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At the annual conclave of the grand mlery of Knights templar of Mtchltbo, he!d ii! Grand ttaplds, tin; following v.iti' elected for the ensuing year: nnnder, Tlionias U. Williams, Jaoksou; deputy, Charles P. Biglow, Pig RapImo. John A. Oerow, Marsl'i II: caj tain general, Wm. ;. L)oty, Ann elate, tlie Kev. r. a. Biades, Detroit; senior warden, Edward C. Smltli, iac; junior varden, J. S. Conover, Coldwater; treasurer, Ë. Shaw Noble, Nfonrre; recorder, Wm. 1'. tnnes. Grand lta ;U: standard bearer, Henry L. Anh ny, Sturgte; sword bearer, Chas. U. City; warden. Wm. E. Jew;t. Adrián; sentiriêl, Alex. McGregór, "ir. The state medical society, at its annual iug In Lansing, eleeted the (ollowlng : l'w-d.'iil, T. A. McGraw, Detroit; dente, Dr. Tyler, Bay City: Dr. Herdman, Ann Arbor; Dr. Rose, Decatur; ooner. Big Baplds; treasurer, I!. B. Hemenwav, Kalama oo. Secretary Pitf(leld of ! etrolt holds over. The followlng Detroit nienibers were chosen delegates to edlcal assoctatl in in 1888: Drs. Brodle, Slmrly, Hutton, Maclean, McCiraw, Walker. Connor, George Duffleld, C'arstens and Lundy. The nest meeting wlll be held in Detroit. One sectlon has adopted a memorial asking the leglslature nol to pass the Sharp Wil abollshing the state board of health. Wllliam Wade and a party of friends rere in a saloon in Trenton the other Bvenlng taking a social glass. Soon wm. I$urk. a young man who has for some time been regarded as Insane, came in. Wlthut a momi nt's warnlng he plcked up a large carvlng knlfe and plunged it uto Wade's nee!;. Inflicting a terrible wound, which ina prove fatal. Hurk escaped, i)iit was afterward captured and taken lo Detroit tojall. He Í8 undoubtedly insane. The physlcians thlnk that Wade will recover uulesa inllaniiiuilion sets in. llon. Unie W. Page, hend of Ule Page manufacturing company and one of the most prominent rltizens of Kalamazoo, :!(■[ ;i few days agoof typhoid pneumonía, aged Tl yenrs. He leavesa wldow and one daughter, the latter the ife of Dr. Kendall Brooks of Kalamazoo college. Mr. Page was a memberof the Massachusetts leglslature severa! tevms, bikI i'oied twiee for ('hailes Siiii!::.:' [vr i. Uiled States senA bilí lias been passed by the legislature permittlng a dam to be built aoross Cass rivcr at the mineral springs so as to give slack water navlgatiou to Vassar, about IX miles. The groe surrounding the springs is belng déaned up for picnic grounds. and some cottages will be erected soon. The water is said to be in curative properües to that of St. Clair springs, and the location is unsurpassed. Samuel Diekie, professor in Alblon college and dislinguished for his prohlbtöon partisanship, has been elected president of the university of California, lt is thought he Wlll accept, He had just turned over his classes to other professors on account of poor health and with a desire to seek rest and reeuperation. J. 11. Chaudler. who has for inany years been a lawyer in the upjier península, and who has built up one of the best payülg liracticcs iu the state, will perinanently lócate in Chicago tliis fall as an altorney for a Wisconsin iron company. A Jackson convict was discharged the other day. and just before he lelt the pris(.111 te received 8",00ü which had been sent to liim fiom the east. The authoritles refUBö to divulge the ex-convict's name, or just Whence thé moncy came. Tlie "DillDii Smokfid salt company" has heen organlzed In Easi Saglnaw with a capital of Sioo.ouo. Smokad salt is a patented procesa tor curing and smoking meate In salt whicfa lias been prevlously smoked. A snmmer normal and review elass will be held at Hówell eoniim uring July 18 and continulng to August at. for tlie benefit of the teachers of the county, with Geo. Barnes and Thomas tioi'don, Jr„ as conductors. Geo. Stewart, an old resident ol (Jalesburg, commltted suicide a few days ago. He was old and in poor health, and steps were being taken to get hlm in the poor house. Hearing of this he tooh hls own life. Tlie ?l,000 offered as a reward for the arrest of rr. Weir, the accused Oscoda mnrderer, will nol be pald tothe Canadian oföcer who apprehnded and arrested Weir, the funds belng exhausted. Mrs. Vail of Dalle?, CaS county, suffering from dropsy, was recently relieved of 79 pouiuls ol liuid, and though 81 years old she underwent the operatlon successfully and will probably live. Lumbermen are having considerable trotible on account of low water, and in Bome places extensive clammins will have to be done in order to move even a small percentage of the eut. According to a c'irrcjs]nndent of the Lapeer Democrat, t here's a man in that burg who snch an Invetérate tobáceo bruisat that he is obltged to lako lus cuspldore to chun b with hlm. Mrs. Miiry .1. l'rink of ('i-resco. in jai' at Marshall awaltlng trial for forgery, is : scriously iii of eryslpelaa, and may die before the court get a chanco to couvict her. Miss Allee Band dropped dead ut the reildence f her in Nilrs a U-w days ago. Sht was an artist trom the south who had come noith for her health. Oscoda Baloon-keepers have perfected an orgauization among themselves, tlie obI wliich is to see that the present Jlquor laws are rigidly enforced. Two years ao ,)ohn Donahue, of East Tawas, located at Ashland, W'isconsin, i an mine, and has just been oftcred Soüü.ÜOO lor hls property. John Bandley of Orand Tiapids gave lVn SchuItzeSlOO to deposit Ln the bank in his (Uaildley's) name. Fritz depositcd Si and Bktpped wlth SDU. Sturgi8 & Phillips1 saw and planing mlll neai Vassar, together wlth nearly 2,000.000 feet (vf lumber, was ilcstruyed : b flre the other day. Josepl) l'ierson, a (ramt Trunk bral.iman was injurcd al CassopollB a few days ago. He iliid the uext day in the Battle Croek sanitanuni. Mi-s. Bartett, wklow of the late Gen. W. W. Barrett, dled rccently at Great Falls, M. T. Mrs. Barrett was Ccrrmerly a resident of Coldwater. ( hiiuliiis B. Wcbstor, one of the most prominent men of Marshall. is ander nrreit on a charge of obtaning money under false preteu The D. L, et N. railroad company will buikl a new ili'iiot at Grand Ledge as soon a the cltizena of that town proouïe the i ight of way. Otto Halm. au employé in the dale manufactory at Albion, was Instantly killed the other day by the Imrsting of a grindstone. The Iron Klng minen near egaunee, who stnu-k lor two montlis' baok pay, liavc ïN'celved halC thell dues and returned to werk. John IfcEee, .Ir,, witter cpmmlssfoner of Kalamazoo, is onder arrest oliarged with using the city funds for private purposes. The brlbery i ase agalnst Dr. Palmer of Jackson prtson has been thrown out of eourt and the doctor "acquitted." John Stnuif;, who was anested in Alpena charged wlth stealing a horse near Carleton, has been discharged. Connnenclllg June 1 therewill be steamboat mail service three timesa week between Detroit and l'heboygan. Farmers in the vlcrnlty of Sherman and Kalkaska are golng ItttO the peppermint industiy extenslvely. A giil iiamoil Beach, 10 years oíd, had a log cut off by a Michigan Central engine at West Hay City. The general Rovernment has sent 15 tombstonos to mark the graves of soldiere burled ín Dexter. ECobert E. Williams, the Jacksdo county surveyor. died at ('anandaigua, N. Y., a few clays ago. Jobo Clay, who was shot by Graní Challender near üraiul Ledge. has dicd of his injuries. S. G. Hutchins, an oíd resident of Greenville, dropped ftead on the Btieéts a tew days ago, Woik bas been coramenced at Kilmaster to dcvelop thc oil deposit Bupposed to exist there. The vtllage hotel ín I'aris, Mecosta county, burned to the grouud th'e othel niglit," The village board of Tawas City has re[nsed 10 accept bomls of llqoor dealers. Kalamazoo'scelery crophaa beengreatly damaged by the dry weather. There are now 220 chiklren in the state public school. Muskegon shlngle weavers have orgauizc-il a DBlon. Big Baplds has ralsed 84,000 to bore for gas.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat