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1'. .MKERNAN, AT1'ORKEY-AT-LAW. Collections promptly atnded to. Money to loan Houses aud lots or salo. Office' in Court Soase. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Strcot, opposite th posto Hice, dealer inFresh, Smokedand Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. Oirner Hurón and Main streeb). lie ■ IdenceNo South DtvMon street. oiïice houre from 'L ttí t atul 7 fo 3 p. m. Tele lioije No 114 FOLLETT HOUSE. ry I(. LKWI8, prnprietor, Ypsilanti, -Mich. IT i House ht-ated with steam. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. IJHYSICIAN AM) SUOF.OX. Office and resi. dence over postonlce, first floor. THE GEKMANfA HOTEL. pORXER ■VASniN(!TON AND SECOND V shvets. Win, L. Frank, yo, rietor. ïam. itle room for travellng nun.' Eery room Í' utcd by etcam. UNION HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS In all rcsppcts. Evervthlng new. Fine rooms, well luniished. Terms, 91 per day and upnanls. Special rates to weekly boarders. Meals, 25 cents. Jobn Schnelder, .Ir., Proprietor. Corner of WashDgton and Second streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. NICHOL8 BROS. W.W.AA. C. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental office Masonic Temple Block, over Savings Bank, Ann Arlior. JOSEPH CLINTOX, TlTERCIfANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines & l'L Worden'. All work euarantced or no charge. JOHN F. 'LAWREIsCE, TTORNFY AT LAAV. ■n. Oflice, nos. 3 and Í, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, k TTORXEY AT LAW. Does a eeneral latr A collection and conveyaiice business. A moderate patronage is resuectfully eolicitcd. Office in the court house, Ann Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKJXS, QCRGF.ON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 South O Main Street, opprisitc the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONUMEXTS and GraveBlones manufacturcd frorn Tennessee and Italian Marble and Sctoch and American Granite. !Sh' p cor. Detroit and Catharine ets., Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM HEKZ, HOUSE, SIGN. Ornamental and Fresco PainUr. Gilding, Calcüninlne, Glazing and Paper HanL'ing. All work done In the best stylo and warranted to give satisractlon. 6hop,.No. 4, West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Mich. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orcuiiztd 1MI, uadr t Snunl Banking Law K Uil im- ku kim, inuluoiuc capital Si s, Mc, (., rxa $eo,ooo misjct. Bainon on, Qukrdlaa, Trurt, L4Im aa4 kr pcrma UI find tkla Bank a SAFE AND CONVENANT PU at wkith t aake Dp)u and do biuinMfc nterestii Allewed n All Savings Depsilt M (LMaadupward, McerdlBr to th raim t M bank, aud iirt cmpouuded etui aami Memy t Loan In gumt of 128 B.OOO. mvM y ïilMMMnI Kal nuu tmê amm {4 femrltlaib OISSUTOR9- Cbiiitia Mtok, W. W. WiaM ir. D jlarrlaan, Wllllam Dub!, Dand KIixct, Dlel HlMXMk uá W. B. lalck. OITIOXBB- OkrUHu Mao. rrwtAsnti W, n wi. Tlo-rraaldeiit: C. B. Mliwoak. Oaatdw


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