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CLEARING SALE OF SiiiiifT Goeds. Bargains will be found in evory department of our store. We cali special attention to somc of the leading values and request tlmt in order to secure the cream value of the sale it will be necessary to cali early as we expect the storo fllled with cuatomers anxious to get a share of the bargains offered within üf teen days . White Dress Goods in Swiss and Xainsook, Striped, Cbecked or Plain at 8, 10, 12}4, 15. 20 and 25c. Colored Dress Goods, assortment comprising Plain, Plaids and Checks for 12K formerly sold for 25, and 37}L ets. Handsome Assortment of Dress Goods, 25, 30 and 35 ets. Many of these are less than half original pnce. French All Wool and Slik and Wool Dress Fabncs choice for 50o, former price 75 to 85c. Sieefc Reöuction ii Fatten Siits And many great bargains in remnants. BALANCE OF STOCK OF PARASOLS MUST GO. PRICES NO OBJECT. Over 100 different styles of FANS, rangng in price from 2c upwards. Pocket, 'iililing, Satin, Japanese, Feathcr and 'ainted Fans ia endless varietv. THE PRICES WE ASK ARE R[DICUOUSLY LOW. yiack & Schmid. Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A Stock Pattern wlth us and can be Dad n sepI arate pieces as well as sets and matched foryearjto come as readily as White Ware. J. D. STIMSON & SON, China, Grockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ARBOR, - MICH. BMETIHö'l We come before the peopie with the largest and FINEST STOCK OF ALLTHE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entirelv óoo numerous to mention for the outflttng of the flne dressers. And as we have the services of one of the best cutters, and also our coat makers are nmonu the best, enables us to please the most fashionable dressers. Now all we baveto say is come in and we will gu&rantee you the lowest prices in the state for first-class goods. No trouble to show goods. Rememberthe place. No. I O East Huron Street, four doors west of theCook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. Palace Grocery ! Have Everything in the Grocsry Line ! That Can be Purchased. Also all kinds of Fresh Vegetables FRED T. STIMSON. Remember the Place, No. 9 North Main St„ Ann Arbor, Michigan. EXINGER & BOES, Proprietors of the EXCHAH&E Opposite the Michigan Central Depot. EVERYTHINC NEW. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. Iu eonnection with the Hotel are Barn A ccommod ations. RÑSEYi"SEABdLT No. 6 A. 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Grocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, In large nmounts, and at OêisILl Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they buy and sell, is good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffeea every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakery turns out espellent Bread. Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. H. LAUBENCAYER SELLS Bottled Beer In Pints and Quarts and delivered to any part of the City Free of Charge. Corner of Detroit and Catharine Streets, or leave orders at the Postoffice. The Palace Liverv THE Finest iè Best Tnuntx IN THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St., Ann Arbor Mich Telephone N0.31. "w. ca-. sbto"W'S BOARDINC AND LIVERY STABLE ! Is situated on South Fourth street, temporarily with J . E. Robison. Best Turnouts in the City REASONABLE RATES. Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Order attended to in any part of the city and vicinity. Telephone connection. HACKS RUN NICHT 4 DAY EUCENE OESTERLIN. Insurance Agent, - AND - Notary Public;. Moneys Collected in any part of Europe. Drafts (Wied and pald. Correspondent of the Imperial Herman OonsuUte, Cincinnati. Agent for the American line of steamers running betweon Phil aielphia, Hamburj;, Liverpool, nnd all the iriiicipai seaports in North Oermany; of the line between New York and Kolterdam, and of the New York and Breinen Line. Power of attorney legally made out, for any place in Europe, and raoney col'ected on claims. OFFICE: No. 8 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. REMOVED ! I Have removed mv MEAT-MARKET! To more commodious quarters at E No. 1, líotroit Street, Where I shall keep on hand l'resh, Salt and Smoki'd Meats. Pnces Reasonable. XAVER ZACHMANN, Ann Abbob, Míen. GRASSAR Si BRAND, Pilsner anfl Boüemian Lager Manufactured iu Toledo. .a.. G-rinsrnsriEíR, Has the Solé Agency, And will Delirer m Pint, and Quart BottleB, and by the Keg, to all parte of the City JTREE OF CHARGK. No 4 Detroit St. P. 0. Drawet 25. WliRNER & BRENNER, No. 16 South Main St. A FÜ1X UNE OF FRESH EBDCB1IBS Just Opened, of TEAS, COFFEE8 SUGARS and SPICES . We alao carry a full line of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. TONER HJENER. COLLINS & AMSDEN, - DEALKKS IN - Stone Lime. Water Lime, Cement, Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, and AND MASONS' SUPrUES IN GENEKAU Also all kinds of WOOD and GOAL. - ALSO - Flo-ar and Feed and Bailed Hay. OFFICES, No. 33 and 36 East Huron.


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