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P. M'KERNÁN, A TT O R N E Y-A T-L A W. Collectiona : A promptly atended to. Money to loan. Housas and lote or sale. UUice in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 87 North Main Street, opposlte the posto Hice, dealer in Fresh, Suioked and Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. FOLLETT HOUSE. rtT H. LEWIS proprietor, Ypnilantl, Mlch. fV H1118P heatfld with steam. DEAN M. TYLER, M D. PHV81C1AN A.ND SUQEON. Oftlce and resldenee over postoflice, flret floor. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE corner Hurón and Main streets. RosMenee No 0. South División street. Office i houir frora 2 to and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No 114 D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D., OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE BLOCK. Ann Arbor. Oiflce liours from V to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Kcsideiiee 48 Tlumipn street. Telephoue No. 12á. THE GERMANIA nOTEL. nORNER WAniN(iTON' AND RECOND J strets. Wm. I.. F ank. p--O[rletor. ?m t,e roini travelin men. lv.ery room E ateJ bv steam. UNION HOTEL. FIR8T-CI.ASS in all respecta. Evervtblní new. Fine rooms, well furulshed. Terms, 11 per dav nnl upwaras. Special rates to weekly bordcrs. Meals, 25 cent. John Bcbnelder, Jr., Proprletor. Corner of Washngton and Sccond streets, Aon Arbor, Mlcli. NICHOLS RROS. W. W. & A. V. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental office Masonic Temple Block, over Savings Bank, Ana Ar nor. ' JOSEPH CLINTON, irERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over Wines & iil Worden'. All work uuarantced or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, TTORNFY ATLAW. A Office, nos. 3 and 4, Grand Opera House, Aon Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNET AT LAW. Does a eeneral laïf ü collection and convevauce business. A moderat' patronage is resuectfully sollclted. Office in the eouit house, Ann Arbor, Mlch. O. C. JENK1NS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 8outh Main Street, opposite the First National Bank, Aun Arbor, Mich. ANTÓN EI8ELE, DEALER IN MONUMENTS and GraveüLones monufactured from Tennessee and Italian Marble and Sctoch and American Granite. Shim cor. Detroit and Cathsrinc sta., Ann Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM HEKZ, HOUSE, SIGN, ürnamenul and Fresco Palnter. G lding, Calelminlng, Glazin? and Paper Ilandiisr. AU work done In the beat style and warrauted to glve satistaction. Bbop, So. 4, West Washington atreet, Ann Arbor, Mieh. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank pnanizsd 1MI, under Ik Geral iicukiuc Law fcf lniuu ku now, ineluuimt oHfiUl St. Ma,, M., rcJt teoo,ooo AssxTê. Bliiu mu. Quardlani TrU3te, La4üi aaá hr nou wil) Bod tki Baak a SAFE AND CONVENANT fU- at wktfc f mat Plu and do iiilni merist ! Allowed on Al! Savings Depeilti M Sl.Maadupward, acoordlBC to the raUa o M kuk. ud liurnt ocmpounded mi uut Mmy t Loan In lumi of t2S lmr4 kr "■--- "m Sal Iiut u4 ott DIHÏUTOBS-Tbrl.Ma. Mok. W. W. WhlM IT. D. HuTiman, Wlll'aa Dubl, Dand Rinscr, Duld HUooak md W. h. Satttk. OrriOSRB- Chrtitlu Muk. rraaldenti W. II Wtua. PTMb: C ■. Blscook. UwklM


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