It is pubbshed in the interest ol tne Methodist ohurch. A prohibition convention will be hele at the opera house May 6 and 7, dele gates being present from all educationa! institutions of the state. Last Friday evening the Michigan alumni association of Ubi Psi held its 9th. annual reunión at the Detroit club house. All the undergraduates were present. The students are happy. The gym. is now an aseured thing, as the legislature has granted the appropriations asked for it, and also all othur appropriations for the university. All the carpet and furniture has been put in Hobart hall and is simply elegant. The furniture is of dark oak with antique finish and made from special designs. The annual meeting of the New York alumni of the U. of M., at New York city, has been postponed until next year on account of the engagements of many of the members. The ninth annual reunión of the Ch: Psi alumni association of Miohigan, was held nt the Detroit club last Friday evening. A number of studente from the university attended the banquet. The prohibition club met Saturday morning, and elected the followinf officers: A. E. Jennings, president; J E. Uodge, vice-president; E. S. Shaw secretary; A. M. Hussey, treasurer. Last Friday the picture of Forc was preaented to the university by the medical and dental claases. Prof. Stow ell aoted as chairman and Pres. Angel represen ted the university. Prof. Palmer also made a short address and Dr. Fon thanked the classes for the honor ahown him. Professor Bogers, dean of the law de partment, has his quizzen on crimina law nearly concluded. He gathers ui the reina taut, and drivmg tandem, eacl individual stanis out like a transpareney so there is no esonping his vigilan t ex amination as no ponies or other aids ar available. If there are any professors in the medcal faoulty of the old school who are issatisfled, they had better remain in )etroit altogether, and not make peridical attaoks on the department of nedicine and surgery beoause it is not ooated in the above city. The regents hould convene and requeBt the resignaion of such chronio grumblers, instan ter. Hobart hall opening next Tuesday vemng at 7.30. Admission by ticket. )n account of the Hmited accommoda;ions, the following arrangement have een made. The exercises at 7.30 are nore especially intended for the proessors and students of the university nd invited guests. At 9 o'clock there will be a general reception to whioh very one is most oordially invited. At a meeting of the Hobart guill held ast week, the following offloers were ilected : il. M. Man y, president; Miss j. Loving, vioe-preeident ; L. T. Cole, eoording seoretary; L. Boy Ie, corresondiug secretary ; A. tí. üoe, treasurer. 'he following were appointed as memers of the executive committee: Profs. Trieze, Morris, Palmer, Kev. S. Earp, C. H. Richmond, H. J. Brown, W. W. jaufet, H. W. Douglas, C. U. Champion, ', Wiseman and A. H. Coe. Cotnmittees were also appointed to assist at the opening of the hall. The nationality of the lady laws is as ollows : Mrs. Mary Collins Whiting laims to be a Yankee, though bom in Michigan, her father being a Massahusetts gentleman and her mother a jonnetiaut lady. She traces her geneology baok o 1635, her ancestors ooming rom England only fifteen years aftor the anding of the Mayrlower. Airs. Wilcox is Irish. Mrs. Douglas, well, with espect to her, is a conundrum. She says ihe blood of so many Nations commingle n her veins, such as Irish, Dutch, Welch, itc., her nationality is hard to be placed. Miss May olaims to be part Irish and part Dutch. The above ladies are all eniors. Miss Hitchcook, the junior aw, is a Sandwicu Island lady bom and red there, the daughter of a lawyer of ■kat Island, though not a native. According to the new calendar 1,572 students have been registered, as fol-, ows: Literary department, 693 ; medi oal, 321; law, 338; pharmacy, (57 ; homoeopathic,62; dental, 91. There are 265 ady students, an increase of over a year ago of 36. Tbirty-oue states, six terntories, and fourteen foreign countries ire represented as follows : Japan, 9 ; England 5; Hawaiian Islands, 3 ; Italy, 2; Turkey 2 ; Costa Uica, 1 ; Gaumala, 1 ; Bussia, 1 ; United States of 3olumbial. Of the pro vin ces: Ontario, 29; New Brunswick, 6; Nova Scotia, 5 ; Manatoba, 2; India, 1. Of the total of students 791 are residents of this state ; Illinois, 139 ; Ohio, 119 ; Indiana, 72 ; !ïew York, 60; Iowa, 40 ; Minnesota, 35 ; Pennsylvania, 55 ; Kentucky, 14 ; Wisconsin, 3t ; Kansas, 20 ; Missouri, 20 ; California, 19 ; Dakota, 8 ; Massachu setts, 8 ; Nebraska, 8 ; Colorado, 7 ; Dregon, 8; Utah, 7; Maine, 5 ; Montana, 5 ; Mary land, 4 ; Arkansas, 3 ; Connecticut, 3; Idabo, 3; Mary land, 4; New Jersey, !i; Texas, 3; and two each f rom Alábanla, Delaware, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Virginia and Vermont Also one from West Virginia, North Carolina, Wyoming and the District of Jolumbia.


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