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The public schools closed Wednesday. Tuesday was the longest day of the year. ïhere will be no celebration July 2 or July 4. Meeting of the finance committee this ■evenmg. The Sons of St. Georye's excursión, yesterday, was hberally patronized. Geo. Pulcipher and family, of Toledo, Ohio, are visiting friends in the city. Look out for mad Jok. One was reported killed on Ann street Tuesday. Miss Paulina Andrea has returned f rom a visit to her sister in East Saginaw. Hilladale college hï conferred the degree of Al. S. upon Mrs S. S. Garrigues. A change of ad for that enterprising firm, The Two Sams, in today's paper. Geo. Neithammer, of Scio, died Sunday frorn the effects of a kick of a horse. The ninth Michigan cavalry will hold its annual reunión at Coldwater, August 10. Mrs. Esther Graber, of Ohio, is visiting her párente, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Cornwell. Judge Newton, of Flint, occnpied the bench in place of Judge Joslyn this week. The Savings bank will have the keeping of the school moneys for the nest year. Albert Sorg is pain ting and decoratiuii the interior of Mrs. Wm. Loomis' residence. Miss Clara Wheeler left for New York yesterday, and will sail for Europe to morrow. The senior high school students held class day exercises ut Whitmore Lake, Wednesday. The annual encampment of the Michigan state troops will be held Augu st 4-8 instead of 11-15. Kev. W. W. Ramsey and Eev. Mr. Springer, of Yüsilanti exchanged pulpits last Sunday morning. To-day being St. John's day there will be services at the Masonic tem ple, at 7:30 o'clock this evening. A new time table on the T. A. A. & N. M. railroad went into effect Sunday. See announcement elsewhere. Jas, Dufiy and Edward Traoy are serving ten and flfteen days respectively in the county jail for vagrancy. 'ihe children of the Congregational church held a flower festival yesterday on the grounds of Pres. Angelí. The reunión of the 4th Michigan infantry was held in this city Wednesday. The old soldier boys had a great time. Mrs. Wm. Noble, of East Catharine Btreet, was called to Klamazoo Tues day, on account of the serious illness of a sister. Charles VVilson, colored, was brought back to this city from Detroit, Wednesday, to answer to the charge of grand larceny. Wm. Othello Thomas, Miss Carrie Freeman and Josephine Virginia Thomas are delegates to the Sunday school convention. Let our streets be put in order before commencement, that our guests next week may cali Ann Arbor a model of neatness. The Toledo road will sell excursión tickets to and from all stations between the 2nd and 4th of July. good to return on the flfth of July. Miss Louise Parker, a teacher of music in Betbany college, Topeka, Kansas will spend the nummer with her sister Mrs. Harrison Soule. Patnck Duress, of the town of Superior, died Monday last, Bged 82 yeare and 4 months. Mr. Duress was an uncle of Mr. John Beahan, of this city. Sheriff Walsli and Daniel B. Brown went to Toledo yesterdny to identify the two men whoswindled Mr. Brown out of $2,700 a few weeks ago. They were not the men. Prayer books with the cbanges incorporated in tlicni according to the action of the general Episcopal convention can be had by leaving yonr name at Hobart hall. One of the Detroit even ing papers had ït that John ï. Swathel's house was struck by hghtning last Friday night. It was a mistake, as Mr . Swatbel's house fortunately escaped. Deputy sheriff Leonard, while gettiug into bis carriage Tueeday, the horse started throwing Mr. Leonard violen tly to the ground, breaking bis collar-bone, three ribs and ankle. He is now doing as well as can be expeoted. New potatoes $2 per bushel. Next week will be a hvely one for Ann Arbor. Miss Lottie Baxter has returned from Detroit. F. Pistorius spent Sunday in East Sagiuaw. Gen. O. B. Wilcox and family have arrived in Europe. A state teachers' institute will be held iu Monroe, August 15-20. John Dieterle, of St. Louis, Moj, is visitiog friends in the city. Postmaster Duffy's snlary has been mcreaRed from $2,500 to $2,G0O. , E. M. Southard will move hia barber shop into tLe old Jewett store. Evart H. Scott has broken ground for a new house on East Ann street. E. P. Ferguson has orders for one thousand road and speeding carte. Temperance meetings will be resumed in Cropsey's hall Sunday afternoon. J. A. Brown is inaking iinprovements to his residence on Lawrence street. George Leonard, the champion fence builder, spent Snnday in Ann Arbor. August Duslup lost a $100 horse last Fridny. He was found dead in the pasture. Miss Carne Potter, of Detroit, is the guest of the Misses Hatch, of Huron street. Aire. Wm. Walker and Mrs. Mary Brinknell have returned from Logansport, Ind. The Ypsilauti base ball club has a phenominal pitcher only 17 years old named Sines. The membors of the cotnmission, of which Judge Cooley is chairman, receive L7,500 per annum. Mrs. A. Smith, of Boston, Mass., who ïas been visiting Mre. C. L. Pack, left ör home yesterday. To day being St. John's day, divine service will be held in St. Andrew's, his morning at 10:30. Miss Jane Mahn is the soprano siuger n St. Andrew's, since Jlrs. George Haviand left for GogebiC. Jliss Kittie Bour, of Detroit, was the guest of the Misses McLaren, North Main street, last week. A nu ml of our citizens went to Deroit yesterday on the excursión given y St. George's society. L. Z. Forester, of Ypsilanti, bas been elected a member of the board of trustees of the State Arbeiterbund. Eberbach & Son have received during he past week 10 cases of imported glassware for ohemical purposes. Saturday morning eleven car loada of excursionists from Jackson, passed hrough this city for Detroit. Seventy-flve cents per bushei is what our growers received for strawberries hipped to Detioit last week. Mre. Olney and nieoe, Miss Mamie linea, will spend the summer at CharleToix, leaving here about July first. Hon. Wm. P. Wells, of Detroit, was in he city this week acting as counsel in he case of Hamilton vs. Frothiogham. The bricklayers and masons' benevoent society, No. 7, of this city, will givo a picnic at Kelief park, Saturday, July ' On the night of Monday, July 4, th roprietors of the Clifton house, Whitaore Lake. give a grand independence ball. High school commencement exeroises occur in univeraity hall this morning. Alumni meeting in high school hall this evening. The hammock thief is making hifi innual vieit to our city, one being taken rom editor Pond's yard, last Friduy veniug. Miss Agnes Huntington, of New York, veil known in musical circles in onr ity, is to sing a short summer season in ilinnesota. The churches in the city will hold no ervices Sunday evening, on account of ;he address to be given by Prof. Frieze n University hall. Miss Anna Ladd left for Charlevoix ;his week. Her sister, Miss Eliza, will eave immediately after oommeucement or the sanie charming resort. Jno. Faelen, who was killed in a mine xplosion in British Oolumbia, was a rother of T . Faelen, of Chelsea, and ie formerly lived in the town of Lyndon. Miss Carrie Baxter, who has been eaching in Detroit the past year, is exected home to morrow, to spend the ummer with her mother, Mrs. Henry iaxter. The store of Wines & Worden was ïlosed on Tuesday on account of the uneral of Huraco Coy, of Northfleld, tep-father of Chas. H. Worden. The ervices were held in Leiand church. The heavy rain last Friday nigkt washed out several hundred loada of jravel from tlie foot of State street under lie Michigan Central railroad track. ,'he damage was immediately repaired. More rings for hitching horses are adly needed around the post office. Peo))e having business there are obliged to eave their horBes loose in the street, and his is hable at any time to cause [aDgerooa runaways. V ashtenaw Gas & Fuel Co. organized ast evening by the election'of W. D. iarriman, president ; Fred Schmid, ice-president; E. K. Frueauff, secretary ; j. Qruner, treasurer. They will reeive bids for boring for gas. Mrs. Olive Patten-Taylor, M. D., will eave on Monday to engage in the pracice of her profession in Lapeer. We ongratulate the citizens of that city in nducing Lr. Taylor to make it her home n their midst. Success doctor. Next Sunday at 10:30 Kev. Dr. Earp will hold a special service of the holy communion for the benefit of the stulents who are communicants of Bt. Andrew's church. Tlie congregation is earnestly requested to be present. Wm. Biggs has taken the contract for repairing the old Jewett store adjoining ;he opera house block. The store is to ;e ceiled, will have a new plate-glass ront, and possibly so arranged as to be warmed by steam, if the occupant so desires. BepreseDtative Mauly was in town over Sunday. He looks none the worse for the arduous work, both physical and mental, which he has been doing in the legislativo halls. Hehardly expects to be ngain called upon to exercise the Manly art of self-defense. ' Last Sunday morning, while delivering milk, llills Bros.' wagon was overturned by the horses becomiug frightened and running away, spillingover forty gallons of milk and demolishing the wagon. Fortunately Mr. Mills, who was dnving was not injured. Monthly meeting of Washtenaw pomological society July 2nd, at 2 p. m. sharp. All shippers of fruit are especially mvited as the committee on transportation will give a full report. The coming fruit erop and its disposal and other important matters will be discussed. The Toledo & North Miohigan railway company will run an excursión from Toledo, Bunday, June 26, to Whitmore Lake. The trains will leave Toledo at 8:30; leave Ann Arbor at 10:30 a. m. Returning train will leave Whitmore Lake at 7:20 p. m. Faro to Whitmore 50 cents. Mrs. Mdttie Hawkins-Graham, wellknown in this city, was badly iujured by an accident on the care, while returning from Texas, several weeks ago, where she had been with her daughter, to her home in Cedar liapids, Iowa. Mra. Qrahara, althouífh luid up for a few weeks is now rapidly on the gain. JohD Flynn, a masón, while carrying the hod at the oounty house Wednesday, feil from the scaffold nearly fourteea feet and was caught on an iron hook. He was brought immediately to this city and taken to his home on Seoond street, where he died in a few hours from hit injuries. Funeral from kis late residence to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Watermelons are in market . Mrs. John Huhn, of this citv, left today to viait her brother, Charles Dessow, at Laporte, Ind. Postmaster Duffy has receivedinformation f rom vvashington that unless the streeta are all named, buildings correotly numbered, sulowalks laid on the streeta on which the delivery is made, there wil! be no free delivery. Let the council take action at once and have everything in order by July lat if poesible. Next week will witness the greatest celebration which the univeraity has ever yet seen. Delegates f rom foreign and American universities. and very noted men from Michigan and the ofher states of the unioü, and prominent alumni and ulamme, will be here to take part in the exercises. It will be a week long to be remembered and talked about. At St. Andrew's church on last Sunday Dr. Earp preached a very ful and eloquent sermón, and toward the close spoke especially to the studente about to leave Ann Arbor to settle down in other fields of nsefulness. Hls remiirks were well-timed, and full of feeling and exnellent advice. There is evidently a strong bond of sympathy existiug between the Héctor and the young men and women of the university. Dr . Steele, of the Presbyterian church preached a harvest sermón last Sunday morning, part of his text being "the tields are white already with the harvest." It whh soulful with a spiritual application, and his peroration was sublime, he said angels were present and expressed a wish that Gabriel might carry back to heaven that one soul had formed a direct purpose to enter upon the spiritual life. The following letter carriers have been selected from a large number of applicants. Chas. F. O'Hearn, Geo. Blum, Asa Allen, James O'Kane, Joseph A. Polhemus, "substitute." Th9 district hos been limited, also thenumber of letter boxes on account of having only four carriers. Five was the number originally intended, but Mr. Duffy was authorized to select only four. J. A. Polhemus, tlie "substitute" will e on duty only wheu taking a carrier's place. The tiftieth anniversary of Queen Victoria'8 reign was grandly celebrated on Monday in London, England. Over a million people witnessed the greatest street pageant in modern times. All that military pomp and splendor, great wealtb, gaily colored banners, flags flying and vast crowds could do, to demónstrate the affection of the people for their sovereign was done. The queen was in excellent spirits, and why should she not have been, smiled continuously and seemed fairly overeóme with the loyalty displayed by her subjects. Queen Victoria has many virtues and as sovereign and woman is greatly to be admired and respected. Mrs. J. H. Hill, of Grand Forks, Dakota, in writing to her sister, Mrs. Dudley Loomis of the destruction and devastation caused by the terrible cyclone of June 16, describes the storm as something appalling in its fury and most terrible to witness. The house occupied by the family was moved from its 'oundatiou, ohimneys thrown down, Windows broken, plastering torn from the walls and doors from thoir hinges. Vlrs Hill and child fled into the cellar jut in their fiight the child was badly ;ut on the knee by pieces of flying glass. The other inmates escaped unharmed. VIr. Hill was at his office in another part of the city where tbe destruction was not so greut.


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