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Tlio secretnry of state bas furnisbed the following statement of acreage and yieid of wbeat aud coudition of other crops: At the time the supervisors took the assessment 1 ist spring, tho area in wheat in bouthern eounties waa l,414,b20 aoros; in central eounties JÜ3,7L9 acre ; in northern countics 34.8S4 acres. Correspondent e tímate the yield per acre in southern eounlies at thirteen liushels in central eounties at tifteen bushels, and in northern counties at f om-teen and three fourtbs bushels. Jf the estimates prove substantially accurate, the total yield in the state wil) be about 31,6.0,0 busbel-. In estimatiug the yield, correspondent bave undoubredly used their best juiigment, yet t. e 'omiïtion of tbe erop at tue time of narveit was sueh that ïeliable estímate were imposible, lt is bohevedthat threshu ;-, alone can furnish a correct statement of the yield jer acre. A large percentage ui t hc erop, pisrticularly in southern coun nes, as aul tened to the ground.the reuit oi iu ury by Uessiau tly. Kearly fiieizthsof rejjorts trom the southein four tiers of couuties sho uamage from this l-est. aud nota county is exempt. The aainage is estimateü at from two iier cent. in Lapeer, six in St. Clair, ten in Uaklaud aud twolve in Uenes e, Hl. 1 dale umi -Maconib, ali northeastern coumies, except liilisdaie. to thirt.y-live in ingham iiul Jackson, th rty-seveu in VV'ashtenaw and tliirtyeigiit iu Livinscston. The damage by tiy is uot as great in the central uud norttiern countie. as in the southern. ut least at the time reports were made. )a July 1 dumage w..s notso apparent. l'h' oeal erop of lsSö amounted to..54J.i 1 busbcls; ti. e average j-ield per acre in suuiui rn eounties was bushels, iu centra) touuties iti bushels and in northern eounties l;'u busliels, The average for the state was li busheb. Number of bushels of wlieat reporte i marketed in the month ot June is Si 3,76+; number of bichéis marKeted sinee August 1, lSili, is 12.üO7,ü;5. ine conditioh of other crops compared wit h vita ity and growth of average years .or the state is as.fvl.ows: Corn.tí'J percent; outs. ,:J; barley, 9o ; clo ver nieadovs and iSïtures, !7: timothy. meadons and pasS7; ciover sowed this year, 4 per cent; apples in the southern four tiers of eounties promise o7 per cent; in the central eounties, 74 per cent; in tbe northern eounties, bS [ier cent. of an average erop.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat