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Honor To The Fallen

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Memorial Day was quite generally obBerved in nearly every city and vlllage in tlie land whefe can be foond a grave of i -Mr who partlcipated Ín tiio memorable struggle for freedom. The ceremonies th!s year Were mure littir.g for the charac;er oí' u huly-day aml assmned less tlie characterUtics uf Ibe generally accepted American boliday. The ceremonies at the tomb of Gen. Qranl lo EUverside I 'ark, New York, were very Impresslve. Early n the day Mrs. Grant stood nt tlie tomb of tlie hero of Ap]icimattox and entering placed her personal token of flowers upon the steel caskel wiiiiin. Though the narrow space was filled wiih follage hers was the only offering of blooming flowers. All else were liravy-leaved and dark green plants. Then Mis. Qrant went away to her home, not to present when the public shoukl come lo the services there. The arch of the tomb was covered with white immortelles and in purple were these words: "in war a foe; in peace a friend." From a cross above the arrli depended a (rand Arm; badge of purple and blue Immortelles, threc feet in length, sent from Chicago. In the center el the Iron-grated door was a wreath of Westers plne, having a center of crimaon roses. Thomas Post sent it from Deer Lodge, M. T. Tliere were ofteringsfrom the Viceroy of China and bis minister here, the Loyal Legión and many others. When the services at the tomb bogan fully 20,000 people were there. After flowers had bewi placed upon the tomb by :() ïiitle colored lads. .John Rhey Thompson delivered an address. Among lus utterances were: "We licuor to-ilay those who were bravo enough to die that thelr country might not. The di'lit cannot be paid with monuments nor with flowers. 1 am. among other reasons, here to confesa admiratlon and failh in the soMicry. We want no standing army wbile the cltizen soldiery stands nady to baltic as it (lid with (!rant at Donaldson, Cliickamauga and Appomattox. ('heers. ] 1 am no Qnatcer and when I get to be United States senator trom New Vork I sliall bring forth no mea8ure to wipe out the school at West i'oint. We want tbc Grants, Shermans and Sherldans, just enongh to lead tbc citizen soldiers. We want no hireling soldters, only just enough lo glve the country in air of reepectability abroad. [Cheers.] "England's aristocrate wanted to help ont the southern aristocracy And then Lincoln said: 'üno war at a time, picase.' And the people 8ald: 'That'srlght.' These thtngs ahow the patlence of uur people; it shows sejlf-control, nd the man or the natlon who cannot control hlmself must be governèd. All through these times the hoi th was cool, the soutli vas marl, and we were pattently waltlDg for Grant, and he came not too soon. " II is ck'ductiun was Ihat the American republic, so oool and slow to anger, so dcmonstrated its power to govern itself and ut hors. In closlng he said: "Grant 's body is hore, but what of his brave spirit? Is it still as air that I nowhere see? Is it gone, {jone out'.' Is Grant dead? Here is only his casket, lus broken frame. Does God bulld suoh great souls to cast them down? 'o. no. Let us believe that he has been glven the office that suits his fullgrown enérgica among the stars of Qeaven." A memorial meeting was held in the academy of music. .Mayor Ëewltt presided and liev. Dr. Talmage delivered the oratioiv. Góv. llill who came in late, also spoke brlefly. The services at thé toinb of brave Gen. Logan at Koek ('reek cemetery, Washington, were in charge of the Logan Guard of Honor. Sucli a profusión of floral tributes has rarely been seen. The marble facade of the tomb was almosi hldden by great shields, crosses and other devices. Two flags of immorlelles on a ground of ferns hearing the worils; "Brave Logan," rested agalnst an emblematic figure at the top sent by the G. A. R., department of Illinois. Heneath was suspended a glgantlc Wreath Of white roses (rom John A. Logan's father-in-law, Mr. Andrews. Mrs. gtanford sent an anchor and a bleedlng beart bound witli satin ribbon and local posts of the G. A. H. an elabórate badge and naiional shields, a shicld and a cross from tlie ( 'hastian Temporalice Union of Chicago. i In the interior floral deeorations seemed even more profuae tlian on the outslde. About 5:30 the proeession made its appearance headed by the Citizens' Corps of, and formed a line opposite the tomb, leaving the ))laco for the G. A. K. which came next, represeuted by about 75 veterans. Mrs. Logan, who tomporarily oceupied the sentry's tenl was glven a scat on the left of the tomb, acconrpanled bj Mrs. Tucker, John A, Logan, Jr., Manning Logan and wil'e, and Mrs. Brady. Then followed (i. A. K. services, ncluiling a memorial jiocm, by l'rof. Edward Townsend, and an oratlon ly Thomas 11. McKee. There -werc also very Interest Ing and impressive ceremonies at the soldiere' home. the iiunates joinmg in the services in honar of their fallen comrades. In Baltlmore theday was very generally observed. The gravea in (reen Mount. Western, lialtinioro, Laurel (colored) and Other piiinis wliere the fallen soldiers ldutul a resthtg place, wero decorated. Thousands of people vislled the cometerles. There seenied a greater desire than ever before mantfested to do honor to the dead. in the evenlng at the opera house Gen. S. s. Burdett, Post Grand Commander of Q. A. K., delivered a memorial oratlon. At Jacksonvllle, Fa., Blchmond, Va., and Galveston, Tex., federal and confedérales joinecl in deeoratlng the resting plaoea pf the dead of both armles. Ncaily 7.U0O people gathered in Louisvil e, Ky,, to pay this tribute of honor to the doad. The day was generally observed in St. Louis. About 500 members of the Grand Anny and 10U Sons of Veterans made up the procession that moved to the cometerles brtnglllg baskets of Bowen with which to decórate the soldiere' graves. At Kankakee, III., a soldiere' monument was unveiled with the ceremonies usual on such an occasion. Hou. RobertT.Llnooln delivered (he oratlon. The of the tóktters were decorated bytheG. A. R. At Gettysborg the services were beautifully lmpresulve. DeWItt C. Sprague of Waslüngton was the orator of theday, and the (i. A. E. posts. white and colored, unlted In this tributo to the memory of the fallen. In Trenton, N. J., the gravo of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan was decorated by the McClellan memorial asjoElaÜon, the Hancock veteiau ; ■■■ -o ..:; Ion and tlie .lames Page libiary assueialion. all of l'hiladelphia. Tlw delegatlons, escorted by Gen. Robevt l'rttterson post. (. A. 1Í., were met OU thtir arrnal by Aaron Wilkes post 23, and a deputátlon of citizens, and the unlted ranks proceeded to the grave of the ex-soldier and güvernor. Here the labor if love was" performetl, the Soxal offerings being numeroua and of éxqulslte design. Addresses. were delivered by the Ilon. John AVelsh, Gi n. Joshua T. Owens, Maj. Moses Veale and (on. W. W. Iiurns, U. S. A. At New Orleans, Baton Uonge, Hagerstown, Md., and in ncarly all the southern cities the graves of the federal dead were profusely deeorated with solemn and linpreasive ceremonies. The Day in Michigan. Memorial Day was appropriately observed thoughout the state, although in many places rain sadly iuteifered with the programs previously arraoged. The beautlful and solemn service foi the dead w;,s in no ease omltted, however, (.;. A. li. men, the Woman's Relief Corpa and the Sons of Veterana Jolnlng in tiie tribute Oi lnvc and honor to Wchlgan'a heroic dead. Where the ruin rendered impobsible the services at thegraves,cltlzene gathered in opera nouses, ehurches and halls and llstened toaddressesrecounting the braver) and saerifices of oor lallen bravea, and tending to keep alive the patriotism of Michigan 's sous and daoghters. Whereever a soldier's grave was fouiid, loving hands had placed bcautiful floral tributes, and over them lloated thestars and Strlpes, to preserve whicli the] bad luid dOWO llu-ir livcs. in Grand Raplds, aside from the usual exercises in the city, B large erowd vlilted the Boldlers' home, where the exei were conducted under the ausplcee oí John A. Logan post, . A. R., composed of the Inmates of the home, with a speech by Kepresentative J. B. Goodrich of Ottawa county. The military organizations of Uetroit had prepared a varied program, but a drenching rain cut sliort the parade and the exercises at the soldiere' monument, The monument wa handsomely decorated with potted i 1 a i t s and ilags - the wort of the women's relief corps of Falrbanks post. The permanent flowers bad also been gracefully placed in the plot about the base. Committeea from the several grand army posts strewèd lh' graves In the yarloua cemeterles with Qowera durlng the forenoon, ■ - i - - - ■


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