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The Stimnlant Qneition. The dUovery of the Moxie Nerve Food ha settled the stiinulant question. Thi little plant, supposed to be worth nothing except for fodder, has turnad out to be, In all it tlmplicity, the finest nerve food ever found, and the succesful enemy of the rum tiend. It recovers nervous exbaurtlOD at one?. giyingTigoroui, durable he.tlth, whi e the si;niu mt ídves only a temporary relief, !ea ing the irritated nervous system nor, e tüan bofore. Moral and physical beauty on the one side, and crime, Ul-healtb. and degradation on the other. The excitoment over the Moxie is not surpribing. It is proposed to introduce the culture of sugar beats nto New Zcland and to erect factories for raakincsun-ar. The capacity of the different parts of tho country to produce beets rich in sugar will fitst be tested. FiFTYyears ago two-fifths of thepublic-school teachers in Massachusetts were men; now about one-tenth are men. The average wagos of men then were $ 25 44 per nionth, and of wonien $11 38; now men average $111 23 and women $43 97. A recent visitor to the pope askcd Cardinal Howard whether sho would better teil the pope at the audience she was to have that she was au Irishwomau. "Oh, yes," said Cardinal Howard, ''and if y ou only say you are a homeruler you will bo all the better receivcd." Thhek hundred Norwegian emigran u passed through Chattanooga, i'emi.. Monday en route to the Hormon 3ettlement in Utah, which the propose to join. They are accompanied by several elders, who are returning vvith this party as the result of a proselyting trip. Citizen Francis Train says that when he stopped eating meat, thirteen years ago, aud bcgan living on fruit and gra'n, he weiglied 210 pounds. He aow weighs 180 and as he is six feet in height, he thinks lie has the correct proportion. He has not been ill an hour since he began fasting. Thji grocers oí Teanessee are tip Iti arms at tho law passed at the last session of the legislature pultiug a coaloil ta, on dealers. The effect, it is clanied, will be to drive the grocers out of the market. leaving the iield to the "SlamlarJ üil coiupany, which can raise the price high euough to pay the tax." Attcntion Asked for by Dr. i. M. Spanlding. Kheuniatic Syrup Co: (ienlleman - I am prescribing Hibbard's Rheumatlo Kyrup in my prnctice. nud unbesit.itingly rocommeim it for thedi.eases whioh you claim it i good for. It is truly a remarkab'.e medicine, componed as it is of the I est alterativos and tonics to be found in the Jlateria Medica. It operates u] on the liver, kidne3-s and bowels. desiroying the poison in the blood and tisue ". t is agrund touic and, and truly a wonderful preiaration. Kor a disea-ed stomach or a dyspeptic person it hal lio equal, a id shoiild huve the apï roval of tho medicnl fainlty. Your liheuniatic piasters ara the best I bave ever u. ed. and 8hould be worn over the che-.t by all alfiictod with weak lungs, or pains in thcir chp:t and stümach. Very truly, Du. A. M. Si'Ai i.iiino. 119 Canal Street, Grand Haplds, Mich. Read the Statement of Kev. Ja?. Berry. Rhcuinatic Syrup Co: Last winter and spring I was a terrible Bufferer {rom rbenmatLon in my left shou'de ■ and aun. suffering the most exernciating pain. I u?ed several hlebly recoma eniln 1 remedie-, but continued to suffer. I4ettin2 no relief 1 finally procured a bottle of Hibbard's liheunntic Syrup, took it ace ii ding to directions, have used two bottes, and it cured me. I can with confideme rocommend it to 11 who are iuHering with rhenmatic difficu'ty. "■ry truly yours, Rkvskend Jas. Berrt. Morïey, Mich., Dec. 8, 1885. H is said that certain seaside hotels will abolisli thdr bars. If you are bilious, take Dr. Pierce's 'Plensant Purprative Pellets, ' the original "Little Liver Pilis." Of all druggists. Twentyfour per cent of Norway is forest. Te Brand on Cain was not more fearful than the mark of skin diseae , and vet Dr. Piorce's "(iolden Medical Disrovery" is a csrtain cure for all of them. l?:otches, pimp es. eruptions, pustules, scaly incrustations, lumps, in ilamed patches. Fa't-rheum, tetter, boils, carbuncos, ulcers, old sores, and by its use healed qukkly and permanently. Zola's ordinary in-ome is over $30,000 a year. Young and miilde nge:l men, sufferlug from nervous do ility and kindred att'eutionf. as loss of memory and hypothondria, : hould endose l'i cents in stnnips for large ■ lustrated tr atise ueget-ting snre mam of cure, Ad(ires, World's Dispensary Medical Association. Bn 'aio. N'. Yl "] ike" is now the recognized term for bicycle. To kill a dove is the sign of death to the Negroes of Louisiana. They Never Fail to C n Sick Hea. lache. Carter's little Liver Pils; often the flrst doe. In California so iety it is proper te be holped twice to soup. To bo free frorn sick headache, biliousness. constipation, etc, ue Caiter's Little l.iver PiLs. Strictly vegetable. They gently tiimilatu the liver und free the stomach from bile. Congresmin Cox will build a %'X), 000 house in Washington this seaon. If affili'ted with sore evos, ue Dr. Isaac Thomijsou s Eye Water. Drnggteta sell it. -öc. Buflering Womanliood. Too much efforteannotbe made to brlng to the attention of suffering womanhood the great value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a romedy for the disease8 of women. Such an one is the wife of General Barrington of Winston, N, C, and we quote from the General's letter asfollows: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Please allow me to add my testimony to the most excellent medicinal qualities of your Vegetable Corapound. Mrs. Barrington wal treated for eeveral yoars for what the pbysieian cnlled Leucorrhosa and Prolapsua Uteri combined. 1 sent hor to Rlcnmoud, Va., where she reniniued for six mmiths ander tho troatment of an eminent physician without any permanent benellt. She was induced to try your medicine and after a reasonablo time commeueed to improve and is now ■ ble to attend to her business and considc horself fully rtliered." [General Barrint; i is the proprietor of the American Hot.-, Winton, N. C, and ia widely known.J I 1 A veteran, JIr. (ieorge McKona, Aahburnhiin. Mass., wiitns: -Whlle sulíering with chroni rheumatism (result of Andersouvillei, 1 ued St. Jacobs üil which gave Immediate leiiof." ÍSoldby Druggists and Dealers. There are 28,287 people in Boston over 10 years oíd wlio i an not. read or write. hrince Eugeno of Sweden. is nn entbusiastic arttst and nbbors court etiquette. Kx KLedive Ismiil of Egypt is howling with t'.e gout. (icoria people pay a tax of 10 cents a head on their cuts. ExMayor Cooper of New York, gives awiiy a large portion of bis income in cbanty. Mr. Alexamler, 83 yearg oíd, living at Athens, Ga., had his first tooth pulled last week. The Massnfhiisettn fenate has passed a bi 1 to prohibit school children from playing truant. Cari Otto Sohoenrich, Captain Oriole Vacht Club. Baltimore, Md., writes: 'The Club. during practica cruise, used ÍSt. .JacolsOil and it cured several cases of sprnitis md bruises." Sold by Druggists and Dealers cverywhere. Lord I.ansdowne's estáte in rounty Kerry, Irelaud, has about '. 5 00U acres. We have just roceived from tl. e Rlieumatio Syrup company of Jcc'.sm. Michigan, a verv haudgome picture, thirteen by twenly-eight i::l.e; iu sue. ca'.lod "Tbe 1' gyitian ( irl ,tis au Oriental figure, lovelv in desiga and triilv a work of art, and it cannot fail tci bo appraci.-.teil by all who see it. We are rei ue teil to say tliat tbey c n be procured by cal ing on your druggists. In case tbe drufrgi ts do not have thera lnctoe ?ix cents in postage stamps to the Rhenmalio Syrup Co., Jackson, Mich.. and (bey will sei d yon one by return mail. Soine vnnown frind bas sent Lieut. Greoly a cl e -k lor ÍMII for bis driughter. wbo was born a few weeks ago. Gov. Keavcr siie. his pension of 145 a to cbaritj . Relief is Immediftte, and a sure cura. Piso's Rerndv tor Catarrb. "' rnnts. Tho Sultnn is a musician, and has composeil a piece ol inuaie tot tuo imperial band. Iron u One of the Blcoi's Constitnents, And the gieat tonic. Ube's Iro Hls. The czar of lïussi'i is har.I at work preparing his diarios for pub ication. For öescriptive panmulct an 1 arcre map of Nebraska and Colorado, free. sen 1 name and address to 1'. S. Eustis, Umaka, Nebraska. The American exhibition in Londen bas the large&t br ever built. Hensman's Peptonized Bebí Toxic, only preparation of beef containing its entiie nutiitious proporties. ]t contaiiis bloodinakiug. force genarating. inva'uable for indigestión, dyspepia, neivi u. prostration, all forms of general debility; all enfeeblsd conditions, wbether result of exhaustion. nervous prostration, overwork, or acute di.-e.ises; particularly if resultinir from pulraonary comp'.aints. Haard, Hazard & Co., Frops., Nevr York. Sold by druggists. Th? nowest bonnets from Paris show a tendenci to shrink. Fa' e's Árnica 0.1. The best salve in the world for Burng, Wounds and sore of all kinds. Boils, Felons. C'hilblains. Frozen Keet, Files, Barber'i Itch, iSore Kyes. Chapped Hands, Sore Tbroat Pfald Head, Pimples on the Face, and all skin diseises. For Liver Complsint, Sick Headache, Constipation. ue Pa;e's Mandrake Pilis, Aboye remedies so'd by druggists or sent by mail for ;.5 cents by C. W. Bnow & Co., hyraouse, N. Y. PATEIVTSootoincilbyLoniiBaggerJiCo., Attornt-)', Va&hjU(jtoD,D.C Lat'ti 1S64. Advict free. fFU fltUTO l" Silrtr wlll cesara s ■ pil iP N I % ■"!'.' ' "' " "■"■ niDiithly ■ kil Ukll I W mu h,i]i..:;j ;. :c. lllustni'.pil. Iiistrm-tivt'. Kntert!nfnK,Purc. Continued gtorj,Fftrm Bonsehol !. ñublon and Chlldren'a Department, [ndooomenta to olnbs. First insuoJuno, is-sT. Addrosft, Aiiirrlran Dollar KaBtkly,9e6WOdward :ie.,l;tro;t,Micl. SS Oisordered ' Let TravflT3 round thls worhl of care Without delar themselree prepf r( Against tl ie Hls that may artse From W-cooked mealstMÚ i?tiifi! ritten. A nro (1 'fence ! Kt thelrcau, KoiTAKKAXT'S SEIrZEK eonmers all. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROVAL PILLS The Original and Only Genuine. Safe and alw&yti Kt-huMt;. Bswareox worthlr ImitaItons. Iiiiir-, L vuur IrtiirtLMt 'r "OUchtfUr'l Bscllsh" and taka do other, ir inclaw Ie. (stamps) to us for iMirticului's in lutit-i1 hy rtnrn muil. ïtAüK fAi'KK. CHICIIEfiTER i'IIKMKAL CO., SSItt Mit'litun qullt, I'Mhula. 1. SolJ j DrtiKirUCa evi rj hvrv. Mk rr tt'hlohc-sters llnU-'h" IVniii i -il I í ItN. Take no olhcr. TUK GÜAND KAPIDS HEBD Holstein-F riesians. About 100 HEAD of both aexl and all ag: . Sevrral Il' ui of BULLS READY for SERVICE Up to two ycirs olil. Choice Cows and Ueifen brad to roy prire service bnlls Prins Midlum and Jonge Carré, Who have no superiors. A spfcialty of yminc pairs not akin for foundation stock. Kvery Head Kegflstered and Guaranteed l'ure-Hred. Write for Catalogue and priecs, and state age and sex desired, or come and see the herd. M. L. SWKKT, Brecder unA Importer, [msntiun THispAPKK.J Grand Itapidw, Mi en. tf I" tostarla,,. Sample worth SI 50FRKE. Lines 2n3 "Otnni1i!i-tliehorse"í feet. Wrtte HrtwtUr'M D ATrilTO ' ■■i:!l ' " N I n I s-H I J l). ■. s,.,. forClivulM. # ? A moxtii nr r Kr.r.i.vifi-E ■r reacbertorstudeni In b h oonntr. r. W. zik;s.i:k.v CO., Chi iago, in." U I I U B I I U E and euro ai your n II fi" I I n F borne, sentí for ■ ■#■ ■ É ■■ ■■ Dr.J.A.Sheimcn- Circular of loütcuctioiu. !M Uruadwajr, Maw Vork KIPPER 8 PA8HLLE8.I':LL '. "j"■KBaVHHilHIiHBBcijijrlui lona. Mus. QiQOO "rlc'wlll start you In a woll-paytü(JVV i'ii-' manufa'jturlDg business, protected Dj i itent. Ar li le re i n j---ti evervwhere Ad Iresi Tlll ODuIlü IHKïY. ti and P t., LlNt.' ■! N. NSB. best ROOFINGr ns CIWB ■■ IW A saai pits FiVe L ESTOB.I8BB. W.H.F AY&CQ.Camden.N.J. o AIso I-OrlS. MI.VNKAI'OI.IH. OMAHA. SE FME, Yt ll. U A TKItnxl I.IUUTMM: PROOV RON ROOFINC for any kind of ÍK or Krm lUll.llnii.. ÖREPAREÜ PiscSCfüHiiüiii! , . ; I Krvou Debllltr. -■ Trini l,k ■ an3 H pe Uook ui luatrucllon, lrce un receipi ui 25 cents puMnKi'. Artdren, THE l'F.m: II KM IC AI. CO.; Mllwuukce Ultioiiiin, PA I rVm I V " " I Hl Uil I O Bond opinión whether Dfttoni cun : s 'cured N h t on pateuts (rrp. RererrueeB:Comnils - :i r of Pat ent or nny olli.r ofliclal "f l lic O. ."iit Ónice. E. U. ST0C1Í.IM;, Attorney, 1 1 FS:U Washington, 1). C. DETECTIVES Wanted in eVry Connty. Phrewd mtn to rt nn)er ouf butraotiaM iu onrSoret Service, ËiprienAi notnm. mtt. KTiHtmnforparUruUri. GKAKNAN UJCTKCT1VK BUREAU, 44 Arcade, Ciocinnaii. O. H Pisr.'s Romedy for Catairh is t!io DB m Bi-st, Í1 asicot to Lbo, aud ClicupebU B Sold by (lrngffists or Bont by maiL m i50c. KT. Hazcltijio Warren, Pa. LeadingNos. : 14, 048, 13ÖT135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEN CO., 7orks: Camdcn, K. J. 26 John St,, New York, FOJR. sJ9 Cures Neuralgia, Tocihachc, Headache, Catarrh, Croup, Sorc Thrcal, RHEUMATI.SM., Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. The many testimoniáis receivert by us more than prove all wr claim for this vuhia'tile remedy. It üüt only relieves the most sevpre pnlnt, bui It Cures You. Thaf's iü Idea ! eold by DrujL'tiirs. .or(i. fíoNfl Hmok niuilfil frea. Address W1ZARD 01L COMPANY CHICAGO. OowkOöS PiLLS. itr.wARjs or iaiirsTjoxs. alwats ASK FOR UB. riERCE'S l'EZZETS, OR Z1TTLE SUOAll-COATED PILZS. Kr i ii k entirely vcgctnblc, (hoy ■ erate without dlsturbance to the systcni, diot, or ocoupal Ion. ï'tit np in glas viuls, hermetieally waltvl. Always frosn and rcliable. As a laxativc, alleratlvcj or purgativo, theso littlo Pelleta give tho most perfect satlsfaoUon. SI HÜÜE Jl Uizziiies, LX. sL tion. Ind igestt ion, KV TÜL nilions AttarlL,an'lall ft TG3. derangemeuta of the J xtiAft3r ach and bowcls, Si BÉr ïy relieved and (K'rraaneiitly JF% curcd by tho use of lr. Pierre's Pleaaut 1'urKalive Pellets. In explanation of the reniodüil power of these Pellets ovor eo (?rcat a variety of diseases, It may truthfully said that thelr action upon tho syslem is universal, not a gland or tissue escapinjy their sanativo infiuence. Sold by drujrgists, 25 eonts a vial. Manufacturad at tho Cbemlcal Laboratory of World's DiSPENSAUr Medical Assooiatio.n, Uulïalo, N. Y. 3 DHl - t i " ■ r aTHB. is offorrrl by ho mannfarturtSj ' J. ers of Dr. Sage' Catarrh ff v i S Kemedy, for a case of [ '- awi ii;j Chronlo Kasal CaUurh whieh T;. !} they cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH.- Dull, heavy headache, obstruetion of the nasal piissutres, discharges lulling from the bcad mto tho throat, ometimes profuso, watery, and acrid, at others, tliick, tcnacious, mueoug, purnlent, bloody and putrid; the eyes aro weak, watery, and inflanied; thero is vinpinir in the ears, dealness, hacking: or coughinfr to clear the tbrout, rxpectoration of oüinsivB matter, togrethcr with 6iab fioin uleers; the voice is changed and has a nasal twang ; the breatb is offensire; smrll and taste are impftilGd: tlicre is a sensution of dij'-incss, with mental depression, a hacking coiijfh and general (icliility. Onlv a few of tho above-named symptoms are likoly to be present in any one case. ThouKinfls of cases annually, without huif of the above symptoms, result in cousumption, and end in the grave. Ño disoase is so coinraon, more deceptive and dangcrous. or leM understood by physicians. By its mild, gootblDK, and healinj properties. Dr. Saíri's Qntarrb Bemedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "cold in tlie liead," l'oryia, hiuI tutarrlial Headache. Sou by druggtot everywhere; 50 ceuts. Tiitold Agony from Catarrh." Prof. W. Hai'sner, the famous mesmerist, of Hluiciu N. V., writes : " Some ten ycars ago I suffered uotold agony from ehninic nasal catarrh. My family physieian gave me up aa incurable, and said I must die. My case was sucli a bad ono, that every day, towards sunset, my volee would becomo so lioarse I could barelyepeak aboveawhisper. In tliemorning my cóughing and clearing of my throat would alinost Btrtngle me. Hy the use of Dr. Sage 's Catarrh Remedy, in tbrèe months, I was a well man, and the cure has been periuunent." "Constaiitly Hawklng and Spilting. Thomas .1. Husiung, Ksq., 190S Pine Street St. Luuüt, 3ÍO., writes: " 1 was a great aufferer from outiirrh for three years. At times I could hardly breatbe, und was constantly bawking aud spitting-, and for the last ci;nt inontbs OOIlld not. breatho througb nostrils. X thought DOthlnsr could be dono l'orme. Lïu-kily, 1 was advised to ti'y Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hémedy, and I ain nuw a weU man. I Iwlicv it to be the only sure remedj for catarrh nov manufaetureii, and one has only to givo it a fair trial to eiperlenoe astuunding resulte and a permanent ouro." Three Botties Cure Catarrh. Eli üobmins, Ttunyan P. O., Cnhimhia Co Pa., síivk: "My daught'r lmd catarrh when sho was ttve years old, very badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ifamcdy advertlsed, and procured a bottlc for hor, aml soon raw that it helpcd her; a tlilrd bot t Ie effeoted a permanent cure. Shc is now cighteen years old and sound aud hearty."


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