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Fact And Fancy

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ïwïüty different stateí now observe Arbor day. "Swau's eggs on toast" Is one of the lctont (lish asthat have found iavor among thecp:cureans of Albaoy, N. Y. A Wlneryat Marvsvllle, Cal., has nuide prepnratlons to consume two thousand tons ol grapes durinsc the coming season. Ouo oí the Albany, N. T., storekceuers is young glrl 15 yeai-i olJ. She mauages the store without asslstauce, and pursues a growluc business. The professor of phjBical eduention In the Unlversity of Peuusvlvania, aided by tbs fteulty, are stopping the smoking of clarettei on the college groundg. The Y. M. C. A., at Cornell uniYcriitj II making an elTort to form a religlous llbrary for the use of its members. The association has tb ree bundred mctulierg. Wot one In twelve Now lork cit lads who prcented thmselvcs to undergo tha phyilcal examlnatiou as prellmluary to corupatitlonfor admission to a cadetshlp at the Naval acadsmy passcd. Steam wbloh collccted aroundone bundred tin drivln;-can8 lu a dyelng, prlutlug, aud bleaehing establishment at Bi onxdale, N. T., caused an explosión whlch hook the country ior three mlle. Ex Mayor Cooper of Kew York, Rives BWity . large portiou of bis incuin ia char.ty. A recent advertlsement In a Bordeaux (France) ran ai follows: "Younjr lady would accept situation at a railwav station. 8he speaks Englisn, Germán, and Frenen, and can make sixty sandwiches with half a pound of butter. Prof. Lan'jley, the well-known American astronomer, and inventor of the "bolometer," said sume time airo that the sim ñas a blue star, but CapL Abney, of Loudon, a gouU autbority, now claims to have showu tbat Ihe sun Ís a nearly white star. Recorder Smyth, of New York, got mad when a verdict of acquiltal was hamled In to him, and remaiked to the jury: "-Tlito vertí ct ig absolutely inconsisteut with the evideuce. Too are incompetent to slt as Jaron in this courL You are disebarged for the rest of the term." Writing to The Let Is Mcrcunj, a Londou correspondent says: I wonder f my readers have noticed how much lately the eus:oms of taking refrcshincDt are chauglag and how ■ comparatively seldom peoule "take a glosa of ! wlue," as they used to do? Ia London cbarmiug IHtie mllk bar3 are springing ud w th inusliroorn-like repldlty, and they are cro.vded wlth the better elas of youn;; men." A Kansas farmer States that te kept eround squir. els from catlDg the coin he plauted by eoaking It In coal oü. He thinks that it keeps the corn from rotting in the giound to a wet season. The experiment of soaking seed-corn In oil is certainly worth trylng on a stnaU scale. If the oll does not prevent germiiiaflon. and protects the corn from BquIrreU, all the seed can be treated with oil next year. A California pnper says: The planting of Egyptian eoru is becominír quite an industry, and is being made very profltable by those who have uiulertuken it and secure.l su. d land for that purpose. On the Marcusa ranch, in Sutter couuty, one thotisand acres are belng put in, and men have just commenccd planting the seeds. I). J. Kerlchem Is interesled in the erop, and is oYerseeiog the work. In answer to tbe inquirj, "Which are tu most desirablc twelve evemreen trees for ornaraental planting on stnall lanns In westers New York aud In similar dimites!" G. Ellwaneer gave tbe following to the horticultura! meetlug atRoehester last winter: Small-leaved hemlock. Colorado blue epruce, glaucous spruce, Nordman's spruce, Venusta juni per, Reevcs' juuiper, stone pinc, crect yev, varieeated yew, golden arbor-vit, and pyramida) arbor-vilas. A physiologlst has launched a tbcory that woman's fou.luess for scents Is due to her defective seuse of sinell. It is a matter oi evolution. In the early stoge of his physical anü lutellectual development man had to employ bis nose ia tlie pursuit of carne, wuile ia women, enifagiïd in domestic Work, the sen9a of smell was not exereised. It is said that women, owing to their defective seuse ol smell. can endure a perfume wbich Is qult overpoivering to mea. The cost of all fences ti tbe United Stutei amounts to $1,747,549,931, or nearly equal to the iuterest-bearlufcdebt, and aliout the sarnt as the estimated valué of all the farm animáis, so that for every dollar invested in Uva stock anotber dollar is required for constructiii protection aalnst their ravages upon crops. ïbe nnnual repairs, together rith iuteresl on the ainount iuvested in tbe eilstinn funses, amouiited to nearly $20D,000,UOO, aud the ainount of wood needed must have been not far froin five billion íeet. The hackmen at Niasara Falls are kicktug against tbe iutroduction of tbe Miller coach aud the van service. For a few years past tba t.iwn autborities have held them la obeck, bul lately the poitca justlce has had his hands ful). From thrcB to elglit arrests are made daily for vlolation of the village laws repardlilif solicltation, so earnest bas the warfare betu'eeen tbe hacks and Miller coaches become, aud thi justice has imposed several heavy fines. The backmen claim tbey will fijjlit tbe Miller coaches and vans to the bitter end.


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Ann Arbor Democrat