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Collier From Chicago

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Mr. Krant H. Collier of Chicago, was the receipient of a private audiencj vvitli the quenn at Osborne house on the '-'U hiKt., and presented to HerMajesty the jubilee iiddress of the residen ti oL Chicago of Kritish birth or parentage. In present? ing the addresá Mr. Collier said: "Your Majesty- In behalf of 50,000 peOple of the city of Cbk-ago of Britisb blr( b or parentage, it gives me great pleasuro to present to you this congratulaiury jubilee etddrew. Though separatcd far irom our mother land our he -rts sti.l bitit warmly with love and veneration ior EnRlaad'a queen." The queeu replied: "I thank you and the people you represent for the addre.,8. and thank you personal y fur your own ki:.d words. My answer to the address you wil) find in this paper." The queen thon handed to J!r. Collier her formal reply to the address, whlch is as io lows: "X thank you for the address you have presen ted rae. Coming, ta it uom Crom persons of Knglish birtti beyond the eas . who i'utain feolings of love for their mother country and syrnpathize with her wolïare, 1 receive it witii a pecuiiur satj - faetion. That the people of Chicugo shonld have given oxjreusion to these klud srnu . menta, not only toward the Anglo ■Saxnü ra e of tliosn ivalms, but also toward myelf, is to me a source oí much tio and anstains mo in the belief that the ! r.'-ai; -ii: ji and ood will which üow ezists betweun ihe two ?ountries, aiul wbico i have always eiuleayored to prompte, are of a real and enduring character." XJpon liis returu to London Mr. Collier wasaskedifbe kisged the uueen'8 hand. He repheti : 'No : 1 did not, fcr the reïisou that it woiiid hive bten improper. as lam not a British subject, but ani proud to bo au ATufirican citi.en. 1 tousider the fact ' that the yueen granted a private audience ior the purpose of presenting thu address a compliment, not only to the 1 ish rosidents of Chicago, but to the citiens of thi.1 town generally." The address which ilr. Collier presen ted to the Queeu is mainly congratulatory, bnttbe ioteution of the signors that hor majesiy tboold not be misled as to their polltii al allfgiance isplainly evident from j thtentence: "Although the signers are proud to be ciuzcns of the L'nited States, they lo uct forget their lritish birth or parentage. ' As Mr. Collier retired the ' iucen lookod at the covers of the address and Mid: 'It is very pretty." The Crown l'rincess of Kussia was present. The whole procceding is most extraordinary, in view of the fa.t that the Queeu absolutoly refused to ïeceivo jersonally the Kulish i.d'.lressea that were publislied here. Mr. Collier speaks gratefully oí the assistance ïurnished him by the American legation m obtaining an audience With the Queen.


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