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Ex-Senator Mahooe never talks about the war if can belp t. He ditfers wide ly fro ii Jeff Davla, who oever talks of anytliiiiv, else if lic can help it. Fri'ileilïk Donglass will enrll froin Eiii(i v. !n Sept(Mi)Lcr, a;id the colored e ple of Washington aremaklng arrangeïuei.ts to sive htm a rousing recept on. Mr. Murris Frledsan of Néw Vork. city : enjoya a peculiar distlnctlon. 11e is the [ only republloan in the United States who now holds the ofïiee of Interna! revenuo I collector. The Bev. George W. Wnodward, who dled In Chicago rccentlv. was a direct descendant of Capt. Miles Btandlsb and a gr. ii son of the tirst professor of UartiiiOiith i-olli b '. Prlnce Devawongse Varoprekar, brother of th Klng of Slani, who is coming over to thij conntiy in a few days, shouHl send i pionounced diasram of his namo in advance of lus coming. John K. Mcl.ean of the Cincinnati Ennnirer, ia taking life easy in a Long Branch cottnge. Each night be directa his paper '8 course over a special wiie, au unlaborious way of conducting a tig newspapi-r. Mr. Gladstone is reportedto have reconsideicd his deteriiilnatlou not to vlslt Ame ica and inay come to this country next fall. If he does, he wi 1 pet such an ovalion as was neer acio:dcd hini by hls own conatrymen. A'ex. K. She) herd, known as the Washington ISoss. who has leen mining in Mexico f. r several years, lias reached i Chlhuabua, on his way home, He met with n acclr'ent in one ot his raines recently, and his health is poor. Jud(;e Endlcott recently saiu to a prominent üoslonian. a lea ing ïm-mber of the Massachuvetts lar, thai lic w uld never have taken the posi Ion of Becretary of war had he tlie conception of lts exations and annoyances. Miss Anna E. Di; kiiisun, who has been BOliously Hl as the rrsult of ovcrwork, Is reported a litilo better, aml her physicians bold uil li ipes of her recovery. The public will be glad to sce her wcll en ugh to rusuii:e tliu lecture platform once more.


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Ann Arbor Democrat