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East.ern applcs are retaiünc for 10 cents a pound in California. A "ad es' scheutz-jnfeat'1 bas been oranteed at Lonisvllle, Ky. The electrlc wircs in Los Angeles, Cal., are tobo placed underground. rusell Cox, oi Ilold.Tiiess, N Il , a;ed 90 j jeti, hasiliu wbooplng cougb. According to records kept for tnanv years Londun iofrs are becomins; leS9 frequeut ever; year, A neiv color jast introduced at London Is ealled j 1 1 1_ ]--■ blu& It Is appropriate to the outlook in Iroland. A cltlzcn of Eatonton, Ga., Is offering íor ale elgbt bundred pairs of sljoes muUe beforo and during tlie war iu hls factory. April IE is Aiborday la the state of Nevada. tSutro bas i'ven 1.50J young trees aud Gov. Stereoson l,0OJ more to be plautcd on tuat on. A i Irasant Enffllsb custorn Is the opening of sbows in public garden. Whlle visituis uazc at tlie Bowers a baud entertalos sibt teen witb snoet sounds. Thequeston wlietiicr it is beneflclal or not to smoke was worked out in a cricket maten at Melbounie. The iuniugs of the nonsmokers closed íor S 3 runs, while the smoken had ::03. The argument was consldered couclusive. The ranchmen near Honey lake talco thnir cbickpns to Virginia, Nev., nearly a hundred miles, to market, and receire prlces that are unbeard of iu ea&tcrn markets, the minors beiiif? always willing to pay liberally íor sucli luxurics. No wonder that thetc is a mild protest xgainst the dialect story when The Hichmotd Mates has to explaiu that the tltle of JTr. Thomas Nelson Pae's last Vir0nia negro story, "No Jlaid Pawn," meaiis " ponJ without a head." A Brooklyn woman is suinc two or thrco of her acquaiutances for f5,000 damairs íor Injuries al!cred to have beou received at their bands. The injuries consfst of shocks to her nerves upou receipt of several vula;ar Valentines, wbioh slie lias reason to belicve were sent by the defendants. A large number of fruit farms in California are owned and cultivaUjd by women. Tliey can do rauch of the worlc, such as plcklng, packing, makiDK raisins, and cauninK fruit. Crystallized DgS and apricots are the ])roducts of uonian's labor, as well as jellies, jams, and manoalade wbicb are sent all over the world. In Vallinford, Conn., there is said to bc a woman "o years of ae who lias ra:aeci a lamily of fitteen chlldrcn aud bad 8x husbanda, tlic lady having been a bride three times luce bcr eixtieth blrthday. Sbe now Uves alone on the South p'.alns, havin; provlded bcrself wiih a coffln aní complete burial ' tit, wlnch Is kept In tbe house reaüy for use. A tcacher's lite ín Alabama Ís thus pnrtly described bv a committceinan in a letter to ancasteinfrlend: "Sbe tries lo mase eyeijrtl.ini; as plcasnnt as she can. Sbe doesn't mind work. She takcs tbc ax and cuts wood - went to the woods oueevenlug af ter school nnd lielped to saw off two cuts nftr 4 o'elock. The peoyle are very well sutisfi.:d wlth her." The authorities at Vicnna recently took it Into thelr beada to impose a tax of 1,400 Ü"rine od the chef de daqu: of tbc Court operaThe fancltoiiary in!quest:on protested and appealcd to the law. The cumpeteat court has ducidcd the case asainst liim, bcing of opinión tbat professional apolause is a marketable commodity, lcgally subject lo Uxation. A western farmer dropped a nocket-book luí $J0O ia greenbacks while at work. H was pleked ud by a pie, wbuh cbewed it ULitil ltbegaD to taste badly, and then spat it nut iu piet-es as be truilj;cd along the pasi ture. All that cnuUl be found wero sent to : the treasury dcpartuient at Washington, where enough remants were discovcred to eu' title tbe farmer to $40. There appears tobe a faslilon in monstrost! tlcs exbibited in dime museum? and in circu . oivs. A Europea mannfactarer of I iufnnts aml other curriosities says lh:il what is ueeded nowadays is soinethns; of a !'asiscieutiuc cliaracter accompunicd by a ite amount of superficial selenltflc in; formatloD and pufling. He thinks that a caii-fiilly constructed missing liuk would be a graat success. Some time ago the chief warden in a churci) : 'n Montreal purposely omitted presenting tbe collectlon box to one of the parisbioners duriDg Bervice, and wat nied in consequenoe and condemned to pay $i,iOO damages. The othpr oliurch wardens afterwards passed a resoution agieeing to refund the amouut out oi the cburch moaej. Seyeral parishioners tlien : took action to have the resolutlon rescinded, and tbe cottrt bas pronouneed in their favor. T1k detective camera idea Is belng developed in new directions. The latest of these is a pbolographic watcb of a size for ladies. Ths i operator takes out her watch, presses tbc spring, aud pietends to look at the time. At tbe sanie moment a miuiature camera shooti ! up, closes agaia and tbc portiait is taken. The sonsitive plates for the camera are miniature dry ones, and a specially preparad lneket Is attached to the watch-ctaain. in bieb ■ stock of plates can bc carried. Therc have been forty-three snow-stonns on tho Kennebec river since Nov. 17. A lettel . from PittAtOD, Me., says one may go scores of miles and not sec n foot of bare giouud. ■ I'Yequently the drllts by tne rondside are hfffher than the horse's licad, und the ponds and streams are still appareutly as solidljr covered wlth ice as In midwlnter. A yenr ago at this time the (rardeners ure at rork on tlieir hoSbed. Lumbcrman are shoveling patlis tor distnnces of thirty and forty mllei lo get their horacs out of tbe woods, the snow belng toodeep for the animáis to overcoine. Iu the Aroostook región It bus been necessarv to abandou some of the roads, wlille tbe rest have becu ti-aveled ouly with Hv.


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