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„willenaUc yo" loadvertU -■ consult LORD ss THOt hËWSPAPER-ADVEhTlSlNG. CHICAGO, 1LLI PENSION &CLA1MACENCY 0. L MATTHEWS ! Am Abbob, Mich. au appilcatlons proporly matln. Thousands oí dollars have been losl berauso applicatlons were not correctlT made. No cliargea uuless eucocastuL ___- - PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescription cf a physiciaa wtchashadaüfo lorr esporicncoiu treatins fenialo discases. : monü'.ly with perfect success DJ over 10,000 lodi' 3. Pleasant,8afe. cffectuaL laaics askyour dru rist for Pennyroyal Waf lake no substituto, or incloso p BCOforEcaledparticuIars. Bolo o all lnierpisis, $1 por 1 ■'■x. A THEEUBEKVCTTrrriL'AL CO.. 1 gold to Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Son. Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MELLEN, INSÜBANCE AGENT, No 4 South Mam etreet, Ann Arbor. The oldest Mncy In the city. Kstalilislied a quarter of a ceutury aso. lïepresentiug the followiiiR firstclasg compsnles, with over $30,(100,000 assets. Home lus. Co., of N. Y.; Contineulal Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Niágara Ins. Co., of N. V.: Olrard Ins. Qo.,of Phila.: Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; Commercial Uolonof. London; Liverpool aud London UwK"n5."gïK.WM' HENRY IWATTHEWS Keps a FIrst-clasa MEAT MARKET! Dealer in all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklin House. Prloo Beasonable. Thnking those who have so ltberally patron■ed me in the past, I also cordially solicittrade rom new patrons. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, 3Iich, Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." ünly Direct Route to Marquot'e and t' e Iron and Copper Regions of i,nke Superior. Traversing the Most Picturesque Poriion of Uppe' Michigan, Th'ougn a Territory Uncquallcd for HUNTING, FISH1NG and CAMPING. Two Through Express Trains dnily in Each Di rectiou, to which are attachod NEW, ELEO ANT AXD C0MM0DI0U3 OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS . AND WAGNER SLEEPING COACHES. Tickets over this roiite are on sale at all princiiwl ticket ofBces. Full information asto rales, ate, copies of maps and folders ili be f uroished upoD application to E. W. ALLEN, Gen. Pass. and Tk't Agt., Marquctte, Mlch. JVSACKINAC. Tho Kost DeUchtfal 3UMIV1ER TOÜFi balaca Steamers. Low Hatcs. , ïour TripB per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Erery Week Hay Botwccn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Wrlt for our " Ploturesque Mackinac," lllustratec Coataina Pull Parliculars. llaüed Freo. Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. WHITCOMB, Gen. Pass. Ast., DETROIT, NilCH. Ai A oren Ws D. F. Allmendineer llariuf acturer aud dealer In Píos, Orpis, AND MUSICAL INSTKUMKNTS. Repairing and Tuníng a Specialty. Anyone calllng at the worlt, f oot of Washington Street, can examino goods and pricoa. I can convince y ou of the Great Bargains ! I am offerlng. D. F. ALLMENDINQEB, ASN ABBOB Fred. Brown ! At CiíABkek's Old Pijace. FINE f II ! Xjclixoxs aro-cL HOT LUNCH EYEBY MI, EBERBACH &. SON. BElGilSTS AND PBARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEALERS IN- Mledicines, Chemicals, Dye StxiH:-, Axüst's and Wi Flower Materials, Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. Pare Wínes aií Lipors ! Speulal attentlon pald to the furnlslilne of Phyglclans, Chemlsts, Schools, etc., with pliiloophlcnJ and Chemical Apparatug, Bohemlan Chemical ilassware, PorctL Wore, Fura Baagents, etc. Phyulclans' Prescrlptiena Carefully Prepared at all hours. EBERBACH & SON.


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Ann Arbor Democrat