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Asiatic Cholera From Italy

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Asiatic cholera Mas brought to Kow Vork the other mormng by tbe stetunsbip Alesia, wbich comes froni the cholera infected ports of ltuly . It is in its worst and virufent form, und death was the ture, quick result of au attack. The Alesia sailed fnuu Naples on September ii. WLcn nine days out f umi tbat port, tho Qrtt case, that of Luiga Maria, a gteerage passenger, was discovered by the ship's doctor. Ue lingered along for three days in great agony and died. Uu the following day l'aul Antonio Baldageria, another steerage passenger, died ol the plague, lioth ware proniptly buried at sea. I rom that time aimost every day until tbo ship arrived in port a dea(h oicurred, aud al received the same sea burial. 'Ibero wera eight deaths in all. The others were Jean de Nivolin and Jean iSommu, sunur, and steerage passenger ëeran'n de Lio, Anna ïieltrigaU, irancesca Matteo and Maria Antonia Scalit Veno. YVhen the Alesia arrived off quanintino the New Vork health oHicers ot once took energetic lueasures to coniine the üiueuse to its present litnits. Ir. Uaiuiltou, surgeon-gener! of the marine hospital steryice tliinks tbearrival of oneinfected'vasel should not créate ularni. Lncy Air.-st. Lucy P arsons, the wife of the condemned anarchist, was arrested in Chicago tüe other af terne on lor violating tho city ordinance against distributing hnnd bilis tui the streets. il.e was reiiuested by an oö1cer to desist, but refused, replying that she was amenr.bie to the luwt." A great crowd followed the policemau and his prisoner to the station. There sho ollered her circulars to every one, rot excejiting Pólice Captain i i'Dontu-ll. Coutinuiiig to refuse to stop distributing the circulars, sha was locked up. Tho penalty of her offense is a line of not loss than $5 nor more than $15. The circulars wore copies of Fanons' addrt;si to the public, publisbed in the papers. Mrs. Parsons ivas released after a dotention of about an huur, business Manager Hk-letield of the Aibeiter Zeitung givinc 8ecurity for herappeuinnco for trial. .Mrs. Parsons says sho lelievps she has a right to do all she can to help her busband when he is condemned to dfath. ' Mrs. Harriet Beeclicr Stowo is in üer 77th year, but still has all her bodily powers perfect, notwithstancüng the j porte to the contrary. She says she can ■ walk from three to soven miles a day without fatisie, has a good appetito ' and can sieep well, She does not : tend to write any more for the public, giving as the rcason her opinión that authors should stop writing before readers stop reading. It can be seen from this expression that Mrs. Stowe's ; tal powers also are still unelouded. Goldsmitk's Geography, pnblished in ', 1824, describing the United States, i says: "People become old in America sooner than in Europe. Upon females the influence of theclimate is still more sensible. Whenyoung ihe women aro generally beautifu'.particularly in Philadelphia, but after twenty they begin to lose their f resh color and teeth, and at the age of twenty-live many of them would pass for Europeans at forty." What funny things those old geogra phies were, to be siire. It appears that Mrs. Cleveland's efforte to trace her husband's genealogy have awakened considerable discussion in various parte of the country. , vanus Cleveland of Providence, R. J., says that the president's wife has been ; misinformed on one very important feature of the subject. He says that the fam ly to which (írover Cleveland belongs was founded in America by Moses Cleveland, who settled not in Ohio, but in Woburn, Mass. in 1635. A Lincoln, Neb., young girl wm, dressing in her room during a thunder storm when her pug dog ran it. Sh clasped it to her bosom when a fla'h of lightning instantly killed it. Sh was horrified to find tliat an image of her dog had been photographed on her bosom. There seems to be no way of removingthe picture, whichgive every shade, color, and wrinkle of tbe cauin form. Among the religious notes of Nw Mexico paper the following parngraph recently appeared: "You must not g down to church to-morrow evening with less than two bits in your pocket. You cannot expect to get a good sermón, line music and see the array of Kingston beauty and fashion for less than twenty-tive cents. The oíd nickel don1' go. It is a two bit ante " Kate Shelley, tho young girl who few years ago saved a passenger train from destruction at a wrecked railro&d bridge near Henry Creek, Iowa, is now visiting the east for the first time. Miss Shelley wears a massive gold medal, the gift of the Iowa State Legislatura, and enjoya a life pass on any railroad in the land. ' Chinamen are fast becoming cirilizedAh Jon, a collector for a New Tort Chinese grocery firm, has abscondad with $2,100 of his employers' mony. He also borrowed some $700 of hl friends, !nl skipp d just lik Msliowi man.


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