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Attend the county fair. Cucumberg are getting scarce. H.C. Markham visitad in Mil au last week. There will be a council meeting Monday eveuing. A new briok foundation has been p ut under the Deihl house. No liquors, as we underetand ït, will be sold on the fair grounds. C. H. Miller, of Whitmore Laku has opened a livery barn in Saline. Ex-station agent Wales and wife, returned the last of the week, from Chicago. Aiden Benedict's Monte Cristo com pany appear at the Grand to-morrow evening. Aideu Benedict is one of the most promising young uctora on the stage.- Chicago Herald. Eli Perkins lectures ia Ypsilanti next Tuesday evening under the auspices of the athletic club. Mre. E. II. Hudson and tamily, attended the funeral of Mrs. Hudson in Lansing Sunday. The ladiee' charitab'e union will meet at the Ladies' Library on Thuraday next at three o'clook. Rev. J. W. MoGregor, of (,'larkston, has receivad a cali from the Presbyterian ohuroh society, of Milan. Mr. Aiden Benediot is the only snocesstul rival of James O'Neill in "Mout Cristo. - New York Times. The treasurer's office, in the townshi of AlaDohester, has become vacant by th death of Chauncey Walbridge. Attorney Hutzmunger, of Toledo, wa in the city .Monday on business conneot ed with the T. A. & N. M. R. R. The young boys spend a good portio of their time in gatliering bazel uuts, o whioh fiere is an immense erop. The Ann Arbor steam laundry is do ing üret-class work. There is no furtht excuse for going abroad. See ad. The masons and carpenters have agai got down to business, and work Is bein pushed before cold weather sets in. Coal will probably ro up next ruontb The school of music opened yesterday See the new advertisement of Edward Duffy. Ezra Honen caught a 12 pound pickere SuDday. The new steam laundry is turning out fine work. Mrs. Dr. Bessac. of Milan, was in the oity Tuesday. Don't forget to come to the county fair next week. Harry Jeukins is clerking for Handall, for the preeent. One way to boom the town is to cry down home industries. Mrs. Edward Olney returned from Charlevoix, last week. Peter Hiñes willopen a fishmarket ad joining the Duflfy block. Miss Anna Riley was surprised by a jirthday party Öaturday evening. Miss "Vr." Cornwell, of Ypsilanti, visited friends in this city, Tuesday. E. B. Lewis and wife left for their lome in Last Sagiaaw, Wednesday. Jas. Harkins has the contract for sheetng Gil Snow's livery barn with iron. Miss Kittie McEncrow, of Ishpeming, is ▼isiting her uncle, Mr. E. Flunnagin. Dr. S. A Jones was called to Muskegon the flrst of the week, in consultation. Wm. Walsh is having !a very fine carriage manufaetured by Wursler & Kern. Lew Hall went fishing Monday. He canght a fine string of pickerel, bass and pike. Geo. Johnston and Frank Stat son, oth of Jaokson, spent Sunday with D. 0. Fall. C. Eberbach had the contract for puting on the iron roof on the M. E. hurch. Miss Lydia Stoll, dicd last Friday, iged 20 yciirs, of infiammation of tha owels. The coming season prornises to be one of the gayest in Ann Arbor for a number f years. Mrs. A. C. Kellogg is in Detroit, visitng her parents, Mr. and Mr Wm, jovejoy. The board of direotors of the Washteïaw mutual insurance company meet omorrow. If we hnve good weather, the county air will be a &rand succcess. Come verybody. Mrs. Gunlock and daughter, Miss jilly, of Chicago, have been visiting Mrs. )udley Loomis. Mr. John Bemick will occupy Mr. M. j. LeBeau's new bouse on Thayer street, when compieted. G. Luick had the middle finger of his ight hand whittled off, Monday, aud two ther ones stnaahed. J. H. Wait, of White Creek, and Geo. ). Gay, of Eagle Bridge, N. Y., are the atest arrivals in the city . Mrs. C. W. Mellor and children, who lave been visiting at MontreaJ, Toronto nd London, have returned . Miss Amelia Phillips, of Pittsfield, pent the Sabbath with Miss Cl ella Anerson, south Ypsilanti road. The following persons have new telefones: Williams & Son, 136; Delta Tau Bouse, 103; Prof. D'Ooge, 33. Miss Tillie Mutschel, of Chelsea, sister f Mr. Eugene Mutchel. of this city, will ttend the Normal this winter. The Two Sams are all business, and when they have anything to say it is to ie point. See their advertisement. The new liquor laws went into effect n Wednesday. Now let us see if our flicers have the "saiid" to enforce them. Tbat enterprisiug firm, The Two ains, have a change of ad in to day's aper. Do not fail to give them a cali. The university authorities expect a arger attendance of studeuts than ever Defore. The number last year was ,572. Miss Emma M. Hcrey, a gradúate of ie Ann Arbor high school, is teaching t the Frain Lako school house in Suerior. The üisciples Soc-ety bave purchased lot, corner of Wilham and División ;reets, and next ycar will build a $30,00 cbapel. On account of the crowded condition f our advertising columns this week, everal interestiug articles are necessariy crowded out. Mrs. McReady, who has been the guest f her sjster-inlaw, Mrs. Jas. Clements or a few days. lef t for her home in C'onecticut, Thursday. J. T. Jacobs & Co., the well-known lothiers, invite everybody who attends ;he fair nezt week, to make their headquarters at their store. Mrs. Davidson, mother of Mrs. Dudley joomis, leaves for Grand Forks, Dakota, o-morrow, to spend the winter with her laughter, Mrs. John 1 X il 1 . The professors n the vanous tlepartneuts of the university hnvc about all uturned home, and will enter upon heir usual duties next week. Good fishing at the corner of Madison and Thompson streets, yesterday p. m., when the hydrant was open. Small boys licked up eight of them besides those ;hat got away. - Courier. Edward Duffy, when in New York recently, purchnehetl for cash a large stock of teas, ooffees, sugars, spices, eto,, conequently he can give tbe peopla bargains. Öeo bis advertisement. Mrs. J. F. Miller, of Detroit, has the sympathies of a large oircle of friends and acquaintances in this oity, in her eore bereavement, the death of her daughter Kuttie. Bev. Mr. Hoskins, of Detroit, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. MoLachlan over iunday. The reverend gentleman occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's last üunday morning. There has been a flourishing Sabbath school sustained at the stone school house, ou the south Ypsilanti road, the jast summer. Mark Williams, son of Jeremiah Williams, being the acting superintendent. Ann Arbor has a school debt of $10 - 500 and a fooi debt of $5,000. The latter js better known at present as the "boom" f und.- Adrián Press. Jiist you wait and see what "fooi debt" of $5,000 does for our oity, and then talk. Mr. Gcorge Newell Lovejoy and mother, left for lludson, this state, yesterday, to spend a few weeks, and -will then go to Detroit for the winter. Mr. Lovejoy has been the organist in the Methodist church for the last six months. The October meeting of the pomologiciil society will be held to-morrow , when important business will be transacted. The committees on the fruit preserving factory and transportaron of fruit, will report. Discussions will follow on the "Treatmen} of Fruit Growers by Commission Men," "The Coming County Fair,'' etc. There will also be an exhibit of the fruit of the season, and of jollies and preserves. Everybody invited. "Monte Cristi)1' was presented by Aiden Benedict's Monte Cristo company in a manneralmost faultless. The audience teslified their appreeiation of Mr. Bene dict's work bv calling him three time before the curtain. The supporting company was good throughout. Mis Sarah Farley is worthy of special men tion. Stafc-e effects were wouderfullv realistic- St. Paul Press. The Wasbtenaw Couuty Convent ion of the W. C. T. U. will be held at Dei ter, Oct. 4 and 5, 1887. Following is th program: First session- Two o'cloc! p. m. Oct. 4th. Devotionid exercisea Appointing committees. Kvenin, Bession, address of welcomo by Mn Prof. Waller. Kesponse by Mrs. Com stock. Musió, l'resi'ient's addresg. A Paper by Mre. Shier. October Sth morning meeting. Keporto of commit tees and delegates. Opening the Ques tion drawer. Afternoon meeting election of officers. Olosini; business Evening addresg by Ilev. Anna Shaw. William Caspary is in Jackson. Dr. Übetzwas in the cily Tuesday. Dr. Earp was in Detroit, Wednesday. Monthly meeting of the conncil next Monday uiglit. Part of the books for the Hobart guild library, have been received. Rev. Dr. Earp held divine service at Geddes, Sunday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Steele is attonding thePresbyterian convention in Howell. Kev. Dr. Eddy will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian cliurcli, Sunday. Dr. Ilowell, late of Alpena, lias lo cated in this city. 1 1 in office is in the St James' block. Airs. Lioipert, nee .Lulu Hangslerfer, of Cheboygan, is visiting her mot her, M is, llangsterfer. The annual renting of pewj in the M. E. ohurch will take place on next Mondar eveoing, at 7 o'clock. Geo. Walker left a basket of delicio us peaolies and grapes at this office yesterday, for which we are very grateful. The ball gama between the Browns, of this city, and the II. C. club, of De troit, was won by the formsr. Score 27 to9. Jas. 15. Hall, of Whitesboro, Texas, was on the streets Saturday. lie expects to return to lus eoulhern home in about two weeks. The frost of the season was Friday night last. Ice formed nearly half an inch in thickness. Hay fever aufferers were happy. The Daily Ypsilantian, which was issued during fair week, is up to the general standing of that excellent paper. Shake, Bro. Powers . Mrs. J. O. Sohmid and daughter, Lizzie, of S. First street, left Saturday for a few weeks' visit to relativos in Chicago and Council Bluffs. To expedite Ibusmess at this station, a switch engine, and a night and day rew will attempt to keep the Toledo oad track in proper order. Rev. L. II. Fowler, who has been cting pastor of the Presbyterian ohuroh n Milan, for several monthB, has reunieil to Princeton college. At the counoil meeting, held Monday vening Oidlev was bounoed, and he was me of the best offloers ever on the pólice orce. Jno. Moore was made city reasurer. Burglars went through T. J. Keech's ffice at his lumber yard Sunday, but ecured only $2 for their trouble. An nsuccessful eflFort was made to foroe pen the safe. The largest ears of oom we bave seen lis year, measuring 15 inohes in length, were raised by Jno. ! luim, of the second ward. Some of the oorn will be on exnbition at the fair, next week. Will Zeeb while monkeying with a evolver, Sunday, shot himself in th eft hand. He should have been at abbath school, a place where all good ttle boys are supposed to attend. The track on the fair grounds is being ut in fine condition for the races fair week. More stables and pens are necesary on account of the large nutnber of ntries that will be made of stock. Dr. C. George will lecture on Materia Hedica and will be Prof. Frothingham's assistant, during the coming college rear in the department of medicine and mrgery. No better appointment could ïave been made. Frank E. Bandall, of the Detroit and Cleveland Navígation co ñipan y, has een promoted to Qen"l eastern passenjer agent, with headquarters at Pittsurg, Pa. Mr. R. was 10 the city Monay, on business. Qib Bliss is the local gent. For the past four months there have een 38 prisoners confinad in the county ail, and for the following offences: arceny, 8 ; drunk and disorderly, 15; nd one each as follows : insane, deaulter, embezzlement, forgery, suspicion f arson, burglary, assault and vagrancy. Prof. M. 0. Tyler, of Oornell, bas writ;en a very interesting biogrophy of the jreat orator, lJatrick Henry, whose ving words, "give me liberty or give me eath," have been echoed and re echoed y one or more speakers from the rosrum of nearly every school house in the aud. The largest house of the season greeted Aiden Benedict's Monte Cristo company nd Alexander D urnas' masterpiece was endered in a manner to satisfy the most ritical. Mr. Aiden Beuedict, as Edmond Dantes, looked the ideal of the art, and played it only as a finished otor could. Miss Sarah Farley, as Mercedes, was excellent, showing herelf to be possesscd of an emotional ower of a high order. The marvelous etting of the second act provoked rounds nd rounds of applausc. - Columbus transcript. The Bicbmond Gazette says : Aiden Jenedict's Monte Cristo company apeared to standing room only. Never ïave we seen a more enthusiastio audience, and in truth, the company well deerved it. Mr. Aiden Benedict, as Edmoud Dantes, showed wonderful versaility . Híb proteau changes of character rom the careless, thoughtless, happy go ucky sailor, Edmond Dantes. the misera)le, sufTering, 16 years prisoner of hatea u d'If, the oiitwardly calm and ïoly, but inwardly raging priest, Abbe 3usoni, the wily bargaining old Jew, Solomon Von Gripp, to the mysterious self-possessed, fnbulously rich Monte Jristo, whose only thought is vengeance, was as wonderful a piece of work as we ever saw done by any one on any stage. The sceuery and scenio effects were the fluest ever seen on our stage.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat