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Eeadthe Statement of oneof Jackson's Oldest Eesidents, Jacksox, Mich., May 2C, 1S86. Iihmmitic Syrufi Co.: Gentlemen - About ten yeavs ago ray general hea'.tli became impaired from rtiv iver and kidneya sed. 1 havo constantly failed in streugth ever sinro. my wbola systom l.e omirg prostrated. For yeara my nerves h:ive been so weak and uncontro'l ib'.e tliat my Bufferinza have 1 een greater tban I daré attempt to describo. 'Ihe pain and stitches in my back nnd shoulders and twitchings nncl crarops of the musclps have been almost unbearnble. 1 have tnken everything I coulil learn or heir of, but never received the benetit which I have from Hibbnrd's Rheumatic Syrup. It ia a rem; rkable reniedy. rJhe Syrup hns reguiated my kidneys and liver, thereby removing tha cause of my general nilim-ni, aiding nature in restoring my tmpnre biood to a lie lthy state, nnrl the nalsie 1 oondition of my wholo D0TT0D8 gyatem i better than it has been for many years. The pains which I have beeu suffenng tor years have entirelv lef t me. It wiU be gratifying on niy pirt to imwor any inquiries reganling the ments of your remeJy as experienced by me. I am very truly yours, B. . Km KWEI.t,. 209 Morrell Street. JaaksoD, Mioh. I have known Ii. W. Rockwell, who subsoribed to the ahove statement for forty years. He i3 one of our olde-t citizens and very relioble. Any statement made by him can be ful'y relied upon as true. W. D. ïiiompsox, President Jaekson City Bank The eldest son of the Germán crown prince is as stronjj a parUsan us Bismarck himself. i, refuses even to drink champagne, and wil] drink only Germán wines. Th8 Be3t Poron3 Piaster, Carter'g Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Piasters. Miss Florence Groff is thelirst American woman who has had the honor of bcing appolnted a pupil of the school of oriental Iauguage8 (Arabic and Pereian) in Paris. Endaranca of Society Peop'.e. A prominent society lady of Washington beini tiskid by the Prince of Wales. "Why is it you people here manifest so little fatigue from danci'ig, receptions, etc!" rep led, "Why, you Sfe, we Americansresrain the vitality wasted in thesn dissipations by using br. Harter's Iron Tome." Miss Fortescue has retuined to England. Her engagement in America was not so mach of a linancial success as her engagement witli Lord Garmoyle. The wifo of Senator Vanee is said to teil a luunorous tale with even greater effect than her husband, but it must be noted in hor defense that their ideas of bumorare not tho same. No one knows bettftr than those who have u-eil Carter'! Little Liver Hila what reiief thoy have given when taken for dyspepsia, dizzines, pain in the side, conBtipatioa, disorderei stomaeh, etc. Try tkem. Weissbrodt, the Germán sculptor, has íinished bis dcath mask of Abbe Liszt. Mks. Abbe Gould Woolson of Boston is lecturing on the Ellzabethan poets. General Sheriden is to build a surnmer home near New Bedford, on the Massachusetts coast. Gov. Beaver, of Pennsylvania, devotes a portion of his time in Harrisburg in teaching a Sunday school class. Cadhinai, Gibbons insisted onadopting an America custoru at the reception to American cardiuals atKome, and admiltcd the ludios. Mrs. BayahdI'ayi.or andherdaughter, Lili an are on tho evo of their deparlure for Germany, wliere they wil] go to res de permanently. Anna Diokinson is said to ba tinxlons to return to the staje and play Zenobia in her "Aorelian." with Wilton Bi'rrett as the emperor. Tue wid-jw of GaribaWi lives in ■ qu et straat of Turln, the walli of her Hule parlor covered w ih Ilas. mcdaLs, aud oíher airmenlos of thuuead hero When last heurd from Secretary Bayard hni m't ti;i lady to vrhom ho is to ba . agf.d o.ily iwioe. both oi thosfl linie haviuir beea in publio plauMi Tha dulce of Westmlnister lias promised to give, darlng tlie remainder of hi9 Ufe, 55,000 a year for the building of new ehurches. Ile Is now 60 years old. Bo'lily pafns aro Instantlv rellevd by the use of St. Jacohs OU. l'jr. K. Butler, Masu-r cf Arts, Cambridge Cnivorsity, England, suya, 'It acts Uk maplc." Francis Murphy added 4,000 convcrts to his blue-ribbon cause in the single town of Vincennes, Iml., which boasts of only 15,000 inliabitants. James Nutt. ihe Uniontown, Pa., youth who shot Dukes for debauching his sister anti killing his father, has gone to Kansas to manage a farm. Jefï Davis' expenses at Beauvoir are very heavy, so many people come to risit him. The old man finds lt very difficult to make both endfl meet. Miss Jeffreys-Lewiê, the actress, has boen Jndiclally detached f rom her husband, Maitland, who beat her and pooketed her hard-earned cash. David Clark of Hartford, has given to the Hartford hospital and old people's home a farm of 108 acres near the city. The Rift is valued at 875,000. Bonrds of Health endorse Red Star Co u gh Cure as a speedy and sure remedy for coughs and cok!. Kcienti:,ta pro nonnce t ent.irely vegetable and free frora opiatos, l'riie. twenty-flve ccuts a bottle. A. J. Drexel, Phlladelphla'8 millionaire banken, has built a Greek temple of exqtiisltely carved white Italian marble, to be D83d as a ïmuisolem. The floor is Beren (eet thlck. Soddes COAXOM OF Weathkh nre productive of Tliroat Disease. Corghs, Colds, etc. There is no more effeetual relief in these diseases to be found than in the use of Biiow.N't BRONCHJAL TrOCIIBS. Iicport has lt that Senator Ingalls still preserves the tirst fee he ever received as t lawyer, namely, a table and a high desk made by a earpenter cliënt. To 8aco?ssfally Act Upon tlio Liver and Bile take small dosei of Carteras Iáttle Liver Pilis. ]?ulls for fighng are worth S300 in Mexico, where the sport was never so popular as now. Money Makers don't let golden opportunities pas unimuroved; thero are times iu tlie lives of nie:i when more money con be made rapidly and easily. than otlierwise can be earned byyeirsof labor. Write Uallett & Co., Poitlind Maiue, wh will send ou. free, full p.írticular al out work that you can do. and live at home. wherever you are located, ataprofit of ut least from 95 to (36 daüy. Kome have marie over $50 in a single day. A'.l i new You nre stnrtod fre. Capital not required Either i-ex ; all ages. The Chinese are said to manufacture an ensesthetlc not nnlike cocaïne iu its action, and claim that the ancesthetlc pioperty is the Julce r the eye oi the frog. S months' treatment for 50c. Fiso's Remedy for Catarrh. Soll by druggists. Princess Dolgorouki, widuw of the lat Czar, was once a Spanish aotress. For I)vicii1ii. IndliCf'Rtloii. flopressiOB Of Spirit?, Goncral l)e!ü ty m their vunous forma; uI'O pvovt n atlve agalDAt PöTer and Atine, other intermlttent hovera, "Ferro - l'imKphoruted Bllxlr of t'uiitayit," ma't'ï liy l(:i'.anl. Ha.zard & Co., N. V.. Bold iiy all drugglBts; beat tunlc fur patiënt.- roe 'íim-imíí from Pdrer or i'wr ickoess, it has no


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