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Peaohee are Ketting scarce. Two arrests by the pólice in bept. R. S. Clark is at Helena, Montuna. Edmund G. Stilea is at Breckenbridge, Colorado. Mrs. E. 13 . Isoiris visited f t iends in Manchester last week. LarryKahoe lias taken posseasion of the postoffice tonsorial parlors. Jno. Schumacher talked temperaneo iu Yp8Ílanti Sunday afternoon. The amount of state tax apportioned to WaBhtenaw county is $61,878. Mrs W. W. Wadhams, of this city, visited f riends in Dexter last week. Hobart guild held its first business meeting of the season, last evening. A. F. Clark, of Saline, exhibited his new wind-mill at the fair this weok. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Root, a bouncing ten pound boy, Sunday evenwg. Prosecuting Attoraey Robison, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his father, J. J. Robison. A band of gipsies camped on the south Ypsilanti roadjust out of the city, Suturday night. The council, Monday evening, ordered down sidewalks in front of 32 citizens' residences. The electric light on the corner of North and Ingalls streets, has been discontinued. The jurors for the October term of court have been notifled to be present next TueBday. The university clock is now run od Bun time. or God's time, as Judge Joslyn expresses himself. Eev. Schoettle, of Manchester, preached in the Iïethlehem Germán chwrch last Sunday morning. Prof. W. H. Payne has been elected chaucellor of the Nashville, Tenn., university. He will accept. Wm. Harris, a prominent colored gentlemen, of Adrián, has been in the city for several days on a visifc. Mrs. Charles Terhune, of Harbor Springs, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Terhune, this week. Frank Ortman has returned to the city, and hereafter he can be found at A. Hart's place, Fifth ward. Miss Ida Wadhams, of Mt. Pleasant, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W'. Wadhams, has returned home. Ernost Renwiok, a nephew of Geo. K. B. Renwick, of Salem, had a leg broken last week, by boing kicked by a horse. Wm. Barr, of Ypsilanti, Las been elected a member of the board of directora, of tho New Jerusalem churoh. The August bill of the ThonipsonIlugton elcctrio light company, for lichting the city, has been allowed- $535.20. The Rev. Dr. Eddy, of Detroit, prcached last Sunday morning to a large mulience, at the Presbyterian church. On moonlight nights the city is lighted with the electrie light; dark nights everything ia in darkneas. Why is it 8O? A wind storm passed over this city Kunday night and Monday morning. Considerable damage was done to shade trees. The ladies' chancel gocietyT of St. Andrew's gives a social this evening in Hobart hall. Tea will be eerved at sis o clock . Thos. Burlingame, of this city, bas been drawn as a juror for the United btates court, which con venes at Bav CÜty Oct. 18. Jitdge Ilarriman, accompanied by his daughter. Miss llattie, left Tuesday for Kanaas City, Mo. The time for their return is fised for Oct. 20. It is estimated by good judges, that the onion erop on Prof. Steer's property and that adjoiuin it in Pittsfield, will yield at least, 3,000 bushels. The dance for tlie benefit of Timothy Carroll last evening, a former member of Protection hose company, No. 1 was well patronized by the boys. Kiohard F. Carroll, Will J. Rising an,l Edward Hyde Carroll, of the ' Stnr Light company," 8topi)ed in the city Fnday, on their way to Toledo. The 14th annnal meeting of the Woman 8 foreign missionary society, of the Michigan Synod, was ia aession in Ypsilanti luesday and Wednesdav, of this week. Mr. L. C. Boyle, a student in the university, who has held services in St James' church, Dexter, during tbe summer, was given a donation last Friday evening. Brighton fair Oct. 11-14. T. J. Keech was in Bay City Saturday. Judge Cooley returned to Washington Monday. Mills Bros. have had their milk wagons repainted. B. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, was in the city Saturday. JaB. Kohl, of this city, has had his pension increased. During this term of court five divorce cases are to be disponed of. Gil Snow broke ground ïuesday for the addition to his livery barn. llrs. C. K. Kemick is spending a few days with friends in Grand Kapids. Mrs. I). EL Martyn and Mias Mnrtyn are visiting with Mrs. C. W. Mellor. There was a very interesting meeting of the pomological eooiety, last Saturday. Drs. (íeorge and Kapp, have been allowed $25 each for past services as health offleers. Geo. Leonard, the old fence builder and contractor, haR returned to his home in this city. Mrs. Uut tic Cornwell, of Ypsilanti, is spending the weck with lier niece, Mrs. F. T. St misoii. Eentfrow's Jolly Pathlinders, at the opera house all of next week, with a uliange of program each night. Orleans street is to be opened, 8nd $275 has been appropriated for that purpose from the contingent fund. Asa Allen, one of the letter carriers, who has been laid up on account of sickness, resumed work yesterday. President Marble, of the Mackinac railroad, will niake tbis city his home for the present, to edúcate his children. Aha. M. M. Tuttle, who is agent for the Old Statten Island dye house, has something to say to students. See ad. Misa Cannon now carries on dressniüking in connection with her millinery establisliment in the opera house blook. Dean & Co., took possession, on a chattle mortgage, ot the grocery stock of Albert tialluway, of Dundee, last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Stimson, of Ingersoll, Ont., are visiting their brother, Mr. J. D. Stimson, of V. Huron street. There are 77 cases on the circuit court oalendar. Of this number 8 are criminal; issues of fact, 45 ; imparlance, 6 ; chancery 20. Prof. Johnson and family have returned from Europe, and spent a very delightful vacation in England, Ireland and Scotland. The late heavy winda played havoc with orohards in this vicinity, and thousands of bushels of apples were blown from the trees. E. Clancy, who recently purchased a lot on Bowery street, has let the contract for a handsoine residence, to cost 83,500, to Geo. Scott, and work will be commenced at once. The post mortem examination id the oaee of Miss Alma Evans, who died of tyrotoxicon poisoning, will be resumed to-morrow, at Milan, under the direction of ooroner Jenkins. Sunday evening Eev. Dr. Earp preachcd an eloquent sermón lo a large congregation, from thetext, "The kiogdom of heaven comes not with observation, but is from within." City treasurer elect, Jno. Moore has given bonds in the sum of $80,000. with the following sureties : Alpheus Felob, S. G. Miller, F. L. Parker, D. Cramer, Aretus Dunn, Geo. M. Henion. J.F. Spaford has been selected as one oí the committee to appraise and condeinn i)roperty in Ann Arbor for depot groundB for the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad . - M anchester Enterprise . The little house so long occupied by "Dart" Sinith for a shoe shop, was purchased by Eugene Gibney who had it removed Tuesday to a vacant lot adjoining bis place in the rear of the postoffice. The total amount of orders drawn on the contingent fund for ihe month of Sept. foots up $97.04, for caring for the indigent poor: First ward, $3.51); second, $5.28; third, $11.68; fourth, $45.41; fiftb, $24.57; sixth, $7.50. Katie Belle, youngest danghter of Mr. andMrs. Wm. Loveioy, formrly of this city, and sister of Mrs. A. J. Kellogg, of the Fifth ward, died of consumption last Friday at her home in Detroit. The funeral was held on Hondsy afternoon. J. T. Jacobs has sold two Holstein heifers to be shipped to parties near Cincinnati. While Joe has as fine stock as can be found in the country, he does not aak fabulous prices. He also claims to have the best bred Holstein calf in the state. The A. M. E. conference, of this dis trict have been holding their annual meeting in Ypsilanti this week. The sermón was preached by Rer. J. II. Miller, of Detroit. Rev. li. B. Pope, of tliia city, was among the clergymen who attended the conference. During the month of September, the four postal carriers delivered 36,600 letters; postal oards, 6,491; newspapers, etc. 23,024 ; local lettere collected, 16,416; cards collected, 4,714; newspapers and circulare collected, $1 ,102. Tot?.l pieces delivered and collected, 83.112. The finance committee of the council, reported the following expenditures for the month of Sept: First ward, $33.18; second, 847.53 ; third, $22.21 ; fourth, $47.31; fifth, $10.50;. sixth, $79.97; general street, $102.70; general, $112.70; contingent, $452.79. Total, $915.26. Mr. Will W. Todd, son of ex-mayor Todd, is a crack-dubster, on a "bi," and is preparing to beat the fastest long distance record, lie is in training for a twcnty-four run over a course that will touch Ann Arbor, Saline and "Ypsi." He will break the record or buret a wheel. - Adrián Press. The Queen of Portugal is an ilished potter. When staying at the leaaide last year she constantly visited in important pottery faotory close by, 11 ui was so interestcd that she took essons in the whole procesa of manufacture. Now Queen Maria Pia has be;omo a first-rate workwoman, and turna jut most artistic vases, bowls, cups, etc. The city recorder's report shows the Eollowing balances on hand Sept. 30 : Contingent fund, $3,727.61 ; first ward, 8724.76; seoond, 8187 .2; third, 8565.89; fiftb, $11.43 ; sixth, $65 ; water-works, L788.33; city cemetery, $J.82; dog tax, $100. Overdrafte. General fund, $2,756.58 ; general street, 8434.99 ; fourth ward, $56.12 ; delinquent tax fund, $900.39. The annual mission festival was held at the Bethleliem ohurch last Sunday. Three services were held, large congregations attending. The collection for foreign and home missions amounted to $165.57. The following clergymen were present f rom abroad: Kevs. C. Iloag, Lansing, J. Saell, Franoiscoville, P. Irion. í'reedom, 3. G. Hildner, Detroit. The music is said to liave been very interesting. Saline Observer : A bran new girl baby arrived in postmaster Gillen's family, last Saturday, henee those smiles. This is the first little girl in John's family, and as one of bis boys says, "There's six of us boys and each one has u Bister, uow many is mere oí us. ut course as postmaster Gillen ia a federal oftice-holder and a good democrat, and also as his youngest boy ia named Grover O., the baby girl will be named Francés. One hundred dollars ($100) will Ie given by the Detroit Evening Journal the person who it shall de oide is next of kin to any one who is killed in a raihvay accident, un any regular passenger train in the UnitedStates or Canada; provided the deceased shall have on his person at the time of the accident, a copy of the Detroit Evening Journal of that day or of the previouB day. Never travel without a copy of the Detroit Evening Journal in your possession. Although it coBte only two cents, it may be worth $100. J. Heinzman & Son, arebuying barley. The Lansing fair was a great succees. Uoyt Qrenville was in the city Tuesday. The board of Bupervisors meet Monday. O. B. Wilcoi, jr., has returned from Germany. The gutters around the court yard square have been cleaned. Judgc Newton, of Flint, held cour Wednesday aud yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R..Rosenvraugh have returned from Freeport, III. Leopold Blaess, of Lodi, went to Chicago to see Grover Cleveland. The Central Michigan Boe-keepers, asaooiation will meet in Lanaing, Oot. 11. Hinsey & Seabolt liave received two car loads of potatoea from Syracuae, N. Mrs. Mary Cook, visited her daughter Mrs. Lew llatch, in Plymouth, last week. The advertiscmeut of Jno. Eisele, the Detroit street grocer, appears in to-day's paper. Mrs. A. N. Tourtillotte, mother of Mrs. E. B. Hall, returned from Boston Tuesday night. Rev. J. D. Hilduer aud wife, of Detroit, were the guests if O. Joscnbans over Sunday. K. Q. Kirn is tüe father of a 17 pound boy. The littlo fellow put in au appearance Sunday. In another column will be found the advertisement of the well-knowu merchant tailor, J. M. Stafford. There will be services at the Uuitnrian churoh next Sunday, and trom this time on, both morning and eveninjj. From now on A. Gwinner will bottle foreign and domestic wine. Look out for his advertisement next week. ïhe safe of Hardinghaus, the brewer, was crackcd Wednesday night. ünly $12 rewarded tbem for their trouble. Peter Hmes, who has recently opened a fish market adjoining the l)uffy block, is doing a flne business in the tisb and poultiy line. Chas. Kalembaoh, of Northfield, hae thus far housed 100 barrels of eider, besides manufactunng hundreds of barrels for customers. At the State convention of the Church of Christ, held at Grand Kapids, last week, $1,000 was donated for miseionary work m our city. A change of ad for Fred Stimson, the Main street grocer. He has a fine line of new and fresh cauned goods, laraps, crockery, classware and decorative chili a. We are tired answering the question about the weather. If you wish to keep Dosted cali at Jacobs and Co., and get a card with the signáis, telling you all about it. Jas. Sage, of Lodi, has returned from California. He spent some ten days at Los Angelos, with his daughter, Airs. Theresa Hart, where he left an invalid daughter, Jno. B. Finch, the eloquent temperance advocate, is dead. He was well acquainted in this city, where he delivered a nurnber of rousinir addressea for the prohibition cause. His death was sudden. At the schutzenfest in Toledo, Suuday and Monday, several persons attended from here. Herman Armbruster, beat the world's record for the number of balls-eyes. Fred Graf scooped íd a $10 gold piece. Mrs. Kosina NageJ, of Scio, who died a short time ago, left her property, both real and personal, to her husband. Now Catherine Beyer, an, has brought suit to have the will set aside, alleging that undue infiuenoe was used upon JMrs. .Nagel. Grover Cleveland ia meeting with great ovations in nis western trip, and what makoB it particularly noteworthy is, that he is paying Lia own expenses. Different from our otüer presidenta who traveled over the country at the expense of the nation and railroad companies. Messrs. Spafford, of Manchester, Cole, ot Superior, and Davenport, of York, commissioners in the case now pending for the purpose of oondemning L. James' land in the Second ward, in the interest of the Toledo road for a depot eite, listened to the argument of counsel yesterday. A decisión may soon be expecteii Last Saturday while Wm. Groves, of Northfield, was returning from Ann Arbor, he was thrown from his carriuge and severely injured. Sonie parties attempted to pass bim on the road, hia horse becamefrightened, suddenly shied, and threw him violently to the ground. He was picked up in an insensible condition, and was found to have austained severe bruisea about the head and ahouldera, and a severe]cut on thehead We are pleased to state he is recovenue. - Picket At the monthly meeting of the oouncil Monday evening, it was voted to raise $24,756 for carrying on the expenses of the city government, etc, the coming year, and the following amounts for the following purposes were ordered spread upon the reoords in the three supervisors, distriota: Court house aid bonds, $2,000, interest on aame, $156; general purposes, $6,000; general street, $2,000; water works, $5,000 ; city improvement fund, $5,000. ; firat ward, $700; seoond, $1,000; third, $700; fourth, $1,000; fifth, $500; sixth, $800. The Jolly Pathflndere will play a week's engagement at the Grand opera house commencing Monday evening Oct. 10. There will be an entire cbange of program each night. The company is compoaed of 15 persons, all olever artista, besides a band and orchestra. On Saturday evening the person holding the laoky number will be entitled to a $35 Gold Crown stovo. now on exhibmon at Eberbaoh s hardware store. Cheap prices is the motto of the Pathfindere. Gailery, 20 cents, lower floor 30 cents, and cbildren 10 cents. The Jolly Pathfinders played last night at Moore's opera house to a lnghly appreciative audience. The band ia (jood; the orchestra is the yery best, and every member of the troop is a star. The andience was kept in a constant uproar of laughtcr throughout the play. Tonight they open with the farce, "Rural Simplioity, or the Fooi of the family," and close with the most laughable of all comedies, "Six Peas in a Pod." The Jolly Pathfinders are well received everywhere, and they shonld be greeted by a ero wded house to-night. - Nevada (Mo.) Mail, Jan. 21, 1885. Congressman E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, psid a flying business visit to Vaasar on Tuesday and called on a number of hia oíd friends. He also paid a yisit to the Pioneer sanctum for a few minutes chat with the editor. It is just 23 years since he was the principal of the Vassar schools, and the said editor was one of his pupils, which position he resigned to take part in the civil war, enlisting as captain of company H. , 20th Michigan Xnfantry. Oapt. Allen has still many f rienda in Vasaar, and it seems never has forjjotten the pleasant associations of hia residence here. - Vasaar Pioneer. Antón Eisele a hilily respected Germán citizen, who hae been identified in business in Ann Arbor for years, died Monday of consumption at the age of 47 yeara. Mr. E. was born in Wurtenburg, Germany and in 1860 carne to tliia oountry and located in thia city. He was a prominent member of the St. Lawrence Benevolent Society, the C. M. B. A., the Germnn Workingmen's Assooiation, the A. O. U. W., president of the Beethoven GesangvereiD, and a leading member of St. Thomas' church choir. Mr. Eisele was well-known to all of our business men, bad served two terms as supervisor and one term as alderman of tho 4th ward, and was highly reapeotd in the oommunity. He leaves a wife and seveu children. The funeral yesterday was largely attended, As usual, poor weather. Sam Smith's horso fell dead Wednes day. Henry McNally captured 11 premium on poultry. Wm. Caspary has quit the city and is said to be living in Jacknon. Got. Luce and the horae races are ex pected to be the drawing cards this after noon. Shurley Hunter celebrated his 30th birthday yesterday. Big time aD( plenty to eat and drink. Artlmr Marshal], the architect to three years in Chicago has returned to the city. Mr. M. drew the plans for the postoflice. L. C. Sutton took the contract, Tues day, to build a $600 school house in Walch's district, Northfield, to be com plotod in this fn.ll. Mr. L. B. Vaughan, sou of the Inte Leonard Vaughan died in this city Tuesday mght of Bright's disease. Mr. Yaugnan wae formerly a banker in Canada, aud leaves an catate valued at #400.000. The bisrgeet fair ever known iu the liistory of Wasbtenaw county. The display of stock, fruit, vegetables, etc., is large and varied. Floral hall is we 11 fllled with fino paintinga, flowers and needlo wotk. A fine lot of machinery. The horse races splendid. A big crowd yesterday and a bigger crowd e.xpeoted to-day. Qov. Luce will bc on the gronnds this afternoon.


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Ann Arbor Democrat