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Mr. John ( iutmon, Sherman, Ky., wriies : "I have used St. Jacobs Oil for ten years. It always cured the toothache in i.bout ten minutes." Sold by Druggists and Dealers. Lowell Courier: The Minister of War In the late Frenen cabinet was saucy enough, bul the new one is Saussier. Philadelpbia Herild: The policaraan 8hould watch that ethers may not prey. Life: Why not offer John L. the presidoncy of tbe American pomme'.ogical 10 ciety. Life: Edit r: A man who accumulates an enormous fortune by minding other people's business. Yonkers Statosman : "AH slgns fail in a dry time," but did you ever try winking at the drug clerki" American Commercial Traveler: The memory of good deeds done in youth is the comfort of o'd age. Boston Post : Base ball players should be careful of their diet. They must in particular abjure muffius. Drake's Jlugaine: H requires !ess coal to hent a room when one is courting a widow than when courting a glrl. Texas Siftings: A receiving teller- a gossiping wonian. A Biltimore Pólice liiieor. 'M years on the f o ree. Mr. HetJry H. burkee. says: '! suffcred with poison oak for more tlian a yeur. 1 tried t. .isekobs uil; after the second applieation all the soros di ied up and 1 was cured. 1 think it invaluable." A clam dug up at Clinton, Conn., held two pearls worth $:J0 eaeli. Judge Orr of Kankakce, 111., has a goat whieh runs liis lawn mower. A red-headed negro was recently arraigned in ;n Albany (N. Y. ) pólice court, One hundred sparrows' nests were destroycd by the recent tearins; down of an ivy vine on a Tioy, N. Y., church. For the past 160 years the majors of tlir little town of Caloorden, Germany, have all belonged to the same family. A turile caught in New York river, Vermont, and taken to Ualtimore, weighed 300 pounds. It measured nearly seven feet from the head to the Up of the, Sadie Moycr of Lansford, Pa., is ten years old, weighslöS pouiulsand is taking on fat at the rato of two pounds a week. Gov. Amos of Massachnsetts, Uves in magnificent style. Itcosts him fully S50,000 a year to keep up his. Boston establishment It Is said that there are now 2,400 unmarried woinen in the various foreign mission lields, erigaged in prosecuting niission vvork. A New York sea captain has just sued his tliinl wife to obtain possesslon of "his second wife's sliawl, nightgown and Sl in cash." Idlsa Elvira Delaney, who was bitton in the aim by a rat in Porto Kico six weekt ago, has died in New London, Conn., oi blood poisoning. C. A. Longfellow, son of the late poel Longfcllow, has been on a yacht cruist through the Ilawaiian islands, and is now in San Francisco. Mayor Ilewitt of New York, dates h:;prospi'rity from the time he was iikkU tutor to Peter Cooier's daughtur, whom he afterwards maiiitd. Jacob Welch of Rltchie county, WVs; Virginia, cut down a hollow maple trei Uie other day, from wliicli ran twenly seven full grown gqulrrels. There is a rare case reptöted fTomBrooklyn, where dealh iollowed tlio swallowing of an orangp geed. In the fruit scasun il is wcll to remember that seed are for the oaitli, not for the stomach. The Germana are training doga to do out-post duty in the army and to perfora) all sorts Óf military services. In adililion to the canine contingent the Prtissians are mobilizing a lot of hawks for the capture of the Frenob carrier pigeons. The oil portraits of secretarles of the United States treasury in the department building at Washington now extend tïom Hamlllon to rolger, and the offleers in charge are now planning to add Messrs. Gresham and Manninf; to the list. lu the case against tho New England firm charged wiih Importing velvet workeis under contract, a witness, in describing the nature of the work, Inoldentally said that for every 100 yards of velveteen a woman cuts and finishes she walks, bj actual measHienient, 119 miles. Attention Aske-t for by Sr. A. M. Spanlding. Rhenmatic Syrup Co: Gentleman- I om precrlLing Ilibbard's Rheumatin iiyrup in my prnctice, and unhesit .tiugly recommenil it for the dieases which you claim it i good for. It is truly a reniarkable medicine, coinpo-ed as it ís of the t est alterativos and toni.-s to be found in the Materia Medica. It opérales upon the liver, kidneys and bowels. destroyinff the poison in the bloid and tissue-. It is a gnind tonic and apputizer, and truly a voin!e:ful pieparation. For a diseaed sfoinnch or a dyspeptie person it hus do equal, a id shou'd ii:ive the approval of the medical farulty. Your Rheumatin piasters ar,' ths best I have over used, und should bo worn over the chest by all a'ficted with weak lungs, or pains in their chest and itociiach. Very truly, DB. V. "■'■ BPAULDTNG 119 Canal Street, Grond Kaplds, Mich. Kcad the Statement of Rev. Ja. Berry. RheumHtie Byrup Co: Last winter an:l sprin? I was a terrible sufTerer from rlieumntism in my left shou'der and arm, guffering the most xcruciatinR pain. I used everal hiírhly recomí! euJe i reniodie-, but continued to utfer. Gettiuï no relief I tinaliy procured a bottle of Hibbard's i-.heumntiu Syrup, took it oecoidiiig to direotlaus, hava utd two bott es aiul it oured me. I can with ■confidente r-'ícoiiimend t to all who are sufl'ering with rheumatic difficu'ty. Vcry truly yours, Revkiíend Jas. Iíkrht. Morley, ilich., Dec. 8, 1S85. Pomcroy's Democrat: God gave sunshine to man as ho gives love of play to children. Botton Post: Fearfully and wonderfully made- type-writer copy written by amateurs. Washington Critic: Some one asks wherc nies spend the winter. On the stage of course. Pomeroy's Democrat: Carry happiness to your home, no matter who or what is there. Texas Kiftina;s: ' Conviction is the conscience of th mind," andan abstraction of a jury. Texas ti tings: The reason figures won't lie is becau e tliey always stand for somet:i-:ng. Chicago MerehnntTrave'er: Itisstrange the hooping cough isn't prevalent among coopers. Yonker'8 Statesman : A man's funnybone, we presume, enables him to "laugb n hissleove.' For descriptive pampblet and 'arge map of N'ebraska aud Co'orado, free, scnJ name and iddress to P. S. Eustls, Omaha, Nebraska. Texas Siftiigs: A Popular ruilitnry or ier - Break ranks. The Acknowledgpd Cto for Sick Keadache, Caiter's Little Liver Pilis. Dote, one pil). Philadelpbia Herald: A stop wí tch- a s'.eeping policeman. Do Not Forget that Carter' s Little Liver Pilis cure sick headache ofton iu two bours. Washington Critic: Paris green- The American tourist in Frauce. Not one in twenty are free from some little ailment caused by tnaotioa of the iiver. L'se Oarter's Little Liver Piils. .'. he re u!t will be a plrasant surprise, ïhey give positivo relie:. Journal of Educa tion: The merest school: oy could dispute the saying that "history rcpeats itdOlf. " For weak 'ungs. spitting; of b'ood, waak stomcc i, ii iii li r swaats, and the early stages of Uonsumptiou, "(jolden Medica; Distovery" is specitic. By druggist . Boston Courier: The stoekho'.der's mot to- Man wants but little here I eiow -par. Prematurcly Aued. Many a wornan isrobbed ol thosecharms which the gent er sex vuli:e sotii,hly, and made old tefore her time by functiünal irregularit e . To smli the bloom of youth may b? rtistored by the uáL1 of o. remedy which bas stood the test of time and which is to-day acknowledted to be an equal as a cure for all feraale weakuesses - Ur. Pieree's "Favorite Prescription." By all druggists. American Merohant Traveler: Success ful treachery is worse than honest defeat. "Ocn'lu as the Fr :ezo of Evi ning." This line of an o!d hynin is quite appro priate when app!:'ed to "Pleasant Purgativo Pellets," ' i don't iike to tak' puls ïf 1 can avoid it' we often he ir peisons say, "becausethey constípate me so." Now the '■Pellets ' uever do thi. 'l'hey iré so gentle and mild th it eTeut is almost precise'y similar to a natural movcment of the bowels, and no unpleasant eCt'ects are left Lebind. Brick Pomeroy's Democrat: Flowers are nature's kind word--. Bronchitis is cured by trequent small doses of Piso's Cure for Consumption. A Carlisle dog committed suicide by pushing his head under a gate and choking to death. PlTRI Col) LlVTtR Ou. made frora selected liver-. on sea hore. by i:a aril. Haard & Co. N. Y. Abolutely pure and sweet. Pi.tients pre 'er it to all others. Physician h-ive di'rided it superior to auy other oús in ui-: i-t . CHArpF.n Hants, Fack, PimfLBS and rough skin cureJ by using Juniper Tar Soap made by lia.ani. Ha.ard & Co., Now York. Detroit Free Presa: A bono folon- A ! person convicted of robbing a grave. IMülíFI) IVJIMi. If you liavo barbed wire t'cnces. keen Veter Inaiy i'arbollaalví n your stables. It cures without a car andrenewsthe hair lts original color. 50 cents and $1.00 at Drugglsts or by mail. Colé i, Co., Black Rlvcr ralis, Vits. Chicago Jlerchant Tiuve er; A bosom fiieud.- The_"dick e.' Fa e's Árnica 0 1. The best salve in the world for Burns. Wounds and of all 1 iiids. Boils, Fel ons. Chilblains. rozen 'eet, Piles, Barber's Itoh. Sore Eyen, t'hnpid l'ands, Sore Throat. Scald ller.d, limpies on the Face. and all skin diseaces. For Livor Compltint, Sick Headache, Constipation use Pase's Mandrake Pilis. Above remedies so d by drujrfrists or sent by mail for 5 cents by C. W. Know & Co., Byraeuse, N. Y. ïo ïri - LVD IA E Kecord MA S 'SWR PINKHAM'S Sm ils% VEGETABLE. 9 "v" KjFm 's a Positire Cure I mÍSw -wcr l-L of 1hoae Païnful Jmtr V awS' delicate Complaints ind Mnpt ■■,, .EjjT Corr.pUcaied troubios and igBBB í -2oTl Weaítnesses so common , . ■_-2_Llffit't $Jè &rnorf' CUf VVive, Mothers. fê?i JSlliltfljl!v It tcill cure entirtly f Tho Woman'8 Sure Frimd change of lift. LaDIEB,- IT WILLNOTl-FKFüRM SIKU1CAL OriATIONS CR CCTUI CaKCKR, BÜTIT WnXUNDKR AI d, CIRCT'MSTASCKS, ACT INHARHOXT WITH THE LiWS OF NATURK. fsTTHAT rEEMKO OV BRARIN'O DOWN, CAUSING TAIH, WEIOHT AíiD BACKACHE, IS ALffiï rEHXANINTLT CUllXU W IT8 CSS. y 8ld by PrnfffflNtd. I'r!ce S 1 . per bottlc Urn. Plnkham'fl Llver Pili ture couHLipation. 2Sc OAKLA W 3ST Th 6ral Nursanr of PERCHEROS HORSES. ti. 200 Imported Brood Mares wTOftfc üf CtioicostFamilieB. yP BE1 IARCE N'1'.llliERS, L&jmtnSíWÍ$L. AU Ages, both Bexe. r IN STOCK 300 to 400 IMPOKTKD ANNUALLT from France. all roconled with xtrndcd pedleree in tho i'crolieruil Stnrl U.ioka. The PmraheTOO stho only draft breed of Franc poascsilng a stud book that ma the iupport and endoriement of the HpQeh Government. Bend for 120-pnïe C'atalOiftie, llhistration by Kou Buhew M. w. DUNHAM, Wayno. DuPose Co., Illinois CHICHESTER'S ENGL1SH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Only Genuine. Safeaiiii alwayo Keliable. Beware of worthleu ImitaItons. I..1ÍÍU-S ank your 1rurfflt for 'Cblcheter' Kntfllh" mul take uo other, or Jncluse 4c. (stamm) to uu Tor unrticuluii in letter by return muil. Isahk VWKK. 1IK 1IKSTKK i Hl WK VI CO., 2IÍIK MallAon Aquare, I'hllud. Pu. 80I1I by lriiirtclt ('vt'rjwheri', A.k for .'tilchv riill-h" Pt-nnj rornl l'lllft. Take no othcr. PA I rN I examlner in U.S. Pateut Office I Al Lli I U Scmi model ür sketch for free oplnlou wliethor uatent can be fliHuircd. New lunik ou patents froe. Refcrenees:Cmnifasioner of Pat ents oranv otticr ofïicial of the U. S. Patnnt Ofllce. E. öTöTOCKING, Attotn.y. 01 1 KÖt.. A'nlïiïTloii. D. C BAD WA Yfl The CREAT LIVER _ STOMACH REMEDY U 'or tue nreof all disorders of the Stomach, ijver La, Kidiifys, Bladder, Jïervous Diseaa, Loa f Ap;v ■■iiif, Hoadache, Costiwnoss. Iruïittion Üliotiriiif ss, Fever, Inflammation of hü Bowels,, 'ü.'j. and all rteranpementsof the IrUemal viscera i'urely vegetable, ooutain ing no morcury, mineral ■ r defptenoua drugs. Prioe, '45 cfntR per box. Sold by all draggUta DYSPEPSIA! Iïll. RADWAY'S P1LI are & cure for tbis contplain t. They restore streiigth to the -toiii:i,rh and enable it to preforut its functions. The ftymptoms of Dyspeptu diaappear, and vrith rhpin tlmliiibility of theaystem tocontractdiseasei. Take tbe medicine according to directionn, aud observe what wo say in " Jfalse aud True " respectiui; diet. 3-Kt-iul a letter stamp to DR. RADWAY A ■.. No. :ï i Warren Street, New Vork, for"Falae and True. %♦ Be (ture to gft RADWAY'S. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Huillín np the brukon-ttown conititutlon, purlfle the blixxl, restoring hualth and vigor. Sold br drugists, 91 a bottle. lUTiñTÜDr BELIEP For the reltef and cure of all palns. Congestiona and Inflammations. 50 ets. a botUÖ! BP. RASWA7 CO., 33 WAS2CT STBT-TT WV TBt: Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache. Catarrh, Croup, Sorc Throat, RHEUMATISM. Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. The many testimoniáis reeeived by u more thao prove alt wn clHJtn for thls vnluable remedy. 1% Dot only reiieves the most eevere pntns, but It Cures You. That's the Idea I Bold by DraaglsU. .10 -t. SüHa Boiik nmiled int. AJdrcss W1ZAR0 OIL COMPANY CHICAGO. OiieAKent(MerchantOnly}wan'ea In evtry town fot Wf tl'ink tliat "Trnlll'8 Punch" Bc cijtar snpoito most ot ovr s.-.ü ulurars. Tby aro the smoken iiclijïht. iind ncnrly ail "f thi' d'U.uinrrsuse them when they can bp oblalned. „ ... a , i., i -,i ■ k :■■. t'niirifi't. SmlthAeM. Va. Address K. W. TAXSI1.I. CO.. Chlcnto. J0SEPHGILL0TT5 STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION-1878. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS W CORES WHERE AU CLStFAILS. TgT SM Best Couuh Syrup. T.iílpgl. Use H E In lime. Solil hy druggista. B DREPARED PRESCRIPTIONS ! ,-rrZ I Nervoua l.-tMHy. l'c. Trial IVirkai: and 64 pttfte book of tiistruction, tree on recetpt of 25 ccnl postacc. ,di1re,5, THÉ PEKl' CHBMIOAC, CO., Mllwaukcci WlKouila, B FREE TO F. A, M, Ff r!J EnptTlii ■ ,1„ Anrieol Miuntils Emblem Juit diKort4 _ jlv lh n.;nt oí P"mp. Al !! Illmti %r jr clloiuof Mnlc hook d ooi with botloo V „rico. Al o!Tr of trit-clM buint. IVBeion ■-.niiUPobllíliin'BdMMiiiIáctorífcí.lBrMiwJlwT.rt. IUUMtnq rWOIILLVyt STOWtLL, A OO. tfj O Or les. "Il ttiirt vo i In a well-payiHtJlJ ing manufiu ttirini business, pro tocted hy patent Artlcle regulreil evervwhere Ad;!rev. THtODOBJÜ iiuutz! lïtU ndP It., LOIOOLN, NBB. f I" to&adny. Pample worthH.IOFRKB. Llns HkK notuniier the horse's 'oet. Wrlto Brtuutr't JW Sufely Hein lloUler Co.. IloUy, iltch. W.N. U. D.--5--25 AnillU f orpblue Hablt Cnrc la 1 H II M to ( !}■■ Illllin U I I W III Pa. im L.ttti


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Ann Arbor Democrat