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"X glrl can run and have lots of fun, And play with the boys all day; But she can't carry marbles in the pockets of her panti, Bccauae she aln't built that way." They are to bore for gas in Milan. Joe Stimson epent Sunday in MasonM. J. Fritz returned from Arkansas Saturday. Isaac Dann went north Tuesday to buy cattle. The city band furnished the musio memorial day. Ex-supervisor Seeger, of Saline township, was in the city Tuesday. The Peninsular club, of Detroit, defeated the Ypsilanti boys Friday. Jno. Ferdon, of St. Paul, Minn., ia visiting nis parents on South State st. The rains for the past few days have caused vegetation to come forward rapidly. Geo. H. Khqdes has had 337 lights of glass broken in his shops in the fifth ward. J. F. Lawrenoe anj W. E. Walker oamped at Zuky lake the first of the week. To-morrow Gen. O. B. Wilcox and family will sail from New York for Europe. Gustave Backhaus is working for Emanuel Wagner. He succeeds Jacob Wem er. Mrs. Jas. Callaban, of Ohicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Donnelly. The oity band cleared something like 5ü from their dance at the park last Fri day evening. The court yard could be improved by the removal of the dead tree on the north side of the square. Miss Morse is going tu bnild an addition to the house adjoining Mr. Kreun' reeidence on North street. A. P. Ferguson is filhnsr a car tn-day with 100 of his road carts, oonsiguüj tu parties in San Francisco, Cal. O. L. Matthews has received a peusiou for Henry O. Smith, of Birkitt, of #6 per month, dating from Aug. 6, 1883. D. Henmng has been in the city for several days purohaaing work horses for big 600 aore farm near Marshall. Edward Corselius, of Midland, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Coreelius, of Bowery street who is sonously ill. A Mrs. Smith, of Ti tus vil Ie, Pa., is expected to be the speaker at the after noon temperance meeting Sunday. Eberbach & Son, druggists, have a car load of chemically pure acids, for labaratory work, on the way from Europe. Deputy sheriff Sutherland will sell tomorrow, at ohattle mortgage sale, next to the expresa office, 900 volumes of rare books. Mm. Kathbone bus been attending, this week, the sespion of tbe Ladies' Mount Vernon association, at Washiagton, D. C. Bev. Jno. Alabaster, formerly of tbe M. L. ohurch, this city, hut now a resident of Chicago, sailed for Kuropé' last Saturday. Jno. W. McKinnon, of Saline, qnalified Tneeday as justice of the peace. He was ihe only republioan on the tioket elected last April. Hall's bakery, opposite the postoffice, íb to be oonverted into a first olass restaurant. Something very mach needed in this city. Some 60 citizens took ad van t age of excursión ratea, and went to Whitmore Lftke, Sunday, where they passed a very pleasant day. Monday E. J. Johnson went to Milan and while there had a stroke of paralysis. He is unable to talk and is in a critiual condition. There was a general oleaning up around tbe Ann Arbor bavins bank Monday, and the furniture, counter and detks were re-Tarnished. D. Mo.Millan, who is traveling for a Chicago wholesale house, has returned home. Ha will not take tbo road again until the middle of July . W. A. Porter, who is in the employ of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortb Michigan railroad, at Mt. Fleasapt, was in the city Monday, on business for the company. What people wisli is tbe local news, and they look to The Demoorat to ascertain what 19 going on, in, and about the city. Only #1 per year tor a newspaper. In another column will be found tbe advertisement of Werner&Brenner, who have opened an entire fresh stock of groceries in the Vanderwaker store, South Main street. They will alao carry a full line of crockery and glassware. Oive the boys a cali. L. W. Taylor was in the oity over Sun day. Monthly meeting of the council Mon day next. D. Henning will sail for Europe eithe June 11 or 18. They are to have a new council build in-r in Manchester. The only great 4 Paw aggregation next friday J une 10. As might have been expected there was rain memorial day. W. G. Doty visited hia párente in Manchester Sunday and Monday. A new stone oulvert is one of the improvements on West Second atreet. Several members of the Detroit and Toledo bicycle clubs met in the city Sunday. Mrs. N. W. Cheever and Miss Parmelia Noble, visited fnends in Dundee last week. A long needed improvement, the new sidewalk froin North etreet to the Central depot. Chris Helber, of this city, is building a barn for Adolph Jedele, of Scio, 40x6S f eet in size. The streeta in the fourth ward are being put ia tip top simpe by commissioner McDonald. ïhere will be no servioes in the Unitarian ohurch during the months of July and August. Henry Gregory, of Dexter, and Jos. Stabler, of this oity, will buy wool in the former place. Henry E. Peters, of Carlton, Kansas, is visiting his son, Oeo. E. Peters, of West Huron street. Richard Kearna, with Burnham & Co., Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday at his home in this city. Among the list of pensions granted Saturday last, was one to Frederick Lehmann, of (Jhelsea. The store of Koch & Halier will now be open again after six o'clock. This is to accommodate their customers. The many friends of ü. O. Fall will be pleased to learu that he is slowly recovering f rom a very severe sicknens . E. C. Young, of the town of Saline, left Monday night for Tacoma, W. T., which place hoexpects toniuke his home. Mrs. Wurster Btodgett, of Webster, spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. L. Davis, of West Huron atreet. Mrs. E. Armstrong and Miss May Hendereon, both of Tecumseh, are the guests of the former's brother, J. S. Henderson. The new water tank just completed by the Michigan Central co , next to the bridge on Detroit st, has a capacity of 2,400 barrels. The firm of Bhas & Bliss is no more, W. vv. Bliss ha ving purohased the billiard tables and fixtures. He will continue the business. Adam Slay, of the town of Ann Arbor, is building a barn 32x54 feet at a coat of $1,000. F. A. Shuart, of Dixboro, is doing the carpenter work. Sam Gregory has an idea that he has a fortune coming to him f rom an uncle, recently deceased, and he bas been to New York to look after it. Prof. O. C. Johnston, one of the exeoutors of the will of the Inte Luoy W. S. Morgan, will sail for Europe on the 20th of June, for his summer vacation. Some 200 persons attended the festival at Hobart hall last Friday evening. E. V. Hangsterfer was the caterer, and he was oomplimented on the magnifioent lay-out. Supervisor Hughes, of Scio, returns the names of ■15! persons subject to military duty. The number of births in the township the past year vas 51 as against 35 deaths. The second advertising car of the great and only Foiepaugh, arrived in the city Saturday night over the Toledo road Monday there was more billing of the city. J. T. Jacobs & Co., who are showing immense lines of summer clothing, and straw and light-colored derby hate, have an important announcement in to-day's Demoobat. Mrs. Magdaline Stollsteimer, of Scio, died Monday mormng in the 74th year of her age. She leavea four sons and one daughter. The funeral Wednesday was largely attended. Julius V. Seyler gave a piano recital Wednesday evening at the Detroit conservatory of music, assisted by Mrs. C. Wright, contralto. Mr. S. is son of Adam D. Seyler, of this city. Kev. Dr. Kamsey delivered a very eloquent discourse Sunday morning to an immense congregation. Company A, 30 strong. and 50 members of Welch post G. A. 11. also attended. Geo. E. Haviland, proprietor of the Gogebio hotel, at Lake Gogebio, sent us last week a bilí of fare, that he diahes up to his guests. It would do credit to the big hotels in our large cities. Wm. Lodholz, fifth w.ird, has an ioe box that other grocerymen would do well to pattern after. It will hold sev eral tons of butter, and 25 bushels of eggs, besides iuv quantity of vegetables. Mr. Chas. Callahan, of Chicago, and Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Donnelly, of this city, were married Wednesday morning in St. Thomas Catholio churoh, by the Rev. Fr. Fierle. Ja. Hobson sent by express Monday to Prof. Cook, of the state agricultural college, a large box of his patent perches for mounting birds. And by the way Mr. H. is receiving orders from all parts of the oountry. An attempt was made Saturday night to burn Jbb. W. Stilson's place at Whitmore Lake. Fires had been started in two places, but were discovered before muoh damage had been done. The incendiarles are suipected. The pnces of the wool clip for 1887, fine wool will be regulated by the prices of colonial wool at London auctions, opening June 5. It is perhaps for this reasou that buyers are a httle timid of investing until after tue above sale. T. F. Hutzel lett tor Elgin, 111., Saturday nifiht in company with Jno. Morriaon, Kit Mat the wa, and young Kannen - burg, where Hutzel & Co., have the contract for laying 21 miles of street maina for that city, which will own and control the water worka. M. H. Goodrich, president of the state pioneer society was in Lansing this week, attending the annual meeting. L. Davip, who was down for a paper on the early ministers of Washtenaw county, wan uuable to be present on account of sicknesB, and the paper was read by Mr. Q. On account of increasing business, and in order to turn out more work, Martin Seabolt will put in a water motor to run the machinery in hia laundty. Shirts, collars and cuffs done up at his place are not torn ormade f uil of holes as is the case with work turned out at other laundries. The mootbly meeting of the porno - logical society will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'olock in the court house. Topics: Report of committees on tranaportation and fruit preserving factory, spray ing trees for the killing of inseota. Other important business will alao be transaoted. All are cordially invited. 0. H. Richmond owns a house and lol on East Uuiversity avenue. In the lol stands a majeatie oak, wlnch aome miscreant bas attempted to kill by boring a hole at the foot of the tree, and filling il with salt. A rewaru of $20 will be paid for the appreheDsion of the vandal and for evidenoe that will lead to his conviction. Steps have been taken by Racine e[eotion ofticers to institute legal proceed ings againat the Rev. Olympia Brown Willis on a charge of attempting to stuf the ballot box. Mrs. Willis is the leader of the woman-suffragiata of Wisconain, and a sister of Mrs. Schuyler, who waa i resident of this city during the ree ribbon exoitement. The gns oompany elect officers June 17. Albert Sorg was in Jackson pesterday on business. Reunión of the old 4th Mioh. Infantri in tuis city June 22. A company has been organized in tliis oity to bore for gas. Chas. Stabler bas gone to Chicago to work at paper hanging. Rev. C. ï Allen delivered the oration in Ypsilanti memorial day. E. D. Barry, of Grand Rápida, was in the city the ürst of the week. Barney Johnson returned to the city yesterday for a two day's visit. There will be a meeting of the board of education Tuesday evening next. W. E. Walker caught a ten pound pickerel at Zukey lake, last Saturday. Flour went up Wednesday to $5 and 86 for roller queen and king ly. There haa been a fine lot of stock on exhibition, bnt tbe rain killed tbe spring fair. A good week for weddings, having had three of tlium, nothwithstanding the rains . Mass meeting to nightinK. of L. hall. All labor unions and laboring men are invited. J. fl. Lyons, of Bush Centre, Kan., and Miss Currie Henion, were married Wednesday evening. On account of the rnin Tuesday and Wednesday, the spring fair will be continued through today. Albert Sorg has the contract for painting the electric light polls for the Thompson-Houston co. The rain put a damper on the spring fair, but then the rain was needed and will do a vast deal of good. Wureter & Kim have just turned out two yery handsome carnages for Geo. W. Gilbert and J. E. Sumner. C. F. Hauser, declared insane Tuesday, has been taken to Pontiao by superintendent of the poor, Mason. The funeral of Alva Litohfield was held Wednesday. He had been h resident of Webster for half a century. Jas Imus astonished the boys, Tuesday, by bringing in from Strawberry lake 15o pounds of piokerel and basa. N. J. Kyer has purohased the old Clark place on Depot street for $1,500 and will build flve cottages this summer. Geo. D. Irish, of Chicago, an old theatrical manager, and a former resident of thh city, is visiting his old friends here. A burglar attempted to gain an entranoe into recorder Pond's residence last Friday nigbt, but was fiïghtened away. Those wide uwake clothiers, The Two Sams, have something of interest to say to workingmen in a ohange of advertisement to-day. The T. A. A. & N. M. B. R., headquarters which haye been at Ann Arbor since the completion of the road, are now located at Brighton. For the information of the small boys we would say that Forepaugh's circus and menageria will arriveearly next Friday morning over the Toledo road. Major Wm. O. Stevens atteuded the annual banquet of the Miohigan oommandery of loyal legión, at the Bussel 1 house, Detroit, Wedneaday evening. We publish this week the advertisement of Werner & Brenner, who have just opened with a full line of fresh groceries, at No. 16 South Main atreet. Misa R. E. McCaughna, the shorthand teacher, will remain in the city during the summer and continue her classes. She has been very successful with her work. Married at the residence of the bride's parents on State atreet last evening, Mr. Chas. 1) . Bently, ot Minneapolis, Minn , and Miss Mary Ferdon, Kev. W. W. Bamsey officiated. W. E. Walker has the contraot to build the chapel at the Tpsilaati cernetery, which will be a trift from Mrs. Starkweather, of that city. The building will cost 38,000. Mrs. Andrew DeForest, and Misses Han u ah and Sophia Gregory, all of this city, have fallen heirs by the dcatli of their uncle, Mr. Mitchell.l of New York, to several hundred dollars each. Photographs of the large public buildings, of many of our fine residences and handsomest streets, are beiog taken for tho business men's book, whioh is expejted soou to be in circulation . Israel Kuehule, special administrator of the estáte of the late Wm . M. Wagner, of Scio, is desirous of disposing of the personal property within the next 30 days at private sale. See city item. The annual diooesan Episcopal oonvention will hold a thiee days' session in Christ churob, Detroit, next week. The delegates from St. Andrew's are Dr. A. B. Palmer, C. H. Bichmond and H. J. Brown. The ordinance relativo to horses running at large should be enforced. It would be well for our officers to occasionally visit the back streets in the third ward, where they will find horses grazing almost every day. The Exohange is the name of the new hotel recently opened by Exinger & Boes, on the corner of Fuller and State streets, nearly opposite the Michigan Central passenger house. Guests driving to the city will also find here barn accommodations. See advertisement. Capt. T. V. Quaekenbiisk, of Salem, who commanded Company G, Third Michigan Cavalry, is the owner of an old war home 34 years of age, which he capturad at Oxford, Miss., in 1862. This old veteran horse was in thirty-six engagements. He is still hale and hearty. Dr. Wm. J. Maynard, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maynard. For the past 17 years the doctor has been a resident of the above city, trat on account of a throat difficulty he will remove to southern California, as soou as he disposes of his Chicago property. Senator Stewart of Nevada, saya tliat ñatead of cutting off tbe railroads asae8 of senators and represent ativea, as ïas been done by the Inter-State commerce law, he would give them all passbs ind compel each man to travel at least ,000 miles a year, in order to Jiave them earn something about all parts of the country for which they have to legislate. The jail inspectora made their report Friday, wbich ia aa follows: The whole number of prisonere conflned during the past Bix months was 90, and for the following ofiences: Drunk and disorderly, 18; false pretenoea, 1; detained as witneases, 2; assault witli in tont to kill, 5; house breaking, 1 ; black-mail, 1 ; disorderly 30 ; larceny, 7; insane, 2; vagrancy, 4; malicious trespass, 2; burglary 4; receiving stolen goods, 1; suspicipn of robberv, 3 ; nssault and battery, 2; negliict to support family, 1 ; wife beating, 2; alander, 1; asaault 1. Last Friday Henry Keno, a justice of the peace of the town ot' Sluiroii, and Gabriel Ham-k had aome words about cutting down trees which shaded the land of the latter. It was while cutting down these trees that the tragedy occurred. Hauck, armed with a shot gun, drew a bead on Keno, who jumpcd for the weapon and wrested it from bis hands. Hauck attempted to seize the gun which was brokeu, during the fight Reno hanging to the barrel. Blows nexl followed and Reno hit his man over the head and he dropped like so much lead. He afterwards got up and walked to his house, and died Saturday morning. It is generally believed that Reno waa jubtified as he wns only defending himself When the parade started out memoria' lay it was raining hard, and the banc struck up a dirge. The members o company A didn't like the idea of getting drenched, and the boys filed back to the armory just as any body of aensi ble men would have done under like circumstances . Miss Anna Ladd haB returned from Detroit. Notwithutanding the inclemency of the weather Slonday, the exorcisos of memorial day as outliued in the program, were duly observed. A detachment of membera of the Grand Army, with a bountiful supply of fiowers, lef t the coart house about 10 a. m. The graves of the fallen héroes in the Catholic, Fifth ward and Forest hill cemeteries were in turn strewn with tlowers, when the grand army boys were driven to their headquarters, corner Main and Washington streets. Despite the rain in the afternoon a fair sized audience assembled in university hall where the exercises were continued. They cousisted of soriptnre reading by Rev. W. H. Ryder, prayer by Rev. R. H. Steele, and introductory remarks by O. E. Qreene, post nommander. The oration of Capt. L. P. Allen was a masterly effort, and he paid a glowing tribute to the men who went forth at the country's cali for help. A poem, entitled "Recolleotions of Qettysburg," was read by Mrs. S. S. Oarrigues, when the audience was dismissed with the bonediction.


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Ann Arbor Democrat