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The international military eneampnieii; is to be held in Chicago froin October 1 to 20. i Twonty two tiuilding-i in Bowling Green, Ohio, were destroyed by fire on the 4th inst, The terrible drought extends over au area of 75, 0J0 square miles in the northwest. The Oklahoma boomer are again mak. ing preparations to iuvude the "promised land." 1 Lnter election returns from Texas make the total majority against prohibilion 78,000. An apparently inexhaustlble supply ot natural gas has been discovered near Albert Lea, Minn. The United States goverument has submitted new proposaU for a bettlement of the fisherie question. It is stat .'tl that the negotiations fnr the settlement of the Canadian flsheriea dispute are progressing finely. McGarigle, the escaped Chicago boodier, has been seen in every town in Canada from Sarnia to the sea hore. Virginia democrats, in convention assembled, adopted re;o utioiu heartüy endorsing President C.eveland. Eleazer Root, fuunderand llrst prcsilnt of Carroll college, at Mtidison, Wis., ha just died at Jacksonville, Pla. lt is rumored that the Standard Oil corupany contémplate boring for natural gas in the vicinity of Chicago. Now stated that a band of Mexican outlaws are responsible for the recent depredations charged to the Apaches. 'Jhe interstate commerce commissiou will not meet again untii September. All of the memcers have left Washington. A judge of the I.linoij mpreme court ie quoted as saying that tne Chicago anarcuists wi.l not le eranted a new trial. r'our workmen in the tunnel now being built near El.ensuurg, VV. T., by tbe Northern Pacific road, were killed by falling rock. Tbe July flre record for the United Stutes and Cnnada foots up losscs at f M,02ti,M)j, neariy 50 per cent above the July i average. I Tne commissioner of patents has render" ed a decisión to the effect that inven.ors must describe their inveniions in detinite, plain terms. Owing to the scarcity of harvest hands in Northern Minnesota, many fields of grain have been badly damaged enlailing great loss to the farmers. At the recent elections in Utah the Oentiles elected more members of the territorial legislature than they have ever been able to do before. One hundred Salt Lake Hormons have petitioned the Canadian government for hoinestead lands in the. vicinity of Mediline iiat, uorthwest territory. .'unos Reed, atoue time acting governor of Utah, died .-uddenly the other morning at his home near tóranchvü.e, Princ George's county, Md., aged öi. Kerious chai ges have beeu preferred ugainst the New York immigratiou com. missioners. The maiter is being investí, tjaled by the treasury departuient. v illiam Samsou aud James Herrón, two t-mployes of the Chartiors Valley Natural jas couipany in Piltsburg were asphyxiated by natura: gas a few days ago. Leroy D. Brown, late state superintendent of public instrucción of Ohio, bas been elected prosideut of the state unvers.ty oí Nevada at a salnry o. $2.5C0 a year. President and Mr. Cleveland have received invitations irom ahuost every city in the west and .soiuii, including San Francisco, New ürleans and Galveston. W. J. Stanley of Larapasas, Texas, who lias been uctive in prosecuting . hieves, was cniled out ot' his house last night and his body ridd.ed w.tu bullets. lroí. iloses Lyiord ded in Port and, Maine, aged 71. He was for forty years jiroiessor of astronomy and natural his. .ory at Colby uuiversity, resigning in 13S4. An accident occarred on the Newport . ew anJ Kansu Valley railroad near Greenwood, Va., the other day. One man was instan tly Kil.ed, anda dozen othera seriouly injured. The oxteusive cracker bakeries andad joining business places in Baltimoie were imrned tlie other atteruoon, causing a loss of iOu.OJJ. One üreman was killed and another seriously injured. The two cbildren of Airs. Murray Wilson were instantly killed and Mrs. Wilson herelf seriouly injured by being run over by a Cuica , 'O, Milwaukee & bt. Paul engine at Mooi stredt crosing in Chicago. Mentor ismitú, a K-jear oíd boy of Fulton, Mo., shot and inatantly killed hú lathar. Ua the stand the boy said bis í'üther dU not treat him well, and frequeutly whipped him ina cruel mauuer. 'ihi trial Oí the Chicho boodlers res til ted in the convictiou of eleven of the l.ootilers. Seven o( the convicteJ rascáis get two year j each in Joliet, a. d the remaining four escape with a fine of tl,uOO each. Becretary Lámar disapproves a circular to land receiver and registers suggestei by Commissioner Sparks, the time required as actual residence on pre" emption clainii írom six months to a year. Wm. Carson, deputy sheriff of Conejos county, Cal., well kr.owu throughout the west as the eldestson of the renowned Kit Carson, as murdered a few days ago'by a Mexican named Vigil, a notorious character. Z. l'. H"yden's tarm in Trigg county, Ky., is reported to have sunk four or five feetbelowits former level at the time of the earthquake the other morning. The farm or 30i) acros is now covered with water. Ti. e lirotherhood of locomotivo englueers held a picnic at Lake Monowa, npar Couucil B uffs, lowa, the other day. One of the small steamers plying on the lake encouniered a squall aud sank. Five persons were drowned. Kng neer-in-Chief Chas. H. Loring has resignad as tbe head of the bureau of steum engineering of the navy department, and Cliief Engineer Oeo. (V. Melville, of Arctic reputation and fame, has been arpoiuted in his place. The executive committee of the Central Farmers' Institute of Ontario has declared jtself strongly iu favor of unrestrlcted reciprocity with tbe United States and bas decided to push the work of j tion throughout the proviuce. Information has been received that a sloop oapMzed in the heav surf on the Gu f of California, and alt on board the vessel sava five were drowncd. The üve survivors were obliged to witness the bodies of the victims duvoured by sharks. While a numberof men and boys in Fort Worth, Texas, were celebratingtbe defeat of the prohibitionists, a rocket was fired into a keg of powder, causing a terrible ; explosión. Three Loys were instantly killed and two terribly bat not fatally injured. The piert f on held in Texas on tbe 4th inst., resulted in tbe defeat of tbs bitioni8ts. The prohibitionist admlt ; their defeat in the state by 15,000 majority. Tbe auti-prohibitiouists cla'in 50,000 majurity. Sixty-one townsgive 4,ul7 inajurity Bfcuinsty prohibitlon. Miss Cara Parton, president of tbs ; American national association of tbe red 1 toss, mikI Dr. J. B. Hubbeli, general fie'.d igent and secretary of the nssoeiation. : liave been appointed by President Cleveland to represent tbe United States at tlio fourtli international conference of the rad :ross to be held at the court of the Grand Duke and Duchesg of Baden, whickopens opens at Car'srue, Gerinanv, on the 22d of next September. They will sail for liurope early nex' month, This will be Mis Barton's second errand to Ëurope as tbo red cross ïeprcsentaiive of this country, having by a, ponitment of President Artiiur attonded the Genova red cross oonterence in 1 t4 tho flrst iuturnational con. fereiic in which the United States was represented. The report of the Hudson Bny explor'ng expedition bas been pullished. Cupt(jurdon is of the opinión that tue straits, to speciaily construrted ve.sse ■ up to 2,0jO tona, are not navigab e befure July 1, and beesti mates tlie season of navigition to termínate about the wee. in Octoler. He is f iirthe . ol the opinión that in an iron 8hip making a voyagebetween say, Li ver" pool and Hudson ■ ay, on arrival oflf the , western end of the straits, the com ■ ss will not wolk, owing to magnetio disturbances. Altogether l.e conside.s the navitation of Uudson's Straits as being more thaa ordinarily dillicult wirh shore ■ ïnI hospitable and bleak, presenting a picture of .nncl.nes'. Tue only alety in thii-lc weather lies in tliscon.tixnt useot' the ead and keeping a harp lookout as tbe de ui reckoning i-. fiequentiy in error to a conB.derabie extent.


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