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State fair at Jackson, next week. Postmaster Duffy is back from New York. Christopher Kearns has retumed from Streeter, 111. A stone pavement is beiog laid in front of Schairer's store. J. E. Bobison purchascd 10 colts of Mr. Caiïery, last Friday. Bishop Gillespie, of Grand KapidH, was in the 'city, Tuesday. K. Kearns, jr., of Lausing, is on the siok list. He carne home to recupérate. L. Moon, who mus the only hotel iu Hamburg, paid the city a visit, Tuesday. Willjll. Root, oE the po.stoffice, will spend his vacaliou with friemls iu Detroit. Mrs. Geo. W. Doty is spending the week with her sou, probate register Doty. N. II. Winans will soon open a merchant tailoriug establishment in Battle Creek. The lirowu Btockiugs go to Adrián tomorrow and play ball with the club of that place. Koch & Haller, furniture dealers, have something to say about low pnces in today's paper. Mr. C. Husou. of Coldwater, was the gueat of his sister, Mrs. G. Williams over Sundav. Mrs. H. U. Waldron bas taken up her residence in tuis city, No. 55 East Washington Btreet. Waters & Co., have sold out tlieir lumber yard. T. J. Kcech purchasing Ihe largest share. T. Y. Kayne left Thuraday, for To ronto, ünt., on business for the Egan trusB company . The flve months old c'iild of August Seybolt, the milk vender, of Scio, was buried Tuesday. Switt & Co., coinmenced running their cooper shop Monday. The men are now making ! uil time. Mack & Schmid have purcbased the buildings of the def unct lumber yard on South Main street. F. A. Uandall, travelling agent for the the D. & O. S. Ñ. Co., spent Monday in the city. Frank is a husller. The estáte of the late S. W. Shurtleff ia estimated at $11,000, which is divided atnoug his wife and children. mr, r. n . utwMviw ua morea uer goods ia the opera house basement, during a visit to her hou in Dakota. The sixteenth annual fair of the Eastern Michigan agricultural society, will be held at Ypsiianti, Sept. 27-30. Henry Olsaver, of Hamburg, made The Democbat a pleasant cali, Monday. He also subscnbed for the paper. Persona desirins anything ia tbe jewelry line, are invited to inspect the large stock carried by Jacob Haller. Gil Snow has removed his liyfiry to No. 21 Nortli Main street, adjoiñing K. Uuffy's store, opposite the postoüice. Mr. J. Donnelly has taken down the fence around his residence, which has much improved the appearance of his place. E. II. Scott is back from Lako View. W. G. Doty and wife Sundayed in Manchester. Miss Abbie Pond úpcnt a few days last week, in Flint. The dry goods stores in Ypsilanti, close at 6 p. m. Mr. F. Bours, of Detroit spent Sunday in the city. Henry Miller, of Hamburg, was in town Saturday. Quincy turner has rented a house on Mayuard street. Ir. Frank Loomis spent Sunday with his family, in this city. Jno. F. Lawrince speot Saturday and Sunday last, in Detroit. O. C. Warner is clerking for Philip Stimson, in East Sacinaw. C. Helber is putting up the boiler house on West Huron street. Q. E. Morgan leaves Saturday on the steainship Arabic, for Liverpool. The rnachinery for the new steam laundry is being put ia position. M. Stabler will exhibit a new hay-rake at the state fair next week in Jackson. H. W. Bassett has beon a meniber of the school board of Saline for 17 years. When the new steam laundry is runing, it will niake the flfth laundry in the city. C. F. Hill, of Lodi, was in Marshall, Saturday, on business in the probate court. Cooper & Wood succeed Sparks & Cooper in the milling business, in UhelseaJno. Schumacher addressed a rousing temperance meeting in Milan, Wednendav nicht. Geo. Stadel has returned from Grand Rapids, where lie reports having a splendid time. Nest week, Mr. II. .T. Hrown and fainily leavefor a nionth's visit iu the eaat, with relativos. It is expected the Toledo roal from Alt. Fleasant to Ca'üllnc will be completed by Oct. 1. Jno. Cutting, of West Greeubush, A.lcona county, died Saturdny, of eon3umption, aged 28 years. Mrs. K. Maloney, of Detroit, and Mrs. Clara James of Texas, were the gwests of Mre. Henry Kogers this week. Mre. P. Winegar and son Mat., who bave been in l)etroit for the past six weeks, returned home Friday. The dance given at L. Shulters' dence, in Lodi, was attendod by 100 couples, who report a big time. The remains of Louis V. Stevenson. who died in Lardeo, Texas, were brought to this city, last week, for baria], Swathel, Kyer & Peterson have reoeived several car-loads of wheat f rom Mt. Pleasant, over the Toledo road. O. L. Matthews has seoured a pension for Columbus Van Hora, of Webster. The back pay amounts to $1,000. A stonc walk - a loug needed ïmprovement- isbeinglaid in front of Clias. Fantle's doublé stores on Main street. The Graner house, on W. Huron street, occupied by Geo. Olp, is being repaired at several hundred dollars expense. One of the large sheds of M. Stabler, near the Toledo road, gave away last week, on account of the excessive weight of coal. Chas. Bradley, of Foster's station, congratulates himself on being the father of a 10 pound boy. Mother and child doing well. Col. Dean, W. F. Schlanderer and several others, attended the soldiere' big blow out in Detroit, Wednesday and Thursday. Walker Bros. re filling orders for carriages to be shipped to Wayne, Saginaw, and one handsome canopy rig goes to Geddes. Wm. Looraner, special examiner United States pension office, was in the city last Friday, on business in the probate office. Prof, Rhodes, teacher of history in the high school, and Miss Anna Miner, daughter of J. K. Miner, were 'married Wednesday. Jno. Baumgardner, manager for Anton Eisele, is putting up a $500 granite monument in Bichmond cemetery, Macomb county. Mrs. E. Hoban, who has lived on the corner of Ann and Second gtrcets for the past 32 years, has removed to 10 South Ingalls street. Mrs. Charles Kintner is expected back from Washington this week, and will spend the winter with her parents. Mr. and Mre. O. L Pack. Mr. C. S. Durand, of this city, and Miss Wateon, of Chelsea, were married on Wednesday. The young couple will reside in this city. The ladies of the Methodist church are getting out a cook book, whioh will be of tried recipes, aDd undoubtedly it will meet with ready srle. The case against Alex. öchloupe, charged asaault, was settled in justice FrenaufTs court Monday, the defendant paying half of the costs. C. H. Woodruff, while on his way to Geddcslast Friday, was confronted by a rattle-snake in the road. He killed the reptile, which had nine rattles. Dr. Sullivan has an heir. The bright little boy put in an appearance Sunday uiglit, and tipped thescale at 17 pounds. The doctor now steps higher than ever. Aaron Stollstimer, a resident of tuis county since 1831, died ut hifi home in Scio, last Friday, nged 61 years. The funeral Sunday, was very largely attended. Fred H. Helser has boen appointed ndministrator, with the will annexed, of tbe estáte of the late Herman Bisele. Appraisers, Jno. Finnegan and Casper Rinsey. The (freat Chicago iuter state exposition, which has been in session since Sept. 7th, does not close until Oct. 22. It is expected that 1,000,000 people will take in the eights . Judge Ilarriman has appointed Prof. A. Lodemann, of Ypsilanti, county school examiner, in place of C. A. ner, resigned. A bctter appointment could not have been made. W. J . Ackers, of Plainfield, who has had eiglit years experience in the jelleying business, wiïl have charge of Allmendinger & Snyder's fruit preserving factory, the remainder of t he season. Mra. Eunice M. Ford. of this city, has commenced foreclosure proceedings in the Wavne circuit fourt, Detroit, against Mrs. Ellen M. Chipman to recover $2,500, the value of a mortgage on defendant's property on Fort street west. Eberbach & Son are filling a Iarge order for chemicals for the Detroit medical college. Also chemicals and glassware for the Agricultural college at Brooklyns, Dakota, and chemioals and apparatus for the University of Michigan. The preserving, drying and jellying works of Allmendinger & Snyder, are now in f uil blast. Twenty hands are employed, and the amount of jellies iiiniiiu uuL i mmpiy immense, rrom 400 to 500 bushela of peaches, as many apples, pears, and crab apples are manufacturad into dehcacies cvory day . Last week while Mr. Hiram Pieroe and sons were at work on their farm near Chelsea, they became excited by wbat Mr. Pierce supposed to be a warm of honey beea, but noticing his son fighting something around . the team which he was working with, he went to Ree what the trowble was with son and team and found that what he supposed to be honey bees were fiying ants which in numbers far cxeeeded doublé the amonnt of the largest swarm of bees that he ever saw, which hterally covered his aon and team. They undertook to drive the anls away but fai led and had to leave the team to get rid of them.- Herald. Hi Henry's mnstrels Thureday, Sept 22. Two weeks more and tbe college vaoa tion will be over. C. Eberbach, will put the new iron roof on the M. E. churoh. Mrs. J. F. Nichols spent u few days at Whitmore Lake last week. Nine men are now employed in the boiler works of Barclay & Reeves . The opera house stage is being littcd up with new furniture, carpets, etc. Miss Carrie Norton expeots to move into her new house in iibout three weeks. During the absence of ohief Sipley, at Lansing and Oadillac, patrolman Gidley is acting cliief. Tbe Belleville baseball club defeated tne ïpsiianti club last Saturday afternoon by a score of 15 to 7. Prof. Butts has declinad the professorship in Iowa university oflFered him, and will remain at Orchard Lake. Attention is called to the advortisoment of Gil Snow, who has removed his livery to 21 North Main street. Rev. Wm. Galpin preached his farewell sermona in Hamburg and Brighton last Sunday morning and evening. Jas. Van Orden, of Chelsea, has begun snit against the Michigan Central railroad, for property destroyed by fire. The U. B. L. lodge give an excursión to Dayton, Ohio, öept. 21. Only $4.15 for the round trip. Children $2.75. Miss Paulina Schmid left for Jackson, Monday, where she has accepted a clerkship in Tuomey Bros., dry goods store. Mrs. Gustave Hhoem died Wednesday morning, of inflammation of the bowels. eme leavee a ñusband and live cuadren. Patrick McCann, a typo who loarned the nrt preservativo in this city, hut now of Detroit, spent Sunday at his old home. Mrs. M. C, Whiting, attorney, who has the agency of the Pratt property, in the üfth ward, is putting it in tenentable shape. - The pulpit of the Methodist ohuroh will be ocoupied on Suuday, by Kev. BenjamiD Day, Dr. Bamsey beingeout of the city. Miss Lila Finohman, of Petoskey, who attended the Ann Arbor sohool of musio. died in the former place, last week, of typhoid fever. Snit was commenced Saturday against L. James to condemn land that the Toledo road wiahos for a building spot for the new depot. Miss Kittie Fohey, of the central telephone office, is visiting in Chicago. Miss Cora Pulcipher is rilling her place during her absenoe. S. A. Gerner, for several years with J. Halier, the jeweler, has returned to his home in Cheboygan, where he is engaged in business. The better to facilítate the handling of freight and cara, the Toledo road authonties are laying a side track west of their passenger house. Ü'rank P. Hauson pleaded guilty in the circuit court Saturday, to the charge of larceny and was seatenced to lorna by Judge Josyln for 15 months. The auction sale of horses Saturday drew a large crowd, and suveral laughable incidente occurred as the purchasers attempted to get the animáis home. Frank Osgood, who was arrested somc months ago for sending objectionable matter through the mails, bas been discbarged under suspended sentenoe. Forty-six car-loads of steel rails, for the extensión of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Miohigan road, f rom Mt. Pleasant to Cadillac, have boen shipped this week. E. Yale has made arrangements to have on sale the Toronto Globe for Saturday, at 12 m. here. This is fast time, the train making 148 miles in 148 minutes from London. Walter S. Hicks, of this city, is interested in the sale ot a tract of 270,000 acres of land in New Mexico, to an English syndicate, througlj the Canard steamship co., of N. Y. The way to niake the county fair a success is to take hold and help the officers boom it. Why not everybody help this year? Is there any good reason? - Courier. We heartily endorse the above. The fair officials are doing all in their power to make the county (air a success. It is hoped that farmers will take special interest in doing all they can, and have the fair this., fall one long to be remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKernau altended the wedding of Miss Allimer Greusel to B. J. O'Rourk, in Detroit, Wednesday. The ceremony was perfonned by the groom's brother, Rev. Fr. O'Rourk, at St. Vincent's ohurch. The carpenters, unión will hold a {meeting at their hall, on Main street, over Fred Stimson's grocery store, next Wednesday eveniog. Good speakers are expected to be present. The public is cordially invited to be present. Of course, ifMr. Ueo. Millensays he is uot to become a Benedict at present, he certainly ought to know. We thought we were correctly mformed as to the time, as the information carne from one ot the young lady's very near relativos. The Ann Arbor Browns beat the Manchester base ball club, Friday last, 8 to ]. íatteriea, Lewis and Booth, and Geralin and Schofleld. Umpire, II. D. Merithew. The game was called at the end f the iiftli inning, on account of the ain. Mr. Hellor lias sold to Emil Golz three ;ickets for passage of friends from Hamjursr, Germany, to thia city, and one to ttre. Dr. Heartley for passage of Miss Li. Gobitz. They were furnisked at a ower rate here waa oütainable in jrermany. What the small boy can not do with a iling shot, by the way of breaking winiows of tenement houses, one could put n this eye, but a real estáte a&ent is ïfter theae same small boys, and the flrst me who is caught will be made an eximple of. So look out. Mr. Thomas O'Brien, of Northfield, was seriously, if not fatally injured, last Nlonday night, by bis horse becoming 'rightened and running away, throwing Ir. ü'Brien out, his head fttriking against me of the i ron roda of the railroad jridge, in the Fifth ward. The tendency of New York publishers jf books and montlihes to group their ollices between Astor plaoe and Union Square, has its most recent illnstration in the remo val of The American Magasino from down-town to commodious liiarters at 749 Broadway. Mr. Fawcett, in the October installment of his serial story, "Olivia Delaplaine" (now publishing in The Ameritan Magazine), will touch upon the ooaching parade wüich is anuuallv indicted upon New Yorkers, aome of whom doubt whether it is really in good taste. Mrs. Maurice Sullivan, formerly of Deerüeld, who cume here to be treated for cáncer, last Spring, died Saturday afternoon last, at the agc of 40 years. She leaves a husband and two daughte ra to mourn her loss. The remains were taken to her former home Monday, for iuterment. A young lad, of the Fifth ward, aon of VV. McFall, was playing with other lads Saturday morning last, when a do rushed up and bit him through thi fleshy part of the arm. This is the seconc time this same dog has bitten the boy and dire vengence is threatened, anc with reason. The new machinery for the steam laundry in the Wilsey block, is being put in place. Mr. Oostello, the proprie tor, expects to do a lrrge business, am he undoubtedly will, as he ia a pushinj and energetic man. His laundry wil be in running order on Monday, an the public are in vited to visit and aee the maobinery at work. Bobt. Beattie bas removed to Detroit. J. A . Brown has moved Lis fruit store to State street. The supreme court of Illinois, says that the the Anarohists imiat hang. Served the devela right. The residen ce of Chas. KalembacU was entered by thieves Wednesday. who stole a sil ver watch and $'2.60 in money. Bridget Minnock died yesterday at the residenoe of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. H. Naylor in the township of Salem aged 09 years. It is safe to say that coal will go up nfter October 1 next. In the meantime you can get your orders fllled by M. Staebler, No. 11 Weet Washington street. Ad in to-day's paper. Osman Bailey celebrated his 69th birthday, yesterday. The old gentleman is as spry as a cricket, and claims to be able to saw as mach wood as ever. "Old Virginia never tires." A. J. Paisley, for several years in the employ of the Michigan Central, suojeeds O. G. Wales as agent for the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan, in ;his city. He is a thorough going railroad man, and already the business of the company here is on the lnorease. The following names have been anïounced by president Wm. Ball, as ;he oommittee on organization and injorporation of the Farmers, pionic, of Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakland and Livngston ooanties: C. H. Riclimond, Ann Arbor; E. E. Leeland, Bmery; J. Thayer, Plymouth; E. M. Wood, Anderson ; E. I. Anus, South Lyon. With a bran new and Superior Organization of twenty-flve cnltured and hosea artiste. Hi. Henry's Popular Hmstrels solioit the atlention of menc lovers, uuaranteemg an entertainment carefully balanced and first class in every detail with prioes as low as a living existance will permit. They will exhibit at the Opera House on Thursday Sept.22. W. G. Burchfield has removed his merohant tailoring establishment to the tore ocoupied by Eldert, the tobacconist, on Harón street, where he has opened one of the finest Unes of cloths seen in many a day. It was Burohfleld who irpt slaughtered prices in this city, and ie says he will continuo to give big barfains. Those desiring anything in bis ine, are requested to cali and examine goods and prices. "Is this my train?" asked a traveler t the Kansas Paoifio depot af a lounger, I don't know, but I guess not," was the eply. "I see its got the name of the ailroad company on the side, aod I ixpect it belongs to them. Have yon ost a train anywhere?1' Peterson's Magazine for October is on tand, and is one of the best nu rabera of tiis year ot even unasual .excellence. The teel-engraving is a oharming reproduoion of Leslie's beaatiful painting, A Maiden Fair to See," and the fashionlates, wood-cuta, and designs for tbe work-table are all capital. There ia an nteresting illustrated article by way of pening, and the storiea and poems are xceptionally good. In this number are iven the offers to persons getting up lubs for next year, and they are very empting: few magazines award premiams that approach the valuable booka nd engravings "Peterson" bestows. 'he attractions for 1888 are numerous - iow writers to be added to the staff of avorite old contributors, more costly ngravings and wood-oats- in fact, iovelty and fresh variety in every lepartment. One can be certain this is not only said, bat really meant: for this opular magazine has proved, during nearly half a century, that its promises re always faithfúlly kept. Terms: ?wo Dollars per year, with great reduc;ions to clnbs. Üample-copies sent frea ;o those desiring to get up clubs. Addrees Peterson's Magazine, 306 Chestnnt Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


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Ann Arbor Democrat