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Invalids' Hotel And Surgical Institute

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{ '- ■ 'L■'■ . Q9 ES H5 Siír'WeSJSjBoáHt: i. TSo. 663 Main Sírcct, BUFFALO, N. Y. Wol a Hospital, hui a plcasant Remedial lióme, oranizcd with A FÜLL STAFF OF EIOHTEEN PHYSICIANS AND SÜRGEONS, And cxclnsively cvoted to the trcatmcnt of all Chronic Bísenles. This imposing Establishment wns dosigned nnd crrrtod to accominodate tiio Inrpo number of invalida ivlio vlsit Huffnlo from -vr-rv Htate nnl Territory. us well na liuin many to 1, that tiiey inay avnil theuisclvcs of the professional services oí the i'iaií of skillrd specialist in medicine and Burjrery thal the Faeulty of this wldely-celcbrated Institución. A FAIR AND BUSINESS-UKE OFFER TO INVALiDS. Wp enrnestly Invito yon to come, sec nnd examine for iiminelt, onr institutions, nppliances, ndvantnges nnd success Ir. curing chrouic diseases. lííive a inind of your own. Do not listen to or lieed tho counsel of ekeptieal Crien or Jealoua physiciaas, wlio Know nothlng of us, our svatem of trcatmcnt, or incans of cure, yet wlio never lose au opportunity to inisreiuesent anj endenvor to prejudice pcople agaiust ua. We are rosponsible to ymi for what we . preeent, and if yon come and vislt U8, and flnd that we liavc inlsropresentod, tu any particular, our institutior.s, advantagos or Buoceas, wo wlll promplly refluid to yon lili expenses oí yonr lr We eourt lumust, sincere investigátkm, huve 110 secrete, und uro onJy too gUtd to show oü inturvutud and fundid peoplo wüat we are üoiiig í'or sutlcrüig buiuuuity. NOT A1LWAYS NECESSARY TO SEE PATIENTS. By our original System of dioírnosip, we can treat many chronio examlnlti{r mir pntients. In recognizin disonará wltbout a discases just aa suecessfully without as vita a personal conpersonal exumination of the patiënt, we claim to possess no sulturion. White wo are always glad to me our pntients, and miraculous powers. We obt.iin our fcnvwledge of tho patiënt becomo acquainted with them, sliow tlicm our institiitions, und disca1 by tlie practica] appUoattoa. tJ the praetiee of nu-difamiliarize b our system of treatment, yet we have not cine, of well-established principien of modern scionce. And it f rn one person In nve h'.mdred whom wo have cured. The peris to the accumcy with which tliis eystum has endowed us tbat feot aeeuraeif with which sclentlsta are enabted to deduco the wo owe our almoet world-wide reputation of skillfully treatinr most minute partiuiilars In tbeir sevcnil depaitments, apprars lingering or chionle affections. This system of practice, and airnost nuraoulous, l we view It in tbe light of the carly ases. ■■■ iniun !■■■ the marvelous guccess whii b bas been attslncd Talie, for example, the electro-magnetic telegraph, the gre-ntest I Uiniri nnn through it, demónstrate tho fftct that disi-aaca iuvention of the age. Ia it not a marvelous degrec of aeeuracy 1 inBniLLUUo displuy certain pbenomena, which, bc-ing subwhich cnables an operator to e.ractly lócate a fracture in a suftR Qllftproe jected to scientiilu analysis, fumista nliindant marino cable ncarly tbni! thousand miles long? Our venerable QUiiOLOO. and unmlstukablc data, to guide tbc Judgmcnt "clerk of tho weather" has l)eoome eo thorouffhly familiar with "■"■■■11" of the skiilfi.l praotitloner arigbt In determining the most waywanl elementa cf nature tbat be eau accurately the nature of diseased conditions. The most ampie reeourcei prediet thoir movements. lio can Bit in Washington and forctell for treating linsering or chronio discases, and the ureatest skill, what the reather wfll bo In Florida or New i'urk as wei! as if are tln:s placed wltbin the easy reacb of evcry mvalid, bowever severa! hundred milca did not Intervine between him and tho distant hoor sho may naide from the phjsieians manii.h' the treat. pluces named. And so in all dopaitments of modern science, ment of eue'.i alfeetlons a specialty. í'uil particulars of ouroritri-,_.... - ._- wlrt is requiied is the knowledge of Ji-tain nal, sclentine systcm of exnmininpr and troatinir patients t a disn si,'?!s. From tlüiscï 6cientists dedü'-c accurate :r.ntanue are containrd In "Tlic I'eople's Coniinon Sn UiSflo OF cliislons.rcsfardliBS of distanee. So, alao, in mediMedical Advluer." By H. V. Viircc, M. D. 1UOÜ pages and _ ca) BC sis have certain unmistakable over .300 colored and other illustratioiis. Sent, post-paid, for JISO. Hiirjec sins. or symptoms, aud by roason of this fact, wo ür write and describe your symptnms, iuclófiug trn cent in IIIOuaOL. have been enabled to oriRinate ai;d perfecta sysstamps, and a completo treatise, on your particular diseasc, wiil "■c"1 tem of determlning, wi n iccuracy, bo eeut yoUtWith our tcnua lor treatmeut uud all particuiars. tbo iiaturo of chronio without si-ruis: and personaJly COMMON SENSE AS APPLIED TO MEDICINE. It is a wcM-known fart, nnd one thnt cppeals to the Jndfrmrnt of every thinking poraon, thnt the phveician who devotos Ms whote timo to tho study and investigtition of a certain class of diseases, muit bccomc botter qualififd to treat such diseiis'-'S than be who altempts to treat cvery 1!1 to which Besta i . b ir, without ilvlng special attontlon to cny class of dlseuscs. Men, in all ages of tho world, who havo bccome fanious, havo devoted thcir llvea to sumo special braacb óf science, art, or literatura. By thorouirh orgnnization, nnd Bubdlrldtng Uie prrcticc of medicine and surffcry In tbls institutlon, every Invnlid Is treated tv a specialist- one who devotes his undlvlded attention to the particular ciass of disfases to which the case bVlongs. The níívantaaro of this arrangement must be obvious. Modical scienco offers a vast field for investigaron, nnd no physirlan ran, witbiD the brief limita of a lifc-tiuie, achieve tbe higbegt dturee of suceess in tbe treatment of tcci'v malady iucidcat to buaianuy. uua jb jLsTèiriisy mm seJw1jbjiL$9 TTlBT " """ ' i The treatment of Discasca of thO Pampbleta on ncirous diseases, any one of which ■nill be isnt for II Pf] TuoniT llr Passacrs and I.miss, such as tcp centsiu postagestamps,wben requestfortbem isaccompanied IlAOaL, innUAl curonic Nasal (Jutarrii, l',aryiiwi;h a statement of a rae fur cn:suitatioa,so that we may know Un Mm, liroiic'iiti, Aethiua, and wUcö one of our ïreatists to senil. UBU coHxiimptlon, both through corro1 1 1 Ve nave a special Department, thorougbly ! HUP IilCCA?r5 spwnUcnce and at our iustiuuions, constiliioriero nc wgamzed, and devoted ciilustvely to tbo tieatLUnU UioCHúLo. tut---, an important 6pecialty. tJloLSOLO Ur m-nt of Discascsot Women. Every case con- 1 - ■ J we publisb tbrce separate books on Nasal, U Bulting o jr Bpeemhets, wbetber by letter or in Throatand Lumr Diseases, whlcn ive muc valuuble miormation, ',-iï'4 person, isgiven the most caretul and considcrviz. (1) A TriMiise on Coneumption, Laryneitis and lironcbitis; __ il"t'" utc attention. Important ciist-s (and we ott few prico, post-pu:d, ten cents. (2) A Treatise on Asthma, or Phthlslo, -T1T whlVh bave not alrcady bafllrd the Rkiil of all ïivintr new und euccessful treatment; priee, post-paid, ten cents. tne 0,lae physiciaiie) bas tbe benefit oí a full Couneil, of ekillcd r3ATreatiseonCüroniO .Nasal Catarrb; price, post-paid, two cents. spec:alists. itooms tor ladics m the Invalida" Hotel are very piljvi=,uiuiiio. f f vttte. Scnd ton cents in stumps lor cur large Ccmplttc Tivatise - Dyspcpsla, " Liver Complaint," Obon Diseases oí Women, iilustratcö witb numerous wood-cuts and HlFi1- HF Rlinate Coiistlpatiotl, liroilic Üiarcojorcd piatcs rlüO pages;. uiouiukii ur rliea, Ta)cnorm, and kindred uffections 1 1 ■ __,_-._ .„ .. „,.„_,. ,„_ nicroTinil aro ninonii those chronic discases in tc sucn...... ,.-_ HERNIA ( Kroaoh). or m.PTI'IlE,no UljltollUr!. ccstul treatment of which our specialiets have nAulGaL I JKE niatter ol bow long standins. orof what mÍmJ attained t?reut suecess. -Many of the diseases is promptly and permaiieutl cured by affectins tho liver and other organs contributing in tbtir func)C KllpTURF our sneöausM, wlltoonl the. Iciiilo and tiotis to the process of digestión, are very obscure, and are not ur rlul1L witliout dcpcudcucc upou Irusse. inlrefiuontly mistaken by both laymen and phyeieians for other mm " Abuudaut leierences. Send ten cents lor maladles, and treatment is cmployed directed to the removnl of n Illustratcd Ireatise. dlsease which di st. Uur Completo Treatise on Disc-.iscs P1I.ES, FISTÜLJE, and other disr-r.?rs iiffeetinr the lower of the Digestivo Organs will bo sent to auy addrc38 oa receipt oí b'iwcls, nre treated with wonderful suceess. 'J be worst cases of ten cents in postage stamps. pile tuniora are permanently cured i:i filteen to tweaty du-t. 111 I BRIGHT'S lilSr.ASE, DIABETES, nnd y"d "'"" ior lUustmted TrsutiSü. SinUCV kindred maladies, luivo been very lnrgCly treated, PT!r"'l Oro-nnie Tn4iVnrin nrrviii nivmatiint RIJNfcï and cures eltccted in thousands of ca.eshieh bad RELIOATE dSS?&Ê TSnlySer %nKr?"S3S rilíClore been pmnouncod,,eypnd hope. These diseases are l.i-LIUlt losses, inipain-d incnorL mental anxiety, absenot ülStabhb. reiulilyduitfiiosticated, or determine,], by chcm;oal ; H(rjQrn of will-power, niflancÉoly, weak backf and kin1 ' analysi3 of the urine, without a personal examinaUIStflOtQ. úveú aff etions, re specdJJy, thoroughly aud pertion of pnttents, wlio eau, tliereforc, gcueruily bc unBiMjn..llclltj; curc- " e v ■aecessfollr trealcd at tlieir. Iioiucs. The study nnd ïothose aequainted with our insMtutions. it is hardly necessary practioe of ohemical analysia and microscópica examinaron of t0 sav t1Kt thl. ilivai33' nott „nd Surgical Institute, witb the ihe urine In our considera! -m of cases, witb reference to correct bran.h establishment located at No. 3 New Oxford Ptreet, London, diagnosis. In wbtoh our Instltution long ago bccame famous, bas Kngland, have, for many ycars, enfoyed tbe dlstlnctlon of bein naturally led toa very extensivo diseases of the urinary ti.act largely patronlzèd and wldely celebrated instituUont 1 prgaTis. l'robaüly no other Instltution in tbc world has boen so the worW f,fr treatment and cure of those affections which laryely patronid suffers trorath,3 olass of mnlauk-s as the o ld ariso from yol:tMul mdiscretlonsand pernlcious.8oHtary pract oSE and world-famcd World s D:spensary and Invalids Hotel. Our We, many years ugo, established ft special Department lor tbe Bpeeioiists h,ive acqiurod. through a vast and yaned experience, treatment of thi Ier tbe management of some of great expertness In dcterrainmir tbo exact nature of cach case, tbe „)ogt 8kii]fli physiciana aud surgeons on our StalT, in order and. henee, havo been suocMsful in niceiy udapting their remedies that all who apply to us might reccive ail ihe advantaecs of a f uli for Mío cure of eacb individual case. Couneil of thé most eaperieuced spedaUstB. IL "' "'I These delicate disoases should be carcf ully treated I l We offer no stioIoüt for devotlnir ko mnrh 1 RHIITnH I bv a specialist thoroughly familiar with them, and Wr flrrpn „"rtÍMn to "tlís "SÍTed class o? sSb! I ÜAUIIUn. wll0 e competent to ascertain the exact, condition i t Urftll RuSSïï no cont tuin of liunrauitv to ton H and stage of advancement which the dlsease haa j y. InniftPV wretehel to S tbe vmi a hv aid best mado ( which can only be asoertained by a earaful chemical nnd WO POLOSY. Scof tb n?ble LroSSffio which t roim-oscopicul exatnination ,t vhe urine), for medicines which are f 1 I hclong. Many wl.o suffer from these terrible curativo in one stage or condition are known to do posttlw irtfury piscases contract them ii noeenilv Why any medical man intent in otbers. We have nover, therafore, aUempted to put up anything 1 ISeíláuSi k&Mi shouïd sh sueh cïseï for general sale through drugg-ists, recoininending to cure these we can.iot imairine Wliv aiiv one eboiild consider it othervi( dlseaU althougb possiiisyery superior remedas k„ow,n,r full Jg fggg Wraoïe tore3 tile worst cases Tf thíe SSiS we I from an exfjnsive expcrlenue tbat the only safe and suceess„- ,n-,nt „nHitnrl and vrt of II thr ntlior mnlarilea niiioï ful course s to carcf ully determine the disease and lte progrea in JálctkJadftSíS Is protXy none nbolt wiieh p ys eim i'in each case by a ohemical and mtcroscoplcal eMmlnation of the nerai practice know s5 bttle. We sbull. tberefore, continue, as mcuioinesto tbo exact btage of tbe disEeretuiore,totrcat witb our bcstconsiduration.syniiHithy.andskül, easeaudeoiidmoa of our patiënt. all appiicants wbo are suïeriug from any of theae delicate disettse. Tjr""T To this wiso courso of action we nttrlbuto the n..„r. ._ llnuP Most of these cases can be treated when t a nflHnFRFül marvelous sucec-s ai::un :i by our speciaüsts in uuricu fil lUlBt.óUstanco Just na well as if here in person. tl UI.U1.111 ul th(lt importé fl.„] extensivo Department of our OnonrOO Instltutions devoted exclusively to tbe treatment A Completo Treatise (IX pages on those disensos Bent tealed, uLuutbo. of disease'sof thu kidneysand birtddcr. Tbetreatin pliin enrelape. secure frnm obiervation, ou reccipt of only tn ■■■■■■■■■■J ment of dieeases of the urinury organs havinff cents, in stumps, for poatage, XIISuZ&tiltotX I Q. BfilPlI I f Hundrodsof tLomostdifncurtoperationsknown in nir ioa for a complete work on tha nature and curabilityóf these öURS GAL to modern surgery are annuaily performcd in ihe &?L!&SSSiJS%& PRiPTIPF ?."l5StWollStrratc-X?rremUorSO'? ï INFIAÍWOTATION OF TUF. BIAD. Our speciali6ts. remove cataract from thceye, thereby curipif blindHllifiFB BK STONE IN THE BI.ADDKR, ncss. Thcy alao straightcn cross-eycs and insert. artilieial oneï l,LKJUi.ii Gravel, Enlnrgcd Proiiatc ;laud, Howhen needed. Mauy Ovarian and nlso Fibroid Tumors of the fl;'-ClCCO tcntlon of IJilne, and kindred atfeotions. Uterus are nrrested in growtb and cured by eli eliol.vsis coupled UlOcaOLo. may lieincludcdamongthosointhocureof which with other meansof our invention, wiuieby tbe great dacgerof ■maMaa mmmA our spéclallsts havo aehieved extraordinarv succutting opcrationi in these cnacs isavoided. cess These are t'ully treated of in our illustrated pamphlct on Especially bas the suceess of our iniprovod operntions forVarlürinary Diseases. Sent by mail for ten cents in stamps. cocele, Hydrocrle, Fistula?, Ituptured Cervix l'ieri, and for Rup rm'mm mi TnirTi'npg -vn nnivinv me turod Perincum, been alike gratifying ïiotb to ourselves anJ our 1 __,__„__ I ,v,V y 11 1 1 r ulAKY FIS. paüentü. Not lesseo have been the results of numerous opei-ations I STR GTÜRE. I TUl-E.-Hundred8 01 cases of the worst form for Strieturc of the Cervical Canal, a condition in the female geni W'"'Junl" 1 of stneturos, many of them greatly ngwrayated CT1?1,V r0Klltng n Barrcnness. or SterlUty, and the euro of which, ' by the carelen use of instrumente in Uie hands by a-safo and painless operation. removes this commonest of iml of inexpeneneed p liys.cians and surgeont, ctuising false passages, ,,êdiments to the benring of offspring. urinary fístula, and otiier complications. annually .consult us for v A Complete Treatise oh any one of tho above maladies wiU bo sl'i'.ïrour's'pecialisw "s SSved by ' %$%? reporlnturVus"nt on receipt of en cents in stamps. trated treatioa on thnso maladies. to which wo refer witb pride. To . , , Although wc havo in the preceding parintrust this class of cases to physieians of small experience is a ni iiHRUnlu praplis, made inention of some of the special dangerous proeecdinpr. Many aman bus been ruinod for lifu byso „ V"""I1M aiiir.ents to which particular attention is doing whilcthousauds annually loso their lives throufrh unskillful IlRFAF tri ven by tho speciaüsts at tho Invalida' treatment. SimhI pnrticulars of your case and ten cents in stamps _uiototo Hotel and Surgical Institute, yet tbe instl íor a l'irxc. illustrated treaties containing many testimoniáis. í OnrpiIlTV tutlon aboiuuis in skill, facilitics, and apMc...n„ '1 CopjüorBIJ Paí fl I ggSrfomhr?nam''5ac, & mim KHÍ.?.riLñc%'lnw?ror1níoíUí quinng for itscun, medica, or surgical means riorjorr to sleep, and threatened insanlty, Nervou All letters of inquiry, or of consultation, should be addressed to ü.btfiota. Dsbllity, arising from overstudy, excosses, and uinDI nC niOQCUflDV UCniPlI irenniiTinU ' other oniiHCR. and everv varipty of nervous aireeWUHLU 0 UlSrCNSAHl MtUlGAL iSSOCIiTliJS, tlon. are trr-atpd by our eppoiahsts for these dlsnases with uuiisunl (Picoes. Se numerous cases reported in our different illustrated V!3 Mii 8tr?ot. Bt7FFATO. !W. V.


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