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Georgia' prohibition election occura Nov. 26. The depnrtment of state declines to aslc for McGariftle's extradition. Tbe condemned anarchists saj they will not aslí for executire clemency. Gen. Black, commissioner of pensions, is conflned to bis house with rheumatism. ïhe George Weber brewing couipany Of Cinclnnati has failed for half a raillion dollars. James U. Blaine is the choice of the Empire state republicans for presidential candidate. Ex-Senator Jamas G. Fair has accepted the presidency of the Nevada bank of Ban Francisco. Key West, Fia., is greatly excited because the island is being patrolled by Spanish steam raras. Several persons were seriously injurad by a smash up on the Brooklyn elevated road the other morning. The K. of L. have granted a nationai district charter to the iron and steel workers of Pittsburg, Pa. A parcel post convention bet ween the United States and Jamaica has been signod, to go into effect üctober Ist. A petition for executive clemency in the case ot the anarchists has been pre;ented to Gov. Oglesby of Illinois. Humor hath it that Ben Butler will interest himself in the anarchists' case bef ore tbe United States supremo court. 1. etters from anarchists and sympathizers with anarchy are pouring in upan Gov, Oglesby from every part ot the globe. New York anarchists are in a furious rage over the Illinois decisión, and declare that the condemned men will never be executed. Frank W. Maxon, a wealthy farmer living near Elkhorn, Wis., was gored to deathby a blooded buil which he wasleadin to water. Th 5Oth anniversary of the introduction of homeopathy west of the Allegheny Mountains was celebrated in i'ittsburg on the 2Oth instDr. Uougla-s, who lost his health and a handsome practice tbrough his devotion tq Gen, Grant, is very UI and in need of financial aid, Fred Nunchrath, Jr., arrested as a, suspect in the Haddock murder case at Sioux City, Iowa, bas been found guilty of manslaughter. At a meeting of the Lincoln, Neb., branch of the National League, the outr rage in Michellstown, Ireland, was de. nounced as a foul crime. The railroad shops and buildings ot the Chicago, St. Paul & Milwaukee, at Yankton, Dak., were destroyed by fire the other morning. Loss $00,000; insured. Fred Gorman, flreman on the tug Pathfinder of Toledo in some unaccountable manner feil into. the crank pit of the tug, and was literally ground to a pulp. A collision occurred near Forest, Ohio, on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago road the other day. The engineer of a passenger train was instantly killed. The governruent asks for an accounting with the Northein Pacific road. It is claimed that the corapany has cut $2,00?,' 000 worth of timbar trom publio lands. Richard Brenner was given food and shelter by Frank Edel at Philadalphia, and rewarded the kindness by killing MrsEdel. He tben shot himself. No explanation. Col. John Winthrop Jones died in Greenfield, Mass., a few days ago. Col. Jones was a lineal descendant of Gov. Winthrop, the early governor of the Massachusetts colony. An explosión of giaut powdar in some treight cars on tbe Pennsylvania road wrecked about 25 cars, causing a loss of Í100,00u. Several trammen were seriously injured. Between 75 and 100 young ladies of Atlanta, Ga., have agreed to form a mounted escort to President and Mrs. Cleveland on the occasion of their visit to the Piedmont fair. Rumoree! that Henry George and Dr. McGlynn propose to start a daily newspaper in ach of the large cities of the country to advocate the interests of the workingmen. Dakota Iudians complain to Commisiionor Walker that the food furnished :bem by the government is musty, and that tbe whites are encroaching on the [ndiau reservations. K. of. L. assembly No. 6,303 of Chicago have adopted resolutions declaring the decisión of the supreme court in the anarchist cases unjust, and urging the governor to pardon the condemned men. An express train was boarded by rob. ters near Fort Worth, Texas, on the 20th Inst. Tbe thieves obtained about $30,000. The express and mail cars were thoroughly rifled, but the passengers were unmolested. Rev. Frank C. Haddock, son of the Rev. George C. Haddock who was assassinated at Sioux City, Iowa, has been admitted to the M. E. conference of Des Moiues. The young man is said to be pcculiarly giftedAt the closing session of the national prison congress held in Toronto, a paper w as read on "The transportation of crimináis," in which their transportation to Alaska was advocated, where it is proposed to found a penal colony. A colusión occurred the other night on the Iron Mountain, Tenn., railroad north of Nettleton betweon two construction trains, which resulted in the killing of three men and severely injuring seven others. Both engines werebadly wrecked. Joseph Cilley, the oldest ex-United States senator, and a veteran of the war of 1812, died in Nottingham, N. H., a few days ago, aged 9C years. He was elected o the Twenty-flfth congress and was chosen United States senator by the New Hampsbire legislatura in 1345. W. G. Patterson of Louisville, Ky., a member of the state guard, while on duty at Moorehead, during the trial of Craig Tolliver's murderers, received word tbat iis sister was dangerousïy II, and being refused a furlough he deserted. For this he has been sentenoud to pay a line of $100 and go to jail for 90 days. The fast day express over the Indianapolis & 8t. Louis railway was wrecked near Peru Ind., at an early hour the other morning. The cause of the wreek is not deflnitely kuown. The entire train except the sleeping car ieft the track. Engineer and (roman named Kaddington, father and son, were killed. The passengers were not in jured. A cartload of dynamite, enough to blow up Havana, was discovered hidden in the woodi near Key West, Florida, the otber day. The discovery has created great exuitement, proving that the plot against CuLa is much more formidable than was at lirst supposed. A iittle dynamite was 'ound tbere immediately after Aguero's expedition started. The supreme legión select knights, A. O. I !'. V., in session at Minneapolis, elected tbe folio wing oflicers fortheensuing year: lieorge W. Reed, Topeka, Ks., S. C. ; ChasHulst, Pittsburg, H. V. C. ; George W. Howard, Paris, 111., S. Lt. C. ; R. E. HM, Búllalo, N. Y., supreme recorder; W. R. Slicou, supreme treasurer; E. M. He&ding, Sacramento, Cal., supreme standard er; O. H. Comfort, St. Paul, supreme sen. iorworlcman; A. I'. Johnson, Nebraska, mpreme junior workman; F. Leniger, St. Louis, supreme guard; Ed. GiUis, New York city, supreme trustee.


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