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The Twins

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From th Detroit Free Proes. "Boss,"he wbispered, aa he leanad over the counter, 'de ole womaa wants gome tea mighty bad, au' I hasn't got any money." "Can't helpthat, sir," was the reply, "I'm giving more than I can afford to without taking on any new tipplications." " 'Zactly, boss - I presume so. Boss, please give me your f uil name." "John Y. Blank." "An' dat of yer pardner." "Ili-s name is William J. Jones. Wbat do y ou want of our names ?" 1 'Wall, I didn't get de tea, but yon used me Jike a gem'len, an' bein' as we has got twins in our family I'ze gwine to name 'em arter you an' your partner." "Ohiyousaid tea, eh? Why, yes, 111 be happy to put you up half a pound. Green or Japan? Twins, eh? Hope the mother is doing well. Say, if jou want those boys to maka smart men giye 'em smart names. If I were you l'd cali 'eni Washington and Jefferson."


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat