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RADWAYñ PILLSI The CREAT LIVER - I -ASDSTQMACH REMEDY &JF Kor the care of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, NervousDiseases.Loas of Appetite, Headaehe, Costiveness. Indigestión, Biliousness, Fever, Inflaiumation of the Bowela, Piles, aud all derangemeutsoftbeínternal viscera. i : Purely vegetable, contaíning no mercury, miueraU or deíeterioas drugs. i ! Price, Ü5 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. DYSPEPSIA! ! DR. RADWAÏ'S PII.L.S aro a cure for this complaint. Tliey restore stienstfh to the Rtomach and en&ble it to preform itsTaiution. The symptoms of Dyapepsia disapiiear, aud witu ! themtheliability of thoflystcm tocontractdiseasea. ! Take the medicine acconling to directions, and 1 observe what wo eay iu "False and True" respect ing diet. 43-8nd a letter stamp to DR. R.YDWAY & CO., No. 3-4 Warren Street, New York, for " False and True.'' V lie sure to Rft HADWA Y'S. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT i Ballds wp the broken-down constitution, purifles the blood, restoring health and vigor. Suld by áriíggistmSl abottle. ! HAflf AYFRlADY RELIEF For the relief and di re of all pal ns. Congestiona and Lnflamiuations. 50 cts. a buttle. DS. BADWT & CO., 32 WA22EM STSEET, HEW TOSZ. DRopsv fÊ0 TREATED FREE. Hare treatod Dropsy and lts complications with the most wondurful suecess; ueo voffetable rcmc-diiísentiroly harraless. Remove all tymplonui r dropsy in eight to twenty daya. Curopatieiits pronounced hopclcsa by thebestof physlcians. Krom tïu CrstdosetiwByniptemfl , rapidly disappcar, and in ten days ut least two-Uiirds oí al) symptoms aro reoum d. Some may cry humbu without knolni? nythlng aboutit. Kememberit do not oost yon u'nythinrto realizo the merit of our treatment for yourself. we ' are constantly cvirinji c:i ■ :-l ruling- ases I th?.t have been tftppAd a number of times and the patiënt declaredunable to live a week. Givoafuli history of case, name, ape, WttX. how long afflk'twl, Ac. Snd for freo pnmphlet, contalning tAStJinoniats. Ten day:- treatment furnishcd FREE by malt Ifyon order trial sed ■ 10 cents in gtaiups to pay poatmif1. Kpilepsy (Fits) ponl■ tivcly cured. ■"■Icjiiiuntliis paper.) E. H. GTÍEKV & SS, M. D's., 2ói)H Uarletta Strectt Ati-TA, Gl HTy"z"ftj T fottnd tt a sfecifie fop BTWfAM BPjl"-1' For ten years ■eilííuES?N- have been a %ccat sufferer PWSoit' EQlw August gih iill'frosC YfflQ%sJk!ilfs Cream ISalm 'ts the Iv $&Bk wiv ' frcvintive I have BgjBí(-rír5 should 'knoxu its %S$ctency.- Frank B. Aitis'vort A t Pubihhery Indianapolis, Ind. Apply Balm into each nostrll. JOSEPHGILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD ME3AL PARIS EXPOSITION-1878. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS Piso's Rempily for Catarrh is the H I Best, Easicst to Use, aud Cheipest. ■ Sold by drnKitisU or snnt ly mail. I 50c. K. T. lliizoltino. Warren, Pa. Horse and Stock Owners ÏKY QuinquiniaToaic Coadition Fowdors ! r horses out of comlHIon, Loss of Appetitc, Torpid Llver, Stumblingtiait, Disteinpor, Ètc. Fut ud nUWiu i V'eMrinarv i'Ji.n-iniicy. 27 i.aiayette ave., Detroit, Mich. UT Vetttnnary touppliea luw pnces. DAY NO MORE MOKEY TO QUAGKS! I will sond you ti-pugJ -ooi wtn precriptlons for nll Ncr.u., Uuroai urn Cuiumon (üseasos, accidenta f. n8nJ5.f2 ÖOSB. tamps. lijü Ujs_ st ,, ,.,ul(et)i Wl8. IUUUL"g riWIIUWi S1X)WELL, A CO. m imnKjBKjBff''1'"' ■■n..ilii.n Bk rUAIAllO VJyra. rrnol looln ronsion ilP H.HiWN8s,.;;rrCI:ilnM. SucoeU r " " oruo feci. Srnd for new laws. C.M.SITES&Co.,Attys,Wa8Mn!!ton,D.a MTO S8 A DAT. imrle trorlh 1.SO FKEK. l.tvtsnnt nniur the horada fut. WrltA Jirewsier AoMy lie n Boldtr Co., 'lol'.v, Mich. (fkMAAi UOXTII. Mi' ';!'")'('(. MbetellJk M _4II Inxartlclmln -mpl Fret. yblIU Address J.l TBROSSOS, Detroit, JficA. pnrr T return mail. Fall DeacriacloB rlltb Cuttli. MlXSTt CO., Ciaoiiuitti. a GAI f! 1 worth $500 per pound. Pettlt'i Eye Sblra UULU is worth tlOOO Dut la sola at 26 ceuts a box. W.N. U.D.-5--40 Wlien to Advertlsers pleaso aay you uw the adrertisement ia thl Paper


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