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Fact And Fancy

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A one thousand-foot artesian well Ís being êunk at Tacoma, Washington. It cost the city of Los Andeles, Ral., $,9300 to rIJ itself ot thc small-pox scare. Sadle Mover, of Lansford, Pa., although but 10 years oM, welglis 195 poumla. Citizens of Fryeburs;, Me., report the ap pcárance tbcrc of a pure white robiu. Over one huudred barrels of petroleum a day are uscd for fuel In Los Angele, Cal. Paul Bauer, the noted Coney Islund hotclkeeper, Is said to be on thc vcrn: of insanlty. In Pliiladclpliia there ís a younr man aijed 24 yeure who eujoys the lncome of $70,000 n ycar. The nrmv-worm la dolng a great deal oT darnage In tho wheat-fields uear Palestino', Tenn. Ceikwood canes made to look Hite dalntly rolled umbrcllas are carrled by Golham mcu of fishlon. New York Ís talklng about an angry son who wears moumin; because hls oiother has reuiarried. Siity thousaml cart loads of dust wcre collectcd by the sireut sweepers in, New York u few days ago. The Baltimorc park commlssioners have jtisí proliibitcil kissiug in the public park under peuality of $10 A $100,000 cotton mili Ís about lo be built at Loutsville, Ky. The capital stock has alïcady been so!d. Opera, opuse?, and oil are terms used by snme weítern musical critlcs with illghi bhudes of m;rtiiuir. Charley Tong S ug, a survlvor of the Jeannelto expeditlon, has established a restauraut in San Francisco, Cal. The kick of a horse started a Ore Ia Newton Village, N. H., the other night that burued twentyone tmlldings. The Iicin jruards of Youngstown, O., have cbanged tueir name to Logan suarda iu honor of the ate Gun. Logan. An English prisoner, who Ís 88 years oíd, confessed recauUj that he had speut orer twenly years iu crison. Augustin D.ily says the Interstate commerce LUÍ has inereased the railroad lares of hls company fully JO per ceut. In Baffalo, X. Y., natural gas is furnlshed for housekeepinr and other purposes at 20 cents per thousaml fcet net At a New England dalry show there Ís said to be. on cxhlbltfbn a machine whlch produces butter iu two minutes. The (Tfin:i: i'iu of the remains of the late Chief Pascual of the Y tuna Indiaus took place at Yuina, Arizoua, u few days ago.


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Ann Arbor Democrat