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The Snako Undevstooil Enrlish. New York Sun ■ It is related that sotne Ametieans re ently noing through the . ardin de riante of Paris i-topjjed to loo ; at a big rattlesna ;e in a cage. jt lay motionlftss apparently asleep, but when two of the party who lindero I Lehind bpran to speak l'-uli -h it moed liited i ts he-id and pa e every sign of interest. 'Jhey tod rheir rompan o;ix tbat 'he snake understood J-'ngli.-n. The whole party then returned to the caee. The snake wn8 appaently aleep again. They con verso i in Kreuch. but the snake male no iuoVi ment: the ladies l egin to spenk in Fnli h The snake started. lifted it head ani showel the same alertness abelore at tlie s'iinls. 'Ihe rattlesnike proved, on inquiry, to have come from Virginia. A leadiníj Real Estáte Agent and Fri vate Ban ;er. ilr. Ira isrown, Chicago. 111., writfls: "í fe?l it my duty to say of bt jaro s Oil that 1 lav ou my r-ae ; three tnonths with rhenm ti-m. 1 tried it, wns enred, and have never been troubled since. Ferm nent ru;'e. Dansvil e Bree e: If you nre bqund to ■'s iss " a mulé do it to ola face. Then he Caí t kick yon Lacle. 1 hiladelphia Cali: Another Georgii mu e h s Leen born with five legs. True to the propuisive nature of ita structure lüree of tho legs are Lebin 1. it was hot every where, but a Uttle hotter at íát J.oms, it ap' ears, th n anvwhere else. The next lible ieviaers will clüinze itfrom slieol to ht. Louis. Dimsvi e Beee.e: Year-i of study and experiu ciits have fuiled lo produce a mulé ihat will not 1 íck. in entors should now turn their attention to amulesioe whicli will reliouml hortuie sly when it stri es a man in the gtomi oh. but will a boomerunoish effe t on the m le and make him turn a dnuble soraers-u.t. Mr T. J. Murphy, 01 Eebavoi e Place, Tmoklyn, N. ., iiys: "i was a ■ icted wilh sciatic .rheumati m nnd found bt. Jacols t il very ' Sold by Uruggistó ani D alers eery where. Mis. Langtry waa not the first woman to takeout papers of American cltlzenshlp. Mis. Brackenrldge of Brackenrldge Place, l'a.. is a natlve of Gennany. .Some years ago she wished ti become one of Ihu incorinrators oí a ferry company. It was tlecided by leal authority that it was necessary for her to take oui papera of citizen-hip, whlcb slie did on December 16, 18S-'. She lieads ihe list. President Cleveland lunches at 2 o"clock every afternoon. From the limeli table he oes back to bis office and remains UD til 5 o'clock, wor.ilng literally with his sleevea roledup, and dlsposinK of the business whicli lias accumulated during the moining. At 5 o'doob the Prealdeut umi wife tak e a drive, nsuolly going out to Oak View. DInner is Berve i at the hite House at T o'clock. Generally the President s]ientls his evenüigs at his desk, and never re res befare mklnight. Hn. BoiTOB.".- I have rece i ved eevernl letters from acquaintances in Illinois and lowa, iisking me to toi. them th t'acts in r-'gard to the Indestructible luel Cart ridge, whih is bein? introduced by the Coupon ntoduct.on Company, Ko. 12 Cortlandt streef, ewYork. 1 have care fuily examined tbe cartriilge, nnd know its coüiposition; and henee, can truly say tbat it is practioftlly indestructible, an I cannot explode. 'Ihe out ide cylinder of iron wire, ho d in place a m ss of indestructible composition, which ab orbs n pint of COal oil (keio ene . which is, of coure. the fuel. The mineral composition is noo fusible, and henee wi 1 last for an iudetiiiite pe iod. When isrnit d. the ex t rnal lame or he it draws the oil to the suri ie, and combustión is perfect. By luí nal experiment 1 timl that a te t kett e wilh half a ga Ion of water in it. cn be boiled in le-s time thui it tikesover a coal fire. The he t is inten e. nnd the fíame beine carried bv thedraught well back and up a;aint the top of thestoveor mnge t e itucc-s o boilin ; or cookiúg is most speedily acpomplish'd. Jt is no exaggeration to say that un ordinary meal can bs roo ed lo one cent I cunsnlur this cartridee a real bleFaing to housewives (end espeoially in hot w 'ather . and onn oi'ght to i e oun 1 in every one of our praire especia lv. Those who have read roy look on steam and e ecti ieity, will n t need to be told tb't l amgratiTied to write t lis as I do, and I certain y wouid not. recommenl in artice that would be at all dan :eroti. Very re-spectfully, B. K. BAbCOCK, Late of Pas. Dep. C, K. I. & ?. Ky.


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