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Tbe first Ci ristianchurchbell everhenrd in the City of Mexico was rung by Mr, Kloan o tho fir t Kunday in July. It was presen ted to the Baptist church by an Kpiseopal woman of 1 hilndelphia. It is not )i ely that there is truth in the story tlmt tlie two sons of the Prince of Wales are ti bemade dukes. Their father does not want thera to enter the House of Teers until lio gets to be king. Ex-Senator Ferry of Michigan, who f ailed in bu-iness for $l,r.OU,0. 0 in 18S2, has worked hard and paid olï over 1,200,1)00 of debts. Eight "War Governors" have agreed to attend the G. A. R. encampment at St. Louis. Audrum county,Misdouri,has a baseball club composed of nine brotbers. B. W. Tami ! A Co., Chicago, II!. Your "Tiiu-ii!'4 Punch1' uivt bettor satisfaction to niv customers thau any .c ciaa' ï bave handled. 1 scll mora Of thcmthan of all Ottaer branns put together. They arj prouounced equal to the "bit1 oigar sold lipre. Cuas, a, Cuase, DruKgíst, San Diego, Cal. In theexportof breadstuffsfor July San Francisco was the second port in the Union. Catarrh Cured. A clergyman, after years of suffering f rom thar, loathsome dit-ease, Catarrh, and vainiy trying every knowu remedy, at last found a prescripción whleh completely cured and saved him trom death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease sending a self-addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Lawrenee, -J12 East'Jth St., New York, will receive the recipe f ree of charge. American twine-binders have taken the first prize in an international contest held in France. near Paris. Pase's Árnica Oil. The best salve in the world for Burns, Wounds and sores of all kinds. Boils, Keions. Chilblains. Frozen Keet, Piles, Barber'i Itch, iSore Kyes, Chapped Hands, Sore Throat, Scald Head, Pimples on the Face, and all skin diseases. For Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Constipation. use Page's Mand rake Pilis, Above remedies so'.d by druggists or sent by mail for 25 cents by "C. W. Snow & Co., Byracuso, N. Y. Prince Bismarck has taken to wearing spectaclei. r"oit Dtspepsia, Indigestión, depresslon of Spirits. General debility iu their various iorms ; also preventivo against Fever and Aguo, other interraittent Fevers, '■Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir oí Calisaya," made by Hazard. Hazard & Co., N. Y., sold by all druggists; best tonic for patients recovering from Fever or other gloknesc, it has noequa!. All Poles wlioso names end in "sky" claim to be of royal descent. Cne More for the Moxie. Jliss May 1 letcher, HU Merrimack Street, j Lowell, Mass., was a nervous wreek from over struin and Mckness. ihe was also nearly bliml for six years from concession of the brain. The best medical skill failed. The Moxie recoveredber from all, at once. Col. W. H. Sinclair, president Galveston railway company, says he believes a man can do an incredible amount. of overwork while taking Moxie, nd not breuk down. It is reported on good autuority thas Victoria Morosini Schilling-Hulscanip it now in a convent in Italy, where she will remain for some years, "the world forgetting, and by the world forgot." If afllicted wlth sore cyes usc Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Drugfiats sell iL 25c There's a constant stream of visitora to Mt. McGregor aud Granfs cottage. Young or middle-aged men suffering from nervous debility, losa of memory, premature oíd age, ás the result of bad habits, ahould send 10 cents in stampa for large illustrated treatise auggestinit unfuiling cure. Address World's Dispensary Medical ABSociation. linffalo, N. N . Ten thousand women in New York City are knights of labor. C ning Home to Die. At a period of life when budding womanliood requires all her strength to meet the deinands nature makos upon it. many a young -wqman returna home from the severe strnin of school with a brokendown constitution, and her functions disarranged, to go to an eariy grave. It she had been wisely counseled and given the benefit of Dr. Pierre's "Favorito Freseription" her bodily development might have kept pace with her mental frrowth, and heaith and beauty would not have given wny to decline and deatb. The dread of war is causing much of the immigration from Enrope. Chronic nasal catarrh - guaranteed cure - Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy. New Orleans a;ks the building of a hospital for her lepere. She wanta the next generation freo from the horrid taint. Relief is immediate, and a sure cure. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. 50 cents. The Sultan is a musirían, and has composed a piece of music for the imperial band. One greasing with Frazer Azië Grease wfll last two weeks, all otherstwo to three days. Try it. Ex-Senator Bruce of Mississippi has been lecturing for a year with gratifying success. MANCE, Galla, Bcratches, Crackeá Heel, Thrusli, and all dlseases of the fect and lrrltations of the skin of horses and cattle qulckly and pcrmanently cured by the use of Veterl'. , uury Carbolisalve. 50c. and $1 at Druggists. ! U F UK M Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat, RHEUMATISM, Lame Back, Stiif Joints. Sprains, Briiscs, Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and All Aches and Pains. Tho many tetimonluls received hy ua more than prove all we claim for (tala valuable remedy. It öot only relieves tlie ntost severe palns, bu6 ' It Cures You. That's ihe Idea ! Bold by DruBirin. SO ets. BOMQ ncioiciullecl freo. Mdress WIZARO OIL COMPAWY CHICAGO. UA I kM I V rxamlnor ín cr.S. Patent Offlco I ni L.I1 I V# Si'iiilinoiipini'sliPtchforrree upinion wi'.other_pateut oan i-1 1 nared. New book on patonts free. KeftTHncesrCommissitmer of Pat ents orany o! her official of the U. S. Patent Office. E. B.'STOCKINfci, AUornpy 1 WSi., Washtugton, t. C.


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