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mt% ■ IMir nVBPiC meel with luccoa t TO AD VERTiSE qu. . k..oWied . ,h valuc of newspapeis, and i correctly displaycd advt ToKCIM (UCh inforu M,on 1 1 1 fl I P 1 ft 1 1 I V consult LORD sö THOMñS NEWSPAPEP. ADVERTISING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS I PENSION & CLAIM ACENCY 0. L MÏTTHEWS ! Ann Aubor, Míen. All applications propnrlv made. Thousands of dollars have beu ■ lost u 'Ciui-ío applicattODt were not correctly made. Nocüarges unless successful. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescrlption of ft physlclan who has had a Ufe Ion? exporience in treating fomalo diseases. Isuscu monüily ivith poriect success by ovor 10,000 ladK s. Pleasant, safe, ciTectuaL 1-auies askyour dniifst ior Pennyroyal Wafers auc: ir.L'O r.o substituto, or inclose post oeoforspolodparticulars. Soldbv aridniLrpists,#lpcrboi. AJdrciS ■ THE EUREKA fTEMICAL CO.. T nrr. Míen. . & Sold In Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son. Get ïour Property Insured By C. H. (VULLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, No. 4 Soutli Mam street, Ann Arbor. The oldest ' aitency in the city. Established a quarter of a ' cemury ago. Kcpresenting the follnwing i class conipaiiiés, with over $a0.nOO.(Xi assets. Home Ins. Co., of N Y.; Continental In. Co., of N. Y.; Kiagnralns. Co., of N. Y.: Girard Ins. Co., of rhila.; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; Commerrial Union of London; Liverpool aud London i and Globe. Lgr Uuies low. Losses liberally adjustpd and promplly paid. U 11. M1LLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Keips a First-class MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Fran kl In House. Pricos Bcnsonable. ThankinK those who have so liberally patronxed me in the pust. I aiao cordiallv solicittrade rom uew patroua. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, llich, Dulutñ,SouUiSliüre&Atlantic RAILWAY. ''The Zoo-Mackinaw Short Line." Onlv Direct Route to Marquetto and the Iron andCopper Kegi ns of the Upper Península of Michigan. Two Throuch Trains each way daiiy, ! niaking close conueüiions in Union Depots at all Points. The territory trarersed is famous for lts Unexcelled Huntingand Fishing Tickets for Sale si all points ría this route. For Mips, Folders, Rales and Information, addresa, E W, ALLEN, Qen'l Pass. and Ticket Agt., Marquette. Mich. MACKINAC, Tho Most Dellghtfol SUMMER TOUR Palaco Stoamcrs. Xiovr Bates. Tour Trips por Week. Betweeu DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Evory Week Bay Betweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Writ for our " Picturesque Mackinac," lllustrated, : ConUlaa Full PartiouLiri. Miilod i"rec. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcomb, Qcn. Pass. Ast., DETROIT. MICH. : Abi Arir oren Works D. F. Allmendineer Manufacturer and dealer io Fins, Orpis, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. and Tuning a Specialty. Anyomi calling at tho works, foot of Washington street, can examina gooda and prices. I can convince youof the Great Bargains ! I am offerlng, D. F. ALLMENDINQER, ANN ARBOB Fred. Brown ! At Clabkkn's Old Place. Fl Ü Xjci_-uloz?s a:n.cL HOT LÜNCHEYEBY DAÏ. EBERBACH & SON. AND PH.ARMA.CI8TS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEALEBS IN - Drug;, Medicines) Chemicals, Dye StufïVi, Artlst1 and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Artlcles, Trusses, Etc. Pare Wines ail Lijirs ! Special attentlon paid to the furiiishing of Physlcluns, Chemlsts, Schools, etc, with phllotophlcal and Chemical Apparatus. Bohemlan Chemical Olassware, Forcelin Ware, Puro Krageots. etc. Phyalcians' Prescrlptlens Carefully Prepared kt all hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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