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The I!ov. John Jas par. who says "de sun do move " cele ra'i-d liis 75th anuiersaiy July 4. He has b. en married three times, mul lm lü-i-ii preaching regularly lor more tlmii 47 yearg. Th AgMit of tl:e Goman Baptist Publiation roeit P, i Ipvc nd. O., Mr. H. Nrliulle wr!tes : "We keep St. Jacobs 'il on hand umi consider It most valuable in chsi' of b:irii8. scalds, (te." Use accordiug to diiections. Anlsye r od hen rccoDtly died at Oskal oosa, tuwn. A purr t at In 'i :nupolis recenly died of diphtiiei ia. Mrs. J'onry Wood, the F.nglish uovelist, left$UO.Ox. Russia imports annually raw cotton to the vaiue of-4:!,(K)ü.0:X. Penny biogrnphiesof Queen Victoria are on tale ui Lomion. A Btnreeon i!y, Wis., man eaught (5,000 pounds of I'rsli ín one day. A iTooklyn factory is said to make 20LCOO.OtO Cshhooka annually. Xr J. V. Mevis. 88 Ror-k Strest, Lowell, Mars., writes: 'I was taken with a crick in my nei-k and sulfered agony. St. Jacobs 011 cured me." For Sale by Druggiüts and Dealen. Corn in Florida s reportad to be twelvo feet high, with three ears to the stalk. The salmón run in the C'.lumbia river is reporteJ to be almost equal to that of last year. Mr. Kobt. B. Band of Muscatine, Iowa, who was quarter master for the 35th Iowa Iufantry during the war, says: "During the past summer while In De3 Moine?, I was taken suddenly with a severe attack of bowel complaint. For two days I suffered intensely, trylng several drug stores and paying them for relief, but in valn. I finally boiiglit a small bottle of Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Kemedy, and two doses of that brought me out all right. It cost less than the prescriptions and I have the balance for future use. I consider it a grand reinedy. " The Best Patent Medicine We Ever Used. Two of our ch'ldrcn had diarrhoea about six weeks, and we tried four other patent medicines for diarrhoea, but without effect 1 got one bottle of Chamberlaln's Collc, Cholera and Diarrhoeo Remedy which eompletely cured them. It is the best patent medicine we ever used. J. A. BuiïïilSOJT, Coburg, Montgomery Co., Iowa. Eifjhty-four Yale univer-ity studente have taken the course on soiiology this year. Murder and Lightnlng, WhatNexti It is sail the jo keys are givinjr the horses Moxie In erve Food, and they inake froni ten to twelve se onds better time. Smith says bis wie doe ihe sme thingon tbe artice, and ihrew hit hired girl through th window and knocked over the picket fence, iust beciuse he ai innoc-ently kis.Miig lio ■ behind the door. Paya if ho could titid tbe man that made that, he would hire Jim Dallas to lick him. His old woman s i vs the Moxie is equal to any four hired girls and two liusbands she ever saw. A flve-legired pig ottracts attontion on a farm near Jucksouvilli-, l'm Saving tne Lawyerj. "The first th'nf; we do, let's kill all the lawyers." This is rather a b'ool-thir-ity propootion, which we modify by oifering to cure this wortliy class o; people. Most of thern suffer (in common with nearly al others of secentary hnb ti , trom the inurious elTects of drspepsii, iniigestion, piles, lo-sof appetite, aud other ai.ments caused by a contipated halit of the body. Dr. Fierce s 'i leasant Purgativo Pe'lets" eradicate a'l these disorder in prompt y removing the cause tliereof. and induce a rare degree of comfort an 1 h?a tb, A Greenwood. South Carolina, farmer cb.ims to have struck a gold mine on his plantation. Victory at Last Consumption, the greatest curse of the age, tne destróyer of thous'inds of our br'ghtest and best is oouoiered. It is no longer incurable. Dr. Pierce s "Golden Medical Dis'Overy" is a certain remedy for tliis di ea e if taken in tim All s::rou'ou. disejises consumption is a scrofulous afection of tha can be i-ured by it. lts ele'ts in disenses oí the throat and lungs are little less th m miraculous. All drugKist- have it. Th first ifclesoope used in tUis country for -troMiirau'iil pur po.-us was set up at Yale col ogein U3). Too well known to nee 1 lengthr adrertisements- Dr. Ëage's Latarrh Kemedy. Tho Lower Danube, which has neretofore been without that flsh, hasbeenstocked with 5U0,i 0J eels. R. W. TantiUit Ca . Ch'cagt, Hl.: I have r tallcl i no hunrirud ani three thonfn'l (liB.0))nf y.:up ' TaoslU'i Pa mh" 5cent il rdur Ini2 the pis: ïmii u.i'.ahM. m.d UTor l.JUÜ.UUJ during the past live JTeat. W.M. M. DAI.K. Drnjrgiat, Ciicago The citiens of Oswego. Kansas, raised $7,0 0 in half a day for the purpose of linking a sha. t in search of gas and coa'. Harsh purgativeremlnies arefast giving way to thu gentle action and mild effect f Carter s laitt e l.iver iJil!8. If you try them. they will certaiuly please yóu. f team pipes by a local r.linanoe, must be kepc at a di-tance oC tlir 'e inches from any woojwork in ban Frauriico. Kervouen i and Dy3;.ep-ia Cured By Cnrter's Little Nerva Pi:ls. Twentyfive cents. Virginia it is stated, is steadily reducing her tobáceo urea, but is ns steadily improving the quality of the production. PntE Cob IjIvkr Oii. made from selected livers. on sea sliore. by Ha a :d. Hazard & Co. N. "ï. Ab-olutely jiure and sweet. Putients prerer it to all others. Physicians hi ve decided it superior to any other olla ia market. CnAPPEn Haxds, Fach, Pimples and rough skin curei bv uslng Juniper Tar Soap made by llaiard, Hazard & Co., Kw V o :■■■. Lanndrymen are the most humble and forgiving p opio on enrth. The more cutl you give tLem the mure they will do for you. Pa' e's Árnica 0.1. The best salve in the world for Burns, Wounds nnd (OM Of all kinds. Boils, Keions, c hrlblains. Krozen Feet. Piles, liarber'i Itch. Sore Kyes, Clrapped Hands, Sore Throirt. Srald Mead, Pimples on the Face, aud all i-kin diso.ises. For I.iver Complnint, Sick Headache, Constipation. ue l'a'-e's Mandrnke Pilis. Abovu remedies so'd by druggisti or sent by mail for -5 cents by C. W. Bnow & Co., tyracuse. N. Y. Jack rabbits that are sent from Oregon rnd idaho to Cbi ago resaid to return in the form of canned cliiclcen PATENTSootnineilbyLoulsBïgger&Oo., Attoruejs, Wauhniütuii.D.C. Eal'ú 1864. Adi frc CHIUHESTEK'S bNGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS The Original and Onty Genuine. Rafe atnJ alwuii tU-liablu. Ifewaieuf wortlile Imitatoiw. InJies nk yuur Urujriilft for 'C'liI(-bciiterM KuclNli" and talie no otlier, or tnfllna ie. (t-taium to s Tor iHiftioulacs in letter by return muil. Najuc fxfKH. ClIKlIKsiLk I'IIIMICU, CO., ÖKI8 Mtiill-ou hquare, l'hlludn. Vm. SoM hy lrnirirlt fvcrjw hert-. APk for 4Cblcheiu ter KinrUS" Ponnvrovnl I'IIU. ""il;o no ot bvr. The trcatmcnt of mnny thousands of cases of tbose chronic weaknesses and üistrcssinsr nilmeDts peculiar to females, at the Invalida' Hotel and Surirical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has aíTorded a vast experience in niuuly adapting and thornuifhly testing remedies for the cure of woman'a peculiar maiadies. Dr. florco's Favorltc frescriptlon Is the outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experleaoe. Thousands of testimoniáis, received from patiënte and from pbysicians who have tested it ín the more nKTavated and obstinate cases whlch bad buftied thelr ekill, prove it to bo the most wondert'ul remedy ever devisod for the relief and cure of sufferinjf women. It is not recommendod as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect bpeciüo for woman'8 peculiar allments. As a powerful, iuvicorating tonlc, it imparta strensrth to tne wholu svetem, and to the woinb and lts appendages la particular. For overworked, '' worn - out,' run-down," debilitated teachers, niilliners dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-(rirls," housekeepere, nursing mofliere, and leebie women generalij'. Dr. l'ievce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest citrthly boon, boing unequaled asan appetizing eoritial and restoratlve tonic As a noothlri'; and strengiliciiing lier vine, "ïbvonte Prescription" is unequaled and ia invaluuble in allayinc: and subdumK nervous exeitability, irritability, exhaustion, proatration, hysteria, spnems and otuer distressiiiff, nervous symptomB coramonly attendant upon functional and organio disease of the womb. It induces relVcsbing (leep and relieves mental auxicty und despondency. , Dr. Plorce's Favorito Prescription la a legitímate medicine, onri-tiilly compounded by an ex perienc;d and skillful physician, and adapted to wornan's delicate orttaniziition. It is purely vegetable in ita cornpo8itio:i and pcrfectly harmless in lts cffects in any condition of the eystem. For sicUness, or nausea, from wliatever cause urisiiiK". wcals atomnch, indigestión, dyspepsia and kindred aymptoms, íto use, in small doses, will prove vcvv benellclal. "Favorito Prescrlpiion " is a posltive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive lluwing, painful menstrufltinn, unimtura) supprrssions, prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak back, ''female weakuess," anteversion, retroversion, bearinpr-down eensatioi.j, chronie congestión, inflainmation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovarles, aceompanicd with " internal heat." A a regulator and promotcr.of functional action, at tliat critical period of changa from girlhood to womanhcxxl, " Favorite Prescription " is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produeo only good resulta. It ig equally efflcacio;is and valuable in its effect wnen tnken for those disorders and derangements incident to that later and most critical period, known as "The Change of Life." "Favorito Pregcription," when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Piorce'f Golden Medical Diseovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pieree's Purgntive Pellets (Little Livor Pilis), cures Liver, Kidney and Iiludder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taint., and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. " Favorito Prescription is the onlr medicine for women, sold by dnipgists, under a positive pnaianioc, fioni the manufacturera, that It will givo satistaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee bas been printcd on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. I.arffe bottlcs (100 doses) $1.00, or six bottles lor $5.00. For larpre, illuetrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, paper-covered), 6eud ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Associaiion, faiiiinr?wOü. Cuks "i Prersats p Colds, Bl1Aí Coua;hs, BaVHVV. SoreThroat, Ssi BUs Hoaraeneas, IL. Stiff Neck, TTWfFffV Bronchitis, M ifliH v{rJiRr Catarrh, ■ "I jf '?y3B Headache, Ha13NL4 Toothacho, I PB8 Neuralgia, Asthma, Bruises, H Sprains, qulclter thpn any known remedy. It was tht first and is theouly Puin rumeily that ui.-.t-untly stop l ii nni?t excriKiatiuif puins. atlars lnflamniution nd cures ConEcstions, w het her of tho Lungs, Stomacij, Bowels,orolherKrlanü8(irorprans. No matter how violent or excruclatinp tltu ualn the Rhetimatic, Bedridrien, Infinn. Cri ppletl, N'er. voii. Neuralgic, or prustrated wilh diseases luaj RADWftYS READY RELIEF wül aiTord instant ease. BOWEL COMPLAINTS Tbirty to slxty drops in bfilf a tumblerof water will in a few minutes curo Cnunps, Bpauoa, öour Stom ach. Nausen, Vomitina, líili)itatin f th Iïeart, Fiiintnesrt, Ilenrtburn, Sick HeAtinche. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind In the Boweli. and all internal palns. There is not a remedial narent ín tho world that will cure Kever anti Atfue, and all other Mulurioua. Bilious and other f evers, aidort by Radway's Piila, oquickas Itarinny's Kuady Belief. Flfty cents per Bottle. Sild by druglsta. DR. RADWAY & CO., N. Y. Proprietors of Radway's Sarsaparilhan Re solvcnt and Dr. Radway's Pilis. sH B tzt c fcB I Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore ThroaL RHEUMAT1SM, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, O.'d Sores and All Aches and Pains. The niany testimoniáis received by ua more tb. prove all we claim lor thla valuable romedv. 1% not only relieves the most sevpre pnlnsJ bui „ It Cures You. That's the Edea ! Eold by ïmiKKit.i. SO t. basa H(iok reallfirt trk f.ddress W1ZAR0 01L COMPANY CHICAGa JOSEPHCILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-I878. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS j& Pistt's Ramadjr for C&tarrh is the dj H Beet, Laeiuöt to üee, aud Cueupc&t. ■ Sold by dniíísrifíta or Rent by mniL I ■ 50c. E. T. Hazültine, Varrou, Pa, DETECTIVES Wanted in rverr Counr fhrewd men tn art untfer our tni.rut;tionin our Secret Rfnricc. l'liperifnrf n't nr-g. fiirT. SAndmunofur particular. CltANNANDLTEO TiVK EUliKAL', 44 Arcaüe, Cmctnuati. O. r A I rN I C'x;i:niiuTtnü.S Patent omv I Hl Uil I O s.-i. tiiioiieiursetcli lo-IVo opi nlou whether patent ean be lecured. New hok on patt'iits frpe. Ri-rcr.Mn-i's:C"inm'ssi)nor of Pt ut orany otlur nfflciiil of tht' U. S. Pritt'iit OflJc. EB. STOCK 1 NU, Attorney. 1 1 FS: Waslilitgton. U. C DAY NO MORE MONEY TO QÜACKS! I will nend yon a 12&pngid Booh wfth Pre■cription.s for all NervOU, Caronto and C'inmoa dlea-tes, accideuts and limpraontf1 for 13cts. 8Umpd DU. WM.IJAS. 190 WK "t. M Iwankee, WJfc_ THE-:-NEWEST.:.and.:.BEST:.Toy ■ oflhe ïay. The Dalvy WhUtle p!ar nny tune; imitntes h!rl f-nll-, vi Kvcry boy and (t'rl will havo me. Bend 10 oents fr PKmple one. It wil picare von. Six for 50 cc Acents wapted . Mi-rrill StCn . ;r, ..,.■,.. rt. -,trr-'v e-. . fttrx 41T_ rilü, UIM. WATER aml IJCHI'MN; I'KOOF IRON ROOFING for eny kird of Clt or Fhttn Ituilrllnir1 Wrltf for tfHtimoniala from ynur Statp, AOdren POlíTRK IKON IÍOOFIN4; CO., Clnc-lnnatl, Ohl BBVBBEHLBEBEBBBQ1 A Rnr ËcfTiTTIQ1 KIDDER'S PA3TILLES wSifeWi: tf P IcfSnitnv. Pimiilewnrfh fl.SOFUER. Uim TkH rolnnderthehorse' fopt. Wrlte Urtwaur'i ♦K kutety Rein lloUler Co., llollu. Iki. AIIIIIll r.-t Morphlni' C'urrd In 10tO UrlUIH Imïfparu Dr. Kanh, auincy.Uiob. W.N. U. D.--5-Ï2 nnEElU Mor,. i.i. ,r rnred In 1 UI IV 111 D. J . (luuiiit. ujsw% Ohló.


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