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The corn erop of 1SST is cstimated at ,800,000,000 bushels. Oscar Neebe, anarchist, was taken to 'oliet prison on the 2tith uit. ludians on the San Carlos reservation in Irizona are on the war patb. Dr. McGlynn has been addressing a Neal }ow teniperance orgnnization. The car shops in Michigan City, lnd., rere destroj-od by firo the other day. Anarchist Parsons nowsays that he was londemned for utterances he never made. Over $27,000,000 has been put into circuation by the treasury in the past few nonths. During a quarrel at Clinton, Mo., the ither night, James Atkina was shot dead y H. B. Mitchell. Eleven prisoners were publicly irhipped in the jail yard at Wilmington, )el., the other day. Ëdward T. Dunn, paymaster-general of ;he United States navy (retired) died in 'ialtimoro reeen tly. Gov Larrabee of Iowa has been asked ;o sign the petition for executi vb clemency n the anarchist case. Something over 20,000 names hare been igned to the petitions cent to Gov. Oglesjy in behalf of the anarchists. Oen. Miles, now in Arizona, is drilling lis troops, so that in case of another lnlian outbreak tbey may be useful. Over 100 divorce cases were granted in the divorce courts of Chicago Sept. 24th. lliis is said to be the largest nuinber on record for one day. The railroad shops and buildings of the Chicago, St. Paul & Milwaukee, at Yankton, Dak., weredestroyedby fire the other morning. Loss {60,000; insured. Oen. John C. Black, commissioner of ensions, is accused of havingcharged and .oiiected $25 for addressing a soldiers' reunion in New Hampshire recently. A cycloue and iiood occurred ín the vicinity of Brownsville, Texas, Sept. 23d. immense damage was done to property. l'he country for miles was inundated. The decisión in tho case of Jake Sharp, the great Nsw York boodier, has been sustained by the supremo court. Sharp was taken to Siiig Sing on the 30th uit. The vncaucy on the supreme bench caused by the death of Justice Woods will Dot beiilled until af ter the President's re' turn from bis western and southern trip. ■ Discriininating duties betweon Cuba, 1 orto Kico and the Philippiues and all Other countries belonging to the crown ol Spain and the United States have been suspended. Ihe present is said to be the most profitible fruit year California has ever ex perienced. The total pack for the season has been much grater than ever before and prices better. In the great yacht race between the Scotch Thistle and the American sloop Volunteer, on tbe 27th of September, the Yankee sloop won in fine style. The dis tance was 38 miles. The treasury department has decided that rams imported specially for breeding purposes muy be admitted free of duty, notwithstanding the admission of the iniporter that he intends to sell tliem. The Georgia sen ate has passed the substilute for the Ulenn bilt. The bill withdraws the state money from institutions where races are mixed, aud mafcos gradu ates inuligible for teacher'8 places. The aeting secretary of the treasury ha6 issued a circular stating that the government will buy bonds daily at a flxed price until October 8, 1887. The new departure is said to have been ordered by President Cleveland. The interstate commission have decided in favor of the Vermont state grange, in the case against the Vermont Central for charging a lesa rate in similar service for a long haul. The commission's next place of meeting is Washington. Chicago citizens interested in the movement to erect a monument to the memory of the policemen who lost tbeir lives in the liaymarket riot, have appointed a committee to take the necessary steps for raising the funds for that purposo. Several hundred veteruns of the late war met in New York recently and adopted a resolution to the effect that the government should grant western land to the war vetoruns and advance passenger money and means for working land. An Uhin law, passed last winter, authori.ini; tne establishment of separate schools for colored pupils, is causing a good deal of friction. At Oxford colored pupils have deserted their own and applied for admisión to the school for white children. J. A. Stowart of Wichita, Kansas, has been sentenced to 17 years and four months in the county jail and flued (20,800 with costa of prosecution. The punish ment imposed upon Stewart is the heavi. est ever given in the state for violation of the liquor laws. A frightful accident occurred on the Mobile & Ohio road near Jackson, Tenn., the other morning. A passenger train made a plunge over the trestle, and the coaches were hurled a distance of 40 feet. Over 30 persons were injured, but no tatalities are reported. A disastrous wreek occurred on the Gulf división of the Southern Kansas railroad at Guthrie, four miles south of Purcell, I. T. A light engine and a construction train collided while both were moving at a high rate of speed. The two enginea aud twelve freight cars were piled in a heap. Ten persons were killed and wounded. i.The unnual convention of the national assoclation of union prisoners of war was held in Chicago Sept. 2-'d. A bill waa reported to giveex-prisoners of war, ninety day men, half pension ; 120 day, two-thirds pension, aud lull pension to those who served longer. lt also provides $2 a day (leoUOD for each day's confinement in rebel prison. The suit of the United States vs. the American Bell Telephone company, the umin purpose of which was to cancel two palents granted to Bell relating to the uct of transmitting speech by electricity on the ground that they were obtained by fraud, has been dismissed. The case will now be appealed to the United States supreme court. The old clock which is the sole piece of furuituie tbat was in the public rooms of the White House in Lincoln's time, has been restored to its place on Col. Lamont's mautelpiece. This cloek, which formerly stood where it does now, was removed to President Arthur's bed room lire years ago on account of his taking a particular faney toit. E. S. Wheeler, the iron importer of New Haven, ( onn., who failed recently with liabilities of 2,000.000 and actual asseta of 1150,000, has been arrested, charged with obtaiuing money under false pretensas. It turns out that his methods were very crooked, and that ho had deceived hU creditors by notes of bogus branch houaes. l'be arrest caused a gretit Bensation in New Haven. Mr. Elizaboth Merrinm Putnam, widow oí Col. Jcsse Putnam of Dauvers, Mass., died a few days ago aged 102 years 10 monthR. Lier husband was great grandson of the brother of Gen. Israel Putnam of revolutionary war memory, and his er was bom in the same house as Gen. Israel, which still stands in Danvera Mrs. Futnam was married in 1804, and was the mother of twelve children, five o' whom are living. The President has granted a pardon in the case of William iirooks, James Fitzgerald, Thomas Jackson, Wm. Uenderson, John Palmer, Keuben Goius and Oeorgo Horner, who wereconvicted in the United States court for the Western District of Arkansus last August for miinsluughter and whose sentence was suspended. The pardon is granted on the ground that the convicts had reasou to apprehend bodily harm from the men whom they killed. Officials of the internal reveuuc bureau will soon make a test of the purity of beer manufactured in thls country und the resulta submitted to eongress. If itMmll be found that tbere are rleleterious substances in the beer the commissioner can Bubmit the facts to congress for its information and he will ask autbnrity to ezercise the power of the bureau to prevent such adulteration. L'nder the law as it exists there is no restriction .as to ths proportion of alcohol that beer hall coiitain, provided the alcohol is reduced by fermentation and not by distillation. The supreme legión select knights, A. O. U, W., in session at Minneapulis, oioetod the followiug ollicers fortheensuing year: George W. Keed, Topeka, Ks., S. C. ; Chas Bnbst, Pittsburg, 8. V. C. ; George W. Howard, Paris, UI., 8. Lt. C; R. E. Hill Buffalo, N. Y., supreme recorder: W. H. Sbeen, supreme treasurer; E. M. Resdiug, Sacramento, Cal., supreme standard bearer; O. H. Comfort, St. Paul, supremo senior workman; A. P. Johnson, Nebraskoi supreme junior workman; F. Leniger, St. Louis, supreme guard; Ed. Gillis, New Vork city, supreme trustee. Gen. William Preston died at Lexiagton, Ky., the other afternoon. Gen. Preston was born at Louis ville in 1810; gradüated at Cambridge law school in 18)8, and practiced law at Louisville; served as lieutenant in the Mexican war; was mi active whig until the party dissolvod, when he became a democrat; was a member of the convention which nomiuated President Buchanan: wa minister to Spain 1859-61 ; tried to induce Kentucky to secede from the union; becaino a brigadier-general in the confedérate army and aide-deeamp to Gen. Albert tjyiiuey John ton; pnrticipated in the battle of Shiloh and Bragg's invasión of Kentucky. He has lived in Loxii gton lince tlio war.


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