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The loss on tho rice erop of South Carolina will excead Í 100, (KW. 1 he iiational editorial association will meet in Denver, beptember 13. The bones of an extinct race of giauts have been unearthed in Cincinnati. Pension warrant) amouuting to (15,253, (X) weru issued in one day receutly. The l'tth reunión of the army of West Virginia was held in Wheeling Aug. L4. Diirin July 30, 8) emigrants rarae to tho United States against 31,348 in July of last year. lJrof. O. S. Fowler, the noted phrenologist and lecturer, d ed near Sharon, C'onn., i a íow days ago. Grorge O. Wright of Des Moines, Iowa, lias leeu elected president of the Amerii can bar associatiou. Prof. Spencer F. Baird of the United Btatea üsh commission died at Woodhall, Mass.', a few days ago. Tiie Kni-;hts of Lat.or of Alassachusetts will meet in Boston, September lü, and ïiouiinate a iull state ticket. A canned fruit famine ie probable, as tho fruit erop throughout the country bas L'.eu injured by the drouth. Clitlord vVeeks shot and killed John Fratt in a soioon in Uarrisou, II)., because Piatt re used to pay for the drinks. A general suspension of the western window glass factories may resu t from a demund for IJ per cent advance in wages. Kear-Admiral Crnven of the United States navy (retired) died at the Charleston. Alass., navy yard a few days ago, agod Hl. Twemy-live States were represented at the Sons oí Veterans' reunión at Des StoiuM. The order now has a niembership of 3:,H)i. An expms package containing $10,0(0, sent lrum Omaha, was lost between üreen KI ver, Wyoming, and Pocatelle, Idaho. E1 o c!ew. The leaders ín an extensivo gang of freigtit tram robbers have been arrested along the New Yurk división of the Penni y.VMnia. Coloro w, the leader of the be'.ligerent White Kiver Utes now on the war path in Colorado, has sent to other tribes to join he üj,ht. The leaders of the mob which released Senator Kiddleberger from jail in Wood. stock. Va., have been indicted by the grand jury. ïtewiirt Jackson, president of the dispatch transfer cotnpany of Kansas City, hnsabseouded, leaving bis friends $17,000 in the lurch. Col. John II. Keatley of Council Bluffs, iowa, has Leen appointed chief of the misceüaneouB división of the second comptroller's i tlice. 'lhe Kev. Dr. Daniel Curry for years one of luu ablest ministers and preachers in the Methodist denoiuination, died in New York receiit'.y. Wilham l.ootiiMii Roberts, a heavy stock broker of Baltimore, is at the Windsor hote' in Ilontreal wiih about $50,000 belonging tu Baltimorl ans. Ajoung Washington lawyer has conimenced suit to eslablish his claims to lunds near Kt. Paul, Minn., valued at over hall a luiiliou do.lars. P. K. ïarpy of New York City, has been appointed Superintendent of the Indian training schools at (rand Junction, Col., vice W. J. Davis, resigned. Grand Army men throughout the country are working to have the tystem o pension payments changed so as to make them monllily instead of quarterly. A soldiers' monument is to be unveiled at Reading, Pa., Sept. lü. Ex-Gov. Hoyt will deüver the oration, and Gen. Sherman aud Gen. Sheridan will be present. The ske.eton of a mastadon was uu earthed near Galena, Hl., the other day One oi' the teeth of the def unct monster was five laohes lona aud weighed seven pounds. Applications have been received at the treasury department, Washington, for the pre-pajmeut of interest on bondsamount" ing to $3,t2S,8 0, making the total to date SC5 (ili),45ü. The international stove moulders' union bas sudden y determined upon deraanding an advance in varj-ing from lü to 15 per cent all over the United States and Cadada. fceveuteen freight cars were wrecked by a colusión on the Baltimore & Ohio, near Ellicott City the other day. The engineer aud conductor of one of the trains were fatally injured. The commander of the United States cruisers in the Alaska service has been ordered to seize all vessels found in Behring sea, un ess they are the property of the Alaska f ur company. John and Richard Bean, hack drivers of boston, and their sister, have been notiSed that by the death of Thomas Bean of Bonhaui, Texas, they become the joint heirs of a fortune of Ï1O,(WO,UUO, The Virginia republican state committee has issued aringiug address to the electors of that state, arraigning the democrats, and coming out strong, y in favor of the repeal of the internal tax. At the reunión of tho Eighty-Seventh Illinois veterans at Enfield, 111., a terrible explosión of cannon occurred during the sham battlc. Vive men were terribly injured, two of whoru wili die. An express train over the Fort Wayne &■ Chicago railway was wrecked at Bayard, Ohio, the other moruing. O. Warner, a sleeping car porter, was killed, and several others were seriousiy injured. The contract for the construction uf building for the United States penitentiary at bult Luke City has been awarded to the l'auly jail building and inanufacturing company of St. Louis at $48,000. Jake Pettijohn who was sentenced to be hanged in Atlanta, Ga., thirty yoars ago for killing Clayton Vaughn, but escaped by flight, has just been arrested in Indian Torritory and will be brought back for execution. Two large barns be'ouging to Wm. Mies & Sons of Hastings, Mimi., were stru k by lightning recently and burned to the ground. Twenty Norman horses perished in the flame8 and seventy tons of hay burncd. Total loss, $30,0J0. Three hundied miners near Nanticok, Pa., maddened by whiskey, engaged in a riot the other day. Sixty three of the rioters were seriousiy hurt, and is feared sonie of them fatally. A number of the ring leadeis have beun arrosted. It is now definitely settled that President Cleveland and most of his cabinet will go to i'liiladelj hm on the lTth of September to attend the centennial constitutional colebrntion there. Mrs. Cleveland will i robably accompauy the President. In lit'il the legislatnre of South Carolina passed a rosolution to present a gold medal to Gen. N. G. Evans for various services. The medal was never presented and the preseut legislature has just indorsed the resolution and thepresentation will be made. Postmaster Kelly of Indiana, Pa., shot and killed Jacob Hogers whilu he was attemjiting to rob the postotHce. Rogers was wreuchiug the money trom the drawer when it rang ah alarm, which brought the postmaster to the room. He shot without warning and the thief feil dead. It transpires that Hugh sil. Brooks, a'ias Maxwell, the famous chior - [ former of Preller, turnad his attentiun to ■ religiuts matters about a month ago and was receiveii into the Catholic churcb. ' Tbe young man's father is much rejoiced ! at the chnnge that has come over his son. [ The Alanitoba government, acting upon the suggestion of Mr. Goldwin Smith, has i resolved upon obtaining tho opinión of tlio quoen as to the right of the Dominion ; authorities to disallow such acts of the Provincial legislature as that authorizing the construction of the Red River Valley railway. A lrading business man of Meoker, Col., has written to a Denver paper that thíí Utes are not to Ultimo for the trouble there, and that tbe war is practically a white man's war on the Indians. The letter further says that the Inaians do not want to flght, but will if pressed much further. The coronor's jury in the case of the Chatswortb railroad accident have agreed upon a verdict. They do not in any way censure tho compauy, but found that Timothy Coughlin, foreman of section 7, is worthy of censure because of failure to patrol the track and the o( burning grass close to the track, Ueorge Brinski, the man who claimed to bave served threeyears in the Union army during the war of tbe rebellion as a substitute for Grover Cleveland, died in the soldiers' home near Bath, N. Y., recently (jf cousuniption. iie was a I'olisU sailor, aged G5 years, and claimed to have been sworn in as Mr. Cleveland's substitute wben be was drafted in Bulïalo in 1S63. Alvin Ciark, who had a wor d-wide reputation as a practical astrononier and manufacturar of telescopes, and who had been a resident of Cambridge, Mass., for the past fifty-two years, died on the 2tn iiist., aged 83 years and Omonths. Through his life he has given to the world tbe largest and most powerful astrunomical instrument ever made. During the year ending June 30 there were establisbed in the United States 3 43 postofllces and 1,5.0 discontinued. On resignations and conmiissious expired ü,ü3appointments were miul; on remováis and suspension -, 2,5S4. Tbe total numberof postmastersappointed, of all classes, , was 13,07.; for three years, ending June I 30, the number of appointments was 45,373. Under the law tbe time allowed for the redemption of trade dollars will expire on the third of September. Tbe amonut re.leemed up to date is a littl ■ over 7,40,000. The number of these dol lars estimated to be held in 1 1 1 i s country by the director of the mint ia his report to congress was t7,üj6,000, and the slight excess in redemptions is accounted for by importatious from China and Japan. The following are the uewly-ulected oBicers of the Bous of Veterans: Gen. G. B. Abbott of Chicago, commander-in-chief ; Col. Henry A. Frazee of Ohio, lieutenantgeneral; Col. J. J. Speaker of Missouri, major-general. C. B. Cookof Dakota, Co!. Applegate of Nebraska, and C. A. Ander son, J. L. Y. Rakes and E. B. Smith of Pennsylvania, were cbosen members of thccouncil-in-chiüf. Whoeling, W. Va., was choson as the next place of meeting.


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