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Tft ftfllf CDT9CC 'ld lncel wilh "'"e" re I U flüï til I lOC l""es a knottledüc ol ih. value of newspapers, and n correcily dispbiyed advt Loxu„r:..DofxJUDIGI0USLY consult tORD ss THOMAS NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PENSIONA CLAIM ACENCY 0. L. MATTHEWS ! Ann Akbor, Mh;h. AU ftppllcatioaa proporiy made. Thouandp of dollars li ivr irte I-3t b-iaine appliMtion wer nut correotly made. No charges uuless nc cessful PENNYROYAL WAFERS tPrescription of a physiclan v.l. faas had a lifa lc.? expöriencoi: treati:igfcmüle diicasea. Is use montlily v,-Lh perfect success b over 10,000 ladi s. Pleasant, saff ciTectuaL Lauics askyour dru; r.'t for Pennyroyal Wafers ar. lite r.o suistitute, or inelose po? PTofsrcraledparticulars. Soldt o!l ('nip-pists, (1 per boi. Addrc: THE EURKT V CCTIICAL CO., rrroni-. Miei. t& Sold in Ann Arhor by Ebwbich & Son. Get Tour Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSUBANCK AGKNT, Ko. 4 South Mam Ktreef, Ann Arbor. oldesl Keucy in the city. Ealabllxhed a qimrteiof a century ugo. Kf] the followinf: flrstclflss compatilm, witli ovei S-í'i.'íihi.ihki ftssfets. Jlonif li s. C'o.,ol N Y.; t'i ntinemal Ins. Po. of N. Y.; NiHfcsra Ine. Cti.,of N. V.: Citanl lus Co , ol 111 a ; Oriënt lr.s. Co. of HarLfdrü; Commeri-ial Uniouof Luudon; Liverpool aud Loudou atul UIoIjö. t'' hiis low. Lossts libero lly adjusted and prompt l pitid. O. U. MILLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Keips a Firstclaas MEAT MARKET ! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Daar East of Franklin House. Prices Bcasonablo. Thankine those who have so liberaUy patronge I ui mi tii" p ast, I also cordiaüv soliciUrade rom uew pairoas. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich Dnlntli. SontM Sfeore& Atlamttc RAILWAY. ''The Zoo-Mackinaw Short Line." Direct Rmite to M.irqaet'e and the Iron and Copper Kcgi ns -t Mie Upper Peulnsula of Mioiiigau. Two Throuorh Trams each wny daüy, niakiiit; close couueii idus iu Umoll Depots ut all Pointa. The ttrrilory traversed ia famou3 for IU Unexcelled Huniingand Fishing Tlclce's Sale l all points va thls rout. For M ps, Fu.der, Rales aid Inforinatiou, addrcis. E W. AtXEN, Geni Paq. nnd Tlckt Agt . Harquetts. Mlch. MACKiNAC. The Most Deliehtful SUMMER TOUR Pilaco Steomers. Lew Ratos. Tour Trips per Weelt Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Every Woelt Day Botweea "ETBOIT AND CLEVELAN D Write for our " Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. ContaiEs Pull Particulars. ïtlailcd Preo. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcomb, Gen. Pass. Agt., DETROIT. MICH Aii Arlor Orpi Worfcs D.F.AIImendineer Hanuf acturer and dealer In Pianos, Orias, AXD MUSICAL IXSTliüJlENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyonfl calling at the worte, foot of Washington öcreet, can ex uaine pooits and pricea. 1 eau convince you of tbe Great Bargains ! 1 m oiTeriiij, n. F. AIXHEKDISGEIt, ANN ATIBOK Fred. Brown ! At Clarken's Old Place. FI W1NES ! Jliq."u_oz?s a,3D_c3Cejaxs. HOT LDNGH EVERY CAY. EBERBACH & SON. DRUGCHSTS AND PB ARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Streot - DEALEBB IN - Dl-IIJT!-.-, SXcdioiiios, Chcmicnl, Dyo i ufTx, Artlst's nnri Wax Flower Materials, Toilet A nicles, Trusaes, Etc. Pire Wines ei Lianors ! Speulal attentlnn pald to the furnlshine of Physicians. (.'liemists. S'-honls. etc. wilh pluloeophicttl and Chemical Appuraius. Bot.tiiiilan Chemical Olissware, 1'ürcelnn Ware, Pure Ragent8. etc Phyticiana' Frescrlptlens Carefully Prepared t all hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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Ann Arbor Democrat