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David Preston, the prominent iankT of Detroit, (lied at liis home In that city -Siuiday morning, April 24, of heart disease. For a year or two past, lic had not been ütrong and vigoruus. bul was not considered to be in a dangerous condition. Last year be went abroad for his hcalth. and returned apparently greatly benefltted. Sinee liis return he has glven Mis time to the management of liis vast business interests, and to the charitable, benevolent and politioal refonds for whlch he was kiKiwn. He was at his office 88 usual only tbe day lieforc the summons eame, and retiirneil at tea time feellngas well as usual. David l'rcston was boni in Ilarmony, Chautauqua county, N. Y.. Sopt. 20, 1826. He recelved a liberal eduoatlon in the public schools, tauglit tour years in the county of his birth. and carne I Detroit in the fall of IMS. He was married May 5, ls."2. to ,Jane B. Hawk of Conneaut, Ohio. Seven chlldren and liis widow snrvive. of the chlldren one danghter and two sons nro married. Mr. l'reston first eugaged in the banki business In Detroit In 1848, as a clerb for (;. F. Lewis, a private banker. Jn 1852 he starled in business for himself the lirni name of David I'reston L ( o., and contlnued as a private, banker until Jnly25, 1885. In the mcautime he estabItshed the finn of Preston, Kean & Co., in Chicago, and both iirms were very sucI cessful in the eonduet.of their business. On account of Mr. Preston 'a telling ! health the business in Chicago was finallj orftanlzed Into the Metropolitan natlonal bank, in whlch Mr. Preston retained a large interest and remained a director to the time of hls death. In 1885 the Detroit business was Incorporated under tlie general banking law of Michigan, and the Incorporated bank was named the Preston bank oi Detroit ofwaleb Mr. Preston was president, F. W. Hayos vlee-presldent, and W. A. Bercy eashier. Mr. Preston was the sou f the Rev. David Preston, a Methodist minister, and canie to Detroit a poorboy, but by liis own efforts accumulated a fortune, and, although during his lifetlme liaving devoted l eliaritable purposea more than L100,000. he died in the possession of au ampie oompetency. Mr. Preston's Ufe was insured In severa! companles, tlie aggregatp sum footing up to about gso.OOO. Mr. Presten was almost laish in his gifts ti rellgloui, charitable andeducatlonal causes, having dlstributed In his way more than 8100.000 within ten years past, lle was from h is youtli a devout and consistent member of the M. K. church. In Detroit he was first a member of the First M. E. church and, opon the union of thal society with the Conress street M. E. ; church as the Central M. K. church, was one ut the commlttee which had charge of the building of the beautiful church of tliat society at the corner of Woodward avenue anti Adams avenue east. and a very liberal giver tothe building fund. He purchased the lot upon which the (kimncnn I V i-ilt 11 l-flt wou linilt Olli"! lni'ffo. I t I ' " ' í ' ■ ■ I ■ ' II II I ' II II I ' 1 J L I 4 i I. lili l ly alded in the organization and securing the succes of that church, as algo of the (';is-, avenne M. E. church. Tu L87S he ralsed (60,000 In aid of the endowment fund of Albion college givinj? a large Bum hlmselí and securlng the remalnder by a personal canvass among the Methodist of the state. He had luit just returned froin tlie journey when the finanCial stiinii of lSTli struck "liis bank. During the war Mr. Preston was an active worker in the Union cause and a membei kikI officer of the Michigan Inanch ut the United States Christian commission. The only public ofliee lic. ever held was that of member of the board of aldermen trom the fiftli ward in 1872 and 1873. lic was a stronj; repnblican until prohihition took a polltlcal turn. when he followed his convictions into the new party and froin it aocepted the only nomination for other tliaii local office which he ever received. He had no political ambition and these nominations were accepted without any hope of electlon and with no other deslre tl'iin in .-'■' "■!■'.! ilie party which In I uuld ultimately fulfill the puipose of its founders. Fish Planting in Michigan. The fish commission's special car, in charge of O. H. II. Hoore, has just completed lts fust trip of the year through Michigan. The, car was sent to the natellen- al Northvllle last January. A largo number of California and lake trout were collectccl and distributed through Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and a number of the southern suites. They were the finest bout ihal have yet been distributed by the commission. There were between 10,000 and 12,000 of them, which represented 100,000 eggs, showing how difiicult it is to raise the trout ready for distribution. A number of whltefish were also distrlbuted in Lakes Erie, Ontario and Michigan. The Wheat Product of Michigan. The followlng table compiled from official sources in tlie secretary of state's ofii . shows the total acreage and yieli of wheat in Michigan in tho years deslgii at cd: 7ear. Aereage. Bnshels. Average. 1888. ....1,091,888 23,578,388 14.8 1SS4 1,495,778 23,999,717 16.7 188S 1,498,926 20,880,294 19.9 1886 1.1100,830 25,891,429 Mö.18 Eslimatcd. STATE NEWS CONDENSED. sis weeks ago a 'J-year oíd son of the Tíev. R. Shorts of Traverse City, while at play, had the metal part and the rubber land of i load pendí In bis mouth, and accidentaljy swallowed it. The pencil stuck i:i liis throat, causlng much pain and irritation :-!id threatening his life, and in order to relieve him a surgical operation hud to pcrforraed, Accordingly a couplü of gnrgeona ent his tliroat open 2% inclics. luylng bare the windpipe, which was alsd cut open and fórceps run down it somc live Inchee, wliere the obstruction was caughl by tlicm and drawn out. If jou are a farmer, and a stranger proposea to buy all your spring chickens at a llg prlee, when threi montlis old, paying you ; part down, jnttt trot out your blunderbuu or invite the family buil dog to ake n band in the game, for you will be standing face to face with the latest swindle. Thn recelpt of contract Mr. Sharper wonld aak u to sign is so arranged in w blank fonn that it is readily converted uto a note. - Livingston County Eepubliian. The t'ital output of Iron ore from the Marqnette mtnlng range for 1887 will be follows: Seven minos noar Ishpeming, U 085, 000 tong; eight mines near Negaunee, 75,000 tons; sixtcen scattering mines, Includlng the Famoua Clmmpion, 835,000 tons. Thismakea a total of 2, 195,000 tons, and doea not inciudu the new mines to be opened tlii.s aeoson. Kallroadsare making great preparations for a heavy business, and the upper península branca of the C. & N'. W. road alone will run 118 traius fin il V A great sensation has been created Ín Coldwater by the arrest of C. II. Thomas, proprietor of a variety store, on the serlous ehargo of haviii); hirt'd Walter C. Colé for f'20U to kill Chas. Davis, an oíd man on whom Thomas had a S',000 grave-yard lníiinince. It Ís stated that JohnKerns lald under the counter whlle the bargaln was !)clng made and heard the conversatlon. Albor Day" was celebrated at the state ngrlcultnral college wlth approprlat ceremonie Extensivo improvements are being made on the .state fair grounds. The track is iioiti},' repalred by the Jackson driving club, ander the supervisión of C. C. Pond. and will be one of the best in the state. The eattle sheda biirued at the time of the prison iire aro being rebuilt by the connty agrien Itnral society at an expense of abouts.'.ooo. Adam Byman, who lives near Sanilac, and who has wltnessed the destruction of a larjíe shan of his personal property through incendiary tires, has just learned that the work was done by two young girls. The girls wen; indirect members of the family, and thought by burning out Mr. llynian the family would be obliged .to move to tuwn. John Stadier, the BichviUe farmer who ent tu Tennessee May -j: to purchase land, and was lost. has been heard from. Wiien he left. hls travellng companion he wandered away and traveled until he crossed the line into Kentucky, where he stopped with a farmer, who tinally heard of the Btrange dlsappearance and wrote to his friends. The Palmer bribery case wa called in the circuit court at .Tackson the other morning. and Judge (ridley overruled the motion of the defendants to quash the Information. The judge said that there had been enough prelimlnarles, and that the proceedings are sufliciently regular to proceed. Palnier will, therefore, have to stand trial. l'ctor Dostie, the veteran fisherman of Monterey, Allegan county, claims that the legislature should pass a law offering a bounty for the killing of dog and bill fish, as lic says these voraeious fish are increasintf largël; in our waters, nnd are eating up and driving out the edible fish. They are in fact the wolves of the water. Judge Montgomery of the Grand Rapkls circuit court, has appointed Harry M. Brown, one of the heavy creditors in the suits ajiainst the Grand Kapids manufact uring company, of whlch D. P. Clay is heavily involved, along with the Newaygo eomplioatlon. receiver. Work has been resunied at the factory. A 16,000 verdict igatnst the Grand Trunk has been rendered in the United Statea circuit conrt in Detroit. The snit was brought by the administrator of the estáte of Elijah Smith, deceased, who with his wife, was killed by a train on the Grand Trunk road, some time ago. Mrs. Daniel Rynie, a lady of Calumet was returning home from a neighbor's, and when erossing the track slie was caught between two ore ears andsustained fatal injuries. ]t is not known positivcly whether the traininen were or were not responsible for the accident, The large grist and saw milis at Wahjeïnega, together with some million feet of lumber, all belonging to W. A. Hearst, were totally destroyed by fire the other night. The loss will run up to 840,000, and tliere was no insuranep. The origin of the tire is unknown. Willlain Gobel of Kalamazoo has been arrested for furnishing liquor to a fourycar old girl. He also filled up a little girl aged si-, with liquor, and took a tenyeai old girl for a ride in the country. When he returned with her she was beastly drunk. Mile 13. Stewart, receiver of the Grand Rapitls manufacturing company, says that that company had not been so crowded willi orden in seveial years as at present. During the two days while the workswere shut down 104 orders for goods were recelved. F. W. King, proprietor of the Commercial house of Saranac, was assisting in the removal of a building. While he was under the building one of the trucks slid out, letting the structurc down on liis back and liips. Hls injuries will prove fatal. Don Seymour, aged 17, son of W. B. Seymour of Ypsilanti, was accidentatly struck on the forehead by a base ball bat while watching a game between the Ann Arlor and Normal school clubs and the next morning he dicd from the injury. The Huron mining company 's stamp mili in Houghton was totally destroyed by fire April 'M. Itis believed the mine will permanently close down. One hundred and forty men are thrown out of employment. Loss, 75,000; insurance 24,000. Mrs. Diamond, an inmate of the Kala" mazoo asylum, escaped from that institution a few days ago and started to walk to Coldwater, where her husband and uren uve. Mie was capturca at aienaon and returned to thcasylum. G. F. Smith of Jonesvlllc says the new inter-stata commerce law will close up hi3 stone business. Ile hassome $3,000 worth of stone piled up in different places which will not sell for enough in the cities to pay the new freight rates. Felix Paquin, the man who married a St Pierre girl, aged 14, at St. Ignace last week, ïnaking the fifth wedding in which he figured as groom, bas been held for trial at Marquette on charge of seduction and biganiy. The second trial of the suit brought by W. M. Mayo of Byron Center, against Dr. 1'. B. Wright, for malpracticc, resulted in a verdict for the plaintlff of 81,500. In the first trial Mr. Mayo was awarded only 81,000. The bowl and clothes-pin factory at Custer, recemly burned, will bc rebuilt. and it is expected that the new mili will be running by July 1. The mili burned was the largest factory of the kind in the world. H. C. Ackley of Muskegon, has sold 50,000,000 feet of lamber and 50,000,000 shingles to the Chicago lumber company, for about 8850,000, the largest clean deal in cut stuff ever made in Muskegon. St. Johns and vicinity, has plcaded guilty to murder in Dakota last ful], and has been sentenced to state's prison for life. Ile was knovrn as Wlnslow in Michigan. Angus Morrlson, who had his thigh crushed by an iron planer in the Phoenix iron works in Port Huron issuing forSlO,000 damages. ïhe case wlll be tried at the May term of the circuit court. A seven-year old daughter of Cliarles Frederick of Alblon wasplaying withsomo children near a bon lire. Her clothlng caught lire and she was so badly burned that she dled the next mornlng. The 8ult of John Seipert against the Detroit & Grand Haven railway for injuries received whlle actlng as brakenian two and one-half vears ago, has been settled. Seipert is to receive $8,000. The exatnination of Dr. Wier of Oscoda, charged with causing the death of Mable Clark an inmate of hls hospital, re9ulted in hlu bcing held for trial, without bail, at the May term of court. The Flint saloon-keepers liavecirculated an agreement among themselves which lias been generally signcd, agreeing to observe the requirements of the law as to shutting up nights, Sundays, etc. Ex-Gov. Blair bas boon invited to denver the annual addross at the meeeting of the soldlers' and sailors' assoclatlon of Southwestern Michigan, to be held the third week in August. Miss Mary Harrington, an estimable young lady of Ishpeming, was ascending the tramway of the Quincy mine, when slie was struck by a descending oro car and lnstantly killed. Dr. Elias Forbes, who has been a resident of Belleville for the past thirty-five years, was found dead in his office the other mornlng. Cause, dropsy. Ile was 55 years of age. Llzzle Murphy, the Tliomastown girl who fasted so long, continúes to take nourlshmctit, but is stlll confmed to bed. Her recovery is lookcd ior, although lt wlll bc Blow. Alma college will hold open its offer to Superintendent llowell to fill the chatr of natural sclence until Aprll, when liis cmtnict with the Lansing board of educatlon espires. The saloonists of Coldwater liave sent a letter to the councll of that city pledging theniselves to keep all the requireim-nls of the present iavv, and to aid in enforcing tllOlll. Cari Reen of Dushville, Isabella county, was giveu chloroform for the of uaving a surgical operation performed, from the effects of which he never awoke. . The authorities of Coe township, Isabella county, positively decline to grant liquor ' licenses this year, and would-be saloonists are looking about for a legal reinedy. The 5-years-okl son of Ransom Rhodes i of Flushing accidently backed into a tub of hot water, and was burned so badly that he died within a few hours. Miss Allee Jordán of Coldwater has been admitted to practice at the bar of the superior court of Michigan. She was made LL. B. at Yale last year. It is said the temperance pcople of ! Flushing have raised by subscription over $1,000 and will prosecute to the end every violatiou of the liquor law. A. C. Lee of Saranac has been arrested on a chargeof embezzlement. The trouble grew out of nis connection with the Sara nac savings bank. Chas. Auuott, nn mínate of the kalatnazoo asylum, was killed by the can iu l lint city the other day. The Owosso Savings and Loan Assnciation has been organized with a capital stock of SI 00, 000. The Michigan state firemen's association holds its animal meeting in Grand Rapids May 4. A statue of John C. Calhouu was imveiled in Charleston, S. C, the other da. A home for aged womcn has been established by charilable women in Bay City. Dr. Samuel B. Duffield of Wayne, has been appointed Uealth ofïicer of Detroit. Chas. Fish of Saginaw has been anested to prevent him from oommltling suicide. East Jordán, Charlevoix county, bas passed an ordnance prohibiting saloons. The state borticultural society held their annual meeting at Lansing May 10-17. Hou. L. T. X. Wllson of Coldwater (lied suddenly a few days ago, of dropsy. Many vlllagea tbrougüout the state are raisiug the liquor bonds. There are 450 inmate? iu tho Detroit house of correetion. Kalamazoo is to have a $60.000 Y. M. C. A. building.


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