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From A Secret Grave

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The remains of President and Mrs. Lincoln were prlvately taken from their secret resting place on the morning of the Hth, and Interred in the north vault of the Lincoln monument In Oak Ridgeeemetery, near Springüeld. 111. Less than a dozen persons, members of the Lincoln monument pssociation and Lincoln Guard of Honor were present, For years the whereabouta of the remains of the great president and hls wife have been visited in mystcry in anxiety that they would be stolen to obtain a huge ranson fnr their return. The actual attempt to carry off the bodies in 1876 was the moving cause of the formation of the Guard of Honor, whlch oiganiation secreted them, and surrendered the charge on the I4th. Great care was taken to keep the event a proffcund secret At the appointed hour few besides the llttle knot of guards were present. The secret gave was directly under fho north base of the obelisk, about thirty feet from the north entrence; but only accessibie through the south door. A door on the north of the hole where the Lincoln relies are kept, learting tlirough a long passage, first east. tlun north, théh west and then south to ii recess. Here, about three feet bi'low the surface of the floor, were deposited the remains of Abraham Lincoln and his wife. The body of Mr. Lincoln was ín a walnut coffin lined with an air tight lead lining about onc-eight of an inch tliick; The walnut cotiin was In a cedar liox, and the cedar box was inclosed In a pine box. Mrs. Lincoln's remains were simllarlv inclosed. Twenty-two years ago Lincoln was shot When the guards, with the help of a few president' was removed, his face was -ecu to be In a remarkable state of preservation. Those who stood around, and had known Lincoln when alive, easily dlscemed the features. They were very distiuct. The silver plate on the coffin lid was brigut. On it was inscribed the following: Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President United States. Boni February 12, 1809. Died April 15, 1805. While the reiniiins of Mr. Lincoln were exposed to view, Gen. Reese, president of the guard of honor, turned the remains of Mr. Lincoln over to the Lincoln monument assoeiation. A certifícate was signed by the inembers of the guards of honor certifying that the remains in the coffin were those received from tlie Lin■coln monument assoeiation in 1878. The monument assoeiation made out a certifícate signed by the members tor the records of the assoeiation, declaring the remains tobe those of Abraham Ltneoln. The undertaker was then direcled to scal the coftïn, and Leon Hopkins, a phimbcr, sealed it up. The cofttn was then taken out by the workmen and carried around to the vault on the Dortb side. The members of the two assoc iiuions and a stranger or two who happened to be looking at the monument followed. In the north vault the floor had been taken up. A hole eight f eet long by six feet wide and five and one-half deep, bricked up and cemented, had been preparcd. The President's coffin had been placed in this grave on the west side. The coffln contaiuing Mrs. Lincoln's remains, wliich had been brought from the secret grtve before the other coffin was carried around, was then brought to the vault and ; placed on the cast side of her husband. A brick arch was thtn built over the coffins. This was covered with hydraulic cement, i mixed with small broken rock. Two guards will be on duty at the tomb untll the cement becomes harrl. The marble sarcophagus, In whlch the public have supposed the remains to be, is still in the vault. Without further ceremony the remains of husband and wife were left to mokler together in the grave. St. Augustlne Scorolied. The principal portion of the business center of St. Augustine, Fla., was destroyed by fire the other morning. The fire broke out in the laundry of the St. Augustine house. The Manies spread rapidly to the kitchen and then to the main part of the building. The fire department consisted only of a hook and ladder truck and one steam engine and it was iuipossible to do anything to save the hotel, which was already wrapped in Mames. The guests nuinburing ninety, and the forty servants, ' with the exception of one laundry woman, Bridget Barry, escaped. The Dames then ! communicated to the Edwards House, "The cottage," the Planter's House and to the Florida House annex. The next buildings to go were the First National ■ Bank and one of the oldest landmarks in the city - the old Spanish cathedral, i just west of the St. Augustine House. The roof eaught, and soon feil, destroying all ' the historie relies in the interior. The old chimes feil, too, thelr last work being the 1 alarm which summoned the citizens to the scène of conflagraüon. At this time the ■ east wall of the St. Augustine house feil, ! carrying the Mames to the Sinclair block in which were stores and shops. All were complctely destroyed. Keturning to the west side of the Street the Mames reached the old county court house on the north, which was t -tally destroyt'd. The records, bowever, wen' removed and saved. Several residences and small buildings were also destroyed. The losses will aggregate 8250,000. The old cathedral was built in 1793 and was in use for purposes of worship up to the time of lts destruction. Bridget Barry was the only person whose life was lost. She escaped early, but returned to save clothing an.l was not seen af'terward. But little of the burned property was insured. TerriHc Cyclone. A terrific cyclone wrought great devastatton over the soction of country extending from St. Clairesville, O., ten miles to a i point as far east as Wheellng, W. Va., on the afternoon of the I5th inst. It appeared to be traveling trom the west and in the shape of a funi'el-shaped mass of cloud, resembllng in appearance dense black smoke. The cone was downward and could be plainly traced over its track by the destruction it left. Ilouses were demolished, trees snapped off like pipestems, horses and cattle prostrated and carried bundreds of yards by the gale, and the sky was darkened with the clouds of Mying llebris. The storm and lts effects showed all the distinguishing characters of the western cyclone. A number of persons were injured but no lives were lost. The aggregate property loss is estimatedatover 31,000,000. Moral Washington. i lie comí in i&Muiieis uiuei eiuurciiig ui ilil strkt íSmiclíiy law was generally observed in Washington on Sunday, the 18th. All tlift business places except drug stores were closed, and newsvenders had to cease their business after 1 o'clock. The saloons were all closed and no hacks were to be seen on the streets. Even the Riggs and Ebbett houses refused to furnish wlne to guests at meáis. Malí Robbery at Toledo. Edward E. Cody, night distrlbuting clerk of the Toledo postoffice, has been detected rabblng tho mails. His operations were confined mostly to the mail of the Toledo Blade, whieh is said to be a loser of 85,000 or more by his speculations. Cody has been arrested. Four People Killed. A hotel in the center of Amsterdam, filled with Btrangen Who carne to join in the festivities, caught fire soon after midnight on the 15th tnst., and was eutlrely ilestroyed. Four of the inmates were killed and several sutaiuedsevere lujuries. W1U Probabljr be Repealed. OTie of the oldest democratie congressmen from Illinuls, who had much to do with creating the commerce luw, and who for that reason Baya he does not want to be qnoted, gives it as his opinión that this law wlll bc reppaled at the next session of congress. lic says that there wlll be twiee as ninny petltlons from the people by December praying for its repeal as were recelved in its favor in years past. He thinks it too complicated, and that ii gives to much authority to the commission and too little benefit to shippers and traveiers. Quite a number of statesmon who were prominent in bringing this law into existence make the same pre.liction. ïhey think a substitute bill shoiild be paseed simply prohibiting discriminations, dolng away with the commission, and giving state courts jurisdiction. Airead; thousands of letters making this suggestion have been received. It is said that the commissioners have put in a claim for payment from the lst of January last, although they were only commissioned in the last days of Maren. The ■ jrounrt of the claim la that their respective terms of office wlll end with the calendar yonr and the presumption must be that they began with the year 1887. The claim is probably a sound one and it shows that the commissioners will in their own affairs prefer "long haul" to '"short haul" every time. Wlll be Amicably Settlea. The dominion parliament opened on the 14th inst. The governor general. In his speech from the throne, congratúlate:! parliament on the general prosperity of the country and on the prospect of a coming season of peace and progress. Referring to the fiiheries ouestion. his excellency snid: The negotiations between her majesty's government and that of the United States on the fisheries question, with respect to which my government has been fully informed and consulted, are still in progress and will, we may be permitted to hope, result in an arrangement honorable and satisfactory to both nations. Meanwhile the necessary provisión has been made for the protectlon of our inshore fisheries. The papers on this subject will be laid before you. A measure will be submitted to you giving representation in the senate to the nortliwest territories in addition to that which they now possess in the ho.ise of commons. Among other measures laid before you will be found bilis for the amendment of the acts relating to the government of raihvays and a further amendment of the Chinese immigationact. You will also be asked, in order to provide against possible Interruptlon of the navigation of our great inland waters, for an appropriation in aid of the construction of a canal to connect the waters of Lakes Hurons and Superior at Sault Ste. Marie A Modern I.ucrctia Borgia. A sensational poisoning case has been unearthed in Thedlord, Ont., by the arrest of Mrs. Martha Jane Kyckman, charged with the murder of her sister-iniaw, 5Irs. Hendricks. Startling storiesare now told Of the mysterious death of eight of Mrs. Ryckson's relatives, all of whom are now suspected to have been the victims of poisoning at her hand. These are Laura Kyckman, her daughter-in-law, who died last fall; her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hendricks; Gray Kyckman, Laura's husbadd; Mrs. Kyckman's husband; John Hackett, her son-in-law, followed soon after by his widow and little girl. All of these dled under suspiciouscireumstances, and in some cases the bodies have been exhumed and examined. Traces of strychnine were found upon them. The prisoner is about 50 years of age, an'l previous to her arrest bore a good repi tation. lt is a significant fact that she profited financially by the death of every one of her relatives. Coald Not AKrpc. The Haddock murder trial at Sioux City, Iowa, ended in a disagreement of the jury. After the jury had been out for several hours, Foreman E. P. Webster said that eleven of the jurors were agreed, but that one stood somewhatstubbornly against the large majority. Juror O'Connell arose and repllrd to the remark in a feeling mnnner. He said he did not wish to be considered n .TUUMMii il ni.tii, urn i i in l ui. iiuvi i i rv' 1 1 il il oatli before God and man to honestly determine the case as faras he was concerned and tliat he had endeavored to regard that obligation, If he were to remain in the jury's room a month he could not and would not change his opinión. Mr. O'Connell's eyes filled with tears and his voice trembled from emotion. No one who heard him could doubt the sincerity of his motive. Judge Lewis thereiipon discharged the jury from further consideration of the casa _ For Our Germán Readers. The following is the text of the decree recently set forth concerning Germans naturalized in other countries: First - That by decisión of the Germán government, inferior administrativo authoritics will. in the future, -take no notice of complaints regarding expulsión from Germany of Germans who lost their German citizenship by live years' residence in other countries, together with the acquisition of some foreign citizenship. Second - That such denatlnnolized Germans are subject to immediave expulsión from Germany unless they have re-acquired Germán citizenship. Third- That the law of 1870, which compels judges to grant Gemían citizenship to Germans who by long residence ia foreign countries have lost their rights as Germans does not apply to those who, during their residence abroad. have obtained citizenship from some foreign uation. Wall Paper lïurned. J. J. McGrath's wall paper house at 106 108, 110, 112 Wabash avenue, Chicago, and loeated in a five story building, was totally destroyed by rire early the other morning. The stock is an entirc loss and the building is irreparably injured, the floors having tallen through. The firemen worked with a will and two of them lost their lives in their effortsto save the building. Micliael Burns was standing in a fourth story window, directing a stream into the building, wheo a volume of flame burst out, and he feil into the blazing mass inside. John Heberlie. lieutenant of engine 32, was climbing a ladder to tho second story, when he slipped, and falling to the sidewalk, ernshed his skull. Gapt. Fred Reise was injured by a stone falling upon him, breaking his leg. The loss is estimated at $450,060, with an iusurance of 140,000. ____ Could Nut Land Among the passengers which arrlved in Boston the other day were eight Engiish woraen, who, as alleged, carne to this country under contract witli a Provldence company to work at velvet weaving. The collector of the port refused them permlssion to land, as he believed the condltlons under which they canie were contrary to the federal statute prohibiting the importation of foreign labor into thls country under contract. The contract, it is said, provides that they shall work for one year at velvet weaving and shall refund $1.35 per week to cover the passage money advanced to them. The women do not considor themselves subject to the law in question, as the industry is a nevv one. Trouble for Commlssloners. The interstate commerce commission has received telegrams from Pacific coast shippers begging a suspension of the long and short pull clause of the new law, declaring that an illiberal oonstructlon wlll ruin their business. Wool-growers, bankers, fruit-farmers and dealers were represented in the petiüou. jik niotlier of tho young empcror Of Chin recently empress-regcnt of the empire, w 11 send a very valuable gift to liia bolines)) Leo on the occieioa of liis gokten jub.leo. ÍCbNY Barrios, son of the late president of Guatemala, is a student at Wesi Point, and young Zarala, sou of the man who overtlirew and caused the death of President Barrios, is also at West Point and Iris classmate. Sir FirzjAME9 Stephen has abanJonud liis iniention of writinz a monoK'-aph on Carlvle. His relations xr'.th Carl.vle were so intímate tbat liis book was uxpected to prove an important addilion to biograpliical l.terature. Henrt, second son of the Germán crown pr nee, who lias latelv been betrothed to the Princesa Irone, third daiightcr of the late Princess Alee of England, is known as the "sailor prince." He will soon be promoted to tlie rank of captain, and will make his first voyago as an independent couimandcr of a war-ship. William Dean Howells cclebrated lus lifticth birthday on Tuesdny last The Boston Transcript called to congratúlate hira, and. reported tliat 'tliough ha r and musthche aro toitched witli gray, the cherry face, brigk manner, and aniraated conversation indicato phvsical aad mental vigor whicb may well latigh at d rthdy." The princo regent of Barara has givcn orders that each of liis sons is to learn a manual trade, and Prince Ruprecht, the heir of tho throne, has become a turner. Prince Ruprecht. and liis brothers are the grandsons of the Regent Lu tpold, being tho sous of liis cldest son, Prince Louis, who is married to the Archduchess Mar. a Theresa oí Austria. Mr. John Morley.s recent address on "The Study of Literatare" is receiving a gruat deal of attention in England. It was pr ntcd verbatim ia The Lond-m Times, and lias ben made the subjubt of an elabórate editorial n every Important Journal. It is the work of a writer whose literary range is wide'


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