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Two salt wells arenow working in Caseville. The Imlay City croamory didn't pay and it has suspended. Mrs. Joseph Knaebol of East Saglnaw, took "Rough on Rats," and died. Prof. Douglais A. Joy, formerly of Mar hall, died in Omaha, Neb., recently. Severnl buildings in febewaing. Huron county, ere destroyed by fire the other day, causing n loss of $10,000. Iliram Zalinske was almost instantly killod by a log rolling on him in a camp near Byers, Mecosta county. Charles Anderson, intoxicated,fell under the cars at Negauneé. Both legs wcre crushed and he diod the next morning. In ono week recently the Muskegon Boaming eampany rafted 253,943 logs, which is the largest week'swork on record. The Toledo, Ann Arbor & Ca'lillac railroad is growing fast. About 200 men are omployed at the Cadillac end of the roadGeorge Hoirocks, who savagely assault ed a crippled old man near Milbrook, Mecosta eounty, has been sentenced to Jack" son for 10 years. One day last week one crew of raftsmen on Black river rafted fifty cribs of long timber. Tliis is the largest day'8 work of this kind known in Northern Michigan. A $5 000 Liick cottage, with foundations of Bay Port, Stoue, is to be built for the superintendent of the institution for the education of the deaf and durab at Flint. Supt. Thomas of the East Saginaw public schools willnot accept the superintendency of the state public Rchool at Coldwater, preferring to remain in Saginaw. Mrs. ElUn Mott, widow oL the late Dr. Henry Mott of Hillsdale, dropped dead at the houiO of aneigliborabout 5 o'clock the o' her altornoon. Heart diseaso was the cnuje. (Jeo. B. Rodney, a Michigan Centra ■ witeliman. while at work in the yards in Detroit the other night durinjt a storm was struck by lightning and instantly kllled. The Bay City, Pinconning & Gladwin railroad will be completed by Sept. 1. I here is a forcé of 325 men now working pon the Une. The Tittabawassee bridge js linished and the clearing along the entire line is noarly done. John Stevens of Buffalo, offered to de ray all the expenses of a reuuion of the survivors of the littlo band of eoldiers who were saved trom the Sultan's wreek, provided the meeting was held at HilLsdalle. and Hillsdale it will be. Town-end North of Vassar, iu siukine a welt, struck a beeeh log seventy feet below the surfaco. He then inoved six fcet nway and sunk another well, strikinfj another log ten feet lower than the first. Mr. North has some of the chips to show for it. Land around Imlay City is held at figures that would paralyze one of thos6 boomiug we-torn towns. A gravel pit oí two and a half acres was sold to that village the other day for $500, while a Detroit woman paid $2,200 for a strawberry patch of five acres. A young man named Robert Downer, aged 18, fe'.l upon the main belt that drive the shingle mili in Luther, Lake county and was carried around a six-foot pulley and theu thrown a distance of 10 feet, striking his head against a post, killin' I 1 i tii instimtly. Geo. Blodgett of Allegan, a young man 19 years old, was drowned the other eve ning. He went bathing with other boys n the river, and got bevond his depth. Not being able to swim he was drowued. His companions were unable to assist hun. The body was recovered. Subscriptions to the Saginaw hospital association fund have reached $11,000, and it is expected that a number of libera pledgos will yet be received by partios who have not vet been visited by thesoiciting committee. The location of the hospital is still undecided. A young lad named Nicholas Koltz of Detroit was shot and instantly killed on Sunday, the l'Jth inst. The tragedy is apparently the rosult of an accident, but notwithstanding this the six young fellows who were with him have been held to await the coroner's verdict. Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan has commenced suit at Muskegon against Antou Westermeyer, a saloonkeeper, d.iiming $10,000 damages for the sale of liquor to her husband, who it is alleged, became intoxicated at defendaut's saloon one night in 1882 and being turned out feil into a hole near by nd wascripped fur life. The Massillon Iron company of Massil Ion, O., have taken the job of building the new irou bridge over the Huron river at Rawsonville, four miles west of Belleville. The price to bo paid is $6,450. Tho bridge is to flnished for travel November 1, 1SS7. The townships of Van Buren and Ypsllanti each pay half the tax. Two of the inmates of the Kalatnazoo asylum escaped and made their way to Battlo Creek, where they were nrrested a tramps. One of them pleaded guilty of vagrancy and was sentenced to Ionia, but the other disclosed his true character as an imLecile, when led to the closer inspecI tion of his companion, and a final discov cry of the real faets. A young man named Louis Farrant aged 26. and employed at the (Jornwel; pulp mili near Ann Arbor, left home March 14 to go to Potoskey to look at al track of land which he thought of buying' He drew his money froni the bank in Ann Arboa and did tho samo withsomo at Saginaw, fiince which time nothing has been seen or heard of him. Sardis F. Hubbell, one of the oldest at torneys of the Livingston county bar dled in Howell a few days ago, after a long and painful illness. Mr. Hubbell was 67 years old and had held various offices, amoiiL which was prosecuting attorney IIo was a man of great push and energy and leaves a wife, two sons, and a largo circle of friends. Lieut. Durand of the Tjnited States navy has accepted the position of professor of imechanics at the agri?ultural college, which was left vacant by the acceptance of Dr. Lewis McLouth of the presidency by the Dakota itgricultural colloge. Besides the training of the United States naval academy, Lieut. Durand has had three years' experience as a professor at tho YVorcester Instituto, Mass. Robert Talshaw of Luther, Lake county, wauted to get married, and was put in correspondence with a girl in Germany Khe was willing to risk it, and six weeks ago Robert sent her money to pay the expenses of her jourriey f rom the father" laud. Slie arrived last week, and althouch Hobert had never seen her his heart told }i i in which girl to tackle when the train rolled in. The twain were married the same day. Fire de'troyed part of four frame buildings in Ionia, the other morning. The fire oriiHted in the confectionery store of V !'. Schlelmer, who sleeps in the rear of tho store, and would have been burned t0 dealh had not his dog aroused him by pawing his face. Schleimer escaped in his ' u'Kbt garments, but the dog wa burned I to death. The fire department did exce!tent ork, and soon had the flames under ■ ontrol. David MeKean, a farmer living about two miles from the scène of the Brennat murder, nenr Sand Beach, was arrested at Adnms Corners a few days ago, charged with compounding felony in concealing liis knowledge of the crime. The testimony against him depends ahnost cnir e y ujion the statement of Morris, the convicted murderer. McKean was taken to Bad Axe wuere he waived examina tion, and bail was flxed at at $500, whioii he procured. The Detroit Freo Press says: Thero is a prospect that something will be done this j-ear to develop the mineral rosource.s of tho Upper Península of Michigan other than iron and copper. The slato quarries in Baraga county at Arvon, near L'Anse, ore being worted with full forces this suin mer. Tho I„ake Superior Iron company has an exploring crew looking for gold on land seven miles from Ishpeming. The silver propertie-i in Ontonagon county ore likely to le worked again. It is not gen erally known that $3.500,100 worthof silver has been mined in th península in thirty years, and it is promisod that the mica deposit at Eepublic, owned by Messrs. Mon hard and Pingo oí Marquette, will be worked. The granito and marble deposits nro being looked over wítli a view of quarrying operations, by various Eastern caj)itali8ts. _


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