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The Vebdiot Unanimoüs.- W. D. lult, druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: I can recommend Electric Bitters as ;he very best remedy. Every bottle eold las fjiven relief in every case. One man ook six bottles, and was cured of Bheunatism of two years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggiBt, Bellville, Ohio, itflrms: " The best selling medicine I ïave ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thouands of others have added their testinony, so that the verdict is unanimoüs hat Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only i half a dollar a bottle at G. Eberbach & Son's drug store. "Does position affect sleep V" asked a member of a "medical convention," whereupon a prosy old doctor said he hought ït did. "For instance," he added, by way of explanation, "if a man g holding the position of a night watchman, he is liable to be disturbed by the atrol." Excitement in Texas.- Great exciteaent has been caused in the vicinity of 3aris, Texas, by the remarkable reoovery of Mr. J. E. Corley, who was so helpless ie could not turn in bed, or raise his ïead; everybody said he was dying of 'oiiHiimptkm. A trial bottle of Dr. Cing's New Discovery was sent him. binding relief, he bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King'e New Life Pilte ; y the time he had taken two boxes of ?ills and two bottles of the Discovery, ie was well and had gained in flesh hirty-six pounds. Trial bottles of this Great Discovery for Oonsumption f ree at Eberbach & Son's. The spelling reformers have decided hat ocean should be spelled "oshun," ut sea-sickuess will mako a man wish ie was dead jnet the same as if the oldashioned ortüography was kept up. To look upon a bright, beautif ui baby and remember that the only medióme it ever takes is Dr. Bull's Baby Syrnp, certaiuly converts another family tij the use of the reiuedy. The sight of an ugly nflamed boil or sore, to say nothing of ts dangerous tendency, should induce iuy sufferer to try Laxador, the infalh)le remedy for these troublesome blood disorders. "I smell suffin a burnin'," remarked in old negro who sut at a camp-fire, ioasting his extremeties. "Gosh!" he added in a moment, with a yell; "it's lis niggah's own foot." "üiseascs, desperate grown, by destrate appliances are relieved, or not at til." The point of wisdom is to check hem bef oro they reach so f ar by buying a bottle of Salvation Oil. Price 25 ents. "Conspiracies no sooner should je formed than execnted," and a cold should no sooner be taken, than a bottle )f Dr. Bull's Uough Syrup should be bought and used aCcording to the directions. Business before pleasure, as the man remarked when he kissed his wife before going to the slub." Büoklen's Aknica Salve. - The best n the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ui cera, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chupped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaran ted to give )erfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. When a Bostons girl's soul reacties out into the infinite after an idea and grasps it, she realizes how base and ignoble is the conventionality that obliges a being thus endowed to wrestle with a paper bustle. New Restaurant ! JOHNLONEY, Propriotor. Warm Meals Seived. Cold Lunch, Pigs Feet, Pickled Tongue, Tripe, and Oysfers, etc. Restaurant open from 6 a. m., until 12 o'clock. midnight. No. 23 North Main St. ANN ARBOR CITY BOTTLING WORKS WASHINGTON STREET. SCHÏLTZ, PILSENER, Peninsular Beer, London Ale and Porter. I have a large stock of Beer Bottles pints and quarts for Family Use. Telephone No, 48. Orders Promptly Attended to W. F. SCHLANDERER. . O. BOX, 134, ANN AKBOR.


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