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Take The Democrat for local news. E. B. Hall has been in Toledo for eral days. i Geo. ReDwick, of New Hudson, wns m i the city, Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Maynard is slowly i ing from a severe sickneas. ' Ouly $1 per year for the only local ' paper publisued iu the city. Ye local Bryan, of the Kegister, has gone to Charlotte for a bnef vieit. Will Fletcher is the happy father of a j 10 pound baby boy. Hurry up there. St. Clüir & Son's are tnanufacturing 12 dozen camp ohairs for Jno. Muehlig. Mrs. Kearn, of Pittstiekl, feil Saturday, and fraciured her Jeg uear th hip juiut. Mr. Thos. Boner has returnrd from a four weeks' visit at Alpeua and Au Sable, Wm. Biggs has taken tha contract to build a $2,500 brick store on State street. Mr. Isbell, wh bas sold kis place on West Huron street, goes to Deuver, Col., to live. Anson Wheeler, of Northfield, with au eye to business, will put in eigUt acres of onions. Those who wish to know what is going on in and about tbe city read The Dkmocbat. The stones in the streets should be picked up, especially in the fifth ward. Will it be done ? The contract for furniskingjbooks for the High school library, hns been awarded to Guo . Wahr. Thirteen young people are to be oonfirmed Öunday, May lat, at the Germán Lutheran church in Scio. Willie, son of Harrison Camp, of the town of Ann Arbor, died Tuesday, of diphtheria, aged eight years. .Martin Seabolt is putting a new roof on his residence, Bowery atroet, and making other improvements. Fred Rettich, jr., will receive the base ball score, by inninga, of tho jjames played by the national league. Tbe Two Sams have something of importance to ay about "bats" and neckwear, in their changeof ad to-day. Sunday H. J. Brown sold pilla for five centa each and threw in a cigar. Tuis ie one way to avoid the "blue laws." Louiae P., daughter of Louis Seyier, died Tuesday of inflammation of the bowele, in tbe seventh year of her age. Democrats wonder if the county clerk's office is to be made the republicau headquarters for the coming two yeare. Mrs. Eleanor Warren, of Foster Station, died suddenly Moiiday morning of heart disease, aged 01 years, 1 month and al days. E. Kitchen, of Plainfield, has taken up bis residence in this city, having purchased a house and lot in the J. I). Balduin addition . Forepaugh's circus will visit this city June 10. An advance agent was in town Tuesday, inaking arrangemeuts for bill boards. Martin Bender, in the employ of the Michigan furniture company, had one of hia fingere cut off Monday, by the sliHving kaife. Next Monday is Arbor Day. Representativa Manly wiis home over Sunday. The circuit court jurors are summoned to be present May 3. Pfister is about opening a clothing stoie in the city. Fred Maynard, of Grand Rnpids, was in the cily last week. A. V. Kobison ha the contract for eprinkling the streets. iMrs. Henry Baxter spent several days in Yptilanti, last week. Mrs. Mary Adama has been granted a divorce from Wm. H. Adama. Jas. L. Stone succeeds Wm. G. Doty recorder of Atherjs lodge A. O. U. WA. C. Hurd, engmeer at the electric light works, keeps things in fine chape. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheeler arrived home from California Thursday of last week. Emanuel Wagner, on Souih Main street, keeps everything in the grocery line. The saloons must close and b kept closed on Sundays, o says the new council . ChaR. Gulick was taken to Pontiao Saturday, where he is wanted on a charge of forgery. Rev. S. Earp attended a missionary meeting of the Western diocese at Marshall, Wednesday. The A. A. Quartutte will sing to-night jt South Lyon, and to-morrow night at Lapham's corners. rilt. -. nl,iU UnitAA ii n íTíK.rPl' 1 'y 1 -t was burglarized several weeks ago, of blankets, dislies, etc. Several commuDicatious are unavoidably crowded out of this week's paptr. I'hey will appear in time. Hiratn SBckett, freight brakeman, feil 'rom the cara at Dexter Friday last, and lis body was out in hal ves. Larry OToole.agent for Grinaell Bros., j;ih moved his sewing machine rooms nto the Masonic Temple block. Louis Bhode has the contract for difjng out the embankment in front of G. .ïkoem's place on Detroit street. Harkins & Willis ara doing a lively msiness with tlieir toasters. Tliey are several hundred behind in orders. The township board of Ann Arbor ïave purchased of a Saline agent, two road graders, at a cost of $S0 eash. It is rumored that onr bachelor deaiat will lead to the altar one of Ann Arbor's fair daughter, next inonth. The official canvass of Monroe county gives Griffin D., for supreme judge 753 najority, and Landon D. for circuit judge 2!J majority. A. E. Jennings, of the law departmeut, will address the temperance union at Gropney'8 hall, Sunday, P. M. at 3 o'clock sharp. Elijah Patterson, who burglarized Wa'sh & Gibney'a saloon, was sentenced y Judge Joslyn, Tuesday, to live years n Iouia pnson. F. E. Yale returned Saturday from a ;wo montbs, trip in the northern part of he state, where he has been to look after his pine lands. Joe T. Jacobs has sold to Walter armer J. says is the coming cow for the atnily and the dairy. Nancy, wife of Stephen Moore, fiftli ward, died Saturday in the 50th year of ïer age, of heart disease. Sbe was a , sister of Mrs. Isaao Duun. Mrs. Prof. Williams has rented the )lney house, corner of State and Citharine "streets, and will take possession sometime iu August. The Kuights of Rest have postponed he election of oöicers until the lst of Fuly. In the meun time the the old oflicers will hold over. The Chequamegon orchestra ha been kept busy this week, having played evry night, and the boys have eugagements lor this and to-morrow evening. The Michigan central railroad and the oity authoritieB should come to Rome ïnderstandinj; about opening a street o the new depot through tne O'Neil iroperty. It 8 a public neceBsity. If there is any member of the councü who does not think that the sidewalka all over the city need repairiug, take a walk about the pïaoe. Ho will be convinced. Prof. McLoath and family, were the guests of A. M. Doty Tuesday. The professor has been recently elected preddeut of the agricultural college of Nebraska. This city is experiencing a building boom, the like of whioh has not been Reen in many a year in April. Painters and deconitore have all they can attend to as well. The Wilsey Quartette was called to Ypsilanti, Wednesday, to sing at the funeral of Don. Seymour, the unfortunate young man killed accideutally in a game of base ball. According to the new fish lawa there can be no tish shot or gpeared during the months of Marcb, April, May, June, July, August and September, iu any of the waters of this state. The Hon. Mr. Oviatte, of the house of represenlatives, was in the city last week. Mr. Oviatte is the author of the bill now before the legislatura for the restrietiin of capital puuishment. Constable Imu, Saturd ly, arrested a dental student named O . Kaymond on the charge oflpracticing dentistry in Mi lan without iirst procuring a certifícate, as the law now provides. We are informed that Baker, the contraetor, who has a number of hon ses to build, goes to Deiroit when he wis beu to purchase furniture If this is the case Llt) nuuuiu uo ncïcicij ici aiuuo. Tlie Fantle block front would be mafcenally improved in looks, if the broken windows were replaced, and a new aidewalk laid. The council should give this walk their immediate atteution. Mr. Emmet'8 andionce lilled every seat in the Che-tnut street opera house. Standing room was hardly to be obtained. The comedia u never seemed to b more popular.- Philadelphia Press. Joseph Caley, of Sfio, died Monday n his 74th year. He was born in Linconshire, Enland, and came to this country 52 yeare ago. The fuueral will e held in Dexter this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Dr. Studley'of Detroit, will, on the eveuing of May 0, give his bright and witty lecture, "The Yankee Illustrated," n the M. E. church. Wherover this ecture has been delivered it has giveu perfect satisfaction. Martin Seabolt, the laundryman, receives work from towna around the county, while his business from the citizens is steadily on ihe increase. People appreciate good work, and the placu to bave it done is at Heabolt's, oppotite the court house. It is quite evident that J. K. Eramet has lost none of his diawing powers. The "Standing Boom Only" sign at the Grand was hanging in the lobby at 2.30 last evening and several hundred people were turned away, unable to gain admission. - Cincinnati Knquirer. Kev. Mr. Sunderland's subject at the Umtarian church next Öunday morning will be "The Great Historio Creeds of ('hristendom." Tn tlm pvpnincr Mra Sunderland wil! speak (in her course of lectures on Christian History,) on "The Political Effects of the Reformation." The third quarterly meoting of the A. M. E. church, of this city. was held 8atnrday and Sunday. The attendance was very large, and nearly one hundred persons partook of the sacrament. The church is in a very prosperous state under the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Pope. An audience which fllled eyery seat and corner of the Grand laefc night witne8sed Emmet's wonderful performance of Pritz. The stindiug room sign was early displayed and many bought seats for following nights unable to gain admission. - Cincinuati Commercial-Gazette. Take The Democrat. Sunday and Monday were cold days. Job. C. Preston is visiting friends in Detroit. Ed Randolph, of Toledo, was in the city over Sunday. Mr John Terrell, of Attica, N. Y., was in the city last wsek. Sheriff Walsh went to Pontiac Monday with a orazy ohap. There are Baid to be 350 cases of measeis now in the city. A. O. Sorg has purohased Dr. t. J. Sullivau's prancing steed. Janitor Cmwford is cleaning up the rooms of the county officials. S. H . Goodrich has removed to Saline and opened a boarding house. The masón unión have fltted up a lodge room over Stimson Bros., grocery. Abram Pride'a wife, colored, who died at the county house, was buried Sunday. Miss Louise Canwell has charge of the ticket office at the cyclorama building in Detroit. The Arlington house, corner Ann and Fourth streets, wns opened to the public last Friday. Jerry O'Brien is clerking f r A. L. Noble duriug tlie sickness of Jno. Linieuschmidtt. Anton Eiesle is putting np a small briok structure, corner of Oatharine and Fifth streets. Gapt. Allen has received bis first month's salary as congressman, so says the Sentinel. Mrs Paul Gabler is making repairs to her house, West Huron street, at an expense of $250. A special mail service will soon go into ellect between Emery and Worden's stations, this covmty. Walker Bros. have the contract for extanding the stone culvert over Allen's creek, North Main street. Wilsey's male quartette gave a concert in Saline Friday evening, under the auspices of the ladies' society. A. L. Noble purchased last week a 4 year old colt from Jno. Tuomey that promises to make a fino roadster. Geo. Peters, who works at the central liouring milis had his finger badly laeerated Monday morning in the elevator. D. M. Seymonr, of Ypsilanti, aged 18 years died Monday from the effects of being hit on the head with a base ball bat. Frank Minnis caught Friday last, oae of the finest strings of pickerel seen in many a day. The nine weighed 47 pounds. E. B. Lewis who has been engaged in the photographmg business in Gratiot co., for several months, bas returned to the city. Stove that were taken down last week, were put up again Monday on account of the suduen change in the weather. Services in St. Andrew's church were dispensed with Sunday evening, on account of the union meeting at the Methodist church. ■n , i i - Bi 1 I j 1 mx-öenaior Ji.einpr nas purcnasea me vacant Iota, corner of lugalls and Lawrence stroets, and will, ït is said, ereot a palatial residence. Thos. W. Keene, the tragedian will appear at the grand opera house May 4th, in "Richelieu," and supported by a powerful company. Mesrs. Truman and Wilder, graduates of Princetou college, talked on missions at a unión service held in the M. E. church Sunday . A change of advertisement for Stim Bros. They not only keep everything in thegrocery line, but deal in all kinds of fresh vegetables. A. E. Barkor, of Minneapolis, Miun., wbo is on his way to New York and Boston, spent Suuday with his fatherin-law, A. W. Ames. Siime of the ïaloon men are a httle uneasy about the tax being increased. If it is increased, it will not go mto effect until next year. The funeral of Mary Henderson, daughter of tbe late Joe Henderson, was lield Sunday. Öhe was in her 14th year. Disease, consumption. F. C. Roberts, M. D., one of the propnetors of the Ft. Madison Demoorat, ia s pending the week with friends. He is on hia way to Europe. 8. L. Foster, of Lynn, Mass., an I 'i i i, .111 un; yniiitKij ni mu i,ijiiiini'u Housten company, is in the city and will rernain for several weeks. D. S. Millen expects to leave for Chicago in about two weeks, where ho will be superintendent in a large soap factory at a ealary of $75 per month. Daniel Sinclair, who left Ann Arbor in 1852, and is now a resident of California, visited the city this last week, for the first time since leaviag here. The case of the city against James Schiappacasse for violation of the ordinance relativo to keeping open nis restaurant on Sunday, has been continued uutil May 3. Bev. J. M. Getohell, of Tecumseh, wil address the Siline odilfellows Tuesday evening, the occasion being the celebra tion of the 63d aun iversary of the order in this country. C. W. Vogel purchased of C. M. Osgood, of the town of Aun Arbor, Monday, a 20 months old steer that tipped the beam at 1,200 pouads. It was a bal f blooded Galloway. Major Howe, of Portland, died Thurgday at the age of 75 years, leaving an estáte worth ebout $75,000. He was buried with masonic honors. Mr. H. was a brother of Harlow Howe, of Pitts field. At the head of our local columns, will be found the advertisement of Qeo. Wiihr, who not only sells book, blank books and stationery, but he alto decorations. Persons who drive over tüe iron bridge lealing to the fifth ward, faster than a walk, are Hable to pay a üue of $5. 80 it would be well to notice tbe signs tbnt hare beeu put up at eaoh end of the bridge. The sidewalk committee should look after some of the dilapidated brick walks in this city. Thay are terrible to walk upon, uneven, f ml of holes tor water to stand in, always more or less icy in the winter. They should be taken up and some good walks put down. The supervisors, at their session last fall, provided for the heating of the couuty house by steam. A long and much needed improvement. The work has already been comraenced under the direction of the committee on public buildings, Mesirs, Case, Gregory and liutts. l)r. Cooper, of the Meraori al church, Detroit, exchanged pulpits with the Bev. Dr. 8teele last Sabbath. Only snatches of his sermón was heard by the cougregation becaus of his rapid utterutterances and forced style, but so much as was heard, the hearers pronounced to be very fine. Martin Clark, who is working up the bonus for starting the üyaporatiög jellying and canning factorj in this city requests all those who take an interesi in the prospenty of Ann Arbor to come forward and give him a helping hand Only about two hundred dollars is needed to start this grand euterprise ; i must be raised at once, or else this worthy project must fail. No local option in ours, please! 1 liquor gclhng is a crime against society,! is just as much of a crime when carriec on in Detroit as when conducted in Lan sing or Jackson. It is a legitímate matter for state control. Th legislature has no business to deal with it as a loou evil. If it be au evil at all, it is one o tremendoui proportions and threaten the state quite as much as it does the village or city. The legislature honk make one law for the whole state. Thi is its obvious duty. - Lansing Jounjal. Sunday was a dry day for the boys. The couucil should at the next regular meeting instruct the city attorney to draft an ordinanee making it a penalty for any one to me rubber slings. Make an example of a few boys and the nuisance will cease. A. P. Ferguson, manufacturar, of the celebrated road cart, shipped a car load of carta to San Francisco, Cal., last week. Saturday he received au order from Washington, D. C, and other orders ahead leave him 174 carts behind. Two dependent and neglected children were sent to the State public school last week by order of the probate court. Thoir ñames were Francia Shore and Eureka Auderson. They were taken to the school by superintendent Aprill. The votrs of the township of Ann Arbor at the late election authorized the board to purchase two machine road graders, at a cost not to exceed 8"00. Supervisor Braun and commissioner Burliugame are negotiating for the same. From a letter to L. Davis from his son of Berkley, California, we make the following extract : "California has taken a big start forward, and immigration is pouring in. I think the close of this century will see our present population multiplied by five at least. Every person who had occasion to come down town Sunday must have noticed how orderlr and quiet it was on the streets. The saloons were closed, not only the front doors, but back ways as well, mach to the disgust of sotae who feit as though they would like a good drink- of water. N. J. Kyer left last niglit for an extended trip east and south. He will visit Boston, PortlaDd, Charleston, 8. C, Willmiogton, N. C., Norfork and Richni(ni(], Va., Washington, D. C., and Baltimore, Aid. He bas orders in the above citiea for the celebrated brands of üour manufactured by Swthel, Keyer& Petersou, of the city milis. Mr. Keyer expects to be absent some three weeks. The Grand contained a very large audience, about the largest one of the present season, and it was a very enthusiastic one before the evening was very long. The play of Fritz suggests the chestnut; but it is only in name, as the play has been re-written and overhauled, and is now by far the best play that Mr. Emmet has ever owned. The plot is of interest, although not a deep one, and many of the lines are of worth. The scenery is very good, all of the sets making pretty pictures, and it was paintcd sxprcasly for this tour. Now that election is over and people begin to look at the cause of the defeat of the prohibitory amendment,the nypoorisy of the republican party on the question is strikingly apparent. They voted to Biibmit the question to tickle the prohibitionists to win their aid in the state and township elections, and voted agninst the amendment at the polls to appease the wrath of the autiprohibitionists. They undoubtedlv accomplished their purpo.e m alluring many probibitionists into voting the republican ticket; but whether such bola faced hypocrisy is much relished by ei t lier faction is a great question. land with ite usual promptitude. leciddly, so far, "Petereon" for 1887 has urpassed itself. If it poos on as it has egun, thw will be its jubillee year, in loint of merit. This month's doubleize colored fashion-plate will be greeted with extra eagemess by the ladies, as it outaius sevoral Parieiau costumes wholly novel in design, and as graceful as they are original. The steel engravug is a beauty, and the crochet and einrojdery patterns are very fresh and aking. The stories, too are exceptionally good. Terms: Two Dollars a year, nth great deductions to chibs. Address 'eterson's Magazine, 306 Chestnut Street, Fhiladelphia, Pa. Next Tuesday evening the Beethoven society and Ann Arbor lodge No. 27, A. O. U. W., will celébrate the lOüth anniversary of the birth of L. Uhland, the creat Germán poet. The exercises will ake place in Beethoven hall. Uhland was born April 26, 1787 at Tuebinger. ie studied law and Germán literature n the university of his native town. lis ürst poems were published in 1815, and in 1848 they were translated into 3nghsh by Alex. Pratt. In 1875 the enth edition was published. From 829 to 1833 Uhland was professor of erman in the above universitv. In 848-50 he was a member of the national representatives of Germany. He wrote several plays; was the author of the Hisory of the Germán Poets of the 15th and lüth centuries, and other valuable works. ïhis celebrated poet and author died Nov. 13, 1862. The following named persons were elected overseers of highways of Ann Aroor cownsnip, at tne elección aeld on he 4th inst : District No. 1, W. B. Smith; 2, D. L. Godfrey; 3, T. J. De ForeHt; 4, Geo. Green ; 5, Geo. Mowerpon; 6, Pred Massar; 7. John Harrall ; 8, E A. Mattison; 9 Isaiah Willets ; 10, C. T. Parshall : 11. Fred Haas; 12, R. Nowland: 13, Wm. Popkins ; 14, J. H. Cowan; 15, Nathon Nixon ; 16. A. Savae; 17, J. B. Morev; 18, Wm. Kern; 19, John Smith ; 20, B. Bilby ; 21, C. A. Prior; 22, A. Mead; 23, Geo. J. Loomis24, C. M. Osgood ; 25, B. Keenan ; 26, J. C. Sohenok; 27, Willie Bird; 28, O. F. Stabler; 29, W. Whitlark; 30, John Allmand; 31, A Seafriet; 32 J. H. Sperry; 33, Wm. Burk ; 34, O. L. Toumey ; &5, N. Woodmansee; 36, Geo. Barnes; 38, to be appointed; 39, T. V. Shurtleff 40, Mary Foater ; 31, Geo. B. Cannon ; 43 John M. Stein; 44, Geo. Hass.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat