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Charles J. Wernan of Patersou, N. J., shot and instantly killed Mrs. Susan Bonfr.jey of Grand Rapids, and tuon shot himsef. The awful tragedy is the subject of much talk, and the best clue to the trouble is told by the son and ilnughter. The son says: "Wernan ia a man 54 years of age and bas boarded with the family for over a y;ar, coming here froni Paterson, N. J., where he lcaves an invalid wife and tive children. Tbiimorning he had some words with raother about his board bill, as she wanted hiui to pay up some back account. At breakfast tablu he bad exhibited a f 100 check, which he said he was going to get casbed and would then pay hia bill. For this reason it was not thougbt he would cause any trouble, although of late he has teen drinking some and seeraed despóndeut. .Mothcr told me he had been drinking, as -he smelt his breath. About - o clO' k he carne to the house, and botb me and tuother went into the other room to look over the account. I v.s asked by mo;herto go witb her, as she expected trouble. At this reiuest the nnirderer got mal, and threatened to luave without up at all. I therefore refraine-1 froin entering the room and went down to th store. '1 nis is the last 1 saw ol my mother alive. Their settliner was not satisfactory, and in his frenzy he committed the deed. There other cause íor tho crime." Wernan had been known to carry a weapon for some time, and iriends of his ):a! feared itmight resultin some tragedy. and were not greatly surprised when they hcard wluit he had done. The ilaughter corroborates the story in rititail as given by the brother, ;:nd attributesthe cause of all the trouble to the inurderer. He was a man of bad temper, whtle the unfortunate womanbore a good reputation nmong those who knew her best. Airs. Konfroey was a widow and kept boarilers for her support. Khe had lost two husbands, one ly being killed in a mi 1. and the other by a fail whisb broke bis neck. 'l'he check which the murdcrer claimed to have was found since the tragedy not to have been signed and was made on a New Jersey bank just íor show. TRAGEDY NEAR HOMÏR. A Wife Murdered by Hpt Hnsband, Who Then Shoots Hiinself. A terrible tragcdy took place about to and a half miles south of Honier the otber day. About three o'clock in the af ternoon George Burton murdered his wife, wounded bil mother-in-law, and shot him -elf. The family consisted of (ieorge Burton, aged 31 ; liarían, his wife, nged 2S, and two children. a boy and a girl, aged ! and 5 years respectively. Burton first shot his wife twice, the first time in front of the ruilt ear, the second in the ear, and after she had fallen to the grouud, then rau up I ehind llrs. D. P. Iiatch, his mother-inlaw, and hot her. She immeJiutely feil, and he, evidently supposiug that he had killed her, shot bimself, the ball entering on the right -- i 1 1 e of the heail and passing entirely through it. A jury was hnpaneled by Justice Webster. :ihe evidence brought out the fact that Burton and his wife had parted, and that she hal instituted proceedings fora divorce. She had gone to the house with the intention of getting her wearing apparel. He began to piek a quarrel with ber as soon as she got into the house, ■ liuMin,' her into a room, but linally letting her out, wlien -he luraped tbrough a window to the ground and started for the carriage. when he foliowed and shot and killed her, as above stated, in a lañe. Burton had evidently premeditated the deed, as evidence was brought out by hn sou, who testiüed that his father had been practicing all the morning shooting at a mark wilh his revolver, whieh evidently was loaded for the deed, as four shots were fired and one chamher was still loaded. A Deplorable Accident. Chas. Whitbeck was driving in Lakeview the other morning witb Fred Hateh, Mis, Battie fcbaver, Miss Lottie Reynolds and little Lottie Shaver as his companions. Though the 10 o'clock eastern train wai in sight and had properly signaled the crossing, Whitbeck endeavored to drive across the track. The engine struck tho wagon. and uit r carrying the ladies 100 feet j hurled what was left of their bodies down the embaukment. The little girl was carrtod almost au equal distanoe and was so horribly mangled that her reeovery is impossible. Whitbeck and ll.itch were thrown over a pile of fence-posts, but were not seriously injured. Strewn along the track wore parts of the remains of the ladies. both of wliom were estimable girls. audone. Miss Shaver, u social favurite. The shock of this terrible accident ia feit not only by the relatives and immediate friends of tho dead, but also by the whole community. Lottie Shaver, aged 20, residéJ about four miles north with her pareuts. Lottie Reynolds, a cousin, aged 15. resided at Terre Haute, Ind., and was vibiting her cousin. Witchcraft at Lansin?. Charle9 W. Stoughton and wife of Lan I sim were tried the other day for assaultiiig an old lady, Elizabeth Lee, with darning-ueedles. All the parties are colored and Stoughton claim: to be a practicing uttorney aud presents a very intelligent appearance. They moved to Lansing from (. assopolis last May. The prisoners' testimony is to the effect that llrs. Lee bewitched them. Boon after making her acquaiutance their was overrun with toads andslimy flyinglizards. When ever they saw her tbey had a great roaring in the head and became deathly sick. Mrs. Stoughton became salivated with greenish slime. aud they were terribly oppressed in various ways. in their eztremïty tbey soughl tho Lord in prayer and i.e told them tueir ouly release was in drawing blood from the witch. Henee the attack. They were convicted and sent to jail for yu days. _ Another Murder in Detroit. Peter W. Bursha, a well known engineer on tho Bay City división of the Michigan Central road, whose home Is in Detroit, was shot and instautlv killed the other evening by R. W. Landon, a beardless youth aged about 20 years. Landon had tor some time previous to the shooting mude his home with Bursba, untll the latter üharged him with intiinacy with MrsBursha. and ordered Landon to seek other 'luarters, whereupou Laudon took rooms not f ar from the Bursha house, and it ' ia alleged continue'! his visits in the absence of Mr. Bursha. Heturning ii"!n :is trip the other evening Hursha mot Landon, words ensued, when the alter irew his revolver and shot BurBha dead. The murderer at once gave himsell up, claiming that he only sbot in seif-defense. The State. laid It. The board of state auditors bas allowed tlie Northwestern manutacturing coraj.auy $7,335 60 for the oleomargarine faetory which wns seized and destroyed l.y the sheriff of Wayne county under tho '■ law of Ibt5. This act prohibited the manufuctory of oleomargarine, but it was af terwards declared unconstitutional, and the last legisl&ture authorized the board of statu authorities to compénsate those who bad suffered damages under the act. CÜNDEXSED STATE NEWS. Hon. D. W. C. Gage of East Saginaw is , dead. Kalamazoo has 1,700 acres of celery giowing. i A $10,000 stock company bas been or gauized in Howell to bore for gas i Mrs. Johnson of Kast Favras horse-whipi ped her husband for getting drunk. Ihe Rifle river bridge near Alger is the highest railroad bridge in Michigan. Kilwartl Garland was run over by the t cars and killed near lilack River the o Uier 1 day. F. N. Scott, a Cleveland newspaper man i is the new assistant librarían at Ann Arbor. A mysteriou cattle disease is causing the death of inaiiy cattle in Kalamazoo I oounty. Over 100 tons of hay on tho Hoyt farm ' near Kut Saginaw were burned a few doys ago. ______ i attle Creek wants railroads from Ioniu j and the nortli, from Bay City and another from the southwest. Alfred Russell Wallace, the distinguished Lngiish soientist, lectured at the agricultural college recently. John Ryan of Hancock, one of the most prominent cltizeng of the upper península, suicided a few days ago. Lockwood TVard, the richest min in Eaton county, died at hls home in Vermontvüle a few days ago. Thus far only IS road bridges in Michigan have been broken down by traction entines on steam threshers. Reports from all parts of the state indícate that the corn and potato crops are badly set back by the drought. 4H. Reinhart of Caro was stabbed in the back by a blacksmith named Johnson and fatally hurt. Johnson is under arrest. Gov. Luce has appointed Chief Mower of the Saginaw pólice forcé delégate to the corrections and charitiescongress at Omaha, August 25. S. Handy of Benton Harbor says that the sprayiug of grape vines witli a solution of carbolic acid will prevent the spreading of rot. Supt. XicUolson of the Detroit house of correction is making arrangernents to add the manufacture of spring beds to the in dustries of that intitution. The board of control of swamp lnnds have appropriated the last acre. The last legi-luture appropriated nearly 170,0;0. while the state possessed only 41,000 acres. The body of Charles J. Wernan, the Grand Rapids murderer and suicide, has been sent to the Ann Arbor "pickling vat." Wernau's friends were unahle to bury him. Ashley & Mitchell's doek at the foot of First street, Detroit, was damaged by fire the other morning to the amount of over i $50,001). Five valuable horses were burned to death. The Pinkerton detectives who worked the Muskegon saloon-drug store cases, say that drugglsts tliere keep bottled beer in ice ehests for their patrons, as well as wine, whisky and brandy. Ed. Henry of Marshall, a brakeman on the Michigan Central, was struck by the ! watering pipe at that place the other day ' and knorked off the tender with suchforc6 ■ as to cause serious. if not fatal, injuries. John f. Lon;j. well known and wealthy Grand Rapids lumberman, had a $400 Potter watch stolen at Denver. It was found with an Omaha pawu broker, who is tbought to he in cahoots with the thieves. Sergt. Clarke, wlio shot Private Stone while the latter was trying to escape j from the guurd house at Fort Wayne, has been disclninred. Judge Lrown says the eircumstances do not warrant Clarke's arrest. The i-herman house of East Saginaw was damaged by lire the other night to the amount of $i,000. For a time it seemed that the entire structure would be de stroyed, and a frihtful panie among the guests ünsued, Richard T. andón, the young man who shot Peter VV. Bursha near Detroit a short time ago, has been held for trial on a charge of uiurder. The jury say that Landon was influenced to commit the crime by Mrs. Bursha. Henry Slacbt, alaborer, was run over by a logging train near Pinconning the other day. Parts of Ui? body were found for miles along the road, and some of his clothing still lung to the train at Grayling, 100 miles distant. Prominent state educators are asked their opinioiis on what plan will bui. il the cheapest, best lighted, best warmed and most comfurtably seated country school costing from $7. 0 to 11,000. The state board of health wants to knovv. At the state printing oflice in Lansing Henry Schrieber, a book-binder, feil with the freight elevator two f.oors, smashing and splintering his right leg below the knee. Jmployes had been warned, on pain of dismitsal, not to use the elevator. D. Wright of Wuittuker'g Corners, IVashtenaw county, makes two trips annually to England with collections of snakes, binls and small game. He sails ■ Aug 11 with an $800 collection, ; ing 200 suakes and as uiauy birds and oth' er gama. 41 ewis Lay mi drivinga loal across one I of the bridges a few weeks siuce in Adrián wheu the norse stepped upon a plank wliir i Bew up and descended upon Lay's head, inflicting considerable iujury. He has lust sued the City, laying the damages at tlO,OO". M. V. W agners great combination tale of bloo.Ied stock at bis stock farm in the v i -t part of Marshall a bw days ago drew an unusual large number of horsemen from all pai t J of the United .States. Tbis salo is pronouneed the Inrgcst and most succussful one held in the west. Silas Bmith, ex-supervisor of Douglass township and an old resident, went out to water a buil he had recently purchased. The beast rushed at him and when found be had been disemboweled and was holding the lowerpartof his abdomen up with his liamls. Death eusued in a few üours. A serious accident occurred near the Michigan Contial and Lake bhore Cro-sing in Albion a few days ago. A 12-yearold 6on of John Fredenck, while attempting to board a moving freight train, was throwu under the cars, crusbing his right leg so as to niake amputation necessary, and otherwise injuring bim. Zee'anil, Ottawa county, was started a tittle hamlet in ihe woods justforty years ago the 19th of August, when the flrst settlers located tliere. The event will be celebrated on the anniversary with a picnic and reunión of the pioneers, and a number of Grand and Kent county i citizem will particípate in the festivities. "Bliukey"' Morgan, ona of the men in jail at Rnvenn, Ohio, ehargod with the Cleveland fui' robberv about a year ago is the man who so tnysteriously escaped ' from jail in Grand Rapids some time since, and the newpapert had a notion he would teil liow hu oí out so as to either clear or implícate Hx-Siieriif Kinney who was theu in ofllc, Mrs. E. Qarte, an old resident of St. Louis, recently purrhüsed the Eastman house, a iarge and cummodious hotel wliich thp cliauging clianncl of business ' had left on one sido of town, and removed '■ it to her owu Iota. ÍShe has had the ! ing thorougliiy repaired and tltted up in good stylf an 1 will opun it up as a general hospital uu Mie Nt nf August. The board OÍ control oí the state achool for the blind, bas appoiuted Hugh G. Race superintendent of thu school to succeed Mr. HcElroy. His nppointment is for one year. Mr. . rmeily a messenger in the house of representatives, and for two or three yoaiv lias been a teacher at the school. All of tle old stiul' of teachers is re taino J with oue exception. Rosa P. Ptiles lias brought suit In the Wayne circuit court for Í50.C0J daniages against Joseph M. Gaige, a we'.l known I millowner of Sanilac county, whom slie ■ charges with paternal responsibility. UÍM Styles is the daugbter of n reputable physioian an 1 diuggijt in Croswell, Sani" I lac county. (íaigu 8 reputed to be wortli 1 half a million dollars. ISuit was brought i in Wayne county because that is now i the residenco of the plaintiff, and Gaigo , also had a residente there at one time. The forthcoming aunual report of Groat Record Keeper Boynton, whicL is now in press, shows that there are 7.238 Kuights of the Maccabees in Michigan, an increasc of nearly 1,0)0 over a year ago. During 'he year 16 new tents have been organized making a grand total of 1 o tents in the state. The death rate bas been four to every 1,000, and the average age of mem. bers is a fraction nnder 35 years. The. minimum death rate. according to losaranee statistici is six to the l,0J0. or iwo more than in the K. O. T. M. during any year of its existsnee. DETROIT MARKETS. WniiAT, White $ 76 @ VM " Red 72 (tt) 73 Coitx, perbu 41 W 4ÍJÍ Oats, " 19 @ 31 Bahlet 1 lu (a, 1 15 Timothy Seed 2 0 ( 2 10 Cloveu Skf.d. per bag 4 70 @ 4 75 Feed, per ent lü 00 (íl 3 50 Flovb- Michigan patent... 4 50 (d 4 75 Michigan roller.... 4 00 () 4 25 Minnesota patent.. 4 75 (i 5 00 Minnesota bakers'. 4 (J ( 4 :-5 Michigan rye 3 8B @ 3 -,0, new, per bbl 2 75 (a 3 Uü Peaches, perbu 2 00 (5 2 50 Chehkie.-, per bu 2 50 (a. 3 00 Plomes, perbu 2 25 ($ 2 50 Peaks, per bu 8 50 ( 4 U0 HL-CKi.EaEKUiKS " 2 25 @ 2 50 Bean-s, picked 1 70 @ 1 75 " unpicked 110 (g 1 20 Bees-iva 25 (g 28 Bl-tter 17 (3 18 Uheesk, per Ib 9 $ 1U Dkied Ai'pr.ts, per lb %@ &A K(c;s. perdoz 12 (g 12 HoNEï,perib 8 (g 11 Hops 32 @ M Hat, per ton, clover 6 50 L 7 00 timothy 11 00 OU 50 Malt, per bu 8" @ '0 Onions. per bbl 2 15 @ 3 00 Potatok, per bbl 8 0 (ei 2 3J Tomatoe?, ■■■ bu boxes 1:5 ($ 1 30 Poultrï- ('hickens,per lb.. 11 C4! 18 Geose t5 10 Turkeys 9 g 10 Ducks perlb 6 & 7 Peotisioxs- Mes Pork 16 25 (ti 10 S0 Family 1 00 O10 28 Extra mess beef 7 50 (o; S 5U Lard 7 (á 'i Dressed hogs.. 6 50 (ii 6 75 Uams 12 W Vitf Veal, dressed.. 7 hheen, dressed 7 (!$ 8 Lambs, " 9 (ffi lü Shoulders 8 (L5 S'i Bacon 10 10i Tallow, perlb.. 8 (uè Hikes - Oreen Citv per lb... 6 ( 64 Country 6i@ 7 Cured 7iy$ 8 Kalted 9 iáheep skins, wool.. 20 @ 40 LIVE STOCK. Cattle- Market l(X315c lower for coramon natives; shippiug steers, $3 25(á4 5U; gtockers and feeders, $1 Sufoca 0; cows, bulls and mixed, f 1 25(1 'J0; Texas cattle, fl 75@8 15. Hogs- Market steady ; rough and mixed, $5((t5 30; packing and shipping,f5 LOo 45; light, $5(a5 40; skips, $3(i5. SiiEEr - Market slow aud steady ; natives, $2 50;a4 1(1; western, f3 10(á3 C5; Ttxuns. i!2 503 50; lumbs, $4(95.


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