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Boston Transcript: The susceptible youth is like a iiKX'iuito. There is little hope .or bim altor be gets mas.ied. Yonkers Statesman: You often bear the advice ;ive to 'put j'our best foot orward." Kui h advioe is túrown nway on tbe mulé, rs be can do more efl'ectiye wor; with liii best foot by pubhing it backward. Yonker Stateman: Spencer tells ustl'at only 8leep and laughter iets the brnin. But Spencer is 'way olt'. We know a m n who was 1de ed shamefully by amule wbo-e brain is rest n.n as juietly as a inan who doe n't advertise. E 'ncato Toar Sons. Endow them with a legncy that they cannot squander, by sending them to ba eJucito:! ut the UNIVEBSITT OF NOTKE DAME, an institntion nowinits44th yenr andun. arpa8ed tor iis completa advau age-i to ïmpart tq yoursons and wards aihorough ommerciol (bu-iuess co.irse. whieh is a listin.uished feature of otie Danin ni versity, or a ful! cour e wliich comprimes 'la sics, Law, Science, Mathematica and Uut] ■ Special advantugis are offered to Stulents of the Law JJci'aktment. i BI MiNM.M DBPASTMBMT, A separate instltution (6t. Edward's !all. lor boys uuder 13 years of age, who are taught by the RlhTEKS OF TIIE HOLY tROSS, under whose maternal care they pisa near.y tbe mtire day in rereiving instruoc ons in the e ementary brunches of an : ui; ish ediic ition. with a mental know.edge of Latín, irench, Ijerman, ocal Aluiic, iohn, l'inno and ruwing, prepartory to entering either ihe . unior or 'enior classes of the University Board, wnsbing, mending, tuition and entrance fee for session ot live months in Vlinim Deiiariment $1 O 0: 'Jhe eightyeventh se sion will open Tuesday, tept. (jth 15,'. Bel'ore concluding where to place ynur mi or wards soud ior a catalogue, which tut be sent lree. and you will lind f uil !articu nr as to Course of Study, ternis, etc, with illustrations of the main building of iiotre Uarae. Addresa, Klv. T. E. WALSH, C. Ö. C. lJres. l niiersity Notre Dame, Ind. New Orleans Picayune. A youn; man mustiearn to speak for himself, and for nis girl, if lie gofa one. Bverv Mother Should Read the Following1. During the summer of 18S3, my child ieven nionths old was taken sick with slimmer complalnt I called on our famlly physiciao and procured medicine, and isc (1 it for ni'arly three weeks but still the ■ liild continued to get worse. I was per" ■uiailed to try Chamberlain'n Colic, Citolera und Diarrhora Remedy and inside of four ilays, we had the child's bowels regulated and in a short time it was well. Since that time 1 always keep a bottle of the ! preparation in my house. A. O. Motes, Scottsville, Kansas. Pitlsburg Dispatch: Few young men want to have it said that ihey are trying 1 o niiirry for money. lut tnatiy of them :ri more tban willing to love some rich rich girl for her elf alone. fa e's Ai nica O I. The best snlve in tlie woiid for Ruma, Woonda nnd sore of all l.inds. Hoüs. 'm 1 ons. ("hilblains. 1 roen 'eet, Files, Hailurs toh. iore J'yes, Cbapped liands, ijore Throat Scald Head, Pimple on the Kace, and all 'kin diseuset. For I.iyer Compl.iiüt, Siek Headach, Conotlpatlon. ue l'a_e's Mandrn ke Filis. Anov'-1 remedies so'd by druggists or sent by mail for -5 cents by C. W. Snuw & Co., byracuse, N. Y. An old eolored preacher after exhanst i ing himself on an attempt to describe heavtn, wound up thus: "I teil you, my bretbren, it is a'very Kentucky of a pluoo1" Eochester PostExpres: A Colorado ! mans son nnd two niu.os were killed by lightning the other day. ïhe lightniug that wi:l kil; two mulos at one stroke is not to be charged witli timidity. A New Hampshire farmer got caught in a barbed wire fence. and had to stay there for live bonrs. He conlkiedto hi lnred nian that be uever got so tired of swearing in bis life. Now Let me Die. Withalitt'.e insignifleant foddor plant doing more for thetemperance cuu'e than all the tbe prohb tory laws nnd temperj anee societies in the country, anl be piní the women out oí nervousexhuution nn l the tired feeüng quicker Ihan any medii cine ever foun'l, and coveringup the sins j of husbands after club hour , and making j the i oys look as if they had l een to Sun; dtiy school af ter a racket. whati there left for the reform agitator to live on' We don't wonder tho Moxie is vottd the inteption of á new era. Eerybody ilrinks it. It saves the poor fellow on the rarged edge of the licuor appetite. That is credit enough. 3 months' treatment for 50c. Piso'g Remedy for Catarrh. Sold hy druggists. Princess Dolgorouki, widow of tbe lat Czar, was once a Spanish actress. Burlinton l'rce Pres3: There is a mulé in Macón Ga., that bas an aitilicial i throat. Tha country would probabiy be safer if he had an artificial leg. A Vi'cman a Age. A woman. if is said, is no older than she looks. Jlany women, however, jook doublé their actual nge by reason of those function.'il disorilor which wear upon the nerves and vitnlity, and whioli, if unclierked, ure liab'.o to changa the most robu-t woman to a ve;ik. broken down invalid. Dr. rMerce's "Favorito Prescription" will postively cure eve:y irregnlarity snd weakness paouliar to the sex, and requ.ros but a single trial to provo its surpassing ment. Frico reduced to one (loüur. By druggists. Boston Courier: Where in the perfect womani asks rn eTchanse. It you are very auxious to know, just ng'c the youn man who for the tir-t time in bis life is over head anl ars in love. The Nineteenth Century Club is an ' ganization tht will con ist of an e m'il uomber ot Hun and women. It is hardly to be expe'ted tïiut thpy will uKree on all subjects: bul it eau surprise po one to leain th:it Dr. 1 ieive's "(lolden Medical DiBCOVery," U unnnimouslr pronouneed the mo-t siucessful remedy extant, for pulmoiiitry censutuption, as has been demonstra ted in hundreds of cases; it postively arrests tliis di?eRse and restores health anrf strength, if ndmiuistered ia its cari y stages. By drugists. "Young; man," seld nn apostle olemnly. do too reali.e that wheu you retire at night you may be culle 1 Ijefore mornins; dawns:" "1 hope so; 1 m a yonng doctor and need encouragement of tome kind." Yonng or middleaged men. suffering froni nervous debility or kindre. 1 a teötions, should witü Ij cents in stimps for lnrgre treatise. ÍVorld's Diapensary Medical AssociftUon, 6t8 Main btreet, Buff alo, N. Y. A lütlo four yeai' old created quite a ripple by rrinni kins to the Sunday school c!as : "Uiirijoïs dnad. 1 'il liet the angels we.'e ícaed wheh the saw hiru comins up t!.e walk. iie's awful i to BtrangeÑ. __ run Dï8PEP8IA, In: IOE t n. deprepsion of .'-jii.its. (.Central debility in their various torras; also preventivo asainst Fever and .Ai;'e. iutermittent Fevers, '1 erro rhosjihorited i.üx r f Calisaya,1' ma ie by Hazard. Hazard iV Co., N. Y., s"ld hy all draggisti; liest tonic fopatients recoverlng from I over or otner Kickueg, it ha noequq!. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Keadache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore ThrcaL RHEÜMATISM., Lame Back, Stiff Joints. Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, . ü!d Sores and All Aches and Pains. The niüny testimoniáis recelved bv ns mora tba prove all we clftlm tur tilia valuadle rrmedy 11 tiot only relieves the most severo rnins, bul It Cures You. That's the Idea ! Eokl by DnifE'il. o cU. Suxo Hiidk muilen trea . fe'dress W1ZARD OIL COMPANY CHICAGOi pRF ForBoth Sexes. Wlien on the sullry summer's days Titesun Heom? s a ce a in:le aw.iy: Whi'ii i limen Si k '■ ld " '" tt) tiproas AikI ev rv mnw. nt "" ■ ' ' ' !ress. 'iüen TAHRAXT'S SELTZEK proves frlend II uggista all can reïommena. B.MARLIN REPEATING ""rficoK BEST IN curato and abiolntelyNBgfe. WORLD! ea(e. Hade in all sizes for VBI laro er small pune. vwBÍ B BALLARD fe" GuUrry, lluntlne nd Tarect Klflea. V ■d for il!utratil Catulogne m Mttrlin Vire Arma Co., Jcw Ilaven, Conn. Sfor Shot Cuns,MUI s. RIFLES J? SenV$0. Clieapest -E JlLI P for froe Xgandbt if S IlluBtratedNSyO Rlfll Catalogue. ['2wV ■f=fil3 Ideal M'rgCo.XSfr iluNl Box 10M O, New HaTen, Conn. %" 13 t pfËRBRÖOKs;iEN Leadinff Nos. : 14, 040, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Statione-s. THE ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN CO., 7orks: Camdcn, X. J. 26 John St„ New Yofk. CTbe oMeftt medfefne fn the worffl U proTiAtiï r wm Dr. Isaac Thom"son' U ELEHRJLTKU V. V. A TI-:l Thl artlcle I a carefiillr preparerl Phvsl.-Un'i pi cription. nnri Iihr tiffn Im-oiiJilanr use nearl acento ry. and nolwlihslandlTig the manv othcr prciiaratlonl Inat havr hrt'n Imrodiu-erl Inio tlm market. thp ! ofrhltfrt l'Msconarflnily luiTpa'itnr. If the dlrio tlonp aro f llowed it wlll never fail. Nv't partlculartl luvii i i lic :T'iTitfoTi (f j-hvslclflns tt) lts mi rif s. JOIIX L. IHoMPStiS. SONS ft CO.. THUY. N. T. OneAjtenMMerchantOnlDwaniea In every town tol Your "Transir I' inch" óc clgars a:e :ir stnpeu Kiiyar and tuey :■■ trftiiluniiw jc tctt r-atisiM ' Addreea IC. tV. TIAS1I.I. A CO." Chlea ígl CUBES WHHE Al'. FlSf FAIlsrTS ■ Best Couuli itui. Ifesteigaodi Use B 3 In Hm, s.. -1 Ir.,.-,..:M. _ __g_; f ITrllTA 15 veunT einerlcnce : 4 v"iri PA I rN I exanilnerlnO.S.Patentom H! Uil I O Sen.l h-ino.frfjt oplniiin whetherpatenl ■" '"■ awurml. New i..(iK' on Mteoti fri-f . Refen-ncea:Onmmlloner "t Pat enta örany . -li-r nfflclal of tlie ü. S. Patent OfBoe. E. U. ÜTOCIÍ IXU, Attorney. 1 1 FS!;, DAY N0 MORE M0EY T0 QUACKS! ■ I will sciirt yo a 125 pfcort Book wfth Prt scriptloiih lor uil Norvou-, Chronlc aiul Cmmoi i1KoH-es, accidCDis umi emergencles ter 12cl stampa. PU. AMI.l.IAMK, 189 Wi-. st. MUwnukee, WK, f HÊT.KËWËST-7.aad. :-Toj ■ of the Day. Tlio DaUy WhUtle playn r tune; Imiiat.Bvcry boy am Will ha . lts for sample on. it SAïfius wantert. Morm ■ . V V. 11 1X417 - KIPPERS PA8T1LLE8.SS Ap 'j'' KS A MT. Sampltt icorth 9.t kl% i ' ïwme'8 íttt. irri tV BreuM n BI ' fw ('■ . ".'v. JTid PCNolUnO Mlln I'. si-v,-.,. ., Wn.k I inifltm. ClfVoliliKl. Detruil mul ililcuf W.Ñ7Ü. D.--5--33 AnillBÜ Mornhlne ITnhit Cnn ti l UI IU III O. J. tiuuu, {DwwiitOUa


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